Chapter 10 review Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Homeostasis is a state of a. physiological stability. b. physiological instability. c. psychological stability. d. psychological instability. ____ 2. An internal state of tension that precedes behavior designed to reduce that tension is referred to as a a. fugue. b. drive. c. need. d. biostate. ____ 3. According to drive theorists, the foremost motivation for all organisms is to a. achieve self-actualization. b. maintain homeostasis. c. ensure their own survival and the survival of their species. d. experience as much pleasant stimulation as possible. ____ 4. Evolutionary theories of motivation suggest that motives result in behaviors that a. restore homeostasis. b. maximize reproductive success. c. reduce biological needs. d. reduce incentives. ____ 5. Most motivational theorists divide motives into two categories consisting of a. want and desire motives. b. biological and social motives. c. necessary and unnecessary motives. d. survival and reproductive motives. ____ 6. According to motivation theorists, we would expect people generally to be a. more similar in biological than in social needs. b. more similar in social than in biological needs. c. highly varied in both social and biological needs. d. quite similar in both biological and social needs. ____ 7. If, after brain damage suffered in a car accident, a person gained 50 pounds in two months, you would MOST likely suspect damage to the a. ventromedial hypothalamus. b. dorsal hypothalamus. c. lateral hypothalamus. d. glucostats. ____ 8. Janis knows that you have been studying eating behavior in your psychology class and asks you to explain why, in spite of her best interests, she always overeats on Thanksgiving day when she is at her parents' house. Which of the following would be the LEAST likely claim you would tell her? a. She consumes more food because of the quantity of food that is presented; the more food served, the more she is likely to eat. b. She is likely to consume more food because of the variety of food that is presented; the more variety of foods served, the more she is likely to eat. c. She consumes more food because she is in the presence of other people and tends to linger at the table longer. d. She consumes more food because in the cooler months, insulin levels tend to increase, and when insulin levels, increase people tend to eat more. ____ 9. When women are in the presence of other women rather than alone, they tend to eat ______ ; when women are in the presence of men rather than alone, they tend to eat ______. a. more; less b. less; more c. less; about the same quantity d. less; less ____ 10. When Harvey was a child, the only time he ate turnips was when he was at his grandmother's house for Christmas dinner. Now, as an adult, Harvey loves the taste of turnips because he associates them with Christmas at his grandmother's house. In this example, Harvey's preference for the taste of turnips could BEST be explained by using principles of a. observational learning. b. classical conditioning. c. homeostatic conditioning. d. genetic predispositions. ____ 11. What theoretical perspective argues that the increase in obesity in humans is a result of the fact that early humans lived in environments in which there was fierce competition for limited, unreliable food resources resulting in a tendency to consume food when it was present? a. Cognitive b. Evolutionary c. Body set point d. Settling point ____ 12. Dr. Green suggests that when food is plentiful, people have a tendency to overeat, with many people in modern industrialized societies eating excessive amounts of food. Dr. Green's view is MOST consistent with the a. biological approach. b. drive-reduction approach. c. evolutionary approach. d. environmental cues approach. ____ 13. Which of the following statements about the sexual cycle studied by Masters and Johnson is MOST accurate? a. Orgasm is quite different in males and females. b. During the refractory period, men cannot experience another orgasm. c. The excitement phase occurs much more rapidly in women than in men. d. The plateau phase involves a decrease in bodily functions. ____ 14. Parental investment theory suggests all of the following EXCEPT a. human males are required to invest little in the production of offspring. b. human males compete with other males for the "commodity" of reproductive opportunities. c. human females can optimize their reproductive potential by mating with as many males as possible. d. males and females may develop different mating strategies. ____ 15. Research into gender differences in mate preference shows that, in comparison to men, women show ____ desire for partners who are intelligent, ambitious, and have a high social status and ____ interest in attractiveness. a. less; more b. more; less c. less; less d. more; more ____ 16. Over the last 20 years, access to pornography over the Internet has grown and the incidence of reported rapes has ____________. a. increased b. decreased c. remained unchanged d. not been tracked ____ 17. Which theoretical approach to explaining the origins of homosexuality argues that homosexuality results when a boy is raised by a weak, detached, ineffectual father and an overprotective, close-binding mother? a. Biological b. Psychoanalytic c. Operant conditioning d. Classical conditioning ____ 18. Compared to low scorers, people who score high in the need for achievement a. devote more time to interpersonal activities. b. worry more about acceptance from others. c. tend to work harder and more persistently. d. show all of these characteristics. ____ 19. One reason that people often inaccurately predict how they will feel about negative life events is that people underestimate their ability to a. deny reality. b. repress their true feelings. c. rationalize mistakes. d. seek revenge. ____ 20. Laura is about to take the certification exam that will qualify her as a licensed therapist. As she enters the testing room, she feels anxious and nervous. This reaction is part of the a. physiological component in Laura's emotional experience. b. behavioral component in Laura's emotional experience. c. objective component in Laura's emotional experience. d. cognitive component in Laura's emotional experience. ____ 21. Victoria is extremely upset because she has been falsely accused of stealing money from her employer. Her lawyer has suggested that Victoria take a polygraph test to prove her innocence. She asks you whether she should agree to the test. Based on the research into the accuracy of polygraphs, you should tell Victoria that polygraphs a. are extremely accurate, and if Victoria is truly innocent, she will pass with no problem. b. only measure overall arousal levels and are not reliable indicators of whether or not people are lying. c. sometimes wrongly indicate that innocent people are guilty, but are 100% accurate in detecting guilt. d. sometimes wrongly indicate that guilty people are innocent, but are 100% accurate in detecting innocence. ____ 22. What part of the brain is known for its role in voluntary control over emotional reactions? a. Amygdala b. Thalamus c. Temporal lobe d. Prefrontal cortex ____ 23. Which of the following emotions are ALL emotions that people are generally successful in identifying in photographs? a. Sadness, anger, remorse b. Happiness, love, surprise c. Anger, fear, disgust d. Disappointment, sadness, fear ____ 24. The facial feedback hypothesis suggests that a. other people can identify your emotional state by observing your facial expressions. b. a facial expression is simply an external sign of the internal feelings. c. you can affect how you feel by making a certain facial expression. d. the internal state causes the facial expression. ____ 25. The idea that muscles of the face send information to the brain and that this affects the emotion we feel is known as a. Schachter's cognitive theory. b. the James-Lange theory. c. Darwin's facial expression theory. d. the facial feedback hypothesis. ____ 26. Research results have indicated considerable cross-cultural agreement in the identification of all EXCEPT which of the following emotional expressions? a. Fear b. Sadness c. Suspicion d. Happiness ____ 27. According to the James-Lange theory of emotions, one's conscious experience of emotion results from one's perception of a. others' emotions. b. autonomic arousal. c. skin conductancy. d. tension in the facial muscles. ____ 28. The Cannon-Bard theory of emotions focuses on the ____ determinants of emotions. a. psychological b. behavioral c. cognitive d. neural ____ 29. Walking in the forest, you see a bear. Your heart starts pounding, you run, and then you feel fear. This description best illustrates the ____ theory of emotion. a. commonsense b. Cannon-Bard c. James-Lange d. Schachter two-factor ____ 30. While walking down the street, you are approached by a man with a gun who demands your money. According to the Schachter two-factor theory of emotion, you are MOST likely to conclude a. it is alright to be afraid in this situation. b. since your heart is pounding in this dangerous situation, you must be afraid. c. your heart is pounding because you are afraid. d. you are afraid because your heart is pounding. ____ 31. According to evolutionary theories of emotion, a. the experience of emotion depends on autonomic arousal and your cognitive interpretation of that arousal. b. different patterns of autonomic activation lead to the experience of different emotions. c. emotions occur when the thalamus sends signals simultaneously to the cortex and to the autonomic nervous system. d. emotions developed because of their adaptive value. ____ 32. The fact that both biological and environmental factors have been shown to jointly govern eating behavior, sexual desire, and the experience of emotion is illustrative of which of the following unifying themes of your textbook? a. Psychology is empirical. b. Psychology evolves in a sociohistorical context. c. The interplay of heredity and environment. d. Our behavior is shaped by our cultural heritage. ____ 33. The best predictor of an individual's future happiness is the person's a. past happiness. b. financial status. c. physical health. d. marital status. ____ 34. When the mental scale that people use to judge the pleasantness-unpleasantness of their experiences shifts so that their neutral point, or baseline, for comparison changes, ____ is said to have occurred a. subjective reality b. hedonic adaptation c. d. ____ 35. subjective well-being homeostasis Which of the following factors shows the WEAKEST relationship with happiness? a. Love/marriage b. Money c. Social activity d. Health Chapter 10 review Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS: OBJ: A 10.1 PTS: TOP: 1 WWW REF: KEY: Motivational Theories and Concepts Factual 2. ANS: OBJ: B 10.1 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: Motivational Theories and Concepts 3. ANS: OBJ: B 10.1 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: Motivational Theories and Concepts 4. ANS: OBJ: B 10.1 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: Motivational Theories and Concepts 5. ANS: OBJ: B 10.2 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: Motivational Theories and Concepts 6. ANS: OBJ: A 10.2 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied Motivational Theories and Concepts 7. ANS: OBJ: A 10.3 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: The Motivation of Hunger and Eating 8. ANS: OBJ: D 10.4 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied The Motivation of Hunger and Eating 9. ANS: OBJ: A 10.4 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: The Motivation of Hunger and Eating 10. ANS: OBJ: B 10.4 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied The Motivation of Hunger and Eating 11. ANS: OBJ: B 10.6 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: The Motivation of Hunger and Eating 12. ANS: OBJ: C 10.6 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied The Motivation of Hunger and Eating 13. ANS: OBJ: B 10.7 PTS: TOP: 1 WWW REF: KEY: Sexual Motivation and Behavior Factual 14. ANS: OBJ: C 10.8 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Critical Thinking Sexual Motivation and Behavior 15. ANS: OBJ: B 10.9 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied Sexual Motivation and Behavior 16. ANS: OBJ: B 10.1 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: Sexual Motivation and Behavior 17. ANS: OBJ: B 10.11 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied Sexual Motivation and Behavior 18. ANS: OBJ: C 10.13 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual Achievement: In Search of Excellence REF: 19. ANS: OBJ: C 10.14 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: The Elements of Emotional Experience 20. ANS: OBJ: D 10.14 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied The Elements of Emotional Experience 21. ANS: OBJ: B 10.15 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied The Elements of Emotional Experience 22. ANS: OBJ: D 10.15 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: The Elements of Emotional Experience 23. ANS: OBJ: C 10.16 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: The Elements of Emotional Experience 24. ANS: OBJ: C 10.16 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied The Elements of Emotional Experience 25. ANS: OBJ: D 10.16 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: The Elements of Emotional Experience 26. ANS: REF: KEY: C PTS: 1 The Elements of Emotional Experience Factual DIF: Correct = 78% OBJ: 27. ANS: OBJ: B 10.18 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: Theories of Emotion 28. ANS: OBJ: D 10.18 PTS: KEY: 1 Factual REF: Theories of Emotion 29. ANS: OBJ: C 10.18 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied Theories of Emotion 30. ANS: OBJ: B 10.19 PTS: KEY: 1 REF: Concept/Applied Theories of Emotion 31. ANS: REF: D PTS: Theories of Emotion 1 Correct = 53% 10.19 32. ANS: OBJ: C 10.2 1 REF: Concept/Applied 33. ANS: REF: OBJ: A PTS: 1 Personal Application: Exploring the Ingredients of Happiness 10.22 KEY: Factual 34. ANS: REF: OBJ: B PTS: 1 Personal Application: Exploring the Ingredients of Happiness 10.23 KEY: Factual 35. ANS: REF: OBJ: B PTS: 1 Personal Application: Exploring the Ingredients of Happiness 10.22 KEY: Factual PTS: KEY: DIF: OBJ: 10.17 KEY: Concept/Applied Reflecting on the Chapter's Themes