Monday 1/27: Because of the Early Release, we only had 28-minute classes. In the short time, we took a second Comma and Semicolon pretest, then began reading "The Necklace." o HW: Finish reading "The Necklace" and be prepared for a quiz tomorrow. (Remember, no Block Schedule this week) Tuesday 1/28: Today students took "The Necklace" Quiz. Then we discussed the story, identified themes, and wrote a possible topic sentence for an analysis paragraph. o HW: Choose 3 quotations from the story that can be used as direct evidence to support one of the themes we discussed in class. Post to the Discussions page for your class period. Remember you must log in at the top right of the page before you can leave a comment. If you are having technical difficulties, email me [] and I will post for you. Wednesday 1/29: Vote in the poll: Discussion or Paper Quizzes? We wrapped up our discussion of "The Necklace" before diving into writing instruction and review. Students took notes in a fill-in-the-blank version of these Writing Notes. Notably, we learned about "quote bombs" and how to avoid them. o HW: Write a paragraph analyzing theme in “The Necklace." Use the class topic sentence (or your slight variation) on your class' Discussion Page Use your best 2 pieces of evidence Due tomorrow (Thursday 1/30), printed before class. 20 points Thursday 1/30: We continued this week's writing instruction by learning Basic Comma and Semicolon Rules, followed by independent review and practice. Then we had a Peer Review Day! Students can earn up to 5 bonus points on their paragraphs for participating as a reviewer for two classmates and receiving two reviews. If you were absent or did not have your paragraph ready today, you can still get two peer reviews outside of class: Here's the Peer Review Sheet. o HW: Revise your theme paragraph for "The Necklace." Revised paragraph, first draft, and peer review sheet due tomorrow (Friday 1/31), printed before class. 20 points (Bonus up to 25). Friday 1/31: Theme paragraphs for "The Necklace" were due. We practiced the comma and semicolon rules we learned yesterday, and then identified independent and dependent clauses and coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Then as a precursor to our unit on Fahrenheit 451, we read and discussed a selection of Isaac Asimov's Predictions for 2014 and answered some pre-reading response questions on the Discussion Page. o HW: Finish and post your answers to your class's Discussion Page. Remember, you must log in before you can comment. E-mail me your answers if you have technical difficulties. Due Monday 2/3. Monday 2/3: Today we checked out copies of Fahrenheit 451 (F451) from the library, responded to and discussed classmates' responses to the pre-reading questions, and started an Anticipation Guide for F451. In 3rd period, I gave a brief intro to the historical and cultural context of the novel. (We'll do this on the block day in 4th and 5th). o HW: Complete Part I: Vocabulary of the F451: "The Hearth and the Salamander" Packet. Do not worry about Part II or III yet. ž Block Days Tuesday 2/4 & Wednesday 2/5: In 4th and 5th periods, I gave a brief intro to the historical and cultural context of F451 (we did this on Monday in 3rd). We watched and discussed a short video of Ray Bradbury discussing his life and motivation for writing F451. Then we reviewed definitions and gave examples of literary devices. Finally we started reading the book, identifying literary devices and beginning a Character Sketch for Montag and Clarisse. I also returned analysis paragraphs for "The Necklace," which many of you will need to rewrite.(FYI: You are still responsible for the information covered and homework when you miss class) o HW: 1. F451: Read to the break on page 24 ("...he titled his head back in the rain, for just a few moments, and opened his mouth..."). Find examples of literary devices and add to your Character Sketches for Montag and Clarisse (Parts II And III of your packet.) 2. "The Necklace" Re-writes. Due ASAP (but absolutely before midwinter break on February 14th). If you do not submit an acceptable re-write, you will earn a 0. Thursday 2/6: We started class with a short article: Sensory Fiction: Books That Let You Feel What the Characters Do. Then we discussed F451 up to page 24 and worked on character sketches for Montag, Clarisse, and Mildred. o HW: 1. "The Necklace" Re-writes due ASAP. Must be in by Friday 2/14. Friday 2/7: I checked for progress on students' F451 packets. Then we discussed the story so far, continued work on character sketches, and started thinking of possible theme topics (here are some ideas: reliance on technology, alienation and isolation, change and transformation, knowledge or ignorance -- which leads to happiness?). o HW: 1. Finish reading F451 Part 1: "The Hearth and the Salamander." Complete your packet; the more information the better. Quiz Monday. Here are Study Questions Part I to help you with the reading HW and prepare for the quiz. 2. Read to page 41 at the asterisks [***]. Continue work on Parts II and III of your packets. I will check progress tomorrow. 2. "The Necklace" Re-writes due ASAP. Must be in by Friday 2/14. Monday 2/10: CHANGE OF PLANS! We will postpone reading Part 2: "The Sieve and the Sand" until after mid-winter break. We need to talk more about Part 1 "The Hearth and the Salamander" to make sure students fully understand. Additionally, the Reading Quiz is postponed until your Block Day. Today we took the 3rd Comma and Semicolon Test to check for understanding of the Basic Comma and Semicolon Rules we learned two weeks ago. Then we discussed student questions for Part 1 of F451 and took an in-depth look at Beatty's "speech" to Montag on pages 53-63. o HW: Review and prepare for the Reading Quiz on your block day. Bring your packet and any notes. No iPads. "The Necklace" Re-writes due Friday 2/14 at the latest. Block Days - Tuesday 2/11 & Wednesday 2/12: Today we briefly discussed some of the thematic topics in F451 before students took the Part 1 Quiz. After the quiz, we reviewed the comma and semicolon practice test #3 and compared our results from test #2. o HW: "The Necklace" Re-writes due Friday 2/14 at the latest. Thursday 2/13: Today we did a team quotation identification activity. In teams of four, students identified the speaker, who or what the quotation is about, and literary devices. Additionally students practiced their analyzing skills by explaining the significance of the quotation and connecting it to one of the thematic ideas of the novel. o HW: Last chance for "The Necklace" Re-writes is tomorrow. Otherwise you will receive a 0. Friday 2/14: Happy Valentine's Day! We kicked off class by watching and discussing an interesting Kay Jewelers Valentine's ad. What do you think Bradbury would think of this? Then we learned about Paul Laurence Dunbar and read, analyzed, and discussed his poem, "We Wear the Mask." We related the theme of the poem to other texts we have read. Today was the last day to turn in "The Necklace" Re-writes. o HW: Don't be a Mildred; take some time away from technology and enjoy your mid-winter break! Monday 2/24: Ms. Jacob subbed my classes today. Students began reading F451 Part II "The Sieve and the Sand" and worked on the F451 Part II Packet and Study Questions. o HW: For your block day, read to the break on page 93: "He was eating a light supper at nine in the evening..." Block Days - Tuesday 2/25 and Wednesday 2/26: Today students examined and evaluated their relationship with technology. We started class with 7 minutes of free-writing on what students did over mid-winter break that was technologyand media-free, and students shared their experiences with the class. Next we read the article, "What Students Think About Using iPads in School," before discussing our opinions of the iPads at MIHS. Finally, we reviewed and discussed the reading homework for F451. o HW: Read to the middle of 102. "On the way downtown he was so completely alone..." Answer the Study Questions and continue progress on your packet. Thursday 2/27: We continued our discussion of Part II of F451. o HW: Finish Part II "The Sieve and the Sand." Quiz Monday. Friday 2/28: Review for Quiz on Monday. o HW: Complete your packet for the open note quiz on Monday. Monday 3/3: Today students took the F451 Part II Quiz. I handed out the F451 Part II Packet and Study Questions. o HW: Vocab for Part III. Read to the break on 129 "The house was silent." Answer your Study Questions. Block Days - Tuesday 3/4 & Wednesday 3/5: Today students worked on a Critical Decision activity before debating and discussing in groups. Then we discussed the reading HW, focusing on the allusions to the Myth of Icarus & Daedalus (page 113)and Jesus (page 118), Montag's actions at his house, and what happens to Montag as he is fleeing. Next we watched two short videos that depict opposite opinions of technology in our lives. Then students created a Tchart to list how they see technology bringing people together or pulling them apart. o HW: Continue to answer Study Questions, record literary devices, and add to your character charts for Montag and Faber. Read to the break on 145 "Half an hour later..." Thursday 3/6: Today we discussed the reading HW and talked about the roles of fire and water in the novel. Then students responded in writing to this graphic and related it to the characters in F451. o HW: Read to the break on 155 "There was a shriek..." Friday 3/7: Today we discussed the reading HW and the new role of fire that Montag notices. Then students looked critically at their own and their classmates' use of technology. Next we read an article titled, "The Psychology of Social Media" and a humorous list of ways to "digitally detox." In groups, students wrote their own tips for taking a "digital detox" o HW: Read the joke list "14 Ways To Digitally Detox". Write your own list of 5 ideas (silly or serious) and post to the Discussion Page. E-mail me if you cannot log on to the discussion page. Finish Part III of F451, page 165. Finish up your packet. F451 Test Tuesday/Wednesday. Monday 3/10: Today we discussed the ending of F451, focusing on Granger's view of death, the phoenix, mirrors, and the Book of Ecclesiastes. Then I gave students a F451 Test Review handout to help guide studying for the test on your Block Day. Check below for the prompts for Part III of the test. o HW: Study for the F451 Test. Again, the test covers ALL 3 PARTS of F451. You may not use any notes on the test. Block Days - Tuesday 3/11 & Wednesday 3/12: Fahrenheit 451 Test. Afterward, we revisited the F451 Anticipation Guide and completed the author column before class discussion. Then in groups, students brainstormed ways we can avoid turning into an F451 world. o HW: Keep thinking of ways that technology brings us together or pulls us apart. Essay assignment later this week. Thursday 3/13: Mr. Romeo subbed my classes today. Students completed the Comma and Semicolon Post-test (#5 and hopefully last!). Then students watched a the TED Talk: Connected, but Alone? by Sherry Turkle. Students wrote and posted a short summary and personal response to their class Discussion Page. o HW: Post to the Discussion Page. Essay assignment to come tomorrow. Friday 3/14: Today we started class by watching the trailer for the movie Her and talked about the effects of technology on relationships based on our own experiences and the articles and videos from class. Then I went over the Argument and Research Essay assignment and students began working on thesis statements and outlines. Monday we will go to the library for a presentation on internet-based research skills. o HW: Write two complete thesis statements. One for a backup.