ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Chapter 1 Test Review 9-15-14, Turn in completed before the test for 5 bonus points on your test!! Be sure to have looked over the 3 parts to Ch 1 ppt on my school website. Main Objectives on Test: Overview of Anatomy and Physiology - (Definitions: Anatomy, physiology, Gross Anatomy and the relationship between anatomy and physiology) Levels of Structural Organization - (Be able to give examples within a body system) See video on my website Body Systems (See body systems chart)-Know the functions and main organs of the eleven body systems Necessary Life Functions (see ppt part 2) – Be able to list, define and explain Survival Needs (ppt part 2)- Be able to list, define and explain Homeostasis (see homeostasis review questions from edmodo site) – Define, homeostatic control mechanisms: compare negative and positive feedback systems. Directional Terms and Regional Terms (see part 3 ppt, Anatomical locations/directions activity from edmodo site)- Be able to describe organs in the body using directional terms, identify the regional terms and the four main points of the anatomical position Body Cavities and Body Planes/Sections (ppt part 3)- Define and describe where they are located and organs that lie in or on them. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______ Review I.Provide the correct term pertaining to the necessary life functions of organisms next to the description. 1. 2. 3. Keeps the body’s internal environment distinct and separate from the external environment_______________ Provides new cells for growth and repair (increasing cell size and number) ______________________________________ Chemical reactions within the body; producing energy. Also occurs when constructive activities occur at a faster rate than destructive activities__________________________ 4. A sandwich that you have just eaten is broken down to its chemical blocks_________________________________ 5. Elimination of carbon dioxide by the lungs and nitrogenous wastes by the kidneys___________________________ 6. 7. 8. 9. Ability to react to stimuli. A major role of the nervous system____________________________________ Walking and passage of glucose through a cell membrane____________________________________ All chemical reactions occurring in the body_________________________________ At the cellular level, membranes; for the whole organism, the skin_________________________ II.Correctly identify the survival needs that correspond to the following descriptions. 10. Includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats and minerals__________________________________ 11. Essentials for normal operation of the respiratory system and breathing_______________________ 12. Single substance accounting for over 60% of body weight___________________________________ 13. Required for the release of energy from food stuffs________________________________________ 14. Provides the basis for body fluids of all types_________________________________________________ 15. When too high or too low, physiological activities cease...primarily because molecules are destroyed or become nonfunctional _______________________________________________________ III. ANATOMICAL POSITION 1. List the 4 important points of the anatomical position: IV. REGIONAL TERMS Please identify the region for the body part listed. Please also describe the terms ANTERIOR and POSTERIOR: ANTERIOR:_______________________________________ _____ Eye__________________________________________________ Armpit_______________________________________________ Thigh________________________________________________ Genitals______________________________________________ Chest________________________________________________ Groin________________________________________________ Neck________________________________________________ Below the ribs________________________________________ Ankle_______________________________________________ Hip_________________________________________________ Wrist_______________________________________________ Navel_______________________________________________ Breastbone__________________________________________ Point of the shoulder__________________________________ Front of the elbow____________________________________ POSTERIOR:______________________________________ Thigh___________________________________________ Back of the knee__________________________________ Spine___________________________________________ Back of the head__________________________________ Head___________________________________________ Calf_____________________________________________ Buttock_________________________________________ Shoulder blade___________________________________ Curve of the shoulder______________________________ Back of the elbow_________________________________ Heel of the foot___________________________________ Area between the hips_____________________________ V. DIRECTIONAL TERMS: Fill in the following blanks with the appropriate directional terms. The ears are ______________________________________to the shoulders. The ears are _________________________________________ to the nose. The heart is _________________________________________ to the spine. The heart is _________________________________________ to the lungs. The elbow is ________________________________________ to the fingers. The elbow is ________________________________________ to the shoulder. The neck is ________________________________________ to the chin. The kidneys are ____________________________________ to the liver. The nose is ________________________________________ to the cheekbones. The chest is _______________________________________ to the abdomen. The skin is _________________________________________ to the skeletal muscles. The knee is ________________________________________ to the toes. The brain is _________________________________________ to the spinal cord. The lungs are _______________________________________ to the stomach. The thumb is _______________________________________ to the fingers. VI. BODY PLANES Identify the following body planes. Please use all terms associated with each plane in your answer. 1. 2. 3. A cut made along a lengthwise plane, dividing the body (or organ) into front and back sides A cut made along the horizontal plane, dividing the body (or organ) into top and bottom parts A cut made along the lengthwise (longitudinal) plane, dividing the body into right and left sides . VII. Identify the appropriate body planes Incision cutting the heart into right and left parts:_______________________________________ Incision cutting the kidney into anterior and posterior parts: _____________________________ Incision cutting the lung into top and bottom parts:_____________________________________ What body surfaces are the following body parts on? (anterior or posterior) Face:_______________________________________________________________ Buttocks:__________________________________________________________ Palms:______________________________________________________________ Shoulder blades:____________________________________________________ Top of the head:____________________________________________________