Leadership and Diversity - American Counseling Association

Leadership and Diversity:
Opportunities and
ACES Emerging Leaders Workshop
October 14, 2009
Dr. Don Locke & Dr. Pam Paisley
Brief introductions
Overview of concepts, associations, & opportunities
Break to meet pre-conference participants
Activity: getting to know ourselves, each other, & our
cultural contexts
Getting to know our leaders: current & past leaders of
ACES as well as the regions talk about how they
became involved
Next steps & closure
For today. . .
We are focusing on several concepts of
 Leadership
 Diversity
 Opportunity
 Responsibility
What do these terms mean? And what relevance to
they have for our profession?
Lifting of a person’s vision to higher sights, the
raising of a person’s performance to a higher
standard, and building of a person’s personality
beyond its normal limitations. (Peter Drucker)
Articulating, encouraging, inspiring, representing
the character of the organization, its central
purpose, goals and values. (Martin Trow)
The art of motivating a group of people to act
towards achieving a common goal; the
inspiration or director of the action. (Susan
Leadership takes many forms and based on the
skills we each have to offer.
All of the ways in which people differ, including
innate characteristics (such as age, race, gender,
ethnicity, mental and physical abilities, and
sexual orientation) and acquired characteristics
(such as education, income, religion, work
experience, language skills, geographic location,
and family status).
The variety of characteristics that all persons
possess, that distinguish them as individuals, and that
identify them as belonging to a group or groups.
Diversity is a concept that includes notions of age,
class, culture, disability, ethnicity, family, sex,
language, place of origin, race, religion, and sexual
orientation as well as other characteristics that vary
among people and groups within society.
A favorable juncture of circumstances
A good chance for advancement or progress
Moral, legal, or mental accountability
So how do these come together and what
do they mean for our profession?
As a profession, we are consistently in need of
those who can articulate, represent, encourage,
and inspire the character of the work we do and
the professional organization which supports
that work – leaders.
As a profession, we need everyone “at the
table”, voices representing the full range of our
members and those we serve – diversity.
As a profession, we have wonderful ways of
getting involved and supporting counseling as a
profession – opportunity.
As a profession, we need the support of the
next generation of leaders and we all have an
obligation to give back and provide that
structure and support – responsibility.
All of us have an opportunity and a
responsibility to:
Provide direction, structure, and support for the
profession and association in whatever ways best
match our own gifts or strengths. Take our turn.
Ensure that all voices are at the table. Invite
others to membership, involvement, and
leadership. Think inclusively.
How do we do this?
Become familiar with the associations.
Become aware of opportunities for
Examine our own strengths. Know ourselves.
Know others.
Start small and develop skills.
Develop networks.
Join, attend, get involved, gradually take
leadership, invite others.
A Few First Steps for Today
Become familiar with the association. For our
purposes, we will focus on ACES and SACES.
Getting to know ourselves and others.
Networking with other emerging leaders.
Networking with current and past leaders.
The Association
ACES is one of nineteen divisions of the American Counseling
The American Counseling Association is the umbrella
association for counseling and has as its mission to enhance the
quality of life in society by promoting the development of
professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession,
and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote
respect for human dignity and diversity.
ACA is the world's largest association exclusively representing
the community of counselors in various practice settings. ACA
provides its student members with professional development,
continuing education opportunities, advocacy services, credibility,
and networking opportunities.
What About ACES?
The Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
emphasizes the need for quality education and supervision of counselors in
all work settings.
Through the accreditation process and professional development activities,
ACES strives to continue to improve the education, credentialing and
supervision of counselors.
The association strives to encourage publications on current issues, relevant
research, proven practices, ethical standards and conversations on related
problems. Persons who are engaged in the professional preparation of
counselors will find leadership through ACES.
The ultimate purpose of the Association, in accordance with the purpose of
ACA, is to advance counselor education and supervision in order to improve
the provision of counseling services in all settings of society.
Vision Statement for ACES
ACES will be recognized as a vanguard of change within the
counseling profession. We are guided by our commitment to:
 Advance pedagogy related to the education and training of
counselors, supervisors, and counselor educators
 Affirm and deliver education and supervision related to
counseling in a culturally diverse society
 Promote a unified professional identity for counselors,
supervisors, and counselor educators; and
 Provide and disseminate premier research and scholarship.
ACES Regions
North Atlantic, North Central, Rocky Mountain,
Southern, Western
Dr. Tom Scofield, President
Dr. Deryl Bailey, President-Elect
Dr. David Kleist, Past-President
Dr. Brian Dew, Treasurer
Dr. David Zimpher, Business Advisor
Dr. Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson, Governing
Council Representative
Regional Presidents
Dr. Gail Mears, NAACES
Dr. Delila Owens, NCACES
Dr. David Olquin, RMACES
Dr. Kelly Wester, SACES
Dr. Lori Low, WACES
Regional President-Elects
Dr. Stuart Chen-Hayes, NAACES
Dr. Christopher Roseman, NCACES
Dr. Nicole Hill, RMACES
Dr. Danica Hays, SACES
Dr. Chris Wood, WACES
Graduate Student Representatives
Erin Binkley (current)
Diana Ortiz (designee)
While you may not be ready to run
for office. . .!
Reach out and meet people while you are here at the
Go to the great sessions!
Sit in one of the interest network meetings.
Join an interest network.
With a bit of experience, co-chair or chair an interest
Then with time and experience AND if it matches your
skill set, run for office.
Interest Networks
Community Counseling
Multicultural Counseling
Ethics and Professional Development
School Counseling
International Counseling
Schedule of ancillary meetings
Meet with current ad past leaders
Next steps and closure
Thanks for your time and attention.