Praxis II -- MGE

Teacher Certification
KSU Workshop
Fall 2007
What is
• The Georgia Professional Standards Commission
(PSC) has contracted with National Evaluation
Systems (NES®) to assist in the development and
administration of the Georgia Assessments for the
Certification of Educators® (GACE®).
• The purpose of the GACE is to assess the knowledge
and skills of prospective Georgia public school
educators. The GACE program helps the PSC meet
its goal of ensuring that candidates have the
knowledge and skills needed to perform the job of an
educator in Georgia public schools.
• The GACE are aligned with state and national
standards for educator preparation and with state
standards for the P–12 student curriculum (Georgia
Performance Standards).
What is
• The GACE are criterion-referenced, objective-based
assessments designed to measure a candidate’s
knowledge and skills in relation to an established
standard rather than in relation to the performance of
other candidates.
• The tests were developed in consultation with
committees of Georgia educators, educator
preparation faculty, and other content and
assessment specialists.
• Test questions were reviewed and approved by
committees of Georgia educators.
• The passing score for each test is established by the
PSC and is based on the professional judgments and
recommendations of Georgia educators.
Test Sites
Site Map
Registration Calendar
MGE Content
Time Formats
• Morning 4 hour session
– One or two content tests
• Afternoon 4 hour session
– One or two content tests
“… you are automatically given … four hours to take
one test … if you register for only one test per test
session or test administration…” p. 23 GACE
registration bulletin
Scheduling from 4 tests
1. LA & Math 7:45AM–12:30PM
2. Science, SS 1:00PM-5:45PM
In one test session, you may take
two middle grades tests
Two in AM or two in PM
One each AM and PM
Personal Information
E-mail option
(unofficial scores)
Test Fees
Costs & Fees
1. Middle grades: Content
LA, Math, Sci, SS
TAKE two @ $65 each
2. Registration fee
– Many additional fees available
If two dates, adjust accordingly
$ 20
Mail or Internet Early
Scores range 100 to 300
Middle Grades Language Arts
Middle Grades Mathematics
Middle Grades Science
Middle Grades Social Science
220 is passing score
Professional Exams
• Accountant
• Lawyer
• Doctor
• Teacher
CPA exam
Study Strategies
Preparing for the Tests
• GACE Test Frameworks & Prep
Middle Grades Content
Details at
GACE website
• Study relevant section (for EACH)
– Test Design
– Frameworks
– Sample Test
– Study Sample Answers
• Check web for additional details
Language Arts
Language Arts
• Reading Literature & Informational
• Reading Across the Curriculum
• Writing Processes, Purposes, &
• Listening, Speaking, & Viewing
Language Arts
Mathematics & Science
Calculator (SCIENTIFIC) provided.
NO graphing calculators allowed
Numbers & Operations
Measurement & Geometry
Patterns, Algebra, & Functions
Data Analysis & Probability
Mathematical Processes &
Earth Science (includes Space)
Life Science
Physical Science (includes
Characteristics of Science
Social Science
Social Science
U.S. History
World Regions
Latin America
Africa & Asia
Australia & Oceania
Georgia Studies & Social
Science Skills
Social Science
Reading & Literature
Reading Across the Curriculum
Sample Test Elements
Sample Test Elements
• Selected Response Questions = 60
(Multiple Choice)
• Constructed Response Assignments = 2
Sample Test Elements
• Selected Response Questions = 60
(Multiple Choice)
Content &
Elimination Strategy
1. Which of the following best describes the main cause
of conflict between Native Americans and English
settlers during the seventeenth century?
A. English efforts to convert Native Americans to
B. English expansion westward from the Atlantic coast
C. English refusal to include Native Americans in colonial
D. English interference with the Native American fur trade
Social Science
Content &
Elimination Strategy
1. Which of the following best describes the main cause
of conflict between Native Americans and English
settlers during the seventeenth century?
A. English efforts to convert Native Americans to
B. English expansion westward from the Atlantic coast
C. English refusal to include Native Americans in colonial
D. English interference with the Native American fur trade
Narrow down to two possible answers (eliminate two), then guess.
Social Science
Content &
Elimination Strategy
1. Which of the following best describes the main cause
of conflict between Native Americans and English
settlers during the seventeenth century?
B. English expansion westward from the Atlantic coast
The main cause of conflict between Native Americans and
English settlers during the seventeenth century was the
encroachment of settlers on Native American lands as they
moved westward from the Atlantic coast. Bacon's Rebellion
and King Philip's War are two important examples …
Content Vocabulary
8. The physics term inertia is sometimes
used metaphorically in other contexts to
A. a resistance to change.
B. an aversion to cold.
C. an opposition to authority.
D. a hindrance to growth.
Language Arts
Content Vocabulary
8. The physics term inertia is sometimes
used metaphorically in other contexts to
A. a resistance to change.
B. an aversion to cold.
C. an opposition to authority.
D. a hindrance to growth.
Language Arts
Content Vocabulary
8. The physics term inertia is sometimes
used metaphorically in other contexts to
A. a resistance to change.
In physics, the term inertia means the tendency of a body at
rest to remain at rest, or of a body in motion to remain in
motion, unless acted on by an outside force. The term is
sometimes used metaphorically to mean resistance to
Content Vocabulary
Content Vocabulary
Content Vocabulary
S ∪B is the set that includes all of the days of the week
on which soccer practice, ballet practice, or both occur.
The complement of (S ∪B ) is the set containing the
days of the week on which no practices occur, in this
case Sunday and Friday.
“Best” Answer
6. When providing middle school students with
independent reading materials to choose
from, it is most important to include materials
A. address universal and timeless themes.
B. are contemporary and attractive to young readers.
C. contain unusual and challenging ideas.
D. are accessible to young readers with limited reading
Language Arts
“Best” Answer
6. When providing middle school students with
independent reading materials to choose
from, it is most important to include materials
A. address universal and timeless themes.
B. are contemporary and attractive to young readers.
C. contain unusual and challenging ideas.
D. are accessible to young readers with limited reading
Language Arts
“Best” Answer
6. When providing middle school students with
independent reading materials to choose
from, it is most important to include materials
B. are contemporary and attractive to young readers.
A major purpose of encouraging students to read
independently is to promote their enjoyment of reading;
enjoyment, in turn, is widely held to contribute to improving
students' reading skills. Middle school students are most likely
to be attracted to and enjoy contemporary materials that deal
with people and situations that are familiar to them.
Content & Application
10. A cause-and-effect organizational structure
would be most appropriate to use for an
essay on which of the following topics?
A. definitions of race in the United States and
B. an insider's tour of the White House
C. greenhouse gases and global warming
D. the three stages of adolescent development
Language Arts
Content & Application
10. A cause-and-effect organizational structure
would be most appropriate to use for an
essay on which of the following topics?
A. definitions of race in the United States and
B. an insider's tour of the White House
C. greenhouse gases and global warming
D. the three stages of adolescent development
Language Arts
Content & Application
10. A cause-and-effect organizational structure
would be most appropriate to use for an
essay on which of the following topics?
C. greenhouse gases and global warming
D. the three stages of adolescent development
It would be logical to use a cause-and-effect
organizational structure for an essay about greenhouse
gases and global warming because it is widely believed
that there is a causal relationship between them.
Content & Application
Small metal cube A is placed
on top of the larger metal
cube B as shown in the
diagram above. Thermal
energy will be transferred
from cube A to cube B if cube
A has a greater:
A. mass.
B. thermal conductivity.
C. specific heat.
D. temperature.
Content & Application
Small metal cube A is placed
on top of the larger metal
cube B as shown in the
diagram above. Thermal
energy will be transferred
from cube A to cube B if cube
A has a greater:
A. mass.
B. thermal conductivity.
C. specific heat.
D. temperature.
Content & Application
Small metal cube A is placed
on top of the larger metal
cube B as shown in the
diagram above. Thermal
energy will be transferred
from cube A to cube B if cube
A has a greater:
D. temperature.
Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the
particles in a substance or material. When two substances are in
contact, the substance with the greater temperature will transfer
thermal energy to the substance with a lower temperature until the
two substances reach thermal equilibrium.
Data Focus / Reference Base
10. According to the theory of evolution, which of the
following processes leads to adaptive changes in the
genetic makeup of a species over time?
A. Genetic differences among individuals in a population make
some individuals more likely to survive and reproduce than
B. Physical changes in individuals that are caused by
environmental conditions are passed on to their offspring
through their genes.
C. Environmental changes produce mutations in the genes of
individuals that help their offspring survive and reproduce.
D. Populations of individuals with relatively low mutation rates
eventually replace populations that have unstable genetic
Data Focus / Reference Base
10. According to the theory of evolution, which of the
following processes leads to adaptive changes in the
genetic makeup of a species over time?
A. Genetic differences among individuals in a population make
some individuals more likely to survive and reproduce than
B. Physical changes in individuals that are caused by
environmental conditions are passed on to their offspring
through their genes. NOT TRUE
C. Environmental changes produce mutations in the genes of
individuals that help their offspring survive and reproduce.
D. Populations of individuals with relatively low mutation rates
eventually replace populations that have unstable genetic
Data Focus / Reference Base
10. According to the theory of evolution, which of the
following processes leads to adaptive changes in
the genetic makeup of a species over time?
Genetic differences among individuals in a population
make some individuals more likely to survive and
reproduce than others.
According to the theory of evolution, the genetic changes that occur
in a particular species over many generations result from the
reproductive success of some individuals in a population as
compared with other individuals in the population. As time goes on,
the genes that confer reproductive success will become more
prevalent than the genes that do not confer a reproductive
Reverse Q’s, all except, not
6.Which of the following statements is true of
hurricanes but not of tornadoes?
(A)They form only over warm oceans.
(B)They have very high winds.
(C)They may cause great property damage.
(D)They may cause human fatalities.
Reverse Q’s, all except, not
6.Which of the following statements is true of
hurricanes but not of tornadoes?
(A)They form only over warm oceans. ___
(B)They have very high winds. BOTH
(C)They may cause great property damage. BOTH
(D)They may cause human fatalities. BOTH
Reverse Q’s, all except, not
6.Which of the following statements is true of
hurricanes but not of tornadoes?
(A)They form only over warm oceans. ___
(B)They have very high winds. BOTH
(C)They may cause great property damage. BOTH
(D)They may cause human fatalities. BOTH
12. Use the national economic statistics below to
answer the question that follows.
• The agricultural sector employs 1.3% of the
• The industrial sector employs 24.7% of the
• The service sector employs 74.0% of the population.
The statistics shown above best describe the economic
structure of which of the following Asian nations?
A. Pakistan
B. Japan
C. North Korea
D. Malaysia
Social Studies
12. Use the national economic statistics below to
answer the question that follows.
• The agricultural sector employs 1.3% of the
• The industrial sector employs 24.7% of the
• The service sector employs 74.0% of the population.
The statistics shown above best describe the economic
structure of which of the following Asian nations?
A. Pakistan
Like other highly developed economies,
B. Japan
the Japanese economy has a large and
C. North Korea
growing service sector, a shrinking
D. Malaysia
manufacturing sector, and a very small
agricultural sector.
Social Studies
A. 0.03=3/100
B. 0.06=6/100
C. 0.12=12/100
D. 0.15=15/100
Since there are 25 squares in the grid,
the 3 shaded squares represent 3/25 of
the total, and 3/25 = 12/100 = 0.12.
Reading/Interpreting Graphs
17. Which of the following graphic formats
would be the most effective way of
displaying the proportion of East Asia's
population that lives in China?
A. line graph
B. table
C. pie chart
D. pictograph
Social Studies
Reading/Interpreting Graphs
17. Which of the following graphic formats
would be the most effective way of
displaying the proportion of East Asia's
population that lives in China?
A. line graph
B. table
C. pie chart
D. pictograph
Social Studies
Reading/Interpreting Graphs
17. Which of the following graphic formats
would be the most effective way of
displaying the proportion of East Asia's
population that lives in China?
A. line graph
B. table
C. pie chart
D. pictograph
Pie charts are circular graphs in which
each section of the circle represents a
percentage of the whole. This graphic
format provides a particularly good way of
displaying part-to-whole relationships
such as the proportion of East Asia's
population that lives in China.
Reading/Interpreting Graphs
8.In how many of the years
shown were there more than
twice as many students in
medical schools as there
were in 1950?
Reading/Interpreting Graphs
8.In how many of the years
shown were there more than
twice as many students in
medical schools as there
were in 1950?
Reading/Interpreting Graphs
8.In how many of the years
shown were there more than
twice as many students in
medical schools as there
were in 1950?
Scoring Constructed Response
Employ Strategies for
Test Taking
Materials & Supplies
Admission Ticket
Driver’s License (Photo ID)
Additional ID (without photo OK)
Sharp pencils (several)
Bottled water is OK
Materials & Supplies
Do NOT bring into test site
Cell phones
Electronic devices
Food or drink
BUT, bring & leave in car
(especially snacks)
Time Management
Plan ahead
Look ahead
Pacing is critical
Think, then act (or write)
Bring a watch (no alarms)
Write down times
Time Management
Write down times, pace yourself
90 minutes
2 hours total time
30 min
Relax & Think
Sleep night before
Be prepared
Be confident
Practice stress
reduction techniques
Stress Management
Close eyes
Visualize your
Stress Management
Not too
Keep Your Eye on the Goal
Prepared & Successful