Mood Disorders in Adolescence: An Integrative Approach Session #: A2021 10/12/08 Kathi J. Kemper, MD, FAAP Caryl J Guth Chair for Holistic and Integrative Medicine Author, The Holistic Pediatrician Wake Forest University School of Medicine Winston-Salem, NC Faculty Disclosure In the past 12 months, I have had no relevant financial relationships with the manufacturers of any commercial products and/or providers of commercial services discussed in this CME activity. I do not intend to discuss an unapproved or investigative use of a commercial product or device in my presentation. Objectives (by the end of this session, you will be able to…): 1. 2. 3. Define the role of patient-centered communication for mood disorders Describe the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements in promoting healthy moods. Refer patients to evidence-based resources for additional information about lifestyle and complementary therapies to promote mental health Depression Case A 17 year old girl who is sad, has had a drop in grades, recently broke up with her abusive boyfriend; less interested in participating in band, has stopped taking her SSRI after hearing about black box warnings. Her only medications are oral contraceptives. Will St. Johns wort help (the news reports are very confusing)? How do you advise her? Which of the following is the best answer about SJW? 1. SJW has proven useless against depression. 2. SJW is completely safe. She can use any off the shelf brand to help. 3. She will need to use back up birth control method if she starts SJW. 4. Based on RCTs, there’s a greater than 80% chance her symptoms will respond to SJW. Answer Now 10 Are mood disorders are real problem in adolescents? YES • American children have the most psychiatric illness in the civilized world (WHO data) • Childhood depression: epidemic in USA 2001/02 HBSC International Report: Young People's Health in Context Currie C. et al (eds.) 2004. Young People's Health in Context: international report from the HBSC 2001/02 survey. WHO Policy Series Blader, J and Carlson, G Biol Psychiatry: 2007: Feb 15 Moreno, C et al Archives of General Psychiatry, 64:1032-8 2007: September Definitions: Mental Health • Most medical literature on mental health focuses on mental illness, eg. Depression, anxiety, Bipolar, schizophrenia, ADHD, cognition/memory problems, adjustment disorders, personality disorders, etc. • Mental health "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." Epitectus “You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there.” Yogi Berra Optimal Physical health: Example • • • • • • • Strength Flexibility Stamina/Endurance Focus Coordination Resilience, and Effective teamwork Optimal Spiritual Health • • • • • • • Faith Forgiveness Hope Love Kindness Charity/generosity, and Transcendence – connection with something greater than our individual self Mental Health: elements • • • • • • • Confidence and courage Adaptability Cheerfulness Attention / Concentration Harmony Hardiness in face of stress Social Network/ communication skills/ connection to community Mental Health - strategies • Healthy lifestyle – as for promoting heart health, reproductive health, immune function, etc. • #1 Lifestyle: Exercise/Rest, Nutrition, Environment(+/-), Stress management practices (EMS), Communication and community • #2: Supplements/Meds, Professionals (psychologists, massage, acupuncture, etc) Management Issues • Process (communication skills) • Content (focus on healthy lifestyle; if it’s good for the heart, it’s probably good for mood) • Speed (baby steps) • Resources Which of the following is true about patient-centered communication? 1. PCC can significantly improve mental health outcomes 2. PCC has mild impact on mental health visits, though it is helpful for general primary care 3. PCC has no impact on mental health outcomes 4. What is PCC? Answer Now 10 Process: Communication Skills • Standard approach • Patient-centered care • Health promotion focus Standard approach • Diagnose • Provide diagnosis-specific treatment yourself • Persuade parent / child to accept referral • Challenges • Making a diagnosis; what if they don’t meet criteria? • Mastering medications • Referral resistance; waiting; unavailability • Promoting mental health during well child care (preventing illness) Wissow and Gadomski, 2008 Parental expectations Don’t believe they are effective change agents Have prior beliefs about what will help Not sure pediatric visit the place to discuss this Want help but afraid of what you might say Want empathy but expect child is the agenda Wissow and Gadomski, 2008 Adolescent Expectations • Here to be “fixed” or punished • Not used to having a substantive role in visit • Uncertain about confidentiality • Different agenda than parent • Incomplete and stigmatizing views of “mental health” Wissow and Gadomski, 2008 Physician Expectations • Will be presented with insoluble problems • “Double drowning” – everyone will leave more hopeless and/or angry than they started • Will lose control of time • Won’t be able to be proactive as with other health problems Wissow and Gadomski, 2008 Evidence-based skills Agenda setting • Engaging both child and parent • Prioritizing specific concerns; goals; define success Problem formulation and solving • Finding reasons to hope and first steps to solutions • Framework: health promotion and stress management Time management • Managing rambling and interruptions Promoting hope and confidence Advice giving • Avoiding and managing resistance Pediatrics 2008 Feb;121:266-75. Finding a common agenda • Commitment to eliciting it from both parent and child/youth • Setting up and “enforcing” turn-taking – Respecting confidentiality – Encouraging and modeling the ability to talk in front of each other Crude 6-month change in child clinical measures as a function of change in provider’s patient-centeredness Change in SDQ symptom score p<.0001 adjusted for baseline symptoms Change in SDQ impact score p=.015 adjusted for baseline function Which of the following is true about patient-centered communication? 1. PCC can significantly improve mental health outcomes 2. PCC has mild impact on mental health visits, though it is helpful for general primary care 3. PCC has no impact on mental health outcomes 4. What is PCC? Answer Now 10 Content: Conventional • Psychotherapy • Medications Cognitive Behavioral Therapy “From an evidence-based perspective, cognitivebehavioral therapy is currently the treatment of choice for anxiety and depressive disorders in children and adolescents.” Compton SN. JAm Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2004 Conventional Treatment: Rx – TCAs - no evidence of efficacy in pre-pubertal children – SSRIs - no overall evidence of efficacy in pre-pubertal children – SSRIs marginally better than placebo in teens with MDD – SSRIs are HELPFUL in OCD and anxiety disorders, even in prepubertal children Safer DJ. Pediatrics, 2006; 118 (3): 1248 FDA approved SSRIs for pediatric MDD • As of 2004, “the FDA has approved only Prozac for use in children/adolescents with MDD” • Prozac, Zoloft and Luvox have been FDA approved for use in children diagnosed with OCD FDA 3/24/04; 03242004_1242print.htm SSRI Side effects 1 • GI upset • Headache; sleep disorders • Sexual side effects Dizziness, Fatigue, Sweating • Neonatal withdrawal syndrome • Drug interactions SSRI Side effects 2 • Serotonergic syndrome (HTN, tachycardia, mania) • Agitation and hostility • Suicidal ideation, esp in those with agitation/hostility – Review of 22 RCT pediatric with 9 antidepressant drugs. – 2298 patients with active drug; 1952 with placebo – Serious suicidal adverse events: 78/2298 versus 54/1952 Incidence rate ratio 1.89 (95% CI, 1.18-3.04) Mosholder AD. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2006 Psychiatric Meds in kids • Little science of long term safety • 1.6 million kids on 2 or more meds: no science • Neurological and hormonal impact mostly unknown Content: natural therapies • Depression is one of the top 10 diagnoses for which patients seek natural therapies • Commonly used among depressed adolescents • Fewer than 30% of depressed teens tell docs they are using natural therapies • Clinicians need to ask! Which of the following is true about Lifestyle approaches to mood problems? 1. 2. 3. 4. Lifestyle affects cardiac health, but has little impact on mental health Lifestyle affects cancer risk, but has little impact on mental health Lifestyle affects BOTH cardiac and cancer risks, but has little impact on MH Lifestyle, such as light, sleep, exercise and nutrition can have profound and clinically significant effects on mental as well as physical health. Answer Now 10 Integrative Approach • Lifestyle – Environment, Exercise/Sleep, Nutrition, Mind-Body • Supplements • Massage • Acupuncture Lifestyle - overview • Environment: More Sunshine and good music, Less TV and toxins • Exercise/Sleep • Nutrition (Essential nutrients for optimal brain function, EFA, amino acids, vitamins, minerals) • Mind-Body Therapies – manage stress – Meditation – Biofeedback Sunshine, circadian rhythms and sleep Desynchronization of internal rhythms plays an important role in the pathophysiology of depression. Resetting normal circadian rhythms can have antidepressant effects. “Winter depression was first modeled on regulation of animal behavior by seasonal changes in day length, and led to application of light as the first successful chronobiological treatment in psychiatry.” Fuchs E. Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 2006 Wirz-Justice A. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2006 You are My Sunshine! • SAD - Known association between inadequate sunshine and depression • Frequent indoor tanners are often depressed and seeking relief; watch for rebound depression if they stop • How much? 10 – 15 minute daily of exposure to hands and face in spring, summer fall; wintertime? Latitude? Light Therapy for Depression Plus 3 studies not included in this review, comparing dim light to bright light. Golden R. Am J Psychiatry. 2005 Vitamin D and depression • Vitamin D receptors in brain • Low level of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and high PTH are significantly associated with depression (Jorde, 2005) • 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 1,25dihydroxvitamin D3 levels are significantly lower in psychiatric patients than in normal controls (Schneider, 2000) • RCT of 44 Australian patients (none, 400 IU versus 800 IU vitamin D) vitamin D3 significantly enhanced mood (Landsdowne, 1998) Light therapy • Proven effective for SAD (Terman M Evid Based Ment Health, 2006) • Meta-analysis of studies from 1987-2001: (effect size=0.53, 95% CI=0.18 to 0.89, similar to medications) for non-SAD • RCT of 29 women with nonseasonal depression; light therapy for 28 days significantly better than control, (McEnany GW, 2005) Light Therapy 2 • Benefits onset within 2 days; effective in institutionalized elderly and community; effective in summer and winter • Side effects: hypomania, autonomic hyperactivation (Terman M, 2005) Lifestyle 2: Exercise • Depressed mood / fatigue are common in those deprived of usual exercise. • Mood changes noted in patients with injuries and mono. • Changes over time in kids’ exercise/gym/playground time • Exercise benefits depression * • Common sense precautions Berlin AA. Psychosomatic Med, 2006 Exercise as Therapy – Yes Lawlor DA. BMJ 2001 Yoga for depression • Five RCTs --each used different forms of yoga. • All trials reported positive findings • No adverse effects except fatigue and breathlessness Pilkington K. J Affective Disord, 2005 Lifestyle 3: Sleep • Poor sleep is barometer of later mental health risks (anxiety and depression) • Reduced sleep equals impaired focus and labile mood (ADHD, Learning problems) • Sleep quality is a good screen for good mental health in pediatric population • We sleep 20% less than we did 100 yrs ago Lifestyle 3: Sleep • • • • • • • • • Regular time; Routine Hot bath; cool room; dark room Massage before bed Lavender, chamomile, melatonin? No caffeine within 8 hours of bedtime Music, calm, orderly, quiet NO TV IN BEDROOM NO vigorous exercise right before bed GET MORE versus intentional sleep reduction/deprivation (in those with excessive sleep) 4: Nutrition – essential nutrients for optimal brain function • Omega-3 fatty acids • Amino acids (SAM-E, Trp, 5-HTP) • Vitamins (B vitamins, Vitamin D) • Minerals (Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc) Omega-6 Fatty Acids Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linoleic Acid (18:2n-6) a-Linolenic Acid (18:3n-3) ∆-6 Desaturase (GLA)γ -Linolenic Acid (18:3n-6) Stearidonic Acid (18:4n-3) Elongase (DHGLA) Dihomo-γ-Linolenic Acid (20:3n-6) Eicosanoids Eicosatetraenoic Acid (20:4n-3) ∆-5 Desaturase (AA)Arachidonic Acid (20:4n-6) (EPA) Eicosapentaenoic Acid (20:5n-3) Elongase 24:5n-3 Eicosanoids Leukotriene 4-series Prostaglandins E2 Thromboxanes A2 ∆-6 Desaturase β-Oxidation 24:6n-3 Eicosanoids Leukotriene 5-series Prostaglandins E3 Thromboxanes A3 (DHA) Docosahexaenoic Acid (22:6n-3) Omega 3 EFA’s: mechanism • Neuronal membrane structure and function • Brain development • Second messenger inside cells Mood and Omega-3’s • Inverse correlation between fish intake and depression (Hibbeln: Lancet 1998; 351:1213) • Effective for bipolar patients (Stoll: Arch. of Gen. Psych. 1999; 56: 407-12) • Effective for major depression (Nemets: Am. J. Psych. 2002: 159 (3) 477-9) • Effective for depression in Children ( Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:1098-0) • Effective for Borderline P.D.O. (Am. J. Psych. 2003, 160 (1): 167-9) Fish Oil –Doses, Safety, Brands • Dose: 1 gram daily of EPA probably enough.(Peet M, 2002); Frangou S. Br J Psychiatry, 2006) • Safety: fish allergies, taste, belching; very high doses, increased risk of bleeding, nosebleeds? Little risk of mercury, dioxin, PCB’s; • Brands: Compare brands at • My family takes Coromega, Carlson’s or Nordic Natural • Read labels: Omega 3 does NOT necessarily all equal EPA/DHA Amino Acids: SAM-E • Produced from ATP and methionine • Low folate can lead to low levels • Meta-analysis: SAMe significantly improves depression, comparable to antidepressant medications ( amesum.htm) • In an open trial of 30 adults with MDD for whom antidepressant meds ineffective, SAM-E led to significant improvements in 50% and remission in 43% (Alpert, 2004) • All tested products approved by ConsumerLab; buy on sale! SAM-E Doses, duration, products • Dose: 800 – 1600 mg daily (adult) • Benefits appear within 2-4 weeks of starting daily use • Problems –poorly absorbed (need enteric coating); mania in bipolar patients; interactions with SSRI meds; see: /same.asp • pplements/SAdenosylmethionineSA Mecs.html Amino Acids: 5-HTP and L-tryp • Acute tryp depletion leads to depression • Dietary L-tryp -> 5-HTP -> serotonin • Meta-analysis: 5-HTP and Ltrp better than placebo for depression (Shaw K, Cochrane. 2002) • Food sources – dairy, eggs, poultry, meat, soy, tofu, nuts; WHEY protein L-tryp doses and side effects • Doses - start at 50 mg TID; max dose 1200 mg daily • Side effects – EMS related to contaminated lot from one manufacturer; nausea, drowsiness; May potentiate SSRI medications; decreased carbohydrate intake and weight loss? Vitamin B6 - pyridoxine • Low levels of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) are associated with depressive symptoms (Hvas AM 2004) • Dose: 100 – 200 mg daily benefits PMSdepression; Odds ratio ~2.(Wyatt KM. BMJ, 1999) • Side effects: nausea, vomiting, abd. pain, anorexia, headache, somnolence, lower B12 levels, sensory neuropathy (typically with doses over 1000 mg daily, can occur lower) • Food: Beans, nuts, legumes, fish, meat Folate • Folate (Essential co-factor for synthesis of S-adenosyl-methionine). • • • • • – Lower levels of folate in depressed persons – Low folate associated with poorer response to antidepressant meds Methylfolate in depressed pts (elderly, EtOH dependent, dementia) show significant improvement (Guaraldi et al., 1993; Di Palma et al., 1994; Glória et al., 1997; Passeri et al., 1993) RPCT: folate as adjunctive Rx in folate deficient MDD pts showed signif improvement over placebo (Godfrey et al., 1990) RPCT MDD pts randomized to fluoxetine + folate (0.5mg) improved more than fluox. + placebo; differences esp striking in WOMEN (Coppen & Bailey 2000) Studies on supplements in non-folate deficient MDD pts on SSRIs found significant reduction in sx severity and 19% remission (Alpert et al., 2002) Folate augmentation may enhance response to lithium in folate deficient bipolar and unipolar depression (Coppen and Chaudhry, 1986) Bottom line on B vitamins • Healthy diet rich in green vegetables and nutritious protein sources • Consider B-complex supplement Mood and Minerals: Iron • Iron deficiency associated with depression • Correcting iron deficiency helps with mood and attention Beard JL. J Nutr, 2005 LE Murray-Kolb. Am J Clin Nutr, 2007 Mood and Minerals: Calcium • Lower levels of calcium in depressed persons • Higher PTH in depressed persons • Estrogen regulates calcium and PTH metabolism; sometimes dysregulates? (Thys-Jacobs S. J Am Coll Nutr, 2000) • Supplementation may benefit women with PMS-related depression (Dickerson LM. Am Fam Physician, 2003) • 1000 – 1200 mg daily Non-dairy sources of calcium • Soy beans, tofu • Calcium fortified OJ • Green leafy vegetables (broccoli) Nutrition Summary • Healthy fat (omega 3); not fried foods, saturated fats • Healthy protein (essential amino acids) • Foods rich in minerals and vitamins (vegetables, grains) • Multivitamin-mineral supplement • Fish oil supplement • Consider SAM-E, B vitamins Lifestyle: Stress management • Stress is common • Stress commonly triggers mood problems • Managing stress: exercise, sleep, nutrition, mind/emotion/body/spirit – Meditation – Biofeedback Meditation • Meditation training ↑ left-sided anterior activation, a pattern associated with positive affect, in meditators compared with the nonmeditators • No RCTs specifically on depression, though positive effects on anxiety • Few side effects; can combine mindfulness with CBT Davidson RJ Psychosom Med, 2003 Emotional Self-Management • • • • Intentional focus on emotions Gratitude Practice Warm-up Appreciation audit • Daily journal • For what are you grateful today? • What do you appreciate about those closest to you? • To whom have you extended goodwill or kindness? What Happy People Know: How the New Science of Happiness Can Change Your Life for the Better (Paperback) by Dan Baker, Cameron Stauth. St. Martin's Griffin. 2004 Stress, Emotion, and Physiological Activation High Arousal/High Energy SYMPATHETIC Low Arousal/Low Energy PARASYMPATHETIC Stress, Emotion, and Physiological Activation High Arousal/High Energy SYMPATHETIC “Fight-or-Flight” Negative Positive Emotion Emotion Low Arousal/Low Energy PARASYMPATHETIC Stress, Emotion, and Physiological Activation High Arousal/High Energy SYMPATHETIC “Fight-or-Flight” Frustration, Anger, Hostility, Exhilaration, Passion, Joy, Happiness Fear, Worry Anxiety Judgment, Resentment, Feeling Overwhelmed, Anguish Love, Care, Kindness, Appreciation Negative Positive Emotion Emotion Hopelessness, Submission, Despair, Depression Compassion, Tolerance, Acceptance, Forgiveness Burnout, Withdrawal, Serenity, Inner Balance, Boredom, Apathy Reflection, Contentment Low Arousal/Low Energy PARASYMPATHETIC Stress management: biofeedback • HRV biofeedback appears to be a useful adjunctive treatment for the treatment of MDD • Significant improvements in – Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D) – Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) by week 4, Karavidas, et al. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2007 Nolan RP. Am Heart J, 2005 Which of the following is true about Lifestyle approaches to mood problems? 1. 2. 3. 4. Lifestyle affects cardiac health, but has little impact on mental health Lifestyle affects cancer risk, but has little impact on mental health Lifestyle affects BOTH cardiac and cancer risks, but has little impact on MH Lifestyle, such as light, sleep, exercise and nutrition can have profound and clinically significant effects on mental as well as physical health. Answer Now 10 After lifestyle and stress management, what? • St. Johns’ wort • Massage • Acupuncture Which of the following is the best statement about Saint Johns wort? 1. 2. 3. 4. St. Johns wort has repeatedly proven ineffective in treating adolescent depression. St. Johns wort frequently causes allergic reactions. St. Johns wort may be ineffective, but because it is safe, teens can use it safely, so docs can ignore it. St. Johns wort is about as effective as SSRIs but can interfere with the effectiveness of many common medications including OCPs, so docs need to ask about it. Answer Now 10 Saint Johns wort • Most commonly used CAM therapy for depression • Comparable to sertraline in German RCT of 241 depressed adults (Gastpar. Pharmacopsychiatry, 2005) • 2 open label trials in teens showed improvement within 2 weeks in 25/33 and 9/11 patients (Findling, 2003; Simeon, 2005); Improvement in 2 weeks predicts longterm response; if no benefit in 2 weeks, stop • “Current evidence regarding hypericum extracts is inconsistent and confusing”; different products used in different trials, different kinds of patients; in some studies St. Johns wort is as effective as standard medications, but no more effective than placebo. (2005 Cochrane review) Herb- drug interactions: SJW Speeds elimination of many drugs: digitalis, theophylline, clarithromycin, erythromycin, protease inhibitors and OCPs SJW safety • • • • Other side effects - photosensitivity, serotonergic syndrome Product variability; see Gaia, Kira, Sundown, Nature’s Bounty Products used in POSITIVE TRIALS: Laif 900 (German STW3-VI); LI160 (Kira), WS5572; WS5570 (Perika by Nature’s Way) St. Johns wort patient handouts are available from: University of Maryland Medical Center Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center’s Best Health internet site ( Harvard Medical School-Intelihealth Which of the following is the best statement about Saint Johns wort? 1. 2. 3. 4. St. Johns wort has repeatedly proven ineffective in treating adolescent depression. St. Johns wort frequently causes allergic reactions. St. Johns wort may be ineffective, but because it is safe, teens can use it safely, so docs can ignore it. St. Johns wort is about as effective as SSRIs but can interfere with the effectiveness of many common medications including OCPs, so docs need to ask about it. Answer Now 10 Massage • Increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage; Muscle relaxation; Stress reduction • Balances R & L prefrontal cortex activity in those with right dominance (Jones N Adolescence. 1999) • Decreased levels of cortisol and increased levels of serotonin and dopamine in depressed adults (Field T. Int J Neurosci. 2005) • In depressed pregnant women, massage, compared with progressive relaxation, led to higher dopamine and serotonin levels and lower levels of cortisol and norepinephrine (Field T. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. 2004 ) • Who volunteers? Acupuncture • RCT of 30 patients: BDI scores fell from baseline by 16.1 points in the intervention group versus 6.8 points in the sham controls (P<0.001) (Acupunct Med. 2005) • Meta-analysis: the effect of electroacupuncture similar to antidepressant medication(Mukaino Y Acupuncture Med, 2005). • No pediatric studies. Good safety profile. Rare infections, broken needles, forgotten needles, bleeding, bruising Depression SUMMARY 1 • Listen to patients and families • Negotiate clear goals and agreements • Support healthy lifestyle, including sunshine, sleep, exercise, nutrition (supplement when necessary), appreciation and stress management Depression SUMMARY 2 • Correct deficiencies of B vitamins and minerals • Consider supplements of fish oil, SAM-E, 5-HTP • Consider safe therapies, including massage and acupuncture • Beware of potential interactions, e.g., Saint Johns wort • Be PRACTICAL – How? How: Behavioral Pediatrics • • • • • • • • Identify the goal Consider various strategies Pick a strategy Identify a small, achievable step that the patient and family can support Explore pros and cons of change Anticipate barriers; identify resources Plan rewards/celebrations! Re-evaluate; take the next step Goal-setting • Pick a POSITIVE goal – E.g., more DRY nights (not just stop bed wetting); healthier lifestyle • Identify values behind the goal – Health, relationships, esteem, integrity, etc. Example: Healthier lifestyle To promote Better mood Better focus or concentration Greater calm More resilience More cheerfulness Greater adaptability More confidence More creative More clarity Better memory More harmonious relationships Higher self esteem More consistent with personal values other? Pick a specific strategy • • • • • • More exercise Better nutrition Judicious use of supplements Better sleep Healthier environment Stress management; biofeedback; journal; meditation • Use medication • Massage, psychotherapy, acupuncture or other professional help Identify a small, achievable step • Rome was not built in a day; habits are not changed overnight: BABY STEPS. • For exercise, go from sedentary, to 5 minute walks with the dog 5 days a week. • Be specific (with or without an MP3 player; with or without a parent; regardless of weather?; distance vs. time) How important is this to you? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not Very Why did you pick that number and not a lower number? (e.g. a 7 instead of a 5) Asking this question helps the patient/family provide their own rationale for why this is important. They talk themselves into it! How confident are you that you can do this for one month? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not Very If they pick an 8 or higher (pretty confident), proceed with next step of making a chart and planning rewards and follow-up. If they pick a number less than 8, “What would it take for you to go from the number you picked to a higher number?” Begin to explore their ambivalence…. It’s OK to be ambivalent about change! Identify Pros and Cons Change PRO CON More cheerful Change routine More fit and cool Brother might tease Clothes fit better Yucky dog clean up Better sleep Better self-esteem No Change Easy Continued mood probs Mom does yucky job Get fat Feel ugly Sleep badly Unhappy with myself Identify Barriers and Resources • In addition to (cons listed above), what other barriers or challenges might you anticipate as you try to make this change? Need new tennis shoes; need leash; need pooper-scooper • What resources do you have/need to help you make this change? Will Mom commit to getting new shoes, leash, etc. ? Will the child want/need a reminder? Is it helpful for Dad to do that? Do they need a chore chart? A calendar? Sample behavior diary (OK to copy) Goal Sample: M Walk dog 5 minutes 5 days a week √ Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Re-evaluate. Celebrate. Next steps? T W Th √ √ Fri Sa √ √ Su Total 5 Plan celebrations/rewards • Pick a tangible reward and timing (will it be offered after week 1, 2, 3, 4?) • Samples: extra time with mom or dad; extra phone minutes; new walking shoes; get to pick vegetable for dinner!; get to pick family movie; stickers for younger kids; money for older kids – controversial in some families. Support the family and child choices. • Emphasize the importance of the reward/celebration. If the family says they expect “good” behavior, suggest they consider celebrating it (instead of rewarding it). Follow Up • Follow- up in 4-6 weeks. • Ask family/child to bring chart and say you plan to be proud of them (build expectation of success) and will ask them what they’d like to do for next step (involve them in problem solving). • Do it! Behavioral Pediatrics • • • • • • • • Identify the goal Consider various strategies Pick a strategy Identify a small, achievable step that the patient and family can support Explore pros and cons of change Anticipate barriers; identify resources Plan rewards/celebrations! Re-evaluate; take the next step Which of the following best describes your awareness of additional resources about topics discussed in this session? I know where to turn for additional information about…. 25% 25% 25% 25% 1. 2. 3. 4. .. natural therapies for depression. .. Patient-centered communication … motivational interviewing All of the above Answer Now 10 Resources • Kemper KJ, Shannon S. Complementary and alternative medicine therapies to promote healthy moods. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2007 Dec;54(6):901-26 • Wissow LS, Gadomski A, Roter D, et al. Improving child and parent mental health in primary care: a clusterrandomized trial of communication skills training. Pediatrics. 2008 Feb;121(2):266-75 • Society for Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics • Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics: A Handbook for Primary Care (Parker, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics) (Paperback) Parker, Zuckerman, Augustyn • Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People to Change by Miller and Roznik Which of the following best describes your awareness of additional resources about topics discussed in this session? I know where to turn for additional information about…. 25% 25% 25% 25% 1. 2. 3. 4. .. natural therapies for depression. .. Patient-centered communication … motivational interviewing All of the above Answer Now 10