Body Paragraph Powerpoint

Expository Essay Writing
Writing & Revising
Your Body Paragraphs…
English 10
Lauren Lee
Fall 2011
How a Paragraph Looks in Color Code
Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic
Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic
Sentence Topic. Support Sentences Support Sentences. Support
Sentences Support Sentences Support Sentences Support
Sentences Support Sentences. Text Example Sentence Text
Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example
Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence.
Commentary Sentence Commentary Sentence Commentary
Sentence. Commentary Sentence Commentary Sentence.
Commentary Sentence Commentary Sentence. Commentary
Sentence Commentary Sentence
Commentary Sentence.
Commentary Sentence Commentary Sentence.
…Variation on the core elements might include two or more pieces of
evidence & additional commentary (interpretative) sentences
Transition From Last Paragraph to Topic Sentence Topic
Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic
Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic. Support Sentences
Support Sentences. Support Sentences Support Sentences Support
Sentences Support Sentences Support Sentences. Text Example
Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example
Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence. Commentary
Sentence Commentary Sentence Commentary Sentence. Commentary
Sentence Commentary Sentence. Commentary Sentence Commentary.
Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence
Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example
Sentence. Commentary Sentence Commentary Sentence Commentary
Sentence. Commentary Sentence Commentary Sentence. Commentary
Sentence Commentary. Commentary Sentence Commentary Sentence
Commentary Sentence. Commentary Sentence Commentary Sentence.
Commentary Sentence Commentary.
Know Your 5 Sentence Types
• Transition to Topic Sentence is the first sentence
and contains the main idea of the paragraph
• Support Sentences develop the main idea in the
topic sentence (they expand, clarify, support)
• Text Example Sentences refer to the text for
concrete evidence of the main idea-PAGE NUMBER
• Commentary Sentences discuss and analyze the
text example and connect it to the main idea
What Your Essay Looks Like From a Color Code Perspective…
Your Introduction Paragraph Goes Here
Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic. Support Sentences Support
Sentences. Support Sentences Support Sentences Support Sentences Support Sentences
Support Sentences. Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence
Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence. Comment
Sentence Comment Sentence
Comment Sentence. Comment Sentence Comment
Transition From Last Idea To New Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic
Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence
Topic. Support Sentences Support Sentences. Support Sentences Support Sentences
Support Sentences Support Sentences Support Sentences. Text Example Sentence Text
Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence
Text Example Sentence. Comment Sentence Comment Sentence Comment Sentence.
Comment Sentence Comment Sentence.
Transition From Last Idea To New Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic
Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence Topic Sentence
Topic. Support Sentences Support Sentences. Support Sentences Support Sentences
Support Sentences Support Sentences Support Sentences. Text Example Sentence Text
Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence
Text Example Sentence. Comment Sentence Comment Sentence Comment Sentence.
Comment Sentence Comment Sentence.
Your Concluding Paragraph Goes Here: Restate thesis, rephrase subarguments
and end with a strong statement that sums up the importance of your thesis claim.
Another View of the Paragraph in Color Code
Transition into
Topic Sentence
Text Example
Question: What makes a good Thesis Statement?
Answer: The Thesis Statement argues a particular
understanding of a theme or a conflict in the story and
how or why it is important. It provides sub-arguments
to explain your argument in parts.
To the question: Why is hospitality to strangers so important to the
people of Homer’s time as portrayed in The Odyssey?
I might write this Thesis Statement:
As portrayed in The Odyssey, people were
hospitable to strangers partly because it was considered
honorable to treat foreigners with respect, and also because
they wished to be known as virtuous members of their
society, but most importantly because the people greatly
feared the punishment of the Gods.
Question: What makes a good Topic Sentence?
Answer: The Topic Sentence expresses an idea that
must be explained or proven.
Here’s a good Topic Sentence:
In Slaughterhouse-Five, the war’s absurdity is
expressed in the strange characterization of Billy
Pilgrim, who resembles a circus freak more than a
traditional war hero.
Here are 2 Less Effective Topic Sentences:
Billy Pilgrim survives World War II, a plane
crash, and an alien abduction to planet Tralfamadore.
Support Sentences Support Sentences. Support Sentences Support
Sentences Support Sentences Support Sentences Support Sentences.
Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence
Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence.
Comment Sentence Comment Sentence Comment Sentence. Comment
Sentence Comment Sentence.
(#1 states a plot point. That’s nice, but there’s
nothing to explain or prove. Don’t start a paragraph
this way.)
Here is the second Less Effective Topic
Another wonderful example of this is when
Billy is watching television. Support Sentences Support
Sentences. Support Sentences Support Sentences Support
Sentences Support Sentences Support Sentences. Text Example
Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text
Example Sentence Text Example Sentence Text Example Sentence.
Comment Sentence Comment Sentence Comment Sentence.
Comment Sentence Comment Sentence.
(#2 lists an example without explanation. Don’t
start a paragraph this way.)