
25 – Soft 131 Examination
Mark Dixon, SoCCE
SOFT 131
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Session Aims & Objectives
• Aims
– To introduce help you prepare for the exam
• Objectives,
by end of this week’s sessions, you should:
– know the format of the exam
– have an idea of the type of questions included
– know how to revise
Mark Dixon, SoCCE
SOFT 131
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Exam Format
• Date:
Fri 4 May 2007
• Start Time:
09:30 - 12:30
• Location:
Main Hall
Outside my control - check for changes
Marks per question:
Mark Dixon, SoCCE
SOFT 131
2 (3) hours
All 5
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• What activities are you doing most in an
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SOFT 131
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Sample Question
Q2 Name an example
a) a class
b) a method
c) a procedure
d) a function
e) a property
Class Person
Public height As Double
Public weight As Double
Sub SetData(h, w)
height = h
weight = w
End Sub
Function BMI() As Double
BMI = weight / (height * height)
End Function
Function Kg(stone, pounds) As Double
Kg = ((stone * 14) + pounds) / lbPerKg
End Function
End Class
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• Active vs. Passive learning
I hear – I forget
I see – I remember
I do – I understand
• Surface vs. Deep learning
surface – memorisation (parrot)
deep – understanding (can adapt to new
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SOFT 131
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Revision Technique
• Reading - limited value
– your revision should practice recall
– work together in groups
• set, answer, mark questions
– integrate revision into social life (pub)
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Revision Technique
• Get past papers (available on all uni
– Start menu, Uni software, P, past exam papers)
• Look through for repeating questions, pick a
• Answer question
– RULE: for each part of question write something
down, a cross if it's meaningless
• Mark question
– using all resources (lecture slides, lecturer …)
• Repeat process
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• This years exam is different to past years:
– No VB6, all server-side VBScript
– focus more on classes, procedures,
parameters, functions
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Recall - memorisation
1. read what you want to memorise
2. hide it
3. recall (write down/say) as much as you can
4. compare your answer
5. repeat
• many short (10 minute) sessions
• location - what works for you?
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Sample Question
Q2 Name an example
a) a class
b) a method
c) a procedure
d) a function
e) a property
Class BankAccount
Public Balance As Double
Public Overdraft As Double
Sub SetData(b, o)
Balance = b
Overdraft = o
End Sub
Function AvaiBal() As Double
AvailBal = Balance + Overdraft
End Function
End Class
Function a(x, y) As Boolean
End Function
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Exam Technique 1
• Read the question
• Analyse the question
– identify and highlight key words and phrases
• what …, name …, identify …
• describe …
• Answer the question
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Exam Technique 2
• Answer questions in order that suits you
• Start each question on new page
• If you’re running out of time – write notes
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Sample Question
Q2 Name an example
a) a class
b) a method
c) a procedure
d) a function
e) a property
Mark Dixon, SoCCE
Class SkiSlope
Public name As String
Public altitude As Double
Public difficulty As Double
Sub SetAlt(alt As Double)
altitude = alt
End Sub
End Class
Function feet(alt As Double) As Double
feet = (alt * 39 / 36) * 3
End Function
SOFT 131
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• Name an example of a class
[1 mark]
1 mark
Class SkiSlope
0 marks
0 marks
0 marks
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SOFT 131
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• Write a line of code that declares a variable
that stores a patient's height in memory in
[3 marks]
Dim PatientHeight As Double
3 marks
Dim PatientHeight As String
2 marks
Dim a As Double
2 marks
5 As Double
1 mark
PatientHeight = 2.45
0 marks
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Sample Question
• From the following code, identify an example of:
a) a class
[1 mark]
b) a method
[1 mark]
c) a procedure
[1 mark]
d) an instance
[1 mark]
Class Horse
Public Name As String
Public Sub Eat()
End Sub
End Class
Dim h As New Horse
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Sample Question
• Write server-side VBScript code to define a
function that takes a whole number and returns
twice its value:
[3 marks]
1½ Function Twice(num As Long) As Long
Twice = 2 * num
End Function
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On-line Quiz
• Will be expanded
• Only an aide – real exam is not multi-choice
– previous students have printed and answered
questions on paper
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SOFT 131
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Tutorial Exercises
Learning Objective: Experience good revision
in a relaxed social environment (pub)
Need exam papers, laptop and/or module
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