The Kite Runner Group Assignment

The Kite Runner Group Assignment
English 112A
Step One – Information Gathering
(November 5 & 6 - 2 days)
The following is a list of key words regarding themes in The Kite Runner. It is your job, as a group, to
discover what the novel “says” about these topics in relation to your group’s theme.
A. You will need to go through the book carefully and analyze:
1. events and circumstances (plot) to decide how they add to Amir’s understanding of the concepts.
2. characters and the parts they play in Hosseini’s treatment of the concept.
3. the way in which the setting of Afghanistan, Kabul, and the time period effect Amir’s understanding.
Consider the craft of writing, and how it is instrumental in developing the theme, looking at:
word choice
literary devices
chapter divisions
You will need to find and record
examples of each of the following to
support your thesis.
C. Select 5 – 7 passages that address the theme. Your passages must be able to be placed in a linear
timeline (as the story is told) to express how the theme is developed in the book.
You have, independently, made observations and taken notes on how your theme is developed throughout
the course of the novel. Synthesize your information. However your group chooses to record the findings is
permissible as long as it is done.
The Kite Runner Group Assignment
English 112A
Step Two – Developing a Thesis Statement
(November 10, 12 & 13 - 3 days)
Decide on a thesis statement that expresses the theme as is it conveyed in the book. A thesis statement is
the point that the author is trying to make about a concept.
Hammer out your thesis statement by coming up with an argument that is both provable with evidence
from the novel, and debatable. As stated above, your thesis statement must make an argument about what
your novel “does” or “says” and how it “works” or “says it.” Your thesis statement should look like this:
My novel shows that _____________ through the use of _______________.
Through the use of _____________ my novel shows that ________________.
Before you tackle a thesis statement, I will go over the finer details of thesis writing.
Draft Thesis Statement – Because this will take MANY attempts, it is strongly suggested that you record
your first attempts at thesis writing on your own paper before you record it on the sheet provided and that
you only record on the appropriate sheet once you are confident that your thesis statement is near
Also, I must approve your draft copy before you are permitted to proceed to the next step.
The Kite Runner Group Assignment
English 112A
Step Three – Presentation Making
(November 14, 17, 18 & 19 – 4 days)
Discuss, as a group, how you are going to present your findings to the class. I will go over some ideas and
will show you examples from the previous years. I will also provide some tips on how to effectively present.
Your presentation must contain the following:
 Thesis statement
 5 – 7 quotes relating to your theme. You must complete a close reading of one passage.
 A clear explanation of how your theme is developed (character, plot, and craft of writing) in the
Ultimately, your goal is to prove that your thesis is correct.
Your presentation will be completed using Prezi and, in order to cover all required points, will take
approximately 20 - 25 minutes. Refer frequently to the rubric.
The Prezi and close reading must be emailed to me at by the end of the day
on November 21.
Step Four – Presentation
(November 26, 27, 28 & December 1– 4 days)
Presentation dates are non-negotiable. You have been given ample time to reschedule appointments if
As presenters and as the audience, you have specific roles you must fulfill. As the presenter, you must
deliver your findings in a clear and concise way. Your classmates must “learn” from you. As a part of the
audience, you must record the information provided. This information will prove valuable to you on your
You will also, individually, submit a reflection on both the group process and the key learnings that you
personally experienced as you worked with the group and with the content. The reflection will be typed
using size 12 Ariel font. It will be via edmodo. A hard copy is required as well. The reflection is due on
December 3 at the beginning of class.
The Kite Runner Group Assignment
English 112A