Communication Fundamentals

Interpersonal Communication
COM 240 PO1
Fall 2015, 9/8 to 12/15
Cooper St.
5:30-8:24 pm
Instructor: Candice Tucker.
Text: Interpersonal Messages: Communication and Relationship Skills, J. A. Devito
Students will learn to improve communication in one-on-one and small group situations.
In this course, students will examine basic verbal and non-verbal elements affecting
communication between individuals in family, peer group and work contexts. Specific
units of discussion include intrapersonal perspective, conflict resolution, self-disclosure,
message generation, intercultural messages and non-verbal communication.
Associate Degree Outcomes:
JCC’s Board of Trustees has determined that all of our graduates should develop or
enhance certain essential skills while enrolled here. These skills are called Associate
Degree Outcomes (ADOs). The ADOs for this course include (but are not necessarily
limited to):
ADO 2: Speak clearly, concisely and intelligibly
ADO 9: Work productively with others, recognizing individual contributions to
group success
ADO 10: Understand and respect the diversity and interdependence of the world’s
peoples and cultures
Attendance/Participation: Given the importance of participation in communication
classes, daily attendance is vital if the student’s grade is not to be affected. It is important
to use the restroom only during scheduled break times in order to be involved in all
classroom activities. Students must show respect to other students and instructor and take
part in all class activities as part of their participation score. Leaving the classroom
frequently and not paying attention in class (especially if this involves off-topic chatting
with others which is distracting from the course activities) will detract from the student’s
Ethics: All work submitted must be your own. Failing to document sources in both oral
and written assignments is considered plagiarism. Students found copying others’ work
or plagiarizing will be dealt with according to JC’s policy on academic honesty.
Academic dishonesty in all forms is a serious offense and will result in a grade of “0” for
the entire assignment.
It is inappropriate in this course to use obscene language or gestures, tell offensive jokes,
or allude to sexual, racial, cultural, or gendered references that may be demeaning or
offensive. Please be mindful of what you say and how you say it.
The student participation grade involves respect for the instructor as well as other
students, attendance, and willingness to be a part of class activities and discussion.
Course Assignments & Evaluation:
Class and Homework
Assignments, Quizzes,
and Attendance/Participation
2 Analysis Assignments
Family Culture Project
Team Culture Project
Grade Scale: 93-100 = 4.0; 87-92 = 3.5; 80-86 = 3.0; 75-79 = 2.5; 70-74 = 2.0; 65-69 =
1.5; 60-64 = 1.0; 0-59 = 0.0.
There are two exams in this course. Tests will cover material from the book, class
lectures and discussions. More information on test format will be provided before the
exam dates.
Class Activities: Throughout the term you will complete various in class activities. They
may involve individual or group assignments, and may occur in or outside of class. These
activities will go toward your final course grade, and usually cannot be made up
regardless of the reason for the absence.
Major Assignments for this Class:
#1: Culture Investigation (Group Collaboration): You will choose a culture to
research and divide up portions of the assignment to different members of the group. You
will present this to the class as a group. I will help provide some of your research
information. I am also hoping you can find someone to interview for this assignment, if
possible. (Chapter 2)
#2: Conversation Analysis- You will listen to a conversation on film or in real time and
analyze the five steps of the conversation process and analyze the verbal message skills.
(Chapters 4-5)
#3: Film Scene Analysis: You will select (and possibly show the class) a scene from a
movie and discuss the verbal and nonverbal communication aspects. (Chapters 6 and 8)
#4: Family Culture Presentation: You will create a presentation and share it with the
class discussing your family life when you were younger based on all the information
integrated within the text regarding family life/culture and present it to the class. If you
did not live with your family when you were younger, you will analyze the culture of the
people you were living with during those formative years. (All Chapters)
Tentative Schedule- Homework is due for the next class after it
is listed. Be Open to Changes!
Week One, 9/8
Icebreaker, Syllabus, Ch. 1--PowerPoint
Week Two, 9/15
H.W. : Read Ch. 1 and complete handout
Start Chapter 2 Discussion.
Week Three, 9/22
Week Four, 9/29
Week Five, 10/6
Week Six, 10/13
Week Seven, 10/20
Week Eight, 10/27
Week Nine, 11/3
H.W. Read Chapter 2 and complete handout. Receive
Culture Investigation Assignment, select group members
and country of focus.
Quiz? Chapter 2 discussion, Time with group members.
H.W. Read Chapter 3 and complete handout, work with
group on Culture Investigation Assignment
Chapter 3 discussion
Time with group members
H.W. Complete Culture Investigation Assignment
All Groups Will Present Culture Investigation
Assignment on this day
H.W. Read Chapter 4 and complete handout
Quiz? Ch. 4 Discussion
H.W. Read Chapters 5 and 8 and complete handouts.
Receive Conversation Analysis Assignment
Quiz? Chapters 5 and 8 Discussion
Review for midterm
H.W. Study for Midterm
Midterm exam. Start Chapter 6.
H.W. Finish Conversation Analysis
Quiz? Chapters 6 and 7 Discussion. Conversation
Analysis Assignment Due
Week Ten, 11/10
Week Eleven, 11/17
H.W. Read Chapters 6 and 7 and complete handout,
Receive Film Scene Analysis Assignment and Family
Culture Final Project
Quiz? Chapters 6 and 7 Discussion
H.W. Finish Film Scene Analysis.
Film Scene Analysis Due for all students. People
interested in earning extra credit present to the class
Start Chapters 9-11 Discussion
Week Thirteen,
H.W. Read Chapters 9, 10, and 11 and complete handout.
Work on Family Culture Presentation
Chapters 9-11 Discussion
H.W. Finish Family Culture Presentation
Week Fourteen,
Week Fifteen, 12/8
Family Culture Presentations
Family Culture Presentations
Review for Final Exam
H.W. Study for final exam
Week Sixteen, 12/15 Final Exam, Class Evaluation/“Exit Interview”