Human Body Structure Unit Plan

Understanding By Design NCHS Unit Plan 2015-2016
Essentials of Healthcare: Human Body Structure and Organization
Stage 1 - Desired Results
Content Standards:
Classify the basic structural and functional organization of the human body and identify body planes,
cavities, regions, directional terms, tissues, organs and parts of the cell.
2.1 Define anatomy, physiology, homeostasis, metabolism and cellular respiration.
2.2 Identify body planes, cavities, abdominal regions and directional terms. (These will be utilized later in
the various anatomy systems).
2.3 Describe and demonstrate anatomical position utilizing directional terms.
2.4 Classify the basic structural and functional organization of the human body beginning at the cellular level
to also include tissues, organs and systems.
2.5 Identify the structural components of a cell, and describe the function and relationship of each
2.6 Explain the process of mitosis and meiosis.
2.7 Identify the major types of tissue, and provide examples of each type.
2.8 Demonstrate recognition of subjective and objective observations. Document signs and symptoms in the
simulated electronic medical record.
Common Core Georgia Performance Standards
ELACC11-12RST9: Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experiments, simulations) into
a coherent understanding of a process, phenomenon, or concept, resolving conflicting information when
ELACC11-12RST7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and
media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
Students will understand that…
Essential Question(s):
The organization structure of the human body.
What is the structure and organization of the
human body?
Students will know…
Students will be able to do…
The major types of tissues found in the human body,
Demonstrate recognition of subjective and
objective observations.
Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
Other Evidence:
Written Test
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve the desired
What specifically stated instructional best practices will be utilized in the learning process?
No textbook is available for use with this course. Students will utilize notes from power point presentation
and handouts.
Unit should take approximately 4-5 days to complete
Day #1 – Definitions and unpacking the standards.
Day #2 – How does the body maintain homeostasis?
Day #3 – Directional and regional terms
(Handouts on regional terms and body cavities)
Day #4 – What is cellular respiration and metabolism?
Day #5 – Unit test
Students will use “Teamwork” to answer questions in class
Students will be given extra time on tests and assignments when needed
Students will have test read to them when required