English III

English III
Mrs. Craft
Room 811
Spring Semester
I have been teaching 18 years.
I am married with four kids.
I love to read.
I am a Christian.
I am from Pembroke, graduated from PSHS, went to PSU for my BA in Eng
ED and then to UNCP for my MA in Eng ED.
I am not here for the money.
I am not perfect, I am not extremely intelligent, I have a short memory, I
have a hard time pronouncing some words, and I can speak very bad
Robeson County grammar.
I do not do drugs, drink alcohol, or smoke (anything).
I am not rich .. So no need to look for reasons to sue me.
I am easy going but smart enough to know if you are playing me.
I have several tattoos – don’t be shocked if you see them. I have a cardinal, a
lion, an eagle, a turtle, two butterflies, two feathers, and lots of flowers.
I have a LOW tolerance for ignorance.
About Me
Classroom Procedures
Do NOT have an attitude in my class.
 All drinks must have a lid.
 Do not abuse bathroom privileges. (You will be given four a semester)
 Do not USE your cell phone in class. (more details forthcoming)
 Do not CHEAT.
 Do not talk while I am talking or during presentations.
 Do not disrespect me by doing any of the following; All of the following are
automatic discipline referrals.
 Using profanity
 Sleeping during class
 Refusing to do your work
 Disrupting class
Do not chew gum, nicotine products, sunflower seeds, etc. NO FOOD of
any kind is allowed in class unless you have a doctor’s note.
 Starting tomorrow all visible cellphones,
headphones, ipods, etc will be collected and
kept until the end of class. If you have an issue
with this rule, please consider switching out
of this class immediately. Cell phones are not
part of the Common Core and therefore they
have absolutely no value in this class.
 I expect all of the following:
 To have a meaningful classroom discussion about a variety
of topics
 You to do your absolute best and to do it without fail. If
you give me mediocre work you will get a mediocre grade
 You to come to class everyday with the intention of
learning something new, practicing, reviewing, and
improving upon our knowledge.
 You must trust my judgment about why we are doing what
it is we are doing
What to expect from this class:
 You will read, write, and present A LOT!!!
 We will NOT watch videos or films that are not related to what we are
 You will get bored, tired, frustrated and confused. BUT you WILL LEARN
something before your leave my class.
 I will make mistakes … I will fix them…
 You will be treated fairly regardless of who you are, who your parents
are, how much money you have or don’t have or if you are purple, green,
or blue.
 You will get the grade you earned. You will not be given busy work.
You will need
2 seventy sheet notebooks, no loose paper, or
2 or 3 rolls of tape
Index cards
Pen or pencils (Neon colored Ink will NOT be
Bathroom Pass
 You will have exactly FOUR bathroom passes this semester. Use
them wisely.
On the front of an index card please write the following neatly:
1) Your Name
2) SIMS number
3) Class Schedule
On the back of the index card write the following neatly:
2) Time
2) Time
2) Time
2) Time
 I will sign each individual card once and place a stamp/sticker of
my preference so that cards can not be duplicated. If you lose
your card you will not be given a replacement.
 Attach your syllabus to the front of your
notebook on the first page.
Write one sentence that you will use to stay motivated
to learn and to be successful in my class. Neatly write
your quote on the back of an index card, you may
include graphics or illustrations. Tape your index card
on the front of your notebook (neatly)!!!!
Story of an Hour
By Kate Chopin
 Essential Question:
 How is the use of irony used in this short story?
 Learning Targets:
 I can find and identify the different types of irony in a
 I can learn and identify the different types of parts of
Starter Jan 22, 2014
 1. the shot heard round the world is a famous
phrase from the poem Concord hymn
 2. the poem it’s about the Battle that marked
the begining of the revolutionary war
 3. with the passage of the stamp act the
British parliament levied many new taxes in
the american Colonies
 4. after he had gave a speach against the
stamp act patrick Henry became a figure in
Virginia Politics
Vocabulary – “The Story of an Hour”
by Kate Chopin
Forestall – act in advance of
Repression – restraint
Elusive – hard to grasp
Tumultuously – agitatedly
Importunities – persistent requests or demands
 Literary Term:
 Irony – a contrast between what is stated and what is
meant, or a contrast between what is expected to
happen and what actually happens.
Journal Response #1
 Think of the word “tragedy” and discuss what this word
means to you. Provide at least three example.
 Imagine an instance in which you or someone you know
receives a piece of news that is very traumatic. Then
imagine that the news turns out not to be true. Describe
your reaction.
Grammar – Parts of Speech
 Starting on page 435 & 438 write down the
definition for the following terms
 Noun
proper noun
 Concrete noun
common noun
 Abstract noun
collective noun
 Singular noun
 Plural noun
 Complete Ex 1 On page 435
Starter Jan 23, 2014
 1. on march 23 1775 Patrick Henry delivered his
speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses
 2. the house of Burgesses had met to deside
how to respond to the british
 3. persuasion, a form of speaking or wrighting
that aims to move an audience to action
 4. Patrick Henrys speach was a defense of his
Proposal to take up arms against Britian
Starter Jan 26
 1. thomas Paine one of are nations most persuasive
writters lived inEngland for the first thirty seven years’
of his life
 2. in january of 1776 Paine published a pamphlet titled
Common Sense
 3. Thomas Paines pamphlet Common Sense denounced
King Geo. III
 4. he also wrote a series’ of 16 pamphlets during the
revolutionary war in which he urged citizens to keep up
the fight
Grammar Jan 26th
 Number your paper 1 – 20 (On page 436 complete
Exercise 2 )
 On an index card complete exercise 4 on page 436
In what ways were women limited in 19th
century America?
 Women living in the United States
in the 19th century, or the 1800s,
had few rights. Women were not
allowed to vote. Very few women
went to college. Education was
considered only important for men.
Women were expected to marry a
man and bear his children. If
women worked, they had to give
their wages to a man. Women
could not get divorced, even if
their husbands abused them.
However, many women worked
very hard to gain equal rights. By
the late 1800s, women had formed
a movement to gain the right to
vote. In 1920, women in the United
States were allowed to vote for the
first time.
 Journal Response #2
 In today’s society women
are more equal to men
than they have been in
the past. What other
rights do you think
women should have that
are not allowed today or
what rights do they have
that you feel should be
taken away.
 Review: Please fill in the blank with the
correct vocabulary word.
 Forestall, repression, elusive,
tumultuously, importunities
 1. The first time she asked me to build her
a new shed I refused; however, after her
repeated requests her
____________caused me to change my
 2. The robber’s behavior made him an
_________ criminal to understand.
 3. Definitely better to try to
_______having to go back to court.
 4. The rowdy children played __________
in the gym.
 5. It was all she could do to maintain her
_______ while the lady cursed at her.
Jan 26 th
 Write
down the
words and
on page
Examples of Irony
Why is it ironic?
of irony
from the
song and
why they
are ironic.
Study Guide Questions
What health issue did Mrs. Mallard have?
Who first heard the news about Mrs. Mallard’s husband?
Who told Mrs. Mallard the news?
Why did Richards hurry to Mrs. Mallard’s home?
What did Mrs. Mallard do when she first heard about her husband?
What did she do in her room?
What was Mrs. Mallard’s “clear knowledge”?
Did Mrs. Mallard love her husband?
What tw0 things did Mrs. Mallard pray for, only days apart?
Who unlocked the door at the end of the story?
How was it that he was alive?
Discussion Questions- Choose one and answer it completely
on an index card.
 1. How were Mrs. Mallard and her reaction to the
news different from most wives?
 2. Before hearing the news about her husband, Mrs.
Mallard had thought life might be too long. Why
would she think that?
 3. What do you think Kate Chopin thought about
marriage? Explain your answer.
 4. Describe several life – changing events that occur
in an hour or describe one life-changing event that
has occurred in an hour of your life.
“A Rose For Emily” by William
 Essential Question:
 How does death
affects society’s
perceptions of
 Learning Targets:
 Student will draw
conclusions about
characters through
analyzing the text.
 Students will be able
to relate to character
perspectives through
writing an epitaph.
Starter Jan 27th
 1. Phillis Wheatley, published her 1st poem when she
was bearly thirteen
 2. alot of people including George Washington praised
Wheatleys work
 3. in philadelphia during the American revolution
Congress choose Thomas Jefferson to help draft the
Declaration of Independence
 4. Jefferson a brillaint man later became the 3rd
person to serve as president of the United States
 Vocabulary Review
 1. The island at sunset was a
_________ place.
 2. Her language was formal and
 3. Because he had not job and no
savings he became a _________.
 4. Thick, __________ smoke
irritated our eyes.
 5. Follow the rules; don’t try to
____________ them.
 6. The __________tone of their
remarks showed their hatred.
 7. No one believed us, but we
were _____ by the facts.
 8. Since the bank made an error,
it __________ the fee.
 9. Our grandparents thought
anything out of the ordinary was
 10. Pinned by a fallen rock, the
climber was ____________ from
the cave.
Jan 27th
 Journal Entry # 3
 Do you think the way
people are perceived
changes after they die? If
so please explain why?
Starter Jan 28th
 1. did you no that 4 other writers worked with Jefferson
on the Declaration of Independence asked Ms Harden
 2. in his autobiography Jefferson shows the deletions and
insertions congress made to this famous Document she
 3. the advise in Jefferson’s letter to his daughter remind’s
me of Benjamin Franklin’s self improvement program
 4. jefferson exhorts his daughter to develope the habit’s
of industry and activity
Grammar Jan 28th
 Complete Ex#5 on page
 Complete Exercise #8 on
page 438
Vocabulary Review
 Complete the vocabulary
activity on page 656
Jan 29th Starter
 1. if you would of looked in a referrence book then you
would know that Herman Melville published the novel
Moby-Dick in 1851.
 2. we dont read storys like that no more
 3. the workplace environment for many immigrants in
New York city during the nineteenth century would of
been grim
 4. do you concider yourself more of a practicle person
then a dreamer Sharon asked
Grammar Jan 29th
 Complete Ex#10 on page
 And Exercise 13 on page
 1.Do you give a direct or indirect answer when you
circumvent a question?
 Explanation:
 2. If a person had an acrid attitude toward life, would you
enjoy talking to that person?
 Explanation:
 3. If your taxes were remitted, would you be richer or
 Explanation:
 4. If someone is perverse, would you be pleased or
 Explanation:
 5. If you were in an inextricable situation, how would you
 Explanation:
“A Rose for Emily”
 Study Guide
 1. Why do the men and women attend
Emily’s funeral?
 2. Describe Emily’s house.
 3. Describe Emily.
 4. Why did the deputy go to Emily’s
house, what was the result of his visit?
 Act II
 1. What had happened to Emily’s
 2. Why were the neighbors complaining
about her house, how did they resolve
the problem?
 3. Why did the people in the town not
particularly like Emily?
 4. What happened to her father? What
did she refuse to do?
Study Guide
1. Who is Homer Barron?
2. What did Miss. Emily get from the
3. Why doesn’t Emily answer the
pharmacist’s question?
1. What was happening that made
the neighbors watch Emily so
2. Why did they want her cousins to
come visit her, why were they glad
when they left?
3. What do they believe has
happened to Homer?
4. When did Emily’s doors close for
5. How did she die?
Jan 30th Starter
 1. one characteristic of the American Romantic heroe
is a sense of honer based on some higher principal
 2. do you think Indiana Jones exploits are to
 3. some of washington Irvings storys were based on
german folk lore
 4. i think that if all family member’s did there share of
the household work there would be more domestic
 Complete handout for a grade (review on nouns)
 Answer the following questions, using context clues to
show that you understand the meaning of the italicized
Vocabulary words. Then, explain your answer.
 1. Would a pauper need money for food or other necessary
 Explanation:
 2. Would most people consider a tranquil environment
helpful for studying?
 Explanation:
 3. If a debater’s position is vindicated, has she or he lost the
 Explanation:
 4. Do virulent statements impress you with their
compassion and kindness?
 Explanation:
 5. Are archaic ideas new and fresh?
 Explanation:
“A Rose for Emily”
Study Guide
1. Who is Homer Barron?
2. What did Miss. Emily get from
the pharmacist?
3. Why doesn’t Emily answer the
pharmacist’s question?
1. What was happening that
made the neighbors watch Emily
so closely?
2. Why did they want her cousins
to come visit her, why were they
glad when they left?
3. What do they believe has
happened to Homer?
4. When did Emily’s doors close
for good?
5. How did she die?
 Study Guide
 Act V
 What happened to Emily’s
 How long has it been
since the room had been
 List five things they see
upon entering the room.
 Who was lying in the bed?
 What does the strand of
hair imply?
 “Read, read, read. Read everything -trash, classics, good and bad, and see
how they do it. Just like a carpenter
Read pages 643-644
who works as an apprentice and
Where was he born and raised?
studies the master. Read! You'll absorb
it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find
List three books that he wrote.
out. If it's not, throw it out of the
What does he say about the
― William Faulkner
Who is William Faulkner?
 What happened to Faulkner’s
great grandfather?
 What was The Sound and the
Fury about?
 What was As I Lay Dying about?
 What does Faulkner force his
readers to do?
 What award was he given and
 In Faulkner’s opinion what are
the qualities of a good book?
 Epitaph: an inscription
on or at a tomb or a
grave in memory of
the one buried there