Hinduism Review

Hinduism Review
1. Test format – (KU) matching definitions, t/f with corrections, match names of the gods with their
descriptions. (A/MC) describe the connection between pairs of terms (see examples in #4). (A/MC, KU)
choose 2 very short answer questions.
2. Define the terms, either in writing or with a partner:
Brahman, atman, samsara (2 definitions), moksha, dharma, karma, ahimsa
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Trimurtri, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati
Vaishavism, Shaktism, Shaivism
Sruti, Smriti, Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita
Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Karma yoga, Rajah yoga
Student, householder, retirement, wanderer
Asceticism, sadhu/sanyasi, guru
Indus Valley Civilization, Aryans, Sanskrit, Brahmin
Puja, homa, arati, murti, prasad
Samskara, upanayana, shraddha
Diwali, Holi
Discuss these questions with a partner, or complete in writing:
a. Three major male deities are… and their roles are…
b. Three major female deities are… and their roles are…
c. Hinduism can be seen as monotheistic because…
d. Hinduism can be seen as monistic because…
e. There are many forms and names for God in Hinduism because…
f. The difference between the 2 types of Hindu scriptures is…
g. Three samskaras or rites of passage are… and the purpose of each is…
h. Three things needed for puja are… and they are used for…
i. Hindus worship in these 2 places… why might they visit a temple?
j. The difference between Brahman and atman is…
k. The difference between Brahman and Brahma is…
l. The connection between dharma and karma is…
m. The connection between yoga and puja is…
n. Describe the incarnations (or avatars) of Vishnu. How does this tie into the cyclical description
of the world and time?
o. Which deities are popular (Justin Bieber)? Which deities are significant (Beatles and Rolling
What is the connection between…
a. Caste and dharma
b. Sruti and smriti
c. dharma and karma
d. yoga and puja
e. Moksha and samsara
f. Brahman and deities
g. Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva
h. Kali, Durga and Parvati
i. Marriage, caste and stage of life
j. The Bhagavad Gita, Krishna and dharma
Hinduism Review
1. Test format – (KU) matching definitions, t/f with corrections, match names of the gods with their
descriptions. (A/MC) describe the connection between pairs of terms (see examples in #4). (A/MC, KU)
choose 2 very short answer questions.
2. Define the terms, either in writing or with a partner:
Brahman, atman, samsara (2 definitions), moksha, dharma, karma, ahimsa
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Trimurtri, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati
Vaishavism, Shaktism, Shaivism
Sruti, Smriti, Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita
Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Karma yoga, Rajah yoga
Student, householder, retirement, wanderer
Asceticism, sadhu/sanyasi, guru
Indus Valley Civilization, Aryans, Sanskrit, Brahmin
Puja, homa, arati, murti, prasad
Samskara, upanayana, shraddha
Diwali, Holi
Discuss these questions with a partner, or complete in writing:
a. Three major male deities are… and their roles are…
b. Three major female deities are… and their roles are…
c. Hinduism can be seen as monotheistic because…
d. Hinduism can be seen as monistic because…
e. There are many forms and names for God in Hinduism because…
f. The difference between the 2 types of Hindu scriptures is…
g. Three samskaras or rites of passage are… and the purpose of each is…
h. Three things needed for puja are… and they are used for…
i. Hindus worship in these 2 places… why might they visit a temple?
j. The difference between Brahman and atman is…
k. The difference between Brahman and Brahma is…
l. The connection between dharma and karma is…
m. The connection between yoga and puja is…
n. Describe the incarnations (or avatars) of Vishnu. How does this tie into the cyclical description
of the world and time?
o. Which deities are popular (Justin Bieber)? Which deities are significant (Beatles and Rolling
What is the connection between…
a. Caste and dharma
b. Sruti and smriti
c. dharma and karma
d. yoga and puja
e. Moksha and samsara
f. Brahman and deities
g. Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva
h. Kali, Durga and Parvati
i. Marriage, caste and stage of life
j. The Bhagavad Gita, Krishna and dharma