Muons as a Tool for Probing Supercritical Water Chemistry Paul W. Percival Simon Fraser University and TRIUMF 2 Supercritical Water Oxidation There are drastic changes in the physical properties of water close to and above the critical point (Tc = 374°C, Pc = 221 bar). This leads to unusual chemistry: organic compounds are miscible in SCW combustion of organic materials is possible A Flame in Water! 30% methane in water 2000 bar, 450ºC W. Schilling and E.U. Franck, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 92 (1988) 631. IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 3 Supercritical Water Oxidation SCWO facilities are being developed for the destruction of hazardous waste such as PCBs, sewage sludge, chemical weapons. It has even been proposed for water recycling on long space flights. There is ~500 tons of blister and nerve agents stored at the Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky. The plan is to neutralise these materials and then destroy the hydrolysate by means of SCWO. Many of these reactions involve free radical intermediates, but there is very little direct knowledge about these transient species under such extreme conditions. IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 4 Studying Reactions in High Temperature Water is Difficult … but muon spin spectroscopy has a number of advantageous features for the study of “hostile” environments: Muons can be injected into most materials. The momentum can be adjusted for optimum penetration of the sample. Optical windows are unnecessary. Spin polarized muons give high sensitivity and do not need radiofrequency or other radiation. The detectors are simple devices (plastic scintillators) outside the controlled sample environment. the short lifetime of the muon, µSR is inherently suited to the study of transients. IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 5 Muonium — a light isotope of hydrogen Mu e e The properties of a single electron atom are determined by the reduced mass 1 1 1 1 = + » mr mN me me m = 19 mp = 2.2´ 10- 6 s reduced mass of Mu = 0.995 mr(H) ionization potential = 13.539 eV Bohr radius = 0.532 Å IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 6 Centres for Muon Spin Spectroscopy NOW J-PARC IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 7 The TRIUMF Joint Venture TRIUMF is owned and operated by a consortium of Canadian universities: Member Universities Associate Members University of Alberta University of Guelph University of British Columbia McMaster University Carleton University Queen's University University of Manitoba University of Regina Simon Fraser University Saint Mary's University Université de Montréal York University University of Toronto University of Victoria TRIUMF's operating costs are funded by a contribution from the federal government through the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 8 TRIUMF Meson Hall Cyclotron IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 9 The TRIUMF Meson Hall Cyclotron muon beam line IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 10 Looking down on the TRIUMF M9 Beam Area IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 11 Apparatus for Hydrothermal Studies in HELIOS IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 12 High pressure and temperature cell IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 13 The Phase Diagram The Phase Diagram of of Water Water FLUID Pressure / bar 50—450°C 250—350 bar 221 LIQUID ICE 1.0 Critical point Triple point VAPOUR STEAM 0 100 374 Temperature /°C IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 14 µSR: Muon Spin Spectroscopy Muon Spin Rotation • spin polarized muon beam • muons are implanted in the sample • muons decay: + e+ + + e = 2.2 s • angular distribution of e+ has maximum in muon spin direction • precession of muon spins in transverse magnetic field • equivalent to free induction decay in pulsed NMR or ESR IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 15 The Muon Lifetime Experiment + ® e+ + + e M µ+ beam = 2.2 s F S e+ B P lifetime histogram start stop N CLOCK 0 time N = N0 e- t / + background IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 16 Muon Spin Rotation, µSR M µ+ beam F S Apply a magnetic field perpendicular to the initial spin direction. e+ B P µSR histogram start stop N CLOCK time N = N0 e- t / [1 + aP (t )cos (t + )]+ background IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 17 The µSR Histogram 800 N0 e- t / [1 + aP (t )cos (t + )]+ B count 600 400 Subtract the constant background and divide out the exponential decay … 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 time / s aP (t )cos (t + ) muon asymmetry … to get the muon asymmetry, which represents the time dependence of the muon spin polarization. 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 time / s IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 18 Muonium in Supercritical Water 400°C, 245 bar 0.2 Asymmetry 0.1 D signal 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 time / s 2.0 2.5 3.0 Percival, Brodovitch, Ghandi et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 1 (1999) 4999 IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 19 Muon Asymmetry Muonium in supercritical water at 196 G 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Fourier Power time / µs 400°C 245 bar 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 Frequency / MHz IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 20 Muonium Kinetics Muonium reactions are pseudo-first order because… only a few million Mu atoms are needed for an experiment. Mu + A ¾ ¾ ® products Muon Asymmetry d [Mu] = kM [A][Mu] = [Mu] dt The Mu signal decays exponentially 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 time / µs IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 21 Muonium Kinetics = 0 + kM [A] 0 is the first-order rate constant for pure solvent second-order rate constant Mu decay rate / s d [Mu] = kM [A][Mu] = [Mu] dt -1 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 [MeOH] - 0 kM = [A] In addition to chemical decay, the muon decays radioactively, with a lifetime which is independent of chemical environment. IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 22 A fall-off of rate is common for reactions in high T water Mu OH MuOH eaq Mu + Benzene 1.2 1011 350 bar 250 bar > 310 bar 245 bar 1010 0.8 kMu / M-1s-1 kMu / 1010 M-1s-1 1.0 0.6 0.4 < 200 bar 1 bar (lit.) 109 108 0.2 0.0 0 IAPWS Toronto 100 200 300 Temperature / °C 400 107 0 100 200 300 o Temperature / C 400 Paul Percival, May 2009 23 Diffusion and collision-controlled kinetics Reaction rates in liquids depend on diffusion of the reactants to form the encounter pair, as well as the activated chemical reaction. Mu A 1 1 1 kobs kdiff kact products MuA kdiff 4 RMu RA DMu DA kact f R A exp Ea / RT The key factor in the fall-off with temperature seems to be the drop in the number of collisions between a pair of reactants over the duration of their encounter. where fR PZ coll -1enc PZcoll many collisions per encounter at low temperature collision encounter for gas-like behaviour at high T Ghandi, Percival et al Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2002) IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 24 H + OH H2O current PWR reactors Data limited to 200°C next generation reactors Buxton and Elliot, JCS Far. Trans. 89 (1993) 485 8.0 AECL k / 1010 M-1s-1 6.0 M1 M2 M3 4.0 2.0 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature /°C Ghandi and Percival, J. Phys. Chem. A 107 (2003) 3006 IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 25 H abstraction from methanol by Mu (H) H + CH3OH Mezyk and Bartels, 1994 Percival et al., 2007 10.0 6 -1 k / 10 M s -1 100.0 1.0 0.1 0 100 200 300 400 500 Temperature / °C IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 26 Supercritical-Water-Cooled Reactor Canada is one of ten countries (the Generation IV International Forum) working together to lay the groundwork for fourth generation nuclear reactor systems. The priority R & D areas for Canada include “improved understanding of radiolysis under supercritical water conditions and the effect of radiolysis products on corrosion and stress corrosion cracking”. The Supercritical-Water-Cooled Reactor (SCWR) system is a high-temperature, highpressure water cooled reactor that operates above the thermodynamic critical point of water (374°C, 22 Mpa) The SCWR system is primarily designed for efficient electricity production. IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 27 Muoniated Free Radicals Mu R2 R1 C C R4 R3 µSR: precession frequencies muon hyperfine coupling µLCR: resonance fields other nuclear hyperfine couplings hyperfine couplings distribution of unpaired electron spin e.g. cyclohexadienyl H Mu 0.33 -0.10 0.33 • -0.10 0.48 Temperature dependence of hyperfine couplings intramolecular motion IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 28 Muon Avoided Level Crossing Resonance Mixing of spin levels related by flip-flop transitions of the muon and another nucleus results in loss of muon spin polarization at a characteristic field (Bres) determined by the difference in muon and nuclear hyperfine constants. BLCR , ,X A+– A– Energy e 1 A Ap A Ap 2 p e e , , X 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 Magnetic Field / kG Magnetic Field The differential line shape is from field modulation. IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 29 Isopropyl from dehydration of 1-propanol (a) Ap /MHz A+-A- 68.2 65.4 -57.7 Mu 10.4 10.6 10.8 11.0 11.2 H C H Field / kG A+-A- (b) C H H C H H LCR distinguishes the signs of the hfcs 17.2 17.4 17.6 17.8 18.0 Field / kG IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 30 The Mu adducts of acetone are isomeric radicals (a) A+-A- 92°C 136 bar Mu O CH3 CH3 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Field / kG (b) H A+-A- 350°C 250 bar O CH3 9.4 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.2 10.4 10.6 CH2Mu 10.8 Field / kG IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 31 How to Study a keto-enol Equilibrium by Radical Trapping H High temperature: OH Mu O CH2Mu Mu Low temperature: O Mu O At 25°C the keto-enol equilibrium constant of acetone in water is 5 10-9 IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 32 Thanks… …to my collaborators in the Simon Fraser University Muonium Chemistry Group in particular, Dr. Jean-Claude Brodovitch and my recent graduate students: Brenda Addison-Jones (Ph.D. 2000) Khashayar Ghandi (Ph.D. 2002) Iain McKenzie (Ph.D. 2004) Brett McCollum (Ph.D. 2008) TRIUMF Centre for Molecular and Materials Science Drs. Syd Kreitzman, Donald Arseneau, Bassam Hitti and staff For funding: IAPWS Toronto NSERC of Canada Paul Percival, May 2009 33 IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 34 Pions Decay to Give Muons At TRIUMF, pions are produced by bombardment of a Be or C production target with 500 MeV protons. We take the positive pions, which decay to positive muons: + ® + + = 26 ns ¬ ¾¾ e ¾ ¾® uur uur p = - p In the pion rest frame: Momentum is conserved: uur uur = - Spin is conserved: Spin and momentum are related through helicity: r r ×p hˆ = r r . p hˆ = ± 1 For the neutrino, h = -1, i.e. the spin and momentum are anti-parallel. Therefore, muons are produced with and p anti-parallel. IAPWS Toronto ¾ ¾ ® ¬¾¾ p e ¬ ¾¾ ¾ ¾® p Paul Percival, May 2009 35 Muon Beams are Spin Polarized There are two commonly used types of muon beam: Surface Muon Beams collect and transport muons which are created from the decay of pions at or near the surface of the pion production target. select these muons to get these spins: beam line Decay Muon Beams collect muons from pions which decay in flight. In the rest frame only backward { } and forward muons are transported. In the laboratory frame, both momentum bites travel in the forward direction. The forward (momentum) muons (p~180 MeV/c) have backward spin; the backward muons (p~80 MeV/c) have forward spin. IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 36 Muon Decay + ® e+ + + e The 3 particle decay results in a spectrum of positron energies. = 2.2 s N The spatial distribution of positrons is asymmetric and depends on the muon spin polarization. Consider the decay pattern which results in the maximum positron energy: The is emitted in the direction of the muon spin at the moment of decay. More generally, Emax = 12 m = 52.8 MeV Energy e+ dN ( E , ) = C [1 + D( E )cos ] dE d W IAPWS Toronto µ e+ e e Paul Percival, May 2009 37 Alcohols are dehydrated in superheated water e.g. dehydration of tert-butanol forms isobutene CH3 H3C – H2O H3C OH CH2 H3C CH3 which can be spin-labelled by adding Mu Mu H3C CH2Mu H3C IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 38 tert-butyl is also formed by dehydration of butanols Power 350°C, 250 bar tert-butanol 0 - H2O H3C sec-butanol 400 C H3 Mu• OH 200 Frequency / MHz C H2M u - H2O isobutene A+-A- OH 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.2 10.4 10.6 Field / kG IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 39 Muon ALCR spectrum of tert-butyl radical in water CH3 CH2Mu 1 Aμ Ap Bres 2 γμ γ p A+-A- CH3 200°C 250 bar 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 Field / kG IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 40 1-propanol and 2-propanol both give isopropyl Power 350°C, 250 bar 2-propanol 0 200 OH 400 Frequency / MHz - H2O H Mu• H3C 1-propanol - H2O propene A+-A- OH C H2M u 10.4 10.6 10.8 11.0 11.2 Field / kG IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009 41 High pressure system IAPWS Toronto Paul Percival, May 2009