Human Resources Lisa Spencer Human Resources Coordinator BOARD POLICIES • The Wilson County Board of Education has established Board policies. • Principal’s Office • Library • On-line • All teachers are required to read, understand, and abide by Wilson County Board Policy. In-Service Requirements • All certified employees must earn five (5) days or thirty (30) hours of in-service credit every year. (Six (6) hours = one (1) day) • For the 2014-2015 school year, three (3) of these days are required for all certified personnel and are included in the school calendar. In-Service Requirements • Teachers new to Wilson County School System have two (2) required days or twelve (12) hours of required professional development – six (6) hours of New Teacher Orientation (NTO) and (6) six hours on July 28, 2014. In-Service Requirements • Since required in-service days may not be made up, teachers not employed at the time of such days will be paid only for in-service days scheduled during their time of employment. • Should a teacher under contract be ill on the day of required in-service, the absence must be recorded with the employee attendance management program (Subfinder) in order to be paid. • Personal/Professional Leave shall not be used on required in-service days or scheduled examination days. In-Service Requirements • Any activity listed on the MyBenefitsChannel is approved for the remaining optional in-service hours. • Any activity not listed must receive ADVANCED approval from the appropriate instructional supervisor. Verification of Experience If it is completed correctly it can mean more MONEY! • All new teachers with out-of-state experience, private school, or college/university teaching experience must mail a Tennessee Verification of Experience form to previous employers to complete. • The form must be: -legible -complete -signed by a certifying officer • In order to receive credit for experience earned in a private school, the school must be accredited by the Tennessee Department of Education or regional accrediting agency. • If experience was earned at a college or university, the teacher must have been a voting member of the faculty. • It is the employee’s responsibility to verify that the form has been completed and returned to the Human Resources Office. • Until that time, placement on the salary schedule will only reflect any teaching experience in a public Tennessee K-12 school as reported by the State of Tennessee. • The teacher will receive any additional pay, if warranted, retroactive to the date of hire. • Please note: Each year on the form is NOT treated as a separate entity. 10 months or 200 days equals a year. CHANGE IN DIRECTORY INFORMATION • It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the Human Resources Office at the Central Office of name changes. • In order for a name change to be valid, it must be reflected on the social security card. • Employees who marry should update the W-4 form and consider revision of retirement and life insurance benefits. CHANGE IN DIRECTORY INFORMATION • If you have an address or phone number change, you will need to log-in to our Employee SelfService website and change your information. • Link to Employee Self-Service Leaves of Absence Securing a Substitute Any time a teacher is unable to be in school, he/she must secure a substitute teacher, using the employee attendance management system (SubFinder). In addition, each teacher must notify the building principal/designee. Leaves • All requests for leaves must be submitted in writing on forms provided by the Human Resources Department. LOA continued • Each teacher shall provide a description of the type of leave requested, the beginning and ending dates, and a statement of intent to return. • All leaves, except military, shall be from a date certain to a date certain. • Please note that, once a leave is approved, the return date may be extended, but the leave time can’t be shortened. LOA continued • Positions vacated for less than twelve (12) months by teachers on leave shall be filled with an interim teacher for such time as the teacher is on leave. • Upon return of said teacher within the twelve (12) months, the interim teacher shall relinquish the position and the teacher shall return to the same or a comparable position upon return from leave. LOA continued • Any teacher on leave shall, at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of return, notify the Director of Schools in writing if said teacher does not intend to return. LOA continued • Failure to render such notice may be considered breach of contract. • Time spent on leave of absence, except sick leave as provided in TCA 49-1314, shall not be counted as part of a teacher’s probationary period or toward experience. SICK LEAVE • Each teacher is entitled to one (1) day of sick leave for each eighteen (18) days taught during the school year. • Sick leave days may be accumulated without limit and may be transferred from one school system to another within the state; unused accumulated sick leave may be applied to total teaching time upon retirement. SICK LEAVE • Sick leave may be taken for the illness of a teacher or the illness or death of a member of the teacher’s immediate family: spouse, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother –in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-inlaw, or son-in-law. SICK LEAVE BANK • A sick leave bank has been established to meet the needs of certified personnel who are members and who have exhausted all accumulated sick leave days. • Certified employees interested in joining should contact the building principal, association building representative, or substitute coordinator for additional information. • Deadline to sign up for membership is October 31st. PERSONAL / PROFESSIONAL LEAVE • Each teacher is eligible for one (1) day of personal / professional leave for each half year, provided none of these days are taken during any prior established student examination day, parentteacher conference day, or required in-service day. •The personal / professional days may be used in one-half day increments. These days shall not accumulate from year-to-year, but those unused days will be transferred to sick leave days. MATERNITY LEAVE • It is required that a teacher shall notify her principal and the Director of Schools in writing as soon as she is aware of being pregnant. • In all instances, the teacher must submit the expected date of delivery and request a leave of absence (using the appropriate form) thirty (30)days prior to the beginning of the leave date. A doctor’s note with the expected delivery date must accompany the form or it will not be accepted. MATERNITY LEAVE • The date of the leave begins on the date of delivery, unless a doctor’s statement stipulating the necessity of leave prior to delivery is provided. • Up to one (1) year of maternity leave may be granted. However, a maximum of thirty (30) days of paid accumulated sick leave may be used.(40 for c-section) MATERNITY LEAVE • If, after a maternity leave has been granted and used, a teacher decides not to resume her employment with the Wilson County School System, a thirty (30) day notice, prior to the date of return, shall be forwarded in writing to the Director of Schools. •Failure to render such notice may be considered breach of contract. FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE • Under the Family Medical Leave Act (F.M.L.A.), all employees who have completed twelve (12) months of employment (with a minimum of 1250 hours) are eligible for Family / Medical Leave, for up to twelve (12) weeks, for the following reasons: • child birth/care • adoption or placement of a foster child • care of a seriously ill child, spouse or parent • a serious health condition FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE • The request for said leave must include documentation. • During the time of the leave, the school system will continue insurance coverage (at school system expense), and the employee will return to his/her same job. If a teacher decides not to resume his/her employment , he/she must reimburse the board for the cost of insurance premiums while on unpaid F.M.L.A. leave. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE • Under the conditions of the negotiated contract, each certified employee is entitled to three (3) bereavement days for each school year. The days may be used in one-half day increments. • Bereavement Leave up to 5 days for the death of a mother, father, spouse, or child • Bereavement days do not accumulate from year to year. JURY DUTY and/or COURT APPREARANCES • If an employee is subpoenaed on behalf of the school system as a witness before a court or regulatory agency or if an employee is called for jury duty, the employee shall be granted a leave of absence with pay during regular scheduled working hours for the time required for the court appearance if he/she submits appropriate documentation. • In all other instances involving subpoenas or court appearances, the employee shall take leave. • If he has unused professional / personal leave, he/she may take paid leave. Otherwise, the leave shall be unpaid. RESIGNATIONS • The conditions under which it is permissible to break a contract with a local board of education are as follows: • the incapacity on the part of the teacher to perform the contract as evidenced by the certified statement of a physician approved by the local board of education • the drafting of the teacher into military service by a selective board • the release, by written mutual consent of the local board of education, of the teacher from the contract which the teacher has entered into with a local board of education RESIGNATIONS • A teacher requesting to resign shall comply with the justifiable reasons and must submit the request in writing to the Human Resources Office at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the effective date of resignation. • The Director of Schools may waive the thirty (30) day requirement and permit a teacher to resign in good standing upon shorter notice. • According to TCA 49-1316, a teacher who resigns without a justifiable reason or who does not give a thirty (30) day notice in advance, shall be subject to, upon a complaint filed with the Commissioner of Education by the Director of Schools, a suspension of his/her license for no less than thirty (30) days and not more than 365 days. WORKERS COMPENSATION • Any on-the-job injury must be reported immediately to the building principal and the benefits clerk. In accordance with the Workers Compensation guidelines, employees must see those physicians on the pre-approved list (which is posted in each school). • Failure to comply with this regulation may result in the employee being personally responsible for payment of claims resulting from job-related injuries. DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING • Pre-Employment Testing • Post-Accident Testing • Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing • Return-to-Duty Testing • Follow-up Testing • Alcohol and controlled substance testing may be performed at any time the employee is at work for the Wilson County Board of Education DRUG ABUSE POLICY STATEMENT • The Wilson County Board of Education is committed to providing a safe environment and to fostering the well-being and health of its employees. That commitment is jeopardized when any employee illegally uses alcohol or any other drugs on the job; comes to work under the influence; or possesses, distributes, or sells drugs in the workplace. Therefore, the Wilson County Board of Education has established the following policy: DRUG ABUSE POLICY STATEMENT • It is a violation of Wilson County Board of Education policy for any employee to: -possess, sell, trade, or offer for sale illegal drugs or otherwise engage in the illegal use of alcohol or other drugs on the job. -report to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. -use prescription drugs illegally. • Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Discrimination / Harassment Policy Wilson County Schools’ Board Policy 5.500 addresses discrimination and harrassment. Suspected Cases of Child Abuse • In compliance with T.C.A. 37-1-403, educators are required to report immediately all suspected cases of brutality, abuse, neglect, or child sexual abuse to the building principal. • -Any person who knowingly fails to make a report required by 37-1-403 commits a Class A misdemeanor. (T.C.A. 37-1-412) Accidents • Teachers are to report accidents to the school’s office immediately upon their occurrence. Purchasing Procedures • Teachers must follow all policies and procedures as stated in the Wilson County Schools Accounting Manual. A copy of the manual can be found on your NTO disk. • The building level principal will inform faculty members of the procedures that must be followed regarding purchases at the building level. • Remember: requisitions must be completed and approved prior to any expenditure. SAFEKEEPING OF CASH • School collections should never be taken home by individuals for safekeeping or left at a school overnight unless it is stored in a school safe or vault. • Teachers are responsible for all funds collected within the classroom. If funds are left in the room and are stolen, the teacher is responsible for repayment of the funds. REVENUES/RECEIPTS • Money should be turned in daily in collection envelopes, zipper bags, or sealed envelopes. • A collection log is required to be used. It is the responsibility of the teacher to prepare and record transactions on the collection log. A collection log is required for each separate activity or event. Class fees, school pictures, annuals, field trips, club dues, etc., are examples of collections that are often recorded on collection logs. • Once the deposit has been made by the bookkeeper, the bookkeeper must provide the teacher with a signed receipt for the deposit. • These collection logs and receipts should be kept by the teacher or other individual preparing the collection log for three (3) years. • The collection log documents the name of the school, the purpose of the collection, the name of the teacher, the payers, the date(s) of collection, and the daily total. Payroll Information •Pay days for all teachers are on the 15th and 30th of each month. Certified employees are paid in twenty-four (24) installments. •Direct deposit is mandatory. Withholding tax, F.I.C.A. and retirement deductions are optional and must be authorized by the employee: dependent insurance, supplemental insurance, tax-sheltered annuities, and association dues. Employee Dress Code •Appearance is a reflection of pride and professional responsibility to the Wilson County School System and the public. •The dress code for staff members is as follows: Employee Dress Code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Shorts, sweat suits, nylon jogging suits, jeans overalls, leggings/spandex pants, or tee shirts (except those worm appropriately with blazers, sweaters, and vests) are not acceptable. Tops and dresses should have a modest/appropriate neckline. Dresses, skirts, and jumpers should not be shorter than three (3”) inches above mid-knee. Flip-flop shoes with straps that can be pushed out through the sole of the shoe are not acceptable. There are no restrictions on colors. Dress code applies to all student attendance days and professional development days. Employee Dress Code •Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the building principal. Specialty teachers (i.e. automotive, shop. PE, etc.) who require specific attire are permitted to dress according to the restrictions of their job duties. Consequences for failure to comply with the dress code are as follows: •First Offense –Verbal Warning •Second Offense – Verbal Warning •Third Offense – Written Reprimand •Fourth Offense – Written Reprimand •Fifth Offense – Refer to the Director of Schools THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING WILSON COUNTY SCHOOLS! HAVE A WONDERFUL YEAR! INTERACTION WITH STUDENTS KNOW YOUR ROLE! Interaction with students and potential liability Intimate relationships with students are ALWAYS prohibited no matter the age of the student or circumstances! Interaction with students and potential liability SHOWING AFFECTION Avoid touching students unless it is absolutely necessary to protect the safety of the student or others! SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENTS Staff is there to chaperone not participate! TUTORING OR OFFICE VISITS Not in isolated location Interaction with students and potential liability OFF CAMPUS INTERACTION Proceed with caution! SPONSORING EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND FIELD TRIPS Good judgment! Never alone in car or hotel room! CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Corporal punishment Exercise as discipline Isolating for discipline Showing videos, DVDs, etc. (board policy) Outside speakers Greater possibility of danger (Snake hunt, blood typing) What would your insurance carrier or lawyer think? Always obtain administrator approval for activities! Which of the following text messages is appropriate for a teacher to send to a student? Teacher License Denial, Suspension and Revocation 55 a. “Good morning my goofy sunshine girl.” Teacher License Denial, Suspension and Revocation 56 b. “Where is your homework?” Teacher License Denial, Suspension and Revocation 57 c. “Bingo.” Teacher License Denial, Suspension and Revocation 58 d. “Basketball game at 3 p.m.” Teacher License Denial, Suspension and Revocation 59 e. none of the above Teacher License Denial, Suspension and Revocation 60 BEST PRACTICE Make all phone calls to parents on a school phone. Students should not have your phone number. BEST PRACTICE Email parents on your school email account. Students should not have your personal email address. E-Mail People feel anonymous, protected & free to say & do things they would never do face-to-face E-mail communication is informal, offthe-cuff, candid and even sometimes offensive or obscene….this can equal liability BEST PRACTICE Contact the parent, not the student. Biology teacher texts nude photo of herself to student, convicted on two sex charges A former Northeast High School teacher pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in court Monday, admitting she showed pornography to a 17-year-old student. She will serve 11 months, 29 days, on two charges. She will also have to register as a sex offender. BEST PRACTICE Emails, text messages, phone calls, etc… to students are off limits. Monrovia HS teacher resigns over text messages "Highly inappropriate text messages," said Dr. Wood, superintendent, School District. The superintendent says the girl turned the teacher in, showing school officials the messages on her phone sent from teacher’s number. "Over the course of 48 hours the two corresponded back and forth with each other in excess of 100 times through text messaging. He never denied the allegations, said he was involved in some inappropriate text messaging with this student," said Wood. BEST PRACTICE Personal websites, such as MySpace or FaceBook, should be severely limited to friends and family. Under no circumstances should students have access to or communicate with a teacher through a personal website. Do you want to be the future lead story? LICENSE REVOCATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Teachers or administrators may have their licenses automatically revoked following conviction of certain violent offenses and felony drug offenses: If teacher or school administrator has been convicted of any felony or offense listed at T.C.A. § 40-35-501(i)(2) or T.C.A. § 39-17417 (including conviction on a plea of guilty or nolo contendere). LICENSE REVOCATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS State Board of Education Rule 0520-2- 4-.01(9) outlines other reasons why applicants, teachers or administrators may have applications denied or current licenses suspended or revoked. LICENSE REVOCATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Conviction of a felony, 2. Conviction of possession of narcotics, 3. Being on school premises or at a school-related activity involving students while documented as being under the influence of, possessing or consuming alcohol or illegal drugs, 4. Falsification or alteration of a license or documentation required for licensure, 5. Denial, suspension or revocation of a license or certificate in another jurisdiction for reasons which would justify denial, suspension or revocation under this rule, or 6. Other good cause. Other good cause shall be construed to include noncompliance with security guidelines for TCAP or successor tests pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-1-607, default on a student loan pursuant to T.C.A. § 49-5-108(d)(2) or failure to report under part (e). For purposes of [license denial, suspension or revocation], “conviction” includes conviction on a plea of guilty, a plea of [no contest] or an order granting pre-trial diversion. LICENSE REVOCATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Directors of schools are required to report to the Office of Teacher Licensing whenever a licensed teacher or administrator is suspended, terminated or resigns, following allegations which, if substantiated, could constitute grounds for suspension or revocation of a license. Directors who fail to report may have any teacher or administrator license they hold suspended or revoked. LICENSE REVOCATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Pursuant to the State Board Rule, "[a] person whose license has been denied, suspended or revoked may not serve as a volunteer or be employed, directly or indirectly, as an educator, paraprofessional, aide, substitute teacher or in any other position during the period of the denial, suspension or revocation." Dismissal Recommended for Lake Forest Teacher Charged with Sexual Battery Bradley County (WRCB) - Bradley County Director of Schools Johnny McDaniel has recommended dismissing Casey Brock, a suspended Lake Forest Middle School teacher. In a letter to school board members McDaniel says "...information came to light about her unprofessional and inappropriate interactions with two male students at Lake Forest Middle School." The students names are not being released, they will be referred to as student 1 and student 2. Student 1 claims he and Brock engaged in a physical relationship and he says the two had numerous personal and adult-oriented conversations. He also claims he and Brock had personal meetings and took trips. Ways to Reduce Liability REMEMBER BOUNDARIES! AVOID TOUCHING STUDENTS UNLESS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE SAFETY OF THE STUDENT OR OTHERS Things to remember: Stay off of myspace Don’t twitter Remember: Internet is public domain Be careful with Facebook Most things of this nature are blocked by Wilson County Schools. NOT only at Home but especially AT WORK!!! Ways to Reduce Liability BEFORE YOU ACT, ASK QUESTIONS. Ways to Reduce Liability NEVER DISMISS A COMPLAINT, RUMOR, OR COMMENT REGARDING THE SAFETY OF STUDENTS OR STAFF.