America - West Essex High School

I. America, America
II. The Rise of American Imperialism
III. World War I
IV. The Roaring Twenties
V. The Age of Roosevelt
VI. The Winter of Our Discontent
VII. Camelot to Watergate
VIII. Crisis of Confidence
I. America, America
The Battle of Gettysburg (6.1.12.A.4.c)
Do Now Assignment
Those skilled in battle bring the enemy to the field of battle and are not brought there by him. Explain.
Lesson Objective (Essential Question)
Are politics and military strategy compatible?
SAT Words of the Day: Attrition, Aggressive, Stumble, Fortuitous, Escalate
Notes and Lecture
The Civil War was conducted as a game of chess and war of attrition
Its turning point took place on July 1-3, 1865 at Gettysburg
The Confederate government was tired of constantly being on the defensive
Robert E. Lee was sent North with orders to be aggressive
His army literally stumbled upon the Union forces near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
It was not a fortuitous encounter
Fighting quickly escalated
Victory hinged on two heroic charges
Both showed the importance of controlling the high ground
Gettysburg exposed the consequences of political influence on military strategy
YouTube Video - Battle of Gettysburg (13:25)
Web Article - *Report of Colonel George C. Burling for the Battle of Gettysburg
How long of a march did the Sixth NJ Infantry have to Gettysburg?
What did they have to do upon their arrival? What happened when they moved forward?
Why were the two days of fighting such a confusing experience for Colonel Burling?
YouTube Videos - Chamberlain Defends Little Round Top (2:48)
The Hero of Little Round Top / Radio Boston - Scroll Down to Movie Clip (4:28)
Web Article - Defense of Little Round Top - Civil War Trust
What was the strategic importance of Little Round Top?
Has Joshua Chamberlain justifiably received the lion’s share of the credit for Little Round Top?
YouTube Videos - Last Charge at Gettysburg (3:06) -
Virginia’s Glory Pickett’s Charge (3:40) -
Web Article - The Field of Pickett’s Charge -
How did Lt. Frank Haskell describe Pickett’s Charge? What did General Longstreet’s say about the charge?
Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk
Write a first person narrative in which General Longstreet reflects on Lee’s leadership at Gettysburg.
Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review
Formative Assessment - Time on Task/Completion of Assigned Work
Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on The Battle of Gettysburg
Extension Activity - The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara (1974)
The Gettysburg Address (6.1.12.A.4.b)
Do Now Assignment
Review Material for Quiz on The Battle of Gettysburg
Lesson Objective (Essential Question)
What did Lincoln say at Gettysburg?
SAT Words of the Day: Appropriate, Astute, Devoid, Paranormal
Notes and Lecture
On November 19, 1863 Union dignitaries gathered at Gettysburg
They had come for the dedication of a National Cemetery
The main speaker was Harvard President Edward Everett
President Lincoln had been asked to deliver a few appropriate remarks
He responded with a classic funeral oration which honored the dead and provided a
lesson for the living
Politically astute, he kept it short
In two minutes he captured what Everett had been unable to do in two hours
Unfortunately, in an age devoid of digital technology, most Americans never knew what
he said
Today there is a movement for all Americans to memorize the Address
Lincoln’s words continue to draw people to Gettysburg
Some however are not so interested in history, but the paranormal
YouTube Video - The Civil War: The Gettysburg Address (5:53)
Web Article
A Principle Demonstrated through History: Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
How did Lincoln’s address differ from that of Edward Everett?
What are the three distinct sections of his address?
What is the significance of the Gettysburg Address?
Why is there such support for its memorization?
YouTube Video - Ruggles of Red Gap - Gettysburg Address (6:00)
Ken Burns on the Gettysburg Address (4:02)
Web Articles - *New Jersey at Gettysburg - The Battle of Gettysburg - Stone Sentinels
How many soldiers from New Jersey fought and died at Gettysburg?
How many monuments were erected in their honor?
*Over the Wall and into History: Jerseyans at the Battle of Gettysburg
what significant roile did the 12th New Jersey Regiment play at Gettysburg?
YouTube Video
Ghostly Gettysburg - REAL Paranormal Documentary (21:21)
Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk
Write a first person narrative in which Lincoln reflects on his Gettysburg Address.
Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review
Formative assessment - Time on Task/Completion of Assigned Work
Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on The Gettysburg Address
Extension Activity - Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words That Remade America, Garry Wills (1992)
The Immigration Experience
Do Now Assignment
Review Material for Quiz on the Gettysburg Address
Lesson Objective (Essential Question)
What is the American Dream?
SAT Words of the Day: Disenfranchised, Steerage, Reaffirm, Process
Notes and Lecture
The World’s disenfranchised had long understood the American Dream
They believed that there are no cats in America
Some had already endured the dangerous steerage passage
Lincoln was now reaffirming the Declaration of Independence
The 14th Amendment would be a further guarantee of equality
The floodgates opened
The Statue of Liberty (1896) welcomed them to America
Poor immigrants were processed at Castle Garden (1855-92) and Ellis Island (18921954)
Those likely to become a public charge were turned away
Not all immigrants traveled steerage
The better off traveled POSH - Port Out - Starboard Home
They went directly to Manhattan or Hoboken
The 1900 Hoboken Pier Fire made them wish they hadn’t
Web Article (Political Cartoon)
U.S. Ark of Refuge
What were immigrants trying to escape by coming to the United States?
What freedoms did the United States offer?
How did they picture their reception in America?
YouTube Video
There Are No Cats in America (2:55) -
Web Article
*The Powhatan Tragedy -
What tragedy befell the Powhatan in 1854?
Who was Edward Jennings? Why was he such a controversial figure in the Powhatan Tragedy?
Why would no one step foot on the third floor of the Mansion of Health after 1861?
YouTube Videos
Ellis Island - The Arrival (3:36) -
The Ellis Island Medical Inspection Video (3:00)
Web Article - Farenheit 1900: The Hoboken Pier Fire of 1900
How did the Hoboken Pier Fire begin and spread so rapidly?
What was the damage in life and property?
What was not taken into consideration when determining fatalities? Why?
What safety standards were put into effect following the Hoboken Pier Fire?
Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk
Write a first person narrative in which this young woman reflects on her first sight of the Statue of Liberty.
Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review
Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work
Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on The Immigration Experience
Extension Activity - Film - An American Tail (1986)
Opposition to Immigration (6.1.12.D.3.b)
Do Now Assignment
Review Material for Quiz on The Immigrant Experience
Lesson Objective (Essential Question)
Why have we historically hated immigrants?
SAT Words of the Day: Papist, Ulterior, Oriental, Peril, Eugenics, Influx
Notes and Lecture
Despite the poem on the Statue of Liberty, all immigrants were not welcome
Catholics were branded as Papists
In New York, Nativists tried to drive them out of the Five Points District (1856)
Abraham Lincoln considered the Vatican responsible for the Civil War
Conspiracy theorists maintain that his assassination was a papal plot
The Dillingham Commission (1911) considered other immigrants dangerous
Orientals were considered the yellow peril
IQ tests and eugenics emerged as arguments for restrictions
The fight to restrict immigration continues today
YouTube Video - Gangs of New York (2002) The Butcher’s & Priest’s Speech Before
Battle HD (2:22)
Web Articles - Was Abraham Lincoln a Conspiracy Theorist? He Understood Manufactured Conflicts
What did Lincoln say would happen if the Vatican’s involvement in the Civil War was ever revealed?
How did the Catholicism infiltrate American society? What was its ulterior motive?
Catholic Conspiracy to Kill Lincoln?
Why would the Pope support the South in the War and later initiate a plot to assassinate President Lincoln?
*Immigration to North America
What conclusion did the Dillingham Commission reach in 1907?
What did the Commission state was the fundamental difference in immigration during the 1880s?
What recommendations did the Commission make regarding immigration?
Our Misery and Despair - Kearney Blasts Chinese Immigration -
How did Denis Kearney of the California Workingman’s Party describe the Chinese?
What alternative did the Chinese worker leave the American family in order to survive?
Why can’t the American working man rely on the ballot to stop Chinese immigration?
YouTube Videos - Forgotten Ellis Island (56:00) 32:55 - 43:35
South Park - Minorities (2:11) -
Hispanic Leaders Tell NBC to Cut Ties to Donald Trump (4:36)
Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk
Write a first person narrative in which a Nativist explains his hated of immigrants.
Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review
Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work
Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on Opposition to Immigration
Extension Activity - The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America, Pat Buchanan (2006)
Immigrants Go West (6.1.12.B.a)
Do Now Assignment
Review Material for Quiz on Opposition to Immigration
Lesson Objective (Essential Question)
How did the West help shape our national character?
SAT Words of the Day: Disgruntled, Embark, Endeavor, Incentive,
Complicate, Stipulation, Befall, Ensue
Notes and Lecture
Horace Greeley offered hope to disgruntled immigrants
He urged those in search of the American Dream to go West
The 1862 Homestead Act provided them with the incentive
This act offered 160 acre plots of land to the opportunistic
All one had to do was get there, stake it and defend it
Land rushes helped populate the territories
Boomers (Sooners) in Oklahoma complicated the process
Settlement of the West necessitated a Transcontinental Railroad
This technological wonder would be the Internet of its day
Web Articles - Horace Greeley to R.L. Sanderson
Who did Horace Greeley advise to go West?
What did he insist they understand and rectify before embarking on such an endeavor?
The Homestead Act
How much of the United States was settled by means of the Homestead Act?
Who was eligible to take advantage of this piece of legislation?
What were the stipulations for keeping this free land?
YouTube Videos - Way Out West (An American Tail Fieval Goes West) 1:41
Far and Away - Land Rush Scene (4:14) -
Web Article - Into Oklahoma at Last - The New York Times
Why was it so difficult for Lieutenant Adair to control the crowd at Purcell Indian Territory?
What tragic occurrence befell a family that tried to ford the river before the land rush?
What was the Oklahoma Legion?
How did trains figure in the land rush?
Describe what ensued after Lieutenant Adair had his bugler sound recall.
YouTube Video - The Transcontinental Railroad (3:27)
Web Article - * The Transcontinental from the Origins to the Railroad Act
How long did a trip across country in 1876 via the transcontinental railroad take?
What is the story of the Jarrett & Palmer Special? How did the Central Railroad of NJ figure in it?
Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk
Write a first person narrative in which this young man reminisces on the Oklahoma Land Rush.
Closure -Exit Activity - Discussion Review
Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work
Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on Immigrants Go West
Extension Activity - Film - Far and Away (1992)
The Battle for the Open Range (6.1.12.C.5.b)
Do Now Assignment
Review Material for Quiz on Immigrants Go West
Lesson Objective (Essential Question)
Why couldn’t the farmer, cowboy, sheepherder and Native American just be friends?
SAT Words of the Day: Syndrome, Mentality, Incursion, Anathema,
Notes and Lecture
The settlement of the West was not a peaceful experience
It was characterized by the Custer Syndrome
Native tribes lashed out at being driven from the Plains
The military was commissioned to eliminate the threat
Cattle ranchers wanted to dominate the open range
Cornhuskers and sodbusters were unwelcome
Sheepherders were anathema
Battles were fought to preserve the Open Range from barbed wire
During this lawless period gun men were hired to maintain order
Vigilante law masqueraded as justice
Web Article - The Custer Syndrome - Newsweek
What was the essence of the Custer Syndrome?
Why were people drawn to this mentality?
YouTube Videos - The Searchers: John Wayne Returns to His Family’s Homestead (2:30)
Wounded Knee (9:54) -
Web Article - *Edward S, Godfrey - Army at Wound Knee
How did the Washington Evening Star report the events that transpired at Wounded Knee?
How did Edward S. Godfrey explain and defend the actions of his men in this encounter?
YouTube Video - Oklahoma! The Farmer and the Cowman (5:52)
Web Articles - Flying U Ranch - Chapter V Sheep -
What are four reasons why cattle ranchers hated sheep?
Introduction of Barbed Wire to the Frontier
What was the background and rationale for the Law of the Open Range?
How was barbed wire introduced to the Open Range?
What was the big die up?
What did the closing of the Open Range do to small ranchers and cowmen?
YouTube Video - Wyatt Earp (3:00) -
Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk
Write a first person narrative in which an old cowboy reminisces about the Wild West.
Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review
Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work
Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on The Battle for the Open Range
Extension Activity - Film - The Ox Bow Incident (1943) -
The Ghetto (6.1.12.B.5.b)
Do Now Assignment
Review Material for Quiz on The Battle for the Open Range
Lesson Objective (Essential Question)
Are we shaped by our environment?
SAT Words of the Day: Initiative, Ghetto, Prey, Integrity, Determinism,
Notes and Lecture
Every immigrant did not take advantage of the Homestead Act
Lack of money, initiative or nerve kept some behind
Others were simply more comfortable with a familiar cultural presence
They gravitated to urban ghettoes, far removed from the tourist destinations they
have become
Jacob Riis dramatically revealed the inequalities of ghetto life
They were simply microcosms of the world they had left behind
Places where High Society could go slumming and the strong preyed upon the weak
While there were those who struggled to maintain their integrity
Survival sometimes demanded compromise
Some maintained that environmental determinism shaped its’ inhabitants
Others cited Fagin schools as an example of vice as a learned behavior
YouTube Videos
Little Italy and Chinatown/New York City/Let’s Roam (2:59)
Jacob Riis Clip (9:44) -
Web Article - McGurk’s Suicide Hall
What distinction did McGurk’s Suicide Hall have in the late 1890s?
Who patronized McGurk’s? Why was it such a popular tourist attraction?
What lines in the song The Bowery, the Bowery have immortalized McGurk’s?
YouTube Video - The Bowery (3:04) -
Web Article - The Black Hand - Gang Rule -
What was the Black Hand? How did those involved in this criminal activity operate?
What happened as the myth of the Black Hand spread through the Little Italies of America?
Why didn’t those targeted by the Black Hand go to the authorities for help?
YouTube Video - The Godfather - Part II - Murder of Don Fanucci (7:51)
Web Article - *Maggie: A Girl of the Streets by Stephen Crane - Free Ebook (Chapter I)
What was Maggie regarded as a commentary on in literary circles?
What did the kids of Rum Alley and Devil’s Row do for amusement? What was the reaction of the adults?
Why was Jimmie so upset with his father?
YouTube Video - Oliver! You Got to Pick a Pocket or Two (3:47)
Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk
Write a first person narrative in which a young immigrant recalls growing up in the city.
Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review
Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of assigned Work
Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on The Ghetto
Extension Activity - Film - The Godfather II (1974)
The World Columbian Exposition (6.1.12.D.5.a)
Do Now Assignment
Review Material for Quiz on The Ghetto
Lesson Objective (Essential Question)
Why is it important for a nation to celebrate its progress?
SAT Words of the Day: Contend, Host, Envy, Detractor, Midway, Fad
Notes and Lecture
At the turn of the century Europe considered Americans inferior
In 1893 they had the opportunity to prove otherwise
Three years earlier New York, Washington, St. Louis and Chicago applied to host the
World Columbian Exposition
The honor was awarded to Chicago after its publicists praised their city with such
enthusiasm that Chicago’s detractors labeled it the Windy City
Almost one-third of all Americans flocked to the fair grounds
Exhibits showcased man’s progress in science, industry and culture
Midway attractions offered rides and controversial entertainment
The fair declared that America had arrived
Unfortunately it was not without its tragedy and dark side
YouTube Video - Chicago World’s Fair 1893 (7:59)
Web Articles - Teaching with Documents: Petition Signed by Thomas A. Edison for Sunday Openings at the World’s
Columbian Exposition -
How did the World’s Columbian Exposition symbolize progress?
What contribution did it make to the First Amendment?
What were three reasons Thomas Edison gave for the fair to remain open on Sundays?
Hoochie Coochie: The Lure of the Forbidden Belly dance in Victorian America
What was the reaction of the fair’s audiences to the hoochie coochie dancers?
How did a reporter describe their costumes? What else was shocking and entrancing about them?
Why was the show’s manager so upset with the Board of Lady Managers?
Remembering 12 Chicago Firefighters - The White City Fire of 1893
What was the Cold Storage Building? Why was it a fire hazard?
How were the firefighters trapped in the blaze? How did the tragedy play out before its’50,000 spectators?
Weird and Haunted Chicago - The Murder Castle of H.H. Holmes
How did H.H. Holmes manage to have his Murder Castle constructed for free?
In addition to its eccentric design, what else was odd about the house?
What were the prison rooms fitted with? How did Holmes lure victims to his home?
What did police investigators discover in the basement of Holmes’ Murder Castle?
YouTube Video - Madness in the White City (7:19)
Differentiated Instruction Activity - Picture Walk
Write a first person narrative in which architect Daniel Burnham outlines his plans for the fair.
Closure - Exit Activity: Discussion Review
Formative Assessment - Time On Task/Completion of Assigned Work
Summative Assessment - Quiz Tomorrow on the World Columbian Exposition
Extension Activity - The Devil in the White City, Erik Larson, 2003