Template of manuscript Title of the Manuscript (Title of your work should be very concise and meaningful because titles of the manuscripts are often used to search the required contents by the users so avoid using formulas, abbreviations and jargons where possible. Font should be Times New Roman 12pt) Author 1 Author 2 E-mail Address E-mail Address Affiliation Affiliation Abstract Your research should be accompanied by an abstract which should not exceed 300 words. This abstract should entail the purpose of the study, methodology employed and findings of the study. The font should be Times New Roman, 12pt with single space. Key Words: Right after the abstract, write down a maximum of 5 keywords Introduction Authors should adopt the following rules for the text to be written in their manuscript(s). Page size A4 with margins set to: Top: 3.0 cm Bottom: 3.0 cm Orientation: Portrait (never use landscape) Left: 3.0 cm Right: 3.0 cm The length of the whole paper should be no longer than 10 pages including figures, charts, tables, appendix as well as references. The preferred formats are MS Word (any version, .doc is preferred; if .docx is submitted and fails to translate satisfactorily, it will be referred back to authors for translation) for Windows or Macintosh, or Rich Text Format. Please refer to APA styles for citation and references. All submissions should be made electronically to nkuht2151@live.nkuht.edu.tw. Heading 1: use this style for level one headings Paragraph: use this for the first paragraph in a section, or to continue after an extract. New paragraph: use this style when you need to begin a new paragraph. Display quotations of over 40 words, or as needed. For bulleted lists (1) For numbered lists Displayed equation Heading 2: use this style for level two heading Heading 3: use this style for level three headings Table 1. Type your title here. () Figure 1. Type your title here. Obtain permission and include the acknowledgement required by the copyright holder if a figure is being reproduced from another source. Conclusion and Discussion Reference List In your reference list (first level heading, 'References') please use APA 6th edition style. This prescribes alphabetical order by first author. Use Times New Roman 12 point, distribute-all-lines, hanging indent 0.5cm, no blank lines. The following provides examples of referencing for the main kinds of publications. Books Iso-Ahola, S.E.(1980). The social psychology of leisure and recreation. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown Publishers Chapters in book Iso-Ahola, S.E.(1989). Motivation for leisure. In E.L. Jackson & T.L.Burton (Eds.), Understanding leisure and recreation: Mapping the past, charting the future (pp.247-279). State College, PA: Venture Publishing. Journals Shank, J. (2000). An exploration of leisure in the lives of dual career women. Journal of Leisure Research, 18﹙4﹚,300-319. O'leary,J., Behrens-Tepper, J., McGuire, F. & Dottavio, F.D. (1987). Age of first hunting experience: Results from a nationside recreation survey. Leisure Sciences, 9 (4),225-233. Unpublished Thesis/Dissertation Freysinger, V.J. (1988). The experience of leisure in middle adulthood: Gender differences and change since young adulthood(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. The Production Editor may apply some minor variations to APA to facilitate screen reading of the online version. Wherever possible, insert URLs for references. This is an important service to readers, and gives search engines the most reliable way to increment citation counts. However, use publisher URLs or DOIs (if available); do not use URLs from third party database services such as ProQuest. Date of viewing may be omitted for journal and proceedings URLs considered to be of high reliability.