o - Barrington 220

Name: ___________________
HW: Power & polarity through the Ages
Age of Empires
The goal of this assignment is two-fold:
It is meant to refresh your knowledge (from Global Studies) of the major events and eras that have shaped
the modern issues we will be discussed in 21st Century Issues.
It is meant as an application to demonstrate your knowledge of power types and polarities. Specifically
you will be required to explain how dominant societies have used the different types of power throughout
history to gain an advantage over their rivals.
Read the summaries of each era and then answer the questions for that particular era. When
answering questions, pay particular attention to:
Who is powerful during that era?
What makes the country, nation or empire powerful? Specifically, use the different types of power as
evidence to justify your opinion.)
What polarity was the world in during each era?
The “Age of Empires”
The overview claims that the world was “polycentric” during the era. Define polycentric and then, label
the diagram below to illustrate the polycentric world at this time.
Define polycentric:
Using the power type list below, pull specific examples from the reading that demonstrate each power
type and briefly explain how the example relates to that type of power, in order to answer the following
What types of power was Europe lacking during this era? What types of power did Europe have?
Power Types that Europe was Lacking
Physical Power
Cultural Power
Geographic Power
Resource Power
Economic Power
Population Power
Technological Power
Diplomatic Power
Perceived Power
Power Types that Europe Had
Physical Power
Cultural Power
Geographic Power
Resource Power
Economic Power
Population Power
Technological Power
Diplomatic Power
Perceived Power
Using the power type list below, pull specific examples from the reading that demonstrate each power
type and briefly explain how the example relates to that type of power, in order to answer the following
What types of power was the Middle East lacking during this era? What types of power did the Middle
East have?
Power Types that the Middle East was Lacking
Physical Power
Cultural Power
Geographic Power
Resource Power
Economic Power
Population Power
Technological Power
Diplomatic Power
Perceived Power
Power Types that the Middle East Had
Physical Power
Cultural Power
Geographic Power
Resource Power
Economic Power
Population Power
Technological Power
Diplomatic Power
Perceived Power
Using the power type list below, pull specific examples from the reading that demonstrate each power
type and briefly explain how the example relates to that type of power, in order to answer the following
What types of power was Asia lacking during this era? What types of power did Asia have?
Power Types that Asia was Lacking
Physical Power
Cultural Power
Geographic Power
Resource Power
Economic Power
Population Power
Technological Power
Diplomatic Power
Perceived Power
Power Types that Asia Had
Physical Power
Cultural Power
Geographic Power
Resource Power
Economic Power
Population Power
Technological Power
Diplomatic Power
Perceived Power
Using the power type list below, pull specific examples from the reading that demonstrate each power
type and briefly explain how the example relates to that type of power, in order to answer the following
What types of power was Africa lacking during this era? What types of power did Africa have?
Power Types that Africa was Lacking
Physical Power
Cultural Power
Geographic Power
Resource Power
Economic Power
Population Power
Technological Power
Diplomatic Power
Perceived Power
Power Types that Africa Had
Physical Power
Cultural Power
Geographic Power
Resource Power
Economic Power
Population Power
Technological Power
Diplomatic Power
Perceived Power
Though the overview claims that the world was polycentric, which area of the world do you believe had
the most power? Using power types and specific examples, explain why?
For this question you will write a brief, but detailed, analogy comparing the Age of
Empires to a subdivision. When writing this you should first think of all of the
characteristics (i.e. power types) that make up the different regions of the world. You
should touch on as many of the power types (both advantages and disadvantages) that
you can. Then think to yourself how you can use symbolism to
that in a subdivision.
For example, one student explained that China would have a large piece of property
with an extremely high, cement, fence (which represents that large country and the
Great Wall of China).
Question: How is the Age of Empires like a new subdivision/housing development?
In the box below, write a 2-5 sentence overview/summary of the Rise of Europe that highlights the
important information that you (personally) need to remember about this time period.
The purpose of this question is to allow you to create a summary that will help you study for the test in
the future!