Social Psychology Understanding Ourselves and Others Social Psychology Study of people’s interpretations of and reactions to their social world. Chapter 13: Social Cognition • The self—our sense of who we are and how we differ from others. • Impression and attitude formation Chapter 14: Social Interaction • Impression management • Influencing others. • Helping others. The Self Very important concept in social psychology • The essence of us, what we are, what makes us different from others. • Affects how we perceive others. Minimal self: Recognition of our difference from the environment—many animals Objectified self: Seeing self as an object—non-human primates, dolphins, humans Symbolic self: An abstract concept of self, seems language related—only humans. Objectified Self More activity in medial frontal lobe when looking in mirror. 4/5 patients did not recognize self when right hemisphere anesthetized. Self recognition seems to be a right hemisphere frontal lobe function. The Self Self-recognition • Recognition of objectified self in pictures, mirrors, videos. • Develops over 1st two years. • Accompanied by development of emotions such as guilt and shame. Self-awareness • Leads to comparisons with others and affects our behaviour—self-discrepancy theory. The Self Self concept • All the learned beliefs, attitudes and opinions that we hold to be true about our personal existence. • The image we have of ourselves, good or bad. • Directs what we pay attention to and affects how we interact with others. Self-Concept Self-concept is built through all the interactions and experiences we have. We also recognize and make use of the cultural patterns of our society. This is how we "know who we are," that is, each of us acquires a self-concept. Our self-concept affects how we respond and interact with others. The Self Self-schema • Our understanding of our self-concept. • Everything about yourself that is important to you, e.g., loving your parents, being loyal, being honest, supporting your friends, being a good student. • Affects our processing of information in relation to ourselves—self-referential processing. • Determines our working self-concept, what we consider makes us distinct (and important) at any given point in time. The Self Self-complexity • We define ourselves in different ways, e.g., student, child, parent, athlete, teacher, boss, employee, etc. • Emphasize different aspects of our self-concept in each of these roles, and change our behaviour with each person we interact with. • The more complex the self, the less damaging is a threat to one aspect of the self. The Self Self-construal • A construal is an interpretation. • Self-construal is how we interpret ourselves in the context of our culture. • Two key self-construals: Independent self-construal: Western cultures, which value individuality. Interdependent self-construal: Collectivist cultures, which value collectivist views, stressing that each individual is only a part of the greater society. The Self Self-esteem • The value we place on ourselves. • A judgement that we make about our worth. • How much we like ourselves. • Level relates to the difference between our ideal self and the ‘real’ self, based on our self-concept. The Self Self-esteem • Self-serving bias An innate tendency to want to see ourselves positively. Tend to ignore negative feedback—”junk mail metaphor”. • Both high and low self-esteem individuals hold positive illusions: Overestimate own skills and abilities. Overestimate level of control over events Unrealistic predictions of future success. Maintaining Self-Esteem Maintaining Self-Esteem Self-evaluative Maintenance • We act to support our self-esteem. Social Comparisons • Compare our performance with others. • The standard then affects our self-esteem. Use Self-serving Bias • Interpret success and failure in the context of our self-esteem. High self-esteem: Credit self for success and blame failure on outside circumstances. Low self-esteem: Credit outside circumstances for success and blame failure on self. Attitudes • Beliefs, feelings and judgments about situations, ideas and objects. • Formed over time. • Based on direct experience, therefore learned, i.e., conditioned. • Mere exposure effect. • Genetic physiological makeup may create a predisposition to acquire certain attitudes. These are more resistant to change. Attitudes • Components of attitudes include emotional evaluation (affect), cognitive evaluation, and behaviour. • These components are not necessarily in agreement. Behaviour does not always reflect our expressed attitudes. • Attitudes can be explicit or implicit. Try the Implicit Attitudes Test (IAT) /ch1_activity.htm Influences on Attitudes Shared Perceptions Social comparison: Asch’s (1955) research. • Leads to reevaluation of our beliefs. • Increases media influence. Consistent Information Inconsistent information makes us uncomfortable. Must be consistent across different modalities and time. Tend to be much influenced by first impressions (primacy effect in social perception). • Reinterpret later experience to fit with first impression. Attitude Change Attempts to influence our attitudes are very prevalent in our society. • Policitians • Governments • Advertisers • Sales personnel • And many more examples. Social Cognition Persuasive Communication Central Route: We focus on the message. • Reasoned, rational arguments are more effective. Peripheral Route: We are distracted by noise, other thoughts, etc. • Personality and credibility of messenger, appeal to emotions are more effective. Cognitive Dissonance State of tension when two or more cognitions are psychologically inconsistent. Competing cognitions. • Internal conflict between values, attitudes and beliefs (Festinger, 1957). • Entirely subjective. • Makes us uncomfortable. Can lead to attitude or behaviour change. • Act to relieve the discomfort of the dissonant cognitions. Cognitive Dissonance Example High school senior believes use of illegal drugs is physically harmful and morally wrong. Attends party with a group of students she admires. These students smoke pot and persuade her to join them. She now experiences cognitive dissonance, a conflict between her beliefs and her behaviour. Social Cognition Types of Cognitive Dissonance Post decisional dissonance. Dissonance from wanting what we can’t have. Dissonance from investment of resources. Dissonance from inconsistencies of attitude and behaviour. Dissonance from inadequate justification. Dissonance from inconsistencies between commitment and attitude. Person Perception Infer causes for other’s behaviour. Make attributions to some surface factor. Remember the inferred characteristics, not the situation or the behaviour. Person Perception Limited information Surface characteristics • Appearance is very important in our judgements. Situation specific • One or two settings • Behaviour may be different in other settings Attribution Theory Attributions based on perceived disposition (personality) and the situation. Kelly: • Consistency: Behaviour occurs regularly. • Consensus: Lots of people behave this way. • Distinctiveness across situations: Behaviour tends to only happen in certain situations. Attribution Theory Fundamental Attribution Error: Judging others • It must be their personalities that made them do it. Self-Serving Attributional Bias: Judging ourselves • If it’s good, it must be our personalities. • If it’s bad, it must be the situation that influenced us. Social Interaction Chapter 14 Affiliation Reading Nonverbal Behaviour. Self Presentation (Impression Management Influence of Others Helping or Hurting Others Liking and Loving Others Social Interaction Chapter 14 A different structure: • Will cover many of the topics in the chapter under these headings. One-on-one interactions Many-to-one interactions One-to-many interactions Many-to-many interactions One-To-One Interactions Compliance principles (Cialdini, 1975): How to influence others: • Foot-in-the-door techniques—once they agree to a small request . . . • Door-in-the-face technique—start big and back off (reciprocity principle). • Four walls technique—once they say “yes” a couple of times . . . (telemarketing). • Low ball techniques—once they’re committed . . . (car sales, bait and switch). One-To-One Interactions Compliance Principles Comparison of FID and DIF techniques (Harrari et al., 1980) • Study of students making requests of faculty • FID group—Small (15 minutes help), then moderate (2 hours of help). • DIF—Moderate (2 hours of help), then small (15 minutes). • Control group—Moderate (2 hours of help). One-To-One Interactions Compliance Principles Comparison of FID and DIF techniques (Harrari et al., 1980)—all significantly different: • FID—33.3% compliance • DIF—78.0% compliance • Control—56.8% compliance. Among college faculty, starting larger and reducing request (DIF) works best. Faculty respond least well to the moderate request when it’s preceded by a smaller one. Better to just ask for the larger. One-To-One Interactions Obedience and Conformity Social conformity Milgram’s famous experiments (early 1960s) • “Just following orders.” • Ethical issues. • Applications to real world situations Hofling, et al. (1966) Rank & Jacobson (1977) Many-To-One Interactions Existing within Social Forces We act differently with others than we would alone. Kurt Lewin (1st social psychologist) • Behaviour is the function of the person interacting with the environment. • Developed Social Field Theory based on physics. We exist in a field of forces that act to move us in many different directions. Internal forces—desires, goals, abilities. External forces—pressure from others, responsibility, obligations. Many-To-One Interactions Existing within Social Forces • Bibb Latane Social Impact Theory—We can measure the effect of forces that act on an individual (pulse, blushing, beliefs, values, attitudes, cognitions). The impact is multiplicative and depends on: • Strength of the force—importance to individual. • Immediacy of the force—how close, either physically or psychologically. • Number of forces, including those at a distance. Social Impact Theory • More forces, more total impact but each individual force has less influence. • Distance diminishes influence of source. Social Impact Theory Blah, blah, blah. More targets, less influence on each one: diffusion of social impact. Many-To-One Effect on Performance Effect of an audience • Social facilitation—improved performance of simple tasks or when highly skilled. • Social inhibition—impaired performance of complex tasks or when unskilled . Presence of others is arousing • Yerkes-Dodson: optimal level of arousal for each individual. Performance peaks at optimum level of arousal. Many-To-One Effect on Behaviour Social Loafing • May work less hard in a group (Latane’s shouting study). • Tend not to pull our weight in a group if individual performance cannot be identified. Many-To-One Effect on Behaviour Bystander Apathy • Bystander Effect: Reluctance to come to the aid of someone in trouble when there are others around. Like social loafing. • Affected by Diffusion of responsibility Social inhibition Ambiguity Pluralistic ignorance Many-To-One Effect on Behaviour Factors that reduce the bystander effect • Bystanders know one another. • Witnesses have special bond to the victim. • Bystanders think that the victim is especially dependent on them • Bystanders have considerable training in emergency intervention. • Witnesses have knowledge of the bystander effect. Many-To-Many How We Behave in Crowds People in crowds do things they would not do when alone. Social restraint--conforming to social norms. Deindividuation • Lose self-awareness, individuality • Zimbardo’s prison study • Mob mentality Social Psychology One-To-Many: Leadership Many areas where leadership occurs: politics, military, business, academia, sports teams, social clubs, families. Affected by many things: • Size and formality of group • Leader’s authority • Path of leader’s influence Social Psychology One-To-Many: Leadership History argues whether the individual or the circumstances determine the leadership. Social psychology tries to study leadership objectively: • Surveys of subordinates, peers, and supervisors on quality and effectiveness of others—common in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. • Small groups given a task to be solved by discussion. Makes it possible to rate both the perception of leadership and the actual performance. Social Psychology One-To-Many: Leadership Social psychology tries to study leadership objectively: • Studies of the personal characteristics of people perceived as strong leaders. • Some commonalities. Good leaders are perceived as: More intelligent. More outgoing. More dominant. Social Psychology One-To-Many: Leadership Social psychology tries to study leadership objectively: • What does the situation contribute to good leadership? Leader has considerable authority. Task is clear cut, no ambiguity. Group is cohesive, get along with each other and the leader. • Good leadership in one group may be different from good leadership in another.