microsoft office comprehensive final exam review sheet 2014-15

Computer Basics
 There are two types of computer software—operating system software and application software. Both types of
software are necessary for a computer to work correctly and to be useful to you.
 Operating system software—controls basic operations of the computer. It also allows the computer to use other
types of software. Two types of operating system software are Macintosh and IBM-compatible. IBM-compatible
computers use DOS (Disk Operating System) and Windows software. Walton-Verona uses Windows 7 operating
system software.
 Application software—work with the operating system software to help you use your computer to do specific types
of work. Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel, etc. are perfect examples of application software. Office
2010 is an integrated software package that combines several computer applications into one program.
Microsoft Word
 The Office application that enables you to create documents such as letters and reports is called Microsoft Word.
 It is a powerful full-featured word processor.
 It is the use of computer software to enter and edit text.
 You can balance columns of text, format drop caps, and create watermarks.
 It is a program used to process letters, mail merge documents, reports, or multi-page documents.
 Essential business letter elements include the date line and inside address, message, and the signature block. The
Block style letter should be used in all correspondence. In the Block letter style, all components of the letter begin
flush with the left margin.
Microsoft Excel
 The Office spreadsheet application is called Microsoft Excel.
 The primary purpose of a spreadsheet program like Excel is to solve problems that involve numbers.
 In Excel, a collection of worksheets is referred to as a workbook.
 The spreadsheet application like Excel allows you to work with numbers to prepare items such as a budget or payroll.
 If you are responsible for processing payroll for your company’s employees, this program would be the most efficient
for one to use.
Microsoft Access
 It is the database application in the Office 2010 suite.
 It is used for storing and organizing information.
 It is best used when compiling a list of employees’ names, addresses, and phone numbers, etc. so that you can easily
retrieve this information for labels, mailing lists, directories, mail merge, etc.
Microsoft PowerPoint
 Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation graphics program that allows you to create materials for presentations.
 It is the Office application that enables you to create speaker’s notes and audience handouts.
 It is the Office application used to create slides and outlines.
 You can take notes on issues that come up while making a presentation and delegate tasks to be completed after the
 If you are asked to promote a new product to a group of sales representatives, it would be the best way to assist you
with this sales promotion.
Internet Explorer
 Internet Explorer gives you the capability to access, view, and download data from the Web.
Employment Unit
 A collection of materials that relates to a person’s work and educational goals is called a career portfolio. A career
portfolio should include samples of your work, certifications, letters of reference (recommendation), your resume,
Strategies for seeking a new job may consist of: Classified ads, Internet, and Job seeking agencies. Counseling
services, Internet, and the Occupational Outlook Handbook can be used to access information when searching for
information on specific careers.
When an applicant asks someone to write a letter to a company to highlight his/her skills and work ethic, this is
considered to be a letter of reference or letter of recommendation. When you are applying for a job, you should
consider using a teacher or former employer as a reference. You may want to ask a teacher to write a letter of
reference for you. A letter of reference is what is sent if you are recommending someone for a job.
A letter of application enables you to elaborate on positive points in your resume, and to show a potential employer
your writing skills. When asking a potential employer to consider you for a specific job, you send a letter of
application. This letter is accompanied with your resume.
You should make sure all information is up-to-date and accurate, write legibly with black ink, and do not leave any
area blank. When completing a job application and you read a question that does not apply to you, write N/A on the
blank line.
A likely job for a high school student would be in lawn care, in child care, or a cashier.
The elements of a basic high school student’s resume may include contact information, objective, education, work
experience, and references.
Before you go to your scheduled job interview, you should consider researching the company, the position, and the
salary first before going to the interview and also practice a mock interview.
A resume should not include this personal information such as height/weight, marital status, medical information,
Assume an assertive role in the interview to help you land the job.
A candidate is judged during an interview his/her appearance, educational background, and work experience.
In preparing for an interview, think about your strengths and weaknesses and try to anticipate likely questions, plan
how you are going to get there: check routes, timetables, etc., and find out all that you can about the organization,
the market in which it operates and the job function you are applying for.
Arrive 10 minutes early to an interview and make sure that you dress appropriately. It is better to overdress.
During the first minute of an interview, a strong message to the employer is sent about you as a future employee with
his/her company by your smile, posture, dress, and handshake.
Get names of the people who interviewed you and immediately send a thank you letter. This is called a follow-up
The first question in an interview is likely to be “Tell me about yourself.”
You are interviewing for a new job. An appropriate interviewing technique would be to remain standing until you are
asked to have a seat.
The interviewer asks you a question that you feel is totally inappropriate, such as "Are you planning to get married".
You should ask if this is important to the company and then decide whether to answer the question.
You feel that the interviewer's attitude towards you is hostile. You should reason that perhaps this is to test you in
some way, and keep calm and polite.
The interviewer asks you a really tough question. You should pause for a minute to collect your thoughts before you
The interviewer asks you a question that you really don't understand. You should say "I'm sorry, I don't quite
understand the question - could you repeat it please?
When the potential employee thanks the interviewer for the interview, this is called a follow-up letter.
Once hired, try to show initiative, be loyal and honest, be dependable and responsible, have a positive attitude, and
communicate well. Use problem-solving skills, work collaboratively, and cooperate with team members.
You have accepted a job with a different company. At this point, you should type a letter known as a letter of
resignation to your current employer to let him/her know you have taken the new job. Once you are ready to seek
different employment, write a letter of resignation. Give at least 2 weeks of advanced notice to your current job.
When an employee is always on time, he shows punctuality.
The ability to act and make decisions without the help or advice of other people is known as initiative. In other
words, you see a task needs to be done, you do it without the help of others or without being told to do it.
Listening closely to all members’ opinions and evaluating what is being said before forming a conclusion would be
considered a team skill on the job.