PowerPoint on the Symbolism of Characters' Names

Symbolic Names in
To Kill a Mockingbird
Novel by: Harper Lee
Presentation by: Mr. Lindgren
The essence of symbolism
As we have previously discussed, symbolism
is when an object stands for something else
or has a special meaning associated with it.
HOWEVER, symbols can be things other than
objects, like names, for example.
When writers are choosing names for characters,
they often want to choose a name that fits that
character’s personality. Harper Lee was no
different when she assigned names to the
memorable characters in To Kill a Mockingbird.
What does Atticus do for a living?
Is he a good lawyer? How do we know he takes his
job seriously?
He is an excellent lawyer. We know he takes his job
seriously because of how much effort he put into defending
Tom Robinson.
Where are all men truly equal according to Atticus?
In the courtroom, Atticus believes that people should be
treated equally.
Take a guess at what his name means…
The truth about
Atticus is the English respelling of the Greek
word “Attikos.” This word was used by an
Athenian poet and legal reformer named
Solon in his writings.
It ties Atticus to Solon, who was responsible
for instituting the democratic laws of Athens
sometime between 640-559 BC.
Who is the narrator of this story?
Scout is. The narrative is in first person p.o.v.
Her name should be easy to figure out. So,
what exactly is a scout?
The American Heritage College Dictionary defines a
scout as “one that is dispatched from the main body
to gather information…to observe and evaluate.”
Somebody please summarize why Harper Lee
chose this nickname for Jean Louise Finch.
Jem’s character description goes out to
you…somebody please describe Jeremy
Finch for me.
Okay, so why might this name be symbolic of
A gem, besides a valuable stone, is also defined
in The American Heritage College Dictionary as
“a beloved or highly prized person.”
 The author, like the characters in the book, like
most readers of the novel, think Jem is a special
Calpurnia…this one’s debatable
We know that Calpurnia is the faithful, strict,
motherly maid of the Finch family. However, was
this name choice significant and/or symbolic?
Calphurnia was the third wife of the Roman Emporer
Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) who was noted for her
faithfulness, but who had no children of her own.
The similarity in faithfulness is apparent, but what is
troubling? Does that matter?
Mayella Violet Ewell
Although there seems to be no significance
to the name Mayella, who can guess the
symbolism of this character’s middle name,
Remember the geraniums.
 Mayella seems to be a flower trying to bloom in
the middle of a landfill. Flowers are symbols of
beauty, and we know from the novel that Mayella
tried to keep clean and she tried to maintain
something beautiful in her ugly life.
Bob Ewell
Have fun describing this man…
Despicable. Mean. Violent. He spends his welfare
checks on booze. It was hinted at that he has a sexual
relationship with Mayella. He threatened Atticus. It’s
obvious he planned the Tom Robinson trial. The list of
reasons he’s THE bad guy of this novel goes on and on
and on…
So…guess what “Ewell” means.
Yep! Ewell is an old English form of the
world e-v-i-l. How about that?!
Boo Radley
What’s his real name?
 Arthur.
Any connection to other pieces of literature?
King Arthur
Does that fit his character? SURE! He saves
the day for the Finch family. He’s a hero!
His name has nothing to do with pickles!!!
The only significance I can think of, and this is a stretch, is that his names
is a small flowering plant. From this plant’s seeds, spices are made. (Dill
What is interesting about Dill is that is has been said
that his character is based on Truman Capote, a
famous American author who was a friend of Harper
Capote wrote such famous novels as In Cold
Blood, Answered Prayers, and the very
famous novella Breakfast at Tiffany’s (turned
into a movie).
Tonight’s Assignment
What is the symbolism of your name?
Almost all names have a meaning. Matthew,
for example, means “God’s gift.” I find that
completely appropriate!
Use a name dictionary (found online, you may
have one at home) or your parents. Ask them
why they named you what they named you.
Then, tell me whether it fits your personality or
Other symbols in the
Jem’s snowman…the morphodite?
The blending of mud and snow, black and
white, shows that people are basically the
What happens to the snowman?
Fire melts it.
What could the fire symbolize?
The burning racism of Maycomb.
Jem’s destruction of
camellia bushes
Camellias are white…
Mrs. Dubose represents all of Maycomb’s
racist ways, and as Jem destroys her white
flowers, it is symbolic of his attack on all of
Later, when Jem nurses the flower she gives
him, it is symbolic that he is trying to cope
with his neighbors and hold onto his views.