spanish 1 survey intro letter

Señorita Rizwan
Número de teléfono: (224) 765-2487
Salón: B403, Oficina: A313
Correo electrónico:
Welcome to Spanish 1 Survey!
Spanish 1 Survey is a fun, exciting and challenging introductory course for new language
learners. This class will provide a foundation in listening, reading, writing, and speaking Spanish as
well as expanding knowledge of the cultures of the Hispanic world.
Grading: I do not weight grades, each assignment carries the same weight, but tests, quizzes, and
projects are worth more points.
1. Quizzes, exams, and projects: Quizzes will be given about 2 -3 times per chapter. Exams will be
given at the end of every chapter. Retakes will NOT be given for tests. You will be given one to two
projects per semester.
2. Class participation: Attendance is a critical factor in your success! Your class participation will be
evaluated through a series of assessments both written and speaking two to three times a week.
These assessments will be worth anywhere from 2 to 5 points.
3. Homework: I will assign completion homework and graded homework. Homework will be checked
consistently or collected at the beginning of class.
4. Laboratory activities: You will be required to complete an activity in the Language Lab (A309) once
every other week. You will sign up for a lab time during one of your free periods. Labs can only be
made up late if you have a pass from me. You will only get two passes a semester. These labs will be
worth 10 to 15 points each.
*Each quarter grade will be 40% of your semester grade and the final written exam will be worth
20% of your semester grade.
Grading Scale:
A = 100 - 93%
B+ = 89 – 87%
C+ = 79 – 77%
D+ = 69 – 67%
A- = 92 - 90%
B- = 86 – 83%
C- = 76 – 73%
D- = 66 – 63%
B = 82 – 80 %
C = 72 – 70%
D = 62 – 60 %
E = 59% or less
Classroom responsibilities:
Be respectful and have a positive attitude –
Attitude is everything – have a positive one and wear a smile. Learning a language is a wonderful and
enriching experience that forces each of us to step out of our comfort zone and take risks. Everyone
will make mistakes, it is part of the learning process and it is how we all learn. Learning will occur
most effectively if we all feel comfortable and supported enough to take risks. Mistakes are
permitted, disrespect is not.
Arrive to class on time and ready –
This means being seated with your materials for class ready when the bell rings. You will be
considered tardy if you are not in the classroom when the bell rings. Come to class every day with ALL
the required materials. Passes to lockers for forgotten items will not be given. Loss of participation
points and/or detentions will be given for arriving to class unprepared.
Classroom –
Leave the class as it was, or in better condition, than when you came in. Tidy your desk and the area
around your desk before you leave. Throw out any trash, beverage, or food you bring into the class
and put back all dictionaries and classroom supplies you use during class.
Speak Spanish –
Everyone must speak Spanish in class. The best way to learn a language is through speaking, so most
of our activities will be geared towards conversational practice. A cooperative attitude and willingness
to communicate in Spanish are a must in order to succeed and get the most out of this class.
Cell phones and iPods –
Cell phones must be put away and kept on silent while you are in the classroom. You may use your
cell phone to take down the homework ONLY at the beginning of class. iPods may NOT be used in
class and should be put away before the bell rings. If your cell phone/iPod is audible or in sight, other
than during designated times, you will be required to give it to me immediately and the consequences
laid out in the Student Handbook will be enforced
Email –
If you need to email me, please understand that it may take some time for me respond. Emails sent
after 5pm during the week may not be received until the next day, so if it is urgent make sure to
speak with me or email me sooner.
Infinite Campus –
It is important to check your grade regularly to monitor your progress in class, as well as to check for
any missed assignments. It is your responsibility as a student to keep track of your work and your
grades. Please contact me outside of class if you have any questions or concerns about your grades.
Do your own work –
Copying and cheating will result in a zero on all tests and assignments. Brainstorming with others is
permitted; HOWEVER, editing by tutors, native speakers, online translators, family who speak
Spanish, etc. is prohibited. Use of translators or tutors will results in a dean’s referral for academic
dishonesty, as well as a grade penalty.
Classroom Procedures:
Make up work –
If you know that you are going to be absent ahead of time, make sure to speak with me so that we
can get your missing work together and set up a time for your test or quiz. Check the website for
assignments you may have missed BEFORE you email to ask me. You must show me make up work in
a timely fashion (x + 1) in order to receive full credit.
Website –
I will be using a website called Edmodo in order to list homework and attach assignments. Please go
to, click on Student Sign-Up (it’s free!) and type in 8jdtbr as the group code, then
create a password and enter the rest of your information. You are now part of the Spanish 1 Survey
group! As a member, you can post to the class page, asking other students in class your questions or
even posting questions directed to me. Have your registration done by Monday, August 26th.
Required materials: You must bring them to class by Friday, August 23rd.
Textbook: En Español 1 (blue)
Workbook: En Español 1 Más Práctica Workbook (blue)
One folder or binder with loose-leaf paper
A notebook
OPTIONAL: A Spanish/English dictionary or the cell phone app.
Ms. Rizwan’s free periods: _____________________________
Please sign below as acknowledgement that you and your parent/guardian have read and
understand the guidelines for Spanish class this year.
Student name
Guardian signature
Student signature