EDF 4402: Pt A, VCE Biology Core

EDF 4402: Part A, VCE Biology Core
Unit 1 AOS 2
Shane Galloway
VCE Biology ‘Big Idea’
What you intend the students to learn
about this idea.
Why it is important for students to
know this?
What else you know about this idea
(that you do not intend students to
know yet).
Difficulties and limitations connected
with this idea.
Knowledge about students’ thinking
which influences your teaching of this
Other factors that influence your
teaching of this idea.
Teaching procedures (and particular
reasons for using these to engage with
this idea)
Living organisms have different
nutrient requirements.
Distinguish between autotrophs and
Identify a number of organisms for each
Inorganic and organic requirements for
both groups.
Increased understanding of the different
nutrient requirements for heterotrophs
and autotrophs and how they obtain them.
List breakdown of the different
organisms associated with heterotrophs
and autotrophs.
There could be confusion that organisms
make there own food from light without
eating. Students might find it hard to
understand this concept.
The Venus flytrap captures flies for
nitrogen and other nutrients.
Misconception that flies is the source of
their food.
(The flytrap is an autotroph but requires
other nutrients for survival in nutrient
poor soil).
Some confusion that plants take in food
from outside environment and get food
also from the soil via roots. Plants
internally produce their food through
Make links to other chapters
(composition of cells)
Links also to food chain and ecosystem.
Survival mechanisms
Student learning assessments:
- Investigating photosynthesis practical
(starch production and light supply)
-Mate match (link correct cards with key
-Practical investigations into the
relationship between structures of
autotrophs and heterotrophs and their
Specific ways of ascertaining students’
understanding or confusion around
this idea (include likely range of
Incorporate concept maps with
photosynthesis and also heterotrophs and
Students explain key terms with Mate
Match pairing.
Students describe and explain what is
happening in the photosynthesis practical.
How the rate of photosynthesis is
The teacher deliberately makes mistakes
and waits for students to notice.
(Wrong organism for specific groups,
photosynthesis reaction written
incorrectly, wrong reactants and
VCE Biology Unit 1 AOS 2: Functioning organisms
Key idea 1 – Living organisms have different nutritional requirements
Outline of key idea 1:
Distinguish between autotrophs and heterotrophs and identify a number of organisms
for each group. Identify inorganic and organic requirements for both groups as well as
the structural features that help them utilise these nutritional requirements.
Learning activities
Learning activity 1:
a) Identifying the effect of light in photosynthesis and
b) Testing leaves for starch - technique
In this activity, students discuss and witness how the contribution of light energy
creates starch through photosynthesis. Through this activity they gain an
understanding of how starch is produced with and without the presence of light on
leaves. Students also gain experience in using a cell staining technique to indicate the
presence of starch (excess glucose) in leaf cells. An understanding of cell structures in
leaves is highlighted and the extraction of chlorophyll is achieved through the leaf
VCAA VCE Biology Links:
Revision of unit 1: Area of study 1 - biochemical processes including photosynthesis;
cell structure; external and internal environments of cells (VCAA VCE Biology Study
Design page 14)
Unit 2: Area of Study 1 – organic and inorganic requirements; autotrophs; inputs and
outputs of photosynthesis (VCAA VCE Biology Study Design page 15)
Key Skills:
Investigate and inquire scientifically
Collect, process and record information systematically; analyse and synthesis
data; draw conclusions consistent with the question under investigation and
the evidence obtained
Act responsibly when conducting investigations; maintain safe practices; work
independently and collaboratively as appropriate
Apply biological understandings
Apply understandings to familiar and new contexts; make connections
between concepts
Student worksheet:
Teacher notes:
Adapted from:
Biology 1, Heinemann 4th edition. Workbook booklet: worksheet number 12,
Starch stations – investigating photosynthesis (pg………)
Learning activity 2:
Chemical digestion of Starch
In this activity, students learn how nutrients can be broken down into smaller
molecules through a process of chemical and mechanical digestion. This activity
provides an understanding of how food can be utilised by the human body through the
action of digestive enzymes. Also the practical highlights how nutrients can be
absorbed into the human body as well. They are encouraged to develop an
understanding of the processes involved and this translates in the human body.
VCAA VCE Biology Links:
Revision of unit 1: Area of study 1 – general role of enzymes in biochemical activities
of cells (VCAA VCE Biology Study Design pg 14)
Unit 2: Area of Study 1 – organic and inorganic requirements; heterotrophs (VCAA
VCE Biology Study Design pg 15)
Key Skills:
Investigate and inquire scientifically
Collect, process and record information systematically; analyse and synthesis
data; draw conclusions consistent with the question under investigation and
the evidence obtained
Act responsibly when conducting investigations; maintain safe practices; work
independently and collaboratively as appropriate
Apply biological understandings
Apply understandings to familiar and new contexts; make connections
between concepts
Student worksheet:
Teacher notes:
Adapted from:
Haileybury College, Keysborough. Biology Department. Unit 1 Area of study
1, ‘Chemical Digestion of Starch Laboratory Practical”. 2011, 1-2.
Learning activity 3:
Leaf structure and function
In this activity, students learn about the structures found in leaves and how they vary
between different environmental conditions. This activity also provides an
understanding into the structure and function of stomata located on the leaf surface
and what role they play in photosynthesis.
VCAA VCE Biology Links:
Revision of unit 1: Area of study 1 – biochemical processes including photosynthesis
(VCAA VCE Biology Study Design page 14)
Unit 2: Area of Study 1 – organic and inorganic requirements; autotrophs, inputs and
outputs of photosynthesis and structural features of photosynthetic organisms (VCAA
VCE Biology Study Design page 15)
Key Skills:
Investigate and inquire scientifically
Collect, process and record information systematically; analyse and synthesis
data; draw conclusions consistent with the question under investigation and
the evidence obtained
Act responsibly when conducting investigations; maintain safe practices; work
independently and collaboratively as appropriate
Apply biological understandings
Apply understandings to familiar and new contexts; make connections
between concepts
Student worksheet:
Teacher notes:
Adapted from:
Haileybury College, Keysborough. Biology Department. Unit 1 Area of study
1, ‘Stomata Structure and Function’, SAC 3. 2011, 1-2.
Other Resources:
Gums to Bums – Demonstration on the process of digestion from your mouth
all the way to the toilet. Very good demo to use in class, McDonalds food is
great to demonstrate with.
Photosynthesis – Basic and informative video on the process of
photosynthesis and the structures involved.
The Heterotrophic Blues – A song about heterotrophs and autotrophs with
Elvis Parsley
Awesome Science Teacher Resources Biology website that has a number of resources for photosynthesis. Activities,
games, worksheets, songs, links and useful pictures and diagrams.
On-line Biology Book Photosynthesis chapter that has review questions and detailed pictures.
Douchy’s Biology Podcast –
2008, Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
VCE Biology Podcast –
Mr Barlow, Episode 3 and 6, Autotrophs and Photosynthesis
Mr Barlow, Episode 7, Digestion and Digestive Systems
Other Activities:
Biozone Student Workbook 2011
Year 11 Biology, Great resource for students, detailed worksheets, encourages
higher order thinking. Teacher resources available.
Plant and Animal Nutrition
- Plants as producers
- Photosynthesis
- Leaf structure
- Adaptations for photosynthesis
- Mammalian dentition
- The human digestive tract
- Methods of feeding