Week #4 (11/3-11/7) Warm Up – Mon, 11/3: - Get organized! Science Fun Fact: Turrialba (44 mi E of San Jose) volcano's largest eruption in over a century rained ash over parts of central Costa Rica & prompted the evacuation of some nearby communities. Volcanologist Gino Gonzalez of the CR National Seismological Network said after visiting the volcano's rim that the overnight blast caused the side of the crater to collapse. Ash fall was observed in 4 provinces & scientists were analyzing its content to determine whether the eruption could be a precursor to lava emission. He called it the biggest explosion recorded at Turrialba in at least 100 years. Agenda: 1. 2. 3. Astronomy Pre-Test/Learning Goal & Scales Big Bang Brain Pop! Universe Analogy poster Learning Goal: I can compare & contrast the theories that explain the origin of the universe & our solar system. Turn in: Chemistry Word Graffiti (1/2 credit) Pick up: 1 divider A blank piece of paper A box of crayons Astronomy PreTest/Learning Goal & Scales wkst Big Bang Brain Pop Quiz All graded work from your student file! Homework: None IS YOUR SCIENCE NOTEBOOK ORGANIZED??? • Put your Positivi”Tree” in/on the outside of your Science Notebook for your Qtr 2 Cover Page. • Section 3: Chemistry Pg. 1: Chemistry Pre-Test Pg. 2: Atomic Theory Cartoon Pg. 3: History of the Atom WU Pg. 4: What is an Atom? notes Pg. 5: Atoms Family notes Pg. 6: What is Matter? wkst Pg. 7: History of Atomic Structure notes Pg. 8: Atomic Structure packet Pg. 9: Periodic Table of Elements Pg. 10: Atomic Parts wkst Pg. 11: Organize & Predict Pg. 12: Graphing Review packet IS YOUR SCIENCE NOTEBOOK ORGANIZED??? • Section 3: Chemistry Pg. 13: History of the Atom Review packet Pg. 14: Atomic Structure packet Pg. 15: Atoms Brain Pop Quiz Pg. 16: Metal? Non-metal? Metalloid? Pg. 17: Solid, Liquid, Gas notes Pg. 18: Organizing Matter Concept Map Pg. 19: Heterogenous or Homogenous Meal? Pg. 20: Classifying Matter notes Pg. 21: Stuff We’re Made of Pg. 22: Messing with Mixtures Lab Pg. 23: Bill Nye: Chemistry video questionnaire Pg. 24: Intro to Chemistry Quiz Pg. 25: Chemistry Unit Test Study Guide Pg. 26: Chemistry Word Graffiti IS YOUR SCIENCE NOTEBOOK ORGANIZED??? • Section 4: Astronomy Pg. 1: Astronomy Pre-Test/Learning Goal & Scales wkst Pg. 2: Big Bang Brain Pop Quiz Pg. 3: Universe Analogy Poster Pg. 4: Ballooniverse Lab Pg. 5: Big Bang Crash Course video wkst Pg. 6: Big Bang Theory notes Week #4 (11/3-11/7) Warm Up – Tues, 11/4: - Finish Astronomy Pre-Test Science Fun Fact: Certain areas of the sky are marked by constellations. Today will the sky broken up into 88 constellations. A constellation of stars is a group of stars that is found to have a pattern & is named after a mythological figure or by which form it takes. The constellations were first identified by the Greeks over 2500 years ago. They have since seemingly changed positions to where we see them today. Turn in: Chemistry Word Graffiti (1/2 credit) Pick up: Universe Analogy paper & pictures Scissors Glue stick Agenda: 1. What’s in the Universe? 2. Universe Analogy poster (Pg. 3) Learning Goal: I can compare & contrast the theories that explain the origin of the universe & our solar system. Homework: None Pg. 1 – Astronomy Learning Goal & Scales ASTRONOMY UNIT LEARNING GOAL & SCALES • Learning Goal: I can compare & contrast the theories that explain the origin of the universe & our solar system. Pg. 1 – Astronomy Learning Goal & Scales ASTRONOMY UNIT LEARNING GOAL & SCALES • Read through each Unit Objective. • If you are SUPER DUPER CONFIDENT & CAN APPLY/EXPLAIN AN EXAMPLE for that objective, draw a blue SMILEY FACE (4) in that square. • If you are CONFIDENT that you know/can do that objective, put a green CHECK MARK (3) in that square. • GO! ‘cause you KNOW! • If you HAVE HEARD OF/KIND OF KNOW that objective, put a yellow STAR (2) in that square. • HAULT or WAIT…not sure! • If you HAVE NEVER HEARD OF/DO NOT KNOW that objective, put a red QUESTION MARK (1,0) in that square. • STOP! I have no idea! How has our current knowledge & technology had a significant impact on the study of the astrological studies of the origin of our universe? WHAT’S IN OUR UNIVERSE? The universe is a BIG concept to understand! We’re going to make it a bit more realistic by developing an analogy for the universe & everything within it! Pg. 3 – Universe Analogy Poster THE UNIVERSE • • • • • Universe = EVERYTHING in space (billions of galaxies) Galaxies = clumps of billions of stars held together by gravity Solar system = Our sun, the planets, asteroids Sun = the only star in our solar system Planets = a celestial body that has a large mass & orbits a star BIG IDEA LITTLE IDEA Pg. 3 – Universe Analogy Poster MY UNIVERSE ANALOGY • • • • • Universe = whole CHS campus Galaxies = all the buildings on CHS campus Solar system = classrooms within each building on CHS campus Sun = the teacher in each classroom Planets = the students in each classroom BIG IDEA LITTLE IDEA Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes INTRODUCTION TO THE BIG BANG THEORY THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes You walk into a theater, on the screen, you see car parts flying away in all directions . . . Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes WHAT JUST HAPPENED? State your observation. State your hypothesis (possible explanation). Give your evidence for your hypothesis. Can you make a statement about an event even though you didn’t witness it happening? Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes PLAY THE MOVIE BACKWARDS • If you could play the movie backwards, what would the objects (cars) be doing? • Following that thought back to the very beginning…what was originally on screen? The End Pg. 2 – Big Bang Brain Pop BRAIN POP! BIG BANG Brain Pop: Big Bang • Read through the 10 questions on the Quiz & be listening for the answers as you watch the video! • Make sure your NAME, PER & DATE are on your wkst! • You WILL be turning this in TODAY! Week #4 (11/3-11/7) Warm Up – Wed, 11/5: Turn in: - Crash Course video: Big Bang Theory Chemistry Word Graffiti (1/2 credit) Science Fun Fact: Big Bang Brain Pop Scientists believe that we can only see about 5% of the matter in the universe. The rest is made up of invisible matter (Dark Matter) & a mysterious form of energy known as Dark Energy. Agenda: 1. Ballooniverse Lab & discuss 2. Big Bang Theory notes Learning Goal: I can compare & contrast the theories that explain the origin of the universe & our solar system. Have out: Pick up: Ballooniverse Lab (Pg. 5) Crash Course video: Big Bang Theory (Pg. 4) Big Bang Theory notes (Pg. 6) Homework: Pg. 4 – Ballooniverse lab Pg. 4 – Ballooniverse lab Pg. 4 – Ballooniverse lab Pg. 5 – Crash Course: Big Bang Theory As you watch the video clip, answer the questions as best as you can. Be prepared to discuss after the video. Click image for link Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes EDWIN HUBBLE (1889-1953) Astronomer who made several discoveries that provided clues for how our universe began: 1. Galaxies are “building blocks” of the universe. • 2. The Milky Way (Earth’s galaxy) was 1 galaxy among billions of others. • 3. What’s the universe? • Universe: All existing matter, energy & space What’s a galaxy? • Galaxy: Is made up of a cluster of stars (solar systems). There are billions of galaxies within the universe. The galaxies are spreading apart from each other. • How did he figure that out? • Think about the Ballooniverse Lab… Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes The Big Bang Theory • A scientific theory that states that the universe was created from a high density of matter (called a “singularity”) that expanded at very hot temperatures, shooting matter & energy everywhere. Eventually, the matter began to cool off & formed various galaxies. Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes Formation of the Universe One Scientific Theory – “The Big Bang” All matter & energy in the universe was concentrated in an EXTREMELY small volume 13-17 billion years ago, the BIG BANG occurred, propelling matter & energy in all directions universe expanded Gravity condensed (clumped) matter galaxies Still many questions remain about the beginning of the universe Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes HUBBLE’S LOGIC • For the galaxies to expand, they must have been smaller in history. • Hubble concluded that there must be an infinitely dense, infinitely hot starting point that contained all the matter in the universe. • Called a Singularity. • An enormous expansion set things in motion. How does Hubble’s logic compare to yours about the car crash scene in the movie? Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes BUT HOW DID HUBBLE CONCLUDE THESE THINGS (RIGHT OR WRONG) ABOUT OUR UNIVERSE? •What did Hubble (& many other astronomers & scientists) study? •STARS & the energy they give off! Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes THE HEARTBEAT OF A STAR • What are stars made of? • What process is the “heartbeat” of a star? • When this process begins, a star is born, & when this process stops, a star dies… Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes NUCLEAR FUSION A star is born when fusion begins in the star’s core (center) H + H He Fusion is a reaction that combines 2 small nuclei (H) to form larger nuclei (He) The result is the release of a large amount of ENERGY!!! energy Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes NUCLEAR FUSION RE-CAP What are the 2 products (outcomes) of nuclear fusion? Larger LOTS nuclei (atom) - Chemistry of energy – Physics Pg. 6 – Big Bang Theory notes NUCLEAR FUSION RE-CAP Here is another example of different scientific disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy) coming together to develop a theory based on evidence & observations. Week #4 (11/3-11/7) Warm Up – Fri, 11/7: - Size Matters Science Fun Fact: Neutron stars are so dense, that a soup can full of neutron star material would have more mass than the Moon. Turn in: Chemistry Word Graffiti (1/2 credit) Pick up: Overview of the Formation of the Solar System note page Agenda: 1. Birth of our Solar System notes Homework: Learning Goal: I can compare & contrast the theories that explain the origin of the universe & our solar system. None…have a nice weekend! SIZE MATTERS! • In Today’s Warm-up box, put the following images in order from GALAXY LARGEST to SMALLEST… UNIVERSE SUN/STAR SOLAR SYSTEM EARTH/PLANET BIRTH OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM • The Nebular Theory (Nebular Hypothesis): The Horsehead Nebula The Crab Nebula • Explains the formation of the solar system • The sun & all the celestial bodies (planets, moons, asteroids) that surround it. • 18th Century: First suggested by German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, & French astronomer, Pierre-Simon Laplace • About 4 billion years ago, the solar system formed out of a huge, rapidly-rotating cloud of gas & dust particles • Nebula BIRTH OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM • The Nebular Theory (Nebular Hypothesis): • Gravity pulls the nebula together & the cloud begins to rotate • The more stuff in the cloud, the faster the rotation • Heavy matter: Rocks, dust, ice & metal slammed together to form planets, moons, asteroids, meteors • Lighter matter: Gases fused to become stars & the giant gas planets • http://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-how-our-Solar-System-was-formed-5-Billion-Years-Ago117543712 BIRTH OF OUR STAR…THE SUN Sun: The large star at the center of our solar system, consisting of very high pressures of gases due to nuclear fusion. Nuclear Fusion: Hydrogen (H) atoms combine to form helium (He), releasing huge amounts of energy. When nuclear fusion begins, a star is born. When nuclear fusion stops, a star begins to die. X-rays Infrared Ultraviolet BIRTH OF OUR STAR…THE SUN Ever wonder… How the sun formed in our solar system? How does the sun keep its spherical shape? Why does the radiation the sun gives off not kill life but allow life to live? As you watch the following video clip, discover the answers to the following questions & write them in your notepacket. 1. What is the name of the enormous cloud of gas & dust within space that formed the solar system? 2. What 2 forces give the sun its spherical shape? 3. What is the main form of radiation the sun produces? 4. How is the sun giving off radiation like boiling water? Explain the change in energy from beginning to end. http://videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/12876-spin-around-the-solar-system-how-the-sun-formed-video.htm THE PATH OUR SUN WILL FOLLOW Our sun is now a midlife main sequence yellow star. It will cool and grow larger, becoming a Red Giant. The sun will grow so large that nuclear fusion can no longer take place & it will shed it’s outer layers of gas in a Planetary Nebula. Our sun will most likely die as a very small, hot white dwarf. THE PLANETS OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM • As we watch the GEODE CD presentation, you need to be filling out answers that you hear on your “Overview of the Formation of the Solar System” worksheet. • These are notes. SOLAR SYSTEM BRAIN BREAK 1. What is a nebula? • Open to your next 2. What is the name of the blank Warm-up box! scientific theory that explains how our SOLAR SYSTEM was formed? • Please answer the 3. What makes up our Solar Warm-up questions System? in complete 4. Give one reason that the sentences! outer planets are made mainly of gas & ice and • You may use your very little rock. Astronomy notes! 5. Why do you weigh more on Jupiter than you do on Earth? GEOCENTRIC VS. HELIOCENTRIC MODELS OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM Geo = “Earth” Centr- = center GEOCENTRIC MODEL • Geocentric model – “Ptolemaic model” • Named for Ancient Greek philosopher Claudius Ptolemy who lived ~90 to 168 A.D. • Developed to explain how the planets, the Sun & even stars orbit around the Earth • Has been described in early Greek manuscripts, as early as the 4th century B.C. by Greek philosophers, Plato & Aristotle HELIOCENTRIC MODEL • Heliocentric model – “Coperincan model” • First proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish astronomer • Published the heliocentric system in his book: De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, "On the revolutions of the heavenly bodies," in 1543 • Today’s model of our solar system Helio = “Sun” Centr- = center