The Tourism Partnership of Niagara Event Application Form Section

The Tourism Partnership of Niagara
Event Application Form
Section G – Marketing Plans
Max 16 points
Target Market - A target market (or target audience) is a group of potential customers/visitors to whom event marketing efforts and strategies are aimed.
Describe the event target market
Target Segments: Target markets may be separated into a variety of Market Segments based upon various aspects including but not limited to: geographybased segmentation (i.e. their location); demographic-socio-economic segmentation (stage in the family life cycle, age, income, occupation, education etc.);
experiential segmentation (desire for similar experience/activities) and psychographic segmentation (i.e. similar attitudes, values, and lifestyles).
Describe the event target segments
Marketing Tactics- Marketing tactics are strategic actions taken by event organizers to cause people to want to attend their events. Marketing tactics
typically include the ‘4 Ps’ of marketing ― product, place, price and promotion.
For the purposes of Blockbuster events, applicants should focus on promotion and the related methods used to attract the target market. Examples include
print, internet, radio and television advertising, direct selling, direct mail, public relations, etc., all of which can include both in-kind and cash contributions, and
which should be described in the “Costs” section of the Marketing Plan table.
Placement Dates - Placement dates are the dates when advertising and other promotional activities are actually carried out or ‘placed’. The placement dates
should be provided in the form of actual or anticipated calendar dates or the calendar month of anticipated implementation.
Reach - Marketing reach comprises the estimated number of potential customers/visitors it is possible to reach through an advertising medium or a
promotional campaign. With respect to Internet marketing reach, this comprises how many different people visit a website to see an advertisement, including
the percentage of these people within the target audience. A common measure of website reach is its unique visitors per month.
Using the table below, consider the following for your marketing or promotion plan for the proposed Blockbuster event.
 Target Markets
 Estimated media buy costs
 Anticipated provincial, national, US and international media reach
 In-kind or sponsored publicity
Section G – Marketing Plans
Expand each section as required to ensure all details are captured
Target Market
Market Segment
e.g. age, values, lifestyle,
occupation, education,
Geographic Focus
e.g. visitor’s location,
Marketing Tactics
Print, Internet, radio, TV, etc.
e.g. donations of
time, service,
venues, etc.
Section G – Marketing Plans
Calendar dates
when ads and
promo activities will
e.g. # or % of potential visitors
that your ad campaign will connect