Target Data for FFY 2007 (SY 2007-2008)

State Performance Plan
Annual Performance Report
8, 11, 12, 13, and 14
July 2009
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 8 Parent Survey
• Indicator: Percent of parents with a child receiving special
education services who report that schools facilitated parent
involvement as a means of improving services and results
for children with disabilities.
• Measurement: Percent = [(# of respondent parents who
report schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of
improving services and results for children with disabilities)
divided by the (total # of respondent parents of children with
disabilities)] times 100.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 8 Parent Survey
• Target: Increase the percentage of parents with a
child receiving special education services who report
that schools facilitated parent involvement as a
means of improving services and results for children
with disabilities by 2.0 percentage points to 65.46.
• Percent = [Total Respondents responding Yes divided
by Total Respondents] times 100.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 8 Parent Survey
• Target Data for FFY 2007 (SY 2007-2008):
 Percent = 230 of 363 respondents indicated
YES = 63.4% - Target of 65.46% Not Met
 94 of 363 respondents indicated No = 25.90%
 39 of 363 respondents indicated they were
NOT SURE = 10.7%
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 8 Parent Survey
Indicator 8 - % of Parents Who Reported
that Schools Facilitated Parental Involvement
Baseline 2005
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 8 Parent Survey
• Survey was part of Focused Monitoring
Visits for FY 2007 (SY 2007 – 2008)
• For FY 2008 (SY 2008 - 2009):
 Required by OSEP to change to allow data
collection from all districts
 Collected Data with online survey
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 8 Parent Survey
Directions: If you have more than one child receiving special education services, please fill out a survey for each child.
School District’s Name:
Child’s Information:
Gender – M or F
Age -
Race/Ethnicity -
Grade -
Child’s Primary Disability -
Autism (AU)
Deaf-Blind (DB)
Developmentally Delayed (DD)
Emotional Disability (EmD)
Hearing Impaired (HI)
Language/Speech (L/S)
Mental Retardation (EMR,TMR,S/Pr)
July 2009
Multiple Disabilities (MD)
Other Health Impairment (OHI)
Orthopedic Impairment (OI)
Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Visually Impaired (VI)
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 8 Parent Survey
Please check the box to the right of each item indicating your response
to the statement.
1. The school offers parents training about special education issues.
2. I was given information about organizations that offer support for parents of
students with disabili ties.
3. The school provides information on agencies that can assist my chil d in the
transition from school.
4. The school explains what options parents have if they disagree with a decision of
the school.
5. I have been asked for my opinion about how well special education services are
meeting my chil d's needs.
6. The school gives parents the help they may need to play an active role in their
chil d's education.
7. Written justifi cation was given for the extent that my chil d would not receive
services in the regu lar classroom.
8. The school gives me choices with regard to services that address my chil d's needs.
9. Teachers and admi nistrators encourage me to participate in the decision-making
10. At the IEP meeting, we discussed accomm odations and modifi cations that my
chil d would need.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 8 Parent Survey
• Must also calculate Representativeness by:
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 8 Parent Survey
• District Responsibility:
Administer survey with fidelity
Increase response rate
Increase representativeness
Protect data and survey
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 11 Child Find
• Indicator: Percent of children with
parental consent to evaluate, who were
evaluated within 60 days (or State
established timeline).
• Target: 100% of children with parental
consent to evaluate were evaluated and
eligibility determined within 60 days.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 11 Child Find
• Measurement:
 a. # of children for whom parental consent to evaluate was
 b. # determined not eligible whose evaluations were
completed within 60 days (or State established timeline).
 c. # determined eligible whose evaluations were completed
within 60 days (or State established timeline).
• Account for children included in a but not included in
b or c. Indicate the range of days beyond the
timeline when the evaluation was completed and any
reasons for the delays.
• Percent = [(b + c) divided by (a)] times 100.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 11 Child Find
• Target Data for FFY 2007 (SY 2007-2008):
 a. # of children for whom parental consent to evaluate
was received = 722
 b. # determined not eligible whose evaluations and
eligibility determinations were completed within 60
days = 86
 c. # determined eligible whose evaluations and
eligibility determinations were completed within 60
days = 582
• Percent = ((86 + 582)/722) = 92.52% - Target of
100% Not Met
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 11 Child Find
• Data for APR is pulled from the bottom
portion of the Intervention Screen at the
end of each school year using the Data
Analysis Report
• Users can use the Intervention
Compliance Report to compare data
and find specific students
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Intervention Tab: Student Referred to
When you select for
Intervention Success? either
“Yes – Student is referred to
Child Study” OR “No”:
This will activate the LSC
Referral Date data field – when
you enter this date (can’t be
before the TST Decision Date),
you would want to notify your
District SPED Office that you
are referring a student to them
for testing
The District SPED role will then
enter the next eight data
elements if needed
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Intervention Tab: Student Referred to
Once the LSC Referral Date has been
entered the following two data fields
should be entered.
LSC Response – users have three choices:
TST - Referred Back to TST
REGED - Remains in Regular Ed
SPED - Referred for Comprehensive
LSC Response Date – date LSC Response
was entered
When the user selects 'Referred Back to
TST' or 'Remains in Regular Ed' for the
LSC Response, data entry stops for those
students (LSC Response Date is still
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Intervention Tab: Student Referred to
These three data fields (Parental Consent to
Evaluate, Eligibility Decision, and Parent
Permission to Serve) have a Yes or No answer in the
drop down box – everyone defaults to null
Parental Consent to Evaluate – user selects
Yes if the parent has given permission to test,
select No if the parent declines permission
Parental Consent to Evaluate Date – user
should enter evaluation date
Eligibility Decision – user selects Yes if the
student has tested eligible or No if the student
did not test eligible to be served
Parent Permission to Serve – user selects Yes if
the parent has given permission for the
student to be served or No if the parent
declines permission
A Yes in ALL THREE data fields is required to
allow access to the next two data fields
(Eligibility and IEP Dates)
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Intervention Tab: Student Referred to
The user enters the Eligibility Date
(which can’t be before the LSC
Referral Date) and IEP Date
(which can’t be before the
Eligibility Date)
All fields have to be Y to enter
these fields OR before the dates
will pull from the Student Update
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Student Intervention
Compliance Report
Name (Last Name, First Name, MI)
MSIS Student ID
Inv # 1, Inv #2, Inv #3 , Inv #4 – an “X” will appear in the
column to reflect the criteria the student met
Type of Referral – “Inv” will represent Intervention and
“CS” will represent Child Find
Looking for
an N under
the Eligibility
Date column
Referral to TST – must be within 20 school days of
Referred to Intervention date
TST Decision Date – must be within 18 weeks of the
Referral to TST date – MSIS will use school days to
Intervention Success
Y – Intervention Success was entered
N – No Intervention Success was entered
Eligibility Date – must be within 60 calendar days of the
Parental Consent to Evaluate Date
IEP Date – must be within 30 calendar days of Eligibility
L/S Student – Y or N
NOTE: A “Y” will appear under each of the above
headings if the dates are in compliance. An “N” will appear
under each of the above headings if the dates are NOT in
compliance. For Inv Success, a Y indicates a selection was
made and an N indicates that no selection was made.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 12 C to B
• Indicator : Percent of children referred by Part
C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for
Part B, and who have an IEP developed and
implemented by their third birthdays.
• Target: Mississippi will increase the number
of eligible children transitioning from Part C to
Part B, receiving services at age 3 to 100%.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 12 C to B
• Measurement:
 a. # of children who have been served in Part C and referred to
Part B for eligibility determination.
 b. # of those referred determined to be NOT eligible and whose
eligibilities were determined prior to their third birthdays.
 c. # of those found eligible who have an IEP developed and
implemented by their third birthdays.
 d. # of children for whom parent refusal to provide consent caused
delays in evaluation or initial services.
• Account for children included in a but not included in b, c, or d.
Indicate the range of days beyond the third birthday when
eligibility was determined and the IEP developed and the
reasons for the delays.
• Percent = [(c) divided by (a – b – d)] times 100.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 12 C to B
• Data comes from a monthly file from the
Department of Health
• File is loaded into MSIS
• Matching procedure is run to see if any
students exist in MSIS with an MSIS ID
• Pull those students who match in MSIS and
check the IEP date against their DOB
• Districts can review Not Matching report and
submit to MDE the status of student
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 12 C to B
• Target Data for FFY 2007 (SY 2007-2008):
 a. # of children who have been served in Part C and referred
to Part B for eligibility determination = 504
 b. # of those referred determined to be NOT eligible and
whose eligibilities were determined prior to their third
birthdays = 300
 c. # of those found eligible who have an IEP developed and
implemented by their third birthdays = 177
 d. # of children for whom parent refusal to provide consent
caused delays in evaluation or initial services = 11
• Percent = (177 / (504 – 300 – 11)) * 100 = 91.76% Target of 100% Not Met
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 12 C to B
% SWD Part C to B, IEP by
3rd Birthday
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 12 C to B
• Reasons for student to be removed from Not Matching report:
A. Parent Refused Services
B. Service Discontinued
C. Not Eligible
D. Parent wants to delay to later school year
E. Moved out of state
F. Parent did not respond
G. No Permission to test
H. Parent did not show up
I. Student is deceased
J. Referred to Part C after 33 months
K. Unknown to district and First Steps (you will need to talk to First Steps in
your area before sending in this reason)
 L. Enrolled in University based program
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 13 Transition
• Indicator: Percent of youth aged 16 and
above with an IEP that includes coordinated,
measurable, annual IEP goals and transition
services that will reasonably enable the
student to meet the post-secondary goals.
• Target: 100% of youth aged 16 and above will
have an IEP that includes coordinated
measurable, annual IEP goals and transition
services that will reasonably enable the
student to meet the post-secondary goals.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 13 Transition
• Measurement: Percent = [(# of youth
with disabilities aged 16 and above with
an IEP that includes coordinated,
measurable, annual IEP goals and
transition services that will reasonably
enable the student to meet the postsecondary goals) divided by the (# of
youth with an IEP age 16 and above)]
times 100.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 13 Transition
• Actual Target Data for FFY 2007 (SY 20072008):
 Percent = # of youth with disabilities aged 16 and
above with an IEP that includes coordinated,
measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services
that will reasonably enable the student to meet the
post-secondary goals divided by # of youth with an
IEP age 16 and above times 100.
 Percent = 11,174 / 11,589 = 96.42% - Target of
100% Not Met
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 13 Transition
% SWD with Measurable
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 14
• Indicator: Percent of youth who had IEPs, are no
longer in secondary school and who have been
competitively employed, enrolled in some type of
postsecondary school, or both, within one year of
leaving high school.
• Target: Increase the number of competitively
employed, enrolled in some type of postsecondary
school, or both, within one year of leaving high school
by 1.0, from 58.97 to 59.97%.
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 14
• Measurement: Percent = [(# of youth who had
IEPs, are no longer in secondary school and who
have been competitively employed, enrolled in
some type of postsecondary school, or both, within
one year of leaving high school) divided by the (#
of youth assessed who had IEPs and are no longer
in secondary school)] times 100.
• Percent = 2030 / 3234 = 62.77% - Target of 59.97% Met
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 14
Post-Secondary Screen
• The Post-Secondary screen in MSIS lists all your students that exited in
the prior school year (Modules ->Special Education ->Post Secondary)
to allow you to enter the data for Indicator 14. Students listed on the
screen exited your district during the prior school year and you now
indicate what they are doing a year later.
• Select from the drop-down box:
• Y for Yes, N for No, U for Unknown (NOTE: Military Service counts for
Employment), or R for Re-enrolled in Secondary;
• If you answered Y, select CE for Competitively Employed, PS for PostSecondary, or B for Both;
• Any comments you want to make should be entered under the Notes
• Data should be entered on this screen for 2007-2008 by September 18,
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Indicator 14
Post-Secondary Screen
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Transition Services
Compliance Report
• Run Pre Cut-Off for a listing of those students who have an N or
null in the live database
• Run Post Cut-Off for a listing of those students who have an N or
null in the archived tables
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education
Ellen Davis Burnham
July 2009
Copyright © 2009 Mississippi Department of Education