AP® United States Government and Politics - ACS E

AP® United States Government and Politics Course Syllabus
Instructor: Allie Hustead Room: 2304
Email: ahustead@acsamman.edu.jo
Course Description
From the AP Web Site: AP® United States Government and Politics is an intensive study of the formal and informal
structures of government and the processes of the American political system, with an emphasis on policy-making and
implementation. This course includes both the study of general concepts used to interpret U.S. government and
politics and the analysis of specific examples. It also requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs,
and ideas that constitute U.S. government and politics. Students will become acquainted with the variety of theoretical
perspectives and explanations for various behaviors and outcomes in government and politics. The concepts and
specific topics examined in this course are those that may appear on the AP exam.
This Course and the AP Exam
The AP United States Government and Politics exam is given each May. All students enrolled in this course are
required to take the exam. While this course focuses on issues and concepts most likely to be seen on the AP exam,
the class is not a test-prep course per se. In other words, while much of the in-class work and at-home assignments
coalesce with the exam, it is incumbent upon the student to take the work seriously and place the matter of full test
preparation more in her or his hands. Both the teacher and the student bear significant responsibility in this.
Format of AP Exam: The total test is 2 hours and 25 minutes.
Section I: 60 multiple choice questions~ 45 minutes
Counts 50% of your total score
Section II: 4 essay topics~ 100 minutes (25 minutes per essay)
You have no choice about which four essays you will respond to
Counts 50% of your total score
The Text
Wilson, James Q. and John J. DiIulio, Jr. American Government, 8th ed. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 2001. (There will
be a class set of this version)
Supplemental Text:
This will be provided by the teacher on unit to unit bases with required readings due at certain times during the unit.
You will need to complete these reading to not only be an intricate part of class discussion but for random reading
Supply List
Notebook to keep notes, handouts, maps, charts, current events, etc
colored pencils
Copy of the US Constitution ( one that you can write ongoing notes on for class)
IDs: Vocabulary associated with American government and politics will be emphasized throughout the course.
Students will be responsible through various assignments for incorporating and highlighting important vocabulary
terms and applying them to real-world contexts. All students will have a set list for each unit, the list is not limited
if you come across a term you are unfamiliar with it is to your benefit to add it to the list. (If you want to create
these in flashcard for that is ok as well.
In-class discussions: Students will participate and contribute substantively to discussions carried out in class.
Fundamentals of American government and politics and important and controversial issues will be among the
discussion topics. If you are hesitant to speak up during class then you need to either break out or reconsider this
class, discussions are an intricate part of the process.
Current events: Students will be required to keep up with daily news and keep a journal of current events
where they will write once a week and students will be randomly selected during a week to present their summary
in front of the class. These will be taken up once a week.
Political data, graph, and cartoon analysis: A fundamental skill required in this course is the ability to read
and interpret various charts, graphs, and data relevant to the political system and process. Understanding and
interpreting political cartoons is also important. Both of these skills will be developed and exercised throughout
the course.
Short essays: Students will be required to write short (1- to 2-page) pieces analyzing relevant concepts, issues,
and events. Some will be done in class, others as outside work.
Projects/simulations: Students will have the opportunity to engage in research projects, presentations, debates,
and simulations on various topics related to the course. Some projects will be individual while others will involve
significant group collaboration.
Research project and presentations: Once the AP exam has concluded, students will work in pairs to research
a timely topic or issue relevant to the course and create and deliver a presentation to the class. This is the
culminating course project and will be worth 25% of their 9 weeks grade.
End-of-unit exams: Each unit concludes with an exam that comprises of 50 multiple choice with 38 minutes to
take and then 2 free response questions for 45 minutes. All questions are modeled on those asked on the AP exam.
You will have a lot of formative assessments in which I will provide feedback on your thinking.
Summative assessments will include Unit Test, Vocabulary Quizzes, Projects
Student Responsibilities and Expectations
The work done in this course is college-level and it is expected that all students will treat it as such. A significant
amount of coursework shall be done outside the classroom walls. Students are expected to participate fully, both in
class and out, and to work diligently to get the most out of the course.
The following are the basic expectations and responsibilities for all students:
and discussion that cannot be done otherwise.
responsible with keeping up with the course on days of absence and must work diligently to not fall behind.
the instructor.
prepared for substantive discussions.
Student work shall be done in conjunction with the notion that it benefits the whole. Much of what we do in
this class is collaborative and will be shared. Consider what you do to be an integral component of your
classmates’ education in addition to your own.
Students will spend ample time outside of class preparing for the AP United States Government and Politics
exam. This is done in supplementation to all coursework completed both in and out of class and will
invariably help in understanding what we’re doing in class.
Coursework and Requirements
As stated above, all coursework for AP United States Government and Politics is college-level. Below are descriptions
of the overall coursework students can expect to engage in:
Textbook readings: Students will be assigned textbook chapters in conjunction with the course units of
study. Often, students will be expected to complete an accompanying assignment.
Academic Integrity : Students are expected to abide by ethical standards in preparing and presenting material
which demonstrates their level of understanding and which is used to determine success in this course. Such
standards are founded on the basic concepts of honesty and integrity
A Note on Critical Thinking about Government:
Society often regards critical thinking as the highest form of cognition. Critical thinking is a process where people
evaluate arguments using evidence. When studying government, critical thinking is very important. Whether
politicians are liberal, conservative, or somewhere in between, they will often make value statements that require our
evaluation. The development of critical thinking is a core skill for evaluating government and beyond.
This year you will be challenged to define your political beliefs and perspectives on issues. It will be your job to not
only “memorize the facts” (of course, facts are important), but instead determine how facts influence your beliefs
while examining the underlying meaning to those facts. Everyone’s political beliefs are influenced by his or her
family, friends, peers, media, teachers, economic condition, and racial, religious, and cultural background. No person
or ideology is better than another; they are just different ways of viewing the world. Keeping that in mind, this class
will continually debate our nation’s goals and evaluate the choices that have been made. The class requires that you
define and challenge your own beliefs as well as the beliefs and biases/perspectives of politicians, government
officials, the media, and those around you.
I. Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government. . . . . . . . . . . . .5–15%
A. Considerations that influenced the formulation and adoption of the Constitution
B. Separation of powers
C. Checks and balances
D. Federalism
E. Theories of democratic government
I. Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government
The study of modern politics in the United States requires students to examine the kind of government established by
the Constitution, paying particular attention to federalism, the separation of powers, and checks and balances.
Understanding these developments involves both knowledge of the historical situation at the time of the Constitutional
Convention and an awareness of the ideological and philosophical traditions on which the framers drew. Such
understanding addresses specific concerns of the framers: for example, why did Madison fear factions? What were the
reasons for the swift adoption of the Bill of Rights? Familiarity with the United States Supreme Court’s interpretation
of key provisions of the Constitution will aid student understanding of theoretical and practical united States
Government and Politicsfeatures of federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances. Students should be
familiar with a variety of theoretical perspectives relating to the Constitution, such as democratic theory, theories of
republican government, pluralism, and elitism
II. Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10–20%
A. Political parties and elections
1. Functions
2. Organization
3. Development
4. Effects on the political process
5. Electoral laws and system
B. Interest groups, including political action committees (PACs)
1. The range of interests represented
2. The activities of interest groups
3.The effects of interest groups on the political process
4.The unique characteristics and roles of PACs in the political process
C. The mass media
1. The functions and structures of the news media
2.The impacts of the news media on politics
3.The news media industry and its consequences
II.Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media
Students should understand the mechanisms that allow citizens to organize and communicate their interests and
concerns. Among these are political parties, elections, political action committees (PACs), interest groups, and the
mass media. Students should examine the significance of the historical evolution of the USparty system, the functions
and structures of political parties, and the effects they have on the political process. Examination of issues of party
reform and of campaign strategies and financing in the electronic age provides students with important perspectives. A
study of elections, election laws, and election systems on the national and state levels will help students understand the
nature of both party and individual voting behavior. Treatment of the development and the role of PACs in elections
and the ideological and demographic differences between the two major parties, as well as third parties, forms an
important segment of this material. Students must also consider the political roles played by a variety of lobbying and
interest groups. Important features of this section of the course include an explanation for why some interests are
represented by organized groups while others are not, and the consequences of this difference in representation.
Students study what interest groups do, how they do it, and how this affects both the political process and public
policy. Why are certain segments of the population able to exert pressure on political institutions and actors in order to
obtain favorable policies?The media are a major force in USpolitics. Students are expected to understand the role of
the media in the political system. In addition, the impact of the media on public opinion, voter perceptions, campaign
strategies, electoral outcomes, agenda development, and the images of officials and candidates should be explored and
understood by students. Understanding the often symbiotic and frequently conflictual relationship among candidates,
elected officials, and the media is also important. Students should be aware of the goals and incentives of the media as
an industry and how those goals influence the nature of news coverage. They should also understand the consequences
of the increasing concentration of major media outlets in fewer hands, as well as the growing role of the Internet.
III.Political Beliefs and Behaviors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10–20%
A. Beliefs that citizens hold about their government and its leaders
B. Processes by which citizens learn about politics
C. The nature, sources, and consequences of public opinion
D. The ways in which citizens vote and otherwise participate in political life
E. Factors that influence citizens to differ from one another in terms of political beliefs and behaviors
Political Beliefs and Behaviors
Individual citizens hold a variety of beliefs about their government, its leaders, and the USpolitical system in general;
taken together, these beliefs form the foundation of USpolitical culture. It is important for students to understand how
these beliefs are formed, how they evolve, and the processes by which they are transmitted. Students should know
why UScitizens hold certain beliefs about politics, and how families, schools, and the media act to perpetuate or
change these beliefs. Understanding the ways in which political culture affects and informs political participation is
also critical. For example, students should know that individuals often engage in multiple forms of political
participation, including voting, protest, and mass movements. Students should understand why individuals engage in
various forms of political participation and how that participation may affect the political system. Finally, it is
essential that students understand what leads citizens to differ from one another in their political beliefs and behaviors
and the political consequences of these differences. To understand these differences, students should focus on the
demographic features of the American population and the different views that people hold of the political process.
They should be aware of group differences in political beliefs and behavior. Students should also understand how
changes in political participation affect the political system
IV.Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–15%
A. The development of civil liberties and civil rights by judicial interpretation
B. Knowledge of substantive rights and liberties
C. The impact of the Fourteenth Amendment on the constitutional development of rights and liberties
IV. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
An understanding of United States politics includes the study of the development of individual rights and liberties and
their impact on citizens. Basic to this study is an analysis of the workings of the United States Supreme Court and
familiarity with its most significant decisions. Students should examine judicial interpretations of various civil rights
and liberties such as freedom of speech, assembly, and expression; the rights of the accused; and the rights of minority
groups and women. For example, students should understand the legal, social, and political evolution following the
Supreme Court’s decisions regarding racial segregation. Students should also be aware of how the Fourteenth
Amendment and the doctrine of selective incorporation have been used to extend protection of rights and liberties.
Finally, it is important that students be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of Supreme Court decisions as
tools of social change.
V. Institutions of National Government: The Congress, the Presidency, the
Bureaucracy, and the Federal Courts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35–45%
A. The major formal and informal institutional arrangements of power
B. Relationships among these four institutions and varying balances of power
C. Linkages between institutions and the following:
1. Public opinion and voters
2. Interest groups
3. parties
4.The media
5. State and local governments
Institutions of national Government
Students must become familiar with the organization and powers, both formal and informal, of the major political
institutions in the United States : the Congress, the presidency, the bureaucracy, and the federal courts. Students
should understand that these are separate institutions sharing powers and the implications of that arrangement. The
functions these institutions perform and do not perform, as well as the powers that they do and do not possess, are
important. It is necessary for students to understand that power balances and relationships between these institutions
may evolve gradually or change dramatically as a result of crises. Students are also expected to understand ties
between the various branches of national government and political parties, interest groups, the media, and state and
local governments. For example, a study of the conflicting interests and powers of the president and Congress may
help explain repeated struggles to adopt a national budget
VI.Public Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–15%
A. Policymaking in a federal system
B. The formation of policy agendas
C. The role of institutions in the enactment of policy
D. The role of the bureaucracy and the courts in policy implementation and interpretation
E. Linkages between policy processes and the following:
1. Political institutions and federalism
2. Political parties
3. Interest groups
4. Public opinion
5. Elections
6. Policy networks
VI.Public Policy
Public policy is the result of interactions and dynamics among actors, interests, institutions, and processes. The
formation of policy agendas, the enactment of public policies by Congress and the president, and the implementation
and interpretation of policies by the bureaucracy and the courts are all stages in the policy process with which students
should be familiar. Students should also investigate policy networks and issue networks in the domestic and foreign
policy areas. The study of these will give students a clear understanding of the impact of federalism, interest groups,
parties, and elections on policy processes and policymaking in the federal context. Students should be familiar with
major public policies