BMA-IBT-6 Communication Skills Unit Intro to Business & Technology Course Standard 6 BMA-IBT-6 Use professional oral, written, and digital communication skills to create, express, and interpret information and ideas. 6.1 Exhibit appropriate business (oral, written, and digital) communication skills needed in the workplace to facilitate information and communication. 6.2 Explore social media etiquette and importance of digital presence. 6.3 Produce written communications that utilize proper tone, grammar, and bias-free language for the workplace. a. Resume 6.4 Employ critical thinking and problem-solving strategies both individually and collaboratively to solve real-world and/or business-related problems. 6.5 Using presentation software, create and deliver simple, clear and compelling presentations effectively to target audiences. 6.6 Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication in a business environment. a. Email, video conferencing, phone conferencing, instant messaging, online chat, blogs, newsgroups, list serve, etc. 6.7 Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, practice, and present material to different types of audiences for specific business purpose. a. Research paper, web site, multimedia presentation, publications, speech, online media, video, avatar, etc. Support of CTAE Foundation Course Standards and Common Core GPS and Georgia Performance Standards ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussion s (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grades 9 -10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. ELACC9-10SL2: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in di verse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. ELACC9-10SL4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task. ELACC9-10SL5: Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. 1 BMA-IBT-6 Communication Skills Unit Day 1 Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What is non-verbal communication? Objective: Students will use professional oral, written, and digital communication skills to create, express, and interpret information and ideas. Guided Practice: Students will be given slips of paper (use the Communication Statements – Teacher Guide) with a statement on them. Follow the instructions from the Communication PPT (Slide 4). For slides 9-23 Non-Verbal Communication, give students the Communication PPT Log to note down each facial expression meaning. Independent Practice: Students will take notes on the handouts for the PPT. Grade: Teacher Observation Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Materials: Communication Statements – Teacher Guide, Communication PPT, and Communication PPT Log Day 2 Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What are 3 types of written communication? Objective: Students will exhibit appropriate business communication skills needed in the workplace to facilitate information and communication and will produce written communications that utilize proper tone, grammar, and bias-free language in the workplace. Guided Practice: Students will take notes over Content & Style of Effective Messages PPT using teaching guided notes. Discuss the parts of a Memo and some suggestions/ tips for getting started. Independent Practice: Students will take notes on the handouts for the PPT. Students will create a Memo using the template in Edmodo and the handout. Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What is a memo? Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What is a complementary closing? Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: Where do you sign a letter? Objective: Students will use appropriate technology to plan, develop, practice, and present material to different types of audiences for specific business purposes using written communication skills. Objective: Students will use appropriate technology to plan, develop, practice, and present material to different types of audiences for specific business purposes using written communication skills. Objective: Students will use appropriate technology to plan, develop, practice, and present material to different types of audiences for specific business purposes using written communication skills. Guided Practice: Students will write a letter using a MS Office Word Template to their manager requesting certain days off. Discuss parts of the letter and some suggestions for getting started writing the letter. Guided Practice: Students will write a letter using a MS Office Word Template to their manager requesting certain days off. Discuss parts of the letter and some suggestions for getting started writing the letter. Guided Practice: Students will write a letter using a MS Office Word Template to their manager requesting certain days off. Discuss parts of the letter and some suggestions for getting started writing the letter. Independent Practice: Students will Create a Business Letter using the handout and will submit the assignment in Edmodo (place the template in Edmodo for them to save and edit). Independent Practice: Students will Create a Business Letter using the handout and will submit the assignment in Edmodo (place the template in Edmodo for them to save and edit). Independent Practice: Students will Create a Business Letter using the handout and will submit the assignment in Edmodo (place the template in Edmodo for them to save and edit). Grade: Business Letter Grade: Business Letter Practice 1 & 2 Grade: Business Letter Practice 3 & 4 Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Materials: Create a Business Letter Template and Handout Materials: Create a Business Letter Template and Handout Grade: Teacher Observation Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Materials: Create a Business Letter Template and Handout Materials: Content & Style of Effective Messages PPT and Guided Notes and Memo Assignment Template and Handout 2 BMA-IBT-6 Communication Skills Unit Day 6 Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What is a cover letter used for? Objective: Students will produce written communications that utilize proper tone, grammar, and bias-free language in the workplace. Guided Practice: Students will create a Cover Letter using the Sally Smith Cover Letter using a MS Office Word Template. Discuss the purpose of cover letter. Independent Practice: Students will create Sally Smith’s Cover letter using the handout and will submit the assignment in Edmodo (place the template in Edmodo for them to save and edit). Grade: Sally Smith Cover Letter Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Materials: Sally Smith Cover Letter Template and Handout Day 7 Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What information is included in a resume? Objective: Students will create a Resume using the Sally Smith Resume using a MS Office Word Template. Discuss the purpose of a resume. Guided Practice: Independent Practice: Students will create a Resume using the Sally Smith Resume using the handout and will submit the assignment in Edmodo (place the template in Edmodo for them to save and edit). Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What is a salutation? Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What is the purpose of an objective? Objective: Students will produce written communications that utilize proper tone, grammar, and bias-free language in the workplace. Objective: Students will create a Resume using a MS Office Word Template. Discuss the purpose of a resume. Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What are 3 types of difficult people that you encounter in the workplace? Guided Practice: Guided Practice: Students will create a Cover Letter using a MS Office Word Template. Discuss the purpose of cover letter. Grade: Sally Smith Resume Independent Practice: Students will create Cover letter using the handout and will submit the assignment in Edmodo (place the template in Edmodo for them to save and edit). Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Grade: Justin Best Cover Letter Materials: Sally Smith Resume Template and Handout Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Materials: Sally Smith Cover Letter Template and Handout Independent Practice: Students will create a Resume using the Resume using the handout and will submit the assignment in Edmodo (place the template in Edmodo for them to save and edit). Objective: Students will employ critical thinking and problem-solving strategies both individually and collaboratively to solve realworld and/or business-related problems. Guided Practice: Students will take notes over Building Work Relationships PPT using teacher guided notes. Students will complete the What Would You Do Handout. Grade: Justin Best Resume Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Materials: Sally Smith Resume Template and Handout Independent Practice: Students will takes notes on the handouts for the PPT. Students will complete the What Would You Do handout. Grade: What Would You Do Handout Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Materials: Building Work Relationships PPT, Notes, and What Would You Do Handout 3 BMA-IBT-6 Communication Skills Unit Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What are 3 tips to remember when giving a presentation? Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What is the purpose of giving a presentation? Bellringer/Journal Entry Essential Question: What is 3 things you learned about your classmates? Objective: Students will use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication in a business environment and will use appropriate technology to plan, develop, practice, and present material to different types of audiences for specific business purposes. Objective: Students will use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication in a business environment and will use appropriate technology to plan, develop, practice, and present material to different types of audiences for specific business purposes. Objective: Students will use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication in a business environment and will use appropriate technology to plan, develop, practice, and present material to different types of audiences for specific business purposes. Guided Practice: Students will complete a presentation and speech giving a Personal Introduction about themselves. Guided Practice: Students will present their Personal Introduction to the class. Guided Practice: Students will present their Personal Introduction to the class. Independent Practice: Personal Introduction to the class and use the Personal Introduction What I Can Learn Handout for the students to take notes on. Independent Practice: Personal Introduction to the class and use the Personal Introduction What I Can Learn Handout for the students to take notes on. Grade: Personal Introduction Grade: Personal Introduction Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Materials: Personal Introductions What I Can Learn Handout Materials: Personal Introductions What I Can Learn Handout Independent Practice: Complete the presentation giving a Personal Introduction. Grade: Teacher Observation Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow. Materials: Personal Introduction Instructions Handout 4 BMA-IBT-6 Communication Skills Unit Resources: Communication Statements – Teacher Guide Communication PPT Communication PPT Log Content & Style of Effective Messages PPT Content & Style of Effective Messages Guided Notes Memo Assignment Template Memo Assignment Handout Business Letter Template Business Letter Handout Business Letter Practice (Letters 1-4) Sally Smith Cover Letter Template Sally Smith Resume Handout Justin Best Cover Letter Template Justin Best Resume Handout Building Work Relationships PPT Building Work Relationships Guided Notes What Would You Do Handout Personal Introduction Instructions Handout Personal Introductions What I Can Learn Handout 5