Unholy Alliances
The Christian Publishing Industry
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“The fact that the world can so easily
tolerate us, and that we are devoid of any
reproach, let alone of persecution, is,
itself, a shameful testimony that we are so
like the world that we cannot be
distinguished from it. We ought, rather, to
be citizens of another Kingdom, citizens of
Heaven, but there simply is no way to get
there except through the Cross”. Art Katz
2Cor. 6:14-18 Be ye not unequally yoked together with
unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with
darkness?:And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what
agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are
the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will
dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from
among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and
touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And
will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and
daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (KJV)
Size of the Industry:
$4.63 billion
A study conducted by CBA shows the retail value of
Christian products sold by CBA member suppliers
through all distribution channels reached $4.63 billion in
2006, up from $4.34 billion in 2004, $4.2 billion in 2002,
and $4 billion in 2000. The Christian Retail Channel
continues to distribute the majority market share (52.4%)
of a still-expanding marketplace of Christian products,
while the general market channels (i.e. warehouse clubs,
mass merchandisers, and big-box bookstores) sold
32.6% and other channels (including direct-to-consumer,
church, and nonprofit ministry sales) sold 15.1%.
“Competition is always a factor in
“We have seen competition increase dramatically within
the industry as was as from outside the industry. As
chains and buying groups within our industry become
more sophisticated in business practices, they continue
to raise the bar so that competition among them
becomes livelier. Availability of our products in more
outlets means more competition, but also means
increased awareness, availability, and consumer service
for our products. The general market is increasingly
interested in selling Christian products, but they do not
carry a depth of product. The Christian retail channel is
the primary seller of backlist products. General-market
retailers are mostly interested in selling titles that have a
proven track record as bestsellers established in the
Christian market first.” - Bill Anderson, CBA President
and CEO
Private equity firm buys Thomas
Nelson (2006)
A group of investors led by private
equity firm Inter media Partners
VII purchases Thomas Nelson
Inc. in a $473 million deal that
took the publishing company
Intermedia Partners VII
Leo Hindery Jr
(purchased 2006)
•Cool Springs Press (S)
•West Bow Press
•Rutledge Hill Press
•Nelson Business
•J. Countryman
•Nelson Current
•Nelson Books
•Tommy Nelson
•Nelson Bibles
•W. Publishing Group
•Nelson Impact
•Nelson Reference
Integrity Publishers
(Purchased 2006 after buyout)
Authors: David Jeremiah, Beth More, John Townsend
Henry Cloud, Gary Smalley, Emerson Eggericht,
Jerry Jenkins, Stephen Elkins.
In Radical Reorg, Nelson to Drop
by Lynn Garrett, Religion BookLine -- 10/18/2006
In a move called the One Company
Initiative, Thomas Nelson is eliminating all
of its imprints and reorganizing its
publishing functions around strategic
publishing units keyed to BISAC category
codes. The company’s 18 imprints (as well
as the three it just acquired with its
purchase of Integrity) will be phased out
effective April 1
Michael Hyatt
“From Where I Sit” Personal blog site
Over the past several years, we have
experienced significant growth at Thomas
Nelson. We have added new imprints, new
editors, and scores of new authors.
Unfortunately, we have not always had
alignment internally with our own mission
and values. Some of us have “colored a bit
outside the lines.” (I’ve been guilty myself.)
This has led to some corporate soul
searching, discussion, and even debate.
“We are a Christian publisher.”
• After a year of internal reflection among our
executive team, we came back to our legacy as
a company. The bottom line is this: We are a
Christian publisher.
• Like other Christian publishers, we want all of
our books to be written from the perspective of a
Christian worldview. This is the foundation of our
publishing program. However, unlike most
Christian publishers, we want our authors to
explore any subject they wish.
“…after all we are a commercial
We also want to publish books that deal
with the other aspects of life: business,
culture, politics, entertainment, etiquette,
cooking, family, etc. And, of course, we
want to publish fiction. Lots of it! No topic
is off limits, provided it is written from a
Christian worldview, written well, and
has commercial value. (We are, after all,
a commercial publisher.)
“…never referencing anything
“….all truth is God’s truth. Some of the
books we publish will be explicitly
Christian (mentioning the name “Jesus” or
citing specific Bible verses); others will be
implicitly Christian (never referencing
anything spiritual). Both are acceptable
and appropriate, depending on the
author’s purpose and audience. The
important thing is that the content flow out
of a Christian worldview.
We want to publish:
Authors who profess a personal faith in
Jesus Christ. We want to work with people
who are willing to say, “I am a Christian.”
We do not try to judge their profession or
assess the validity of their faith. Only God
knows their hearts (1 Samuel 16:7).
Nevertheless, we want to work with
communicators who claim to be
Christians and are not ashamed of it.
“we want to allow latitude”
Authors who embrace the central truths of
historic Christianity. Such ancient
documents as the Apostles’ and Nicene
Creeds are simply convenient summaries
of these truths and nearly all Christians
can agree on them. Beyond these basic
truths, we want to allow latitude—and
even disagreement!—on non-essential
“My goal is for Thomas Nelson to
become a top three trade publisher by
2012.” M Hyatt
Wednesday, December 20, 2006- From Where I sitTop Ten Trade Publishers
Rank PublisherMarketShare
1Random House 17.2%
2HarperCollins* 13.3%
3Simon & Schuster 9.2%
4Penguin 8.7%
5Hachette 5.9%
6Thomas Nelson 4.8%
7St. Martin’s 3.2%
8Tyndale 1.9%
9John Wiley & Sons 1.7%
10Scholastic 1.6%
Total Top Ten 67.5%
Random House, Inc
Random House, Inc., the
world’s largest Englishlanguage trade book
publisher -the book division
of Bertelsmann AG, one of
the world’s leading media
Evangelical Christian publishing
Don Jacobson
President and Publisher
Multonomah Publishers
(Purchased 2006)
•Publishes more than 100 new titles annually
by such popular authors as Randy Alcorn,
Shaunti Feldhahn, Robin Jones Gunn, and
Andy Stanley
•Backlist of more than 600 works of fiction
and nonfiction includes classic books of faith
by Dr. James Dobson, Francine Rivers, and
Joshua Harris, and THE PRAYER OF JABEZ
by Bruce Wilkinson, the eight-million-copy #1
New York Times bestseller and the bestselling
book published in the U.S. in 2001
bestselling and well-respected
authors -Kay Arthur, Jane
Kirkpatrick, Liz Curtis Higgs,
Steve Arterburn, Michelle
McKinney Hammond and
Charlie Peacock
Shaw Publishers (Purchased 2000)
•Backlist of about 300 titles
•Shaw's top-selling series is its Fisherman
Bible Studyguide line, which has sold
more than 3.3 million books. Madeleine
L'Engle, Lewis B. Smedes, Lloyd J.
Ogilvie and Luci Shaw are among the
publisher's bestselling authors
Random House Purchases
(2000)Founded in 1968, Shaw has a wellregarded backlist of about 300 titles that will
complement the three-year-old WaterBrook's
frontlist program, according to a Random
spokesperson. Shaw's top-selling series is its
Fisherman Bible Studyguide line, which has
sold more than 3.3 million books. Madeleine
L'Engle, Lewis B. Smedes, Lloyd J. Ogilvie
and Luci Shaw are among the publisher's
bestselling authors. Dan Rich, president and
publisher of WaterBrook, told PW the addition of
Shaw "significantly enhances WaterBrook's
prominence in the CBA market."
Random House Inc. Owns
Waterbrook Press
WaterBrook Press was launched in
September 1996 as an autonomous
evangelical religious publishing division of
Random House, Inc. Since the release of
their first books in February 1998, their
publishing program has grown
dramatically, and now includes such
bestselling and well-respected authors as
Liz Curtis Higgs, Stephen Arterburn, Kay
Arthur, Joanna Weaver, Shannon
Ethridge, Jane Kirkpatrick, and Kathy
Random House, Inc Acquires
(August 2006)Random House, Inc., the largest Englishlanguage trade book publisher, announced today that it
has purchased one of the nation’s leading evangelical
Christian book publishing houses, Multnomah
Publishers. The Oregon-based Multnomah publishes
more than 100 new titles annually by such popular
authors as Randy Alcorn, Shaunti Feldhahn, Robin
Jones Gunn, and Andy Stanley. Its active backlist of
more than 600 works of fiction and nonfiction includes
classic books of faith by Dr. James Dobson, Francine
Rivers, and Joshua Harris, and THE PRAYER OF
JABEZ by Bruce Wilkinson, the eight-million-copy #1
New York Times bestseller and the bestselling book
published in the U.S. in 2001.
History of Multnomah
In May 1987, Donald C. Jacobson founded Questar Publishers in Phoenix,
Arizona. His vision was to establish a new, bold company that would clearly
communicate the Word of God to His people and His church. The next few
years were a time of building as, one by one, Jacobson assembled the team
that he felt was called to an eternal purpose.
Nearly two years later, Questar's leaders discovered a community with a
strong sense of values and kinship that was conducive to raising their young
families. The company relocated to Sisters, Oregon, in March 1989.
A strategic move for the company was the 1992 purchase of Multnomah
Press from Multnomah Bible College and Bible Seminary in Portland,
Oregon. Jacobson has a rich history with both the college and the company.
He received a bachelor's degree in religious education from the college and
later worked as marketing director at Multnomah Press. In the acquisition,
many Multnomah Press staff members joined the new company and
relocated from Portland to Sisters.
The Multnomah name, long associated with high Christian standards, was a
deciding factor in the company's decision to officially change its name on
July 1, 1997 from Questar to Multnomah Publishers.
Donald C. Jacobson
“The decision to sell Multnomah was a
difficult one,” said Mr. Jacobson, “but in
Random House we have an acquiring
publisher with a strong shared
commitment to our mission for our authors
and their books and the resources to bring
their writing to the widest readership. In
my new consultant capacity, I will do all I
can to make the efforts ahead as smooth
as possible for everyone.”
Random House spokesman Stuart
"We've admired Multnomah from afar for
many years, and have always regarded
them as one of the most interesting and
significant publishing houses," Applebaum
said. "We couldn't be more pleased to
have them as part of our publishing effort."
Copyright 2006
Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved.
• The company, founded 75 years ago by Pat and
Bernie Zondervan, continues to thrive under the
umbrella of HarperCollins Publishers, the New
York media conglomerate that purchased
Zondervan in 1988 for $56.7 million.
• $250 million publisher.
• The company chose to advertise its new Bible
geared to young people in Rolling Stone
magazine in 2005, part of a $1 million ad blitz for
Today's New International Version Bible.
Maureen "Moe" Girkins
President & CEO
1970. Zondervan becomes a publicly held company
1988 –Becomes a division of
HarperCollinsPublishers, one of the world's
largest publishing companies.
Revenues that top $1 billion annually
Zondervan services major
bookstore chains and groups,
including Family Christian Stores,
The Parable Group, LifeWay
Christian Stores, Berean Christian
Stores, The Logos Bookstore
Association, Christian Supply,
Lemstone Christian Stores, Munce
Group, WaldenBooks, Borders, and
Zondervan services major
distributors, including Spring Arbor
Distributors, Ingram Book Group,
Appalachian Distributors, Anchor
Distributors, and Baker & Taylor.
Created in 2006
Zondervan has 41 Bibles and books with
more than 500,000 copies of each in print,
including one bestseller with more than 30
million copies in print worldwide (The
Purpose Driven® Life by Rick Warren).
• Zondervan maintains more than 5,000
Bible, book, and other product titles in its
catalog. Zondervan publishes
approximately 40 Bible editions, 125
books, over 200 gift items, and 50 new
media products each year.
These two books are printed by
HarperCollins-parent company of
By Anton La Vey
Do they run Christian Bibles and The Satanic Bible on the same press???
One of Zondervan’s Sisters
Once bitten, twice shy, and sexy PI Jackie Morrisey wasn't going there again.
Vincent Argeneau may be the hottest guy she's ever met, living or dead, but she's
here to stop a killer from turning this vampire into dust, not to jump into bed with
Kerrelyn Sparks introduces readers to a demon world that is curiously
parallel to the human world.
Did I mention the other SISTER?
Erin's been left alone in the lab . . . with her hard-bodied new
assistant, Kale Alexander, a sexy stud who has "playboy" written
all over him.
There are no boundaries or taboos, only needs to be fulfilled. Here
women and men risk everything in pursuit of sexual satisfaction—and
business always mixes with pleasure.
Copyright © 2006 HarperCollins Publishers, All rights reserved.
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022
“In today's marketplace, Erotica is one
of the fastest-growing segments of
women's fiction. Avon Red is
committed to providing the best, most
sophisticated erotic fiction available in
the industry, written by the most
talented authors. With our striking
cover designs and steamy narratives,
Avon Red is in a class by itself.”
The good SISTER
New Inspirational Fiction Line from
Leading Publisher Celebrates the Grace
and Power of Love
“These stories, written by some of the
most respected and beloved authors in the
inspirational fiction category, lift the heart
and spirit; Avon Inspire novels are
engaging stories that Christian readers
can trust and love,” says Avon publisher
Liate Stehlik.
Inspirational Romance
“Inspirational romance is an important
category in the both the romance market
and the Christian fiction market. The 2005
market industry report put out by Romance
Writers of America reported that
inspirational romance is the second
preferred subgenre of romance, after
“ ….a holy stick”
“Today's readers want more than a twodimensional, page-turning, emotional ride.
They want, and in these turbulent times,
need, the spiritual dimension, too--without
being beaten over the head with a holy
Corporate Press Release- 9-20-2006
Christian Romance Publishers
Why A Romance Writer?
Number of Romance Readers
• 64.6 million Americans read at least one
romance novel in the past year.
• 2002: 51.1 million readers in America
• 1998: 41 million readers in America
Romance Writers of America
“Show Me the MONEY!!
• Romance generated $1.2 billion in sales in
• There were 2,285 romance titles released
in 2004.
• Romance fiction comprises 54.9% of all
popular paperback fiction sold in North
• Romance fiction comprises 39.3% of all
popular fiction sold.
Romance Writers of America
In Defense of Romance: A Heartfelt Matter
by Andrea Boeshaar © Copyright 2004
Christian romance is literature...and it
sells. Christian romance touches lives and,
by God's Holy Spirit, it can change hearts.
Romance is about relationships.
Conversely, our interactions with others,
with friends, family, spouses, are the very
essence of our beings. In addition,
romance is the core of our salvation; from
the beginning of time, God has courted
mankind, wooing, pleading, persuading
until the decision is made. "Yes, Lord, I
accept You..."
“My novels influence, and affect
But after praying, and seeking the Lord's
direction for my work, He has shown me
over and over again that the stories I write
play an important part in furthering His will.
My novels influence, and affect readers. I
don't mean to sound prideful or haughty. I
only mean to convey the responsibility I
feel towards my writing. After all, the
written word is a powerful tool - and it's
one God can and does use!
“A romantic mood”
“Because the Christian romance genre has evolved from secular
romance, I think we walk a very fine line in portraying romance the
way God intended it. The formula for secular romance is so
incredibly unrealistic and skewed from the way God ordained
romantic love to be. Having said that, I will also say that I gobbled up
Janette Oke's novels as a young bride and I truly believe her
portrayals of romantic love made my marriage even better. I have
even recommended romance novels to young mothers who are
almost too tired to be the wives their husbands need when they
come home. I have recommended that young mothers put the
children down for a nap and curl up with a Christian romance
before their husbands come home. It can relax them and put
them in a romantic mood. I truly think I am a better wife and
mother today because of Janette Oke's books. I think there is very
definitely a place for stories that portray the beautiful love
relationship between a man, a woman, and their God.”
What doe these two have in
Same Company!!!!
Steeple Hill Books offered by Christianbooks.com
• Harlequin Enterprises Limited is the global leader in series romance
and one of the world's leading publishers of women's fiction. The
Toronto-based company publishes over 115 titles a month in 25
languages in 94 international markets on six continents. These
books are written by over 1,300 talented authors worldwide, offering
women a broad range of reading from romance to psychological
thrillers to relationship novels. With 131 million books sold
in 2005 — half overseas and a tremendous 96% outside
Canada — it is both the country's most successful publisher and one
of its most international businesses.
• Harlequin's success in 2005 confirms that the company is moving
toward its stated goal of being the world's leading publisher of
women's fiction. Harlequin titles appeared on the New York Times
bestseller lists for a record 188 weeks — an increase of 20 percent
over 2004. Since its inception, Harlequin has shipped approximately
5.22 billion books.
published by Barbour Publishers
Escape into the pages of romance, adventure, and
Do you want to be swept off your feet by a timeless romance
novel? Want to solve your way through the twists and turns of
a shadowy mystery? Want to have your breath taken away by
a heart-pounding story of suspense?
Wherever your heart and imagination want to go Barbour's
line of inspirational Christian fiction will take you there.
A Barbour Classic
Tormented by his wife's apparent demise,
Edmund Merrick sails away to drown his
sorrows-only to find himself trapped in the
dark world of a demented Frenchman.
When his mind clears from its ruminduced haze, will Edmund find the will to
escape? Seemingly abandoned by her
husband, Charlisse is thrown into the
clutches of the vengeful pirate Kent. Will
she be swept away by the undertow of
treachery and despair? Can Edmund and
Charlisse steer their way to the faith-filled
haven they so desperately seek, or will
they ultimately lose their love and lives to
the sea?
And they sell this book!
Rick Warren Partners with Readers Digest
We have been blessed with an
incredible opportunity! In
partnership with the Reader's
Digest organization, we are
launching a new magazine and
companion website titled "The
Purpose Driven Connection." The
Project is a multimedia platform
and membership program that will
serve pastors, churches and
seeker interested in Christian
values through a new suite of
resource tools including: 1)
Purpose Driven with Rick Warren
magazine - that will contain Small
Group Curriculum in each issue;
and 2) a state-of the-art interactive
website at
“All to help pastors and leaders
worldwide lead their churches to health
and balance in order to more effectively
fulfill the Great Commandment and the
Great Commission.”
About RDA
• Reader's Digest, the largest-selling magazine in the
world, now appears in 50 editions and 21 languages,
following new launches during the past year in Romania,
Slovenia and Croatia. The magazine is sold in more than
60 countries.
• The company reaches millions of consumers through
more than 25 other magazines,
• It markets collections of music, from Beethoven to Ella
Fitzgerald to today's pop divas, and videos and audio
• On March 3, 2007, an investor group led by Ripplewood
Holdings L.L.C. completed an historic transaction
resulting in the acquisition of RDA, returning the
company to private ownership status after 17 years. Two
other companies in Ripplewood's portfolio, WRC Media
and Direct Holdings Co., were brought into RDA, making
the total value of the transaction approximately $2.6
The largest privately owned Christian publisher
Mark Taylor, CEO of Tyndale
Met with authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry
Jenkins to discuss a partial manuscript for
a book they were calling Left Behind,
about those remaining on earth after the
“Christian fiction established”
Several publishers had already rejected
the manuscript. But Taylor told the
authors, "If the rest of the book is as good
as the first chapter, we could sell 500,000
copies." The book spawned a series that
has brought in more than $650 million and
helped establish Christian fiction as a
huge market.
MAY 23, 2005
New Line Cinema
($850 million)
Publishes these Christian Authors
Also Publishes these Books
Hachette Book Group USA (HBG) was created when
Hachette Livre, a French publishing company, acquired
Time Warner Book Group from Time Warner in 2006
(see the Brief History sidebar below for more details).
Hachette Livre is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Lagardère, a company that is active on a worldwide
basis in the areas of communications and media (books,
press, audiovisual and distribution/retailing of cultural
products). HBG is comprised of the following publishing
Copyright 2006 by Hachette Book Group USA
Rolf Zettersten/FaithWords
TimeWarner in 2001 hired Rolf Zettersten,
a senior executive at Thomas Nelson, to
start Warner Faith. With his contacts, he
signed best-selling Christian author Joyce
Meyer, and with the TimeWarner
distribution clout doubled her sales to 2
million. This success story attracted other
big name authors, including Joel Osteen,
whose Lakewood Church in Houston is
America's largest.
Copyright © 2006 WORLD Magazine
July 02, 2005, Vol. 20, No. 26
Zettersten’s Predection
May 23,2005 Cover Story/OnlineExtra
convinced Joel Osteen, pastor of Houston's
Lakewood Church -- America's largest -- that
TimeWarner could do a better job than a purely
Christian house in building mass demand for his
book. "We're the fastest-growing division at
TimeWarner books," says Zettersten, who
predicts Warner Faith will become the industry's
third-biggest player within three years.
Copyright 2005, by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. All rights reserved.
No faith-healing books here!!!
Rolf Zettersten, former publisher of the
prominent Christian house Thomas Nelson
and now head of AOL Time Warner's
Evangelical line, said that he would no
longer publish certain genres of
Evangelical books, like books about faithhealing.
"I wouldn't do anything to embarrass the
company," he said.
Ministries. Articles may be reproduced in any medium, without applying for
“You go big or you go home.”
• “It has always been my position that Hollywood and the New York
media world were not anti-Christian, they were merely pro-profits,"
Zettersten says. "There may have been some misunderstanding
about who evangelicals are, and there may have been some
prejudices. But I can assure you that those prejudices do not
overshadow media companies' desire to run profitable businesses.
With sales of 50 million books, the Left Behind series got everyone's
attention, and now the moguls have discovered that there's this
great big population out there that's willing to spend money on
Christian products."
• Zettersten says such big bids are required of any house that
wants to be part of the publishing mainstream. "You get up to the
plate, you make your best guess, and you take your swing," he says.
"You go big or you go home.“
No Longer Left Behind
An insider's look at how Christian books are agented, acquired, packaged, branded, and sold in today's marketplace.
By Steve Rabey | posted 04/12/2002
Mega Tactics For Mega-Hits
What does it take to power a first-time author's book into
sales of a million copies in 90 days? Publisher Rolf
Zettersten at Warner Faith doesn't want the competition
to know. "A lot of publishers are already
talking about how they're going to imitate our
success," Zettersten says. But he will talk in
broad brush strokes about how his current bestseller,
Joel Osteen's Your Best Life Now achieved that status,
nipping at the heels of the Purpose-Driven Life
juggernaut. "It's really a shock-and-awe
approach to promotion that involves every
element of media in our arsenal—every
by Juli Cragg Hilliard — May 23, 2005
Library Journal.com
“You don’t have to be a
Warner Faith now is targeting consumer
categories, such as business people.
Zettersten says Your Best Life Now is
"inclusive, not exclusive, as many religious
books are. So you don't have to be a
Christian to appreciate the content or the
advice that is given.“
by Juli Cragg Hilliard — May 23, 2005
Library Journal.com
Dekker Signs Two-Book Deal with
Bestselling Christian author Ted Dekker has signed to do two novels geared
to the general market for Hachette's Center Street imprint. Dekker, who's
penned thrillers, fantasies and mysteries (as well as some YA books), is
published by Thomas Nelson, but has been on the radar of the trade
houses for some time, especially after his novel Skin hit the New York
Times bestseller list in 2007. Dekker's first book from Hachette—both will be
thrillers—is slated for an April 2009 release.
Thomas Nelson has also been doing its part to find a bigger audience for
Dekker. In January the publisher inked a deal with comics writer J.S. Earls
to do graphic novel adaptations of a number of Dekker's novels. Dekker,
who's written 22 novels, has sold more than three million copies, according
to Hachette. There are also two film adaptations of his books in the works-House will be distributed by Roadside Attractions (Super-Size Me) in
October and Adam is in development at Lionsgate. (An adaptation of
Dekker's novel Thr3e was released in 2006.)
Publishers Weekly June 8, 2008
Warner/Walk Worthy Press
• Warner has the Walk Worthy Press imprint for the
Christian African American market.
• Walk Worthy Press was founded by Denise Stinson,
a successful literary agent and former journalist.
These titles are published in a co-publishing venture
between Walk Worthy Press and Warner Books.
While the sensibility is Christian, the novels will
embrace the full range of contemporary concerns,
with characters leading recognizably modern lives
marked by betrayal, tragedy, heartbreak and joy.
The Wicks Group of Companies, L.L.C.
Acquires Standard Publishing
"In its 140 years, Standard has built an excellent
reputation as a publisher of market-leading,
scripture-based materials," said Thibeau. "We
look forward to leveraging the expertise of
Standard's talented staff to further strengthen its
position in the religious publishing market. We
will continue to produce the highest quality
products for our customers in church markets
while also developing new titles and products for
additional areas we believe are poised for
growth. We are truly excited by this opportunity."
The Wicks Group of Companies, L.L.C.
(www.wicksgroup.com) manages private equity
funds that invest in selected segments of the
industries. Such funds currently own or have
owned companies in educational publishing,
consumer publishing, medical information
broadcasting, television broadcasting, magazine
publishing, outdoor advertising, newsletter
publishing, and cable television distribution.
A Glance of Wicks Portfolio
The Rainbow Study Bible
• Standard Publishing announced today that
Standard has acquired Rainbow Studies
International, publisher of The Rainbow Study
Bible®. The transaction closed on December 28,
2006. Details of the transaction were not
• Standard Publishing is a major supplier of
Christian resources to churches and families.
• Rainbow Studies International, founded in 1986,
publishes The Rainbow Study Bible, the world’s
only totally color-coded Bible.
Church & Ministry
CBA Top Sellers
October 2006
• (1) Standard Lesson Commentary 2006-07
KJV Standard,
• (7) Standard Lesson Commentary 2006-07
NIV Standard,
• (19) Standard Lesson Commentary 2006-07
KJV (large print) Standard,
This list is based on actual sales in Christian retail stores in the United States and Canada during September, using STATS as the source for
data collection. All rights reserved. Distribution and copyright ©2006 CBA and Evangelical Christian Publishers Association.
Agreement with Growing Christian Publisher Marks S&S Entry
into Christian Publishing Marketplace
Founded in 1969, Howard Publishing
releases approximately 45 titles a year, with a
backlist of about 350 titles. Their areas of
editorial expertise include Christian living,
gift books, devotionals, fiction, and
children's books.
Notable authors-Andy Stanley, Ed Young,
Ken Canfield, Sandi Patty, and Point of Grace
Howard Folding into Touchstone
by Lynn Garrett, Religion BookLine -- Publishers Weekly, 8/22/2007
Simon & Schuster president Carolyn Reidy announced this morning that its
Howard Books unit—acquired in February 2006 as the house's entrée into
the evangelical Christian market—will join the Touchstone/Fireside group of
imprints effective immediately. John Howard, executive v-p and publisher of
Howard Books, will report to Mark Gompertz, executive v-p and publisher of
Touchstone/Fireside. Until now, Howard had reported directly to Reidy.
In an internal memo, Reidy stated, "I believe that moving forward Howard
will benefit to an even greater degree by having a closer, day to day working
relationship with our publishing and marketing staff in New York." The goal,
Reidy continued, "will be to grow the presence of Howard's core publishing
program in the mainstream retail marketplace."
Gompertz said the move, "is really just a reporting change, and what we are
talking about is advocacy. John and his people have been great about
coming up for meetings, but my New York staff and I are here—we can go
to all the meetings and present the books and advocate for them." He
stressed there would be no position losses at Howard, and no loss of duties
or autonomy for John Howard. He and his staff will remain based in their
offices in West Monroe, La.
Asked which retail channels need to grow, Gompertz said, "Howard has
always been strong in the CBA, and there's been some movement into the
ABA, into the chains and so on. Howard is also acquiring more trade-like
books, and it's just time to give it a bigger push."
Joel Osteen signs with Simon &
Schuster (2007)
• Recent reports indicate that Osteen signed a
multimillion-dollar book deal with Free Press, an
imprint of Simon & Schuster, which is said to
potentially be one of the richest for a nonfiction
book, surpassing the $8.5 million or more
received in 1994 by Pope John Paul II,
according to The New York Times.
• Simon & Schuster may also be making a
contract with Osteen's wife, Victoria, who plans
to publish a book possibly with the publisher's
children's division.
By Audrey Barrick
Osteens advance may have been as high
Best Seller
All in the family!
Joel Osteen’s mother
Erotic Reads
Same Publisher
Joins the Family…And what a family it is!
Succulent features twenty-seven tantalizing short stories to
tease and please both him and her. For couples who want
to heat things up or for singles who want to spark a fire,
there are stories written especially for women, and others
are penned expressly for men.
Carlton Pearson
A New Book in March 2008
The Gospel of Inclusion:
Reaching Beyond Religious Fundamentalism to the True
Love of God
Let’s not compete boys…..
Macomber Signs with Howard for
• by Matthew Thornton
Romance writer Debbie Macomber, who has over 100
million copies of her novels in print, has just inked a deal
with Touchstone Fireside's Howard Books for two
nonfiction inspirational titles. Howard senior editor Cindy
Lambert won world rights in an auction conducted by
Wendy Lawton at Books & Such. The first of the two,
Fishes and Loaves: Living in a Spirit of Generosity, will
expound on Macomber's belief that a willingness to live
in a spirit of giving will yield unforeseen miracles; in the
book, she'll share stories from her own life and from
others who commit intentional acts of generosity.
• Publishers Weekly June 18, 2008
Publisher of these books:
Publishers of these books:
Paranormal Romance
Penguin Group’s first venture into CBA
market came about eight years ago with
the release of T. D. Jakes’ The Lady, Her
Lover & Her Lord, which has sold more
than 700,000 copies in hardcover and
Penguin has formed Penguin
Penguin Praise, stressed Penguin spokesperson
Marilyn Ducksworth, is not an imprint, but rather
an approach that will team Praise books with
books from other Penguin imprints. For example,
John’s Story: The Last Eyewitness, the first book
in the new Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins series,
will be released under the Putnam/Praise
Penguin in New Christian Program
by Staff, PW Daily -- 4/5/2006
Is it about the money?
No books will be released solely as Praise
books. Fotinos (Joel Fotinos, its director of
religious publishing ) said that pairing a
Praise book with other imprints will give
the religion line access to all the resources
of Penguin, while making it easier to grow
authors in the Christian market.
Penguin in New Christian Program
by Staff, PW Daily -- 4/5/2006
Penguin “more clout and focus”
The move "gives (Penguin) more clout and focus in the
Christian market," said Lorraine Shanley, a principal at
publishing consultant firm Market Partners International.
"All of the majors have developed Christian imprints to
this is Penguin's answer to that."
"Praise will be able to publish a greater array of Christian
titles," Mr. Fotinos said. Titles by bestselling authors T.D.
Jakes and the team of Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins will
be among the first books to fall under the Praise logo.
Penguin launches program for Christian books
by Catherine Tymkiw
Great Abominations
Putnum Praise Authors
Gloria Copeland Debuts on the New
York Times and USA Today
Bestsellers List
• June 20th, 2008
Gloria Copeland's new book, God's Master Plan
for Your Life, debuted on The New York Times
Hardcover Advice How-To Extended Bestsellers
List at #11 on June 1, 2008 for sales ending
week of May 24, 2008. In the same week, God's
Master Plan for Your Life also placed on USA
Today's Online Bestsellers List for the top best
selling books in America. Lab Law Weekly
Publisher Joel Fotinos of Putnam
• "We are so thrilled for Gloria Copeland of
Kenneth Copeland Ministries on this great
accomplishment. We are very proud of this
book and believe it will touch the lives of
Lab Law Weekly
Salem Communications Corporation (Nasdaq:SALM) is
a leading U.S. radio broadcaster, Internet content
provider and magazine publisher focused on Christian
and family-themed content and conservative values. In
addition to its radio properties, Salem owns Salem Radio
Network®, which syndicates talk, news and music
programming to approximately 2,000 affiliates; Salem
Radio Representatives™, a national radio advertising
sales force; Salem Web Network™, a leading Internet
provider of Christian content and online streaming and
Salem Publishing™, a leading publisher of Christianthemed magazines. Upon the close of all announced
transactions, the company will own 104 radio stations,
including 66 stations in 24 of the top 25 markets.
© Copyright 2006, Salem Communications Corporation,
Salem Communications Purchases
Xulon Press
Title-for-title, Xulon Press is the largest publisher of
Christian books in North America. The original ondemand publisher for aspiring Christian authors, we’ve
helped more than 2,700 authors and printed
150,000,000 book pages.
Founded by Christian author and publisher Tom Freiling,
Xulon is now a part of Salem Communications
Corporation. Salem is the country’s leading Christian
communications company with interests in radio,
Internet, and magazine publishing. This means you can
rest easy; Salem is a fast-growing and financially secure
company with a successful 40-year track record.
Copyright © 1999 - 2006 Xulon Press
Owns & publishes the following-
Singing News Magazine
10.18.05 Salem Communications to Acquire the Singing News Magazine;
Publication Ranked First in Southern Gospel Music
18, 2005--Salem Publishing, a division of Salem
Communications Corporation (Nasdaq:SALM)
announced today that it signed a definitive
agreement to acquire The Singing News
Magazine and its related Internet properties. The
acquisition is expected to close in January of
‘We will be able to leverage The
Singing News brand with Salem's
radio and Internet businesses.’
• Jim Cumbee, president of Salem Publishing, said "The acquisition of
The Singing News strengthens Salem's position as the nation's
preeminent publisher of Christian music magazines. The Singing
News fits perfectly into our family of titles, including Homecoming
Magazine and CCM Magazine.“
• Cumbee continued, "We will be able to leverage The Singing News
brand with Salem's radio and Internet businesses. We own the Solid
Gospel radio network, which broadcasts southern gospel music to
more than 100 affiliate radio stations, and via our Salem Web
Network, we reach millions of Christians each month on the Internet.
We will offer a complete integration of print, radio, and Internet for
artists and advertisers who want to cost-effectively reach the huge
audience for southern gospel music."
• The Singing News Magazine has paid subscribers in all 50 states
and is read each month by more than 200,000 fans of southern
gospel music.
Video with nude scenes
Published by
Bent on conquest, King Canute and his Viking
legions invade England in 1016, cutting a bloody
path across the peaceful countryside. In an
overwhelming show of force, Canute, the feared
dragon king, destroys the town of Coventry, and a
young girl watches as her once idyllic life is turned
into a deadly nightmare. Ten years later, the young
girl has grown into the beautiful Lady Godiva. In
the midst of Canute's quiet empire, she has
managed to rebuild her life and town and even find
love. But the dragon king rises once more and
threatens to devour her beloved Coventry. Can she
save her people without betraying her faith and
losing her very soul?
Author Biography
David Rose is the former CEO of Santa Monica Studios and has
been an innovative entrepreneur in numerous businesses for more
than 30 years. He has produced two theatrical films and dveloped
more than 40 screenplays. VisionArt, his special effects company,
created scenes for Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek:
Voyager and won multiple Emmys for its work on Star Trek: Deep
Space Nine. VisionArt also created stunning visual effects for the
Academy Award-winning movie Independence Day. Rose's career
spans designing products in Jerusalem to building American castles
to the oil and gasoline industries, where his exploration of computers
led to his becoming a special effects innovator and expert. His life
experiences encompass the two great passions of his life: caring for
others and creating stories. Godiva is his first novel.
Berean Christian Stores acquired
by JMH Capital
In a separate transaction, it was announced today (Aug.
2) that Berean Christian Stores, a 16-store chain owned
by Standard Publishing parent Standex International
prior to Standard’s acquisition by Wicks, has been
acquired by Berean management and JMH Capital, a
Boston-based private equity firm.
• Scott Steele, managing director of JMH, was quoted by
the Cincinnati Business Courier as saying, "We believe
in the growth potential of Christian retail, and we look to
forward to working with management to realize this
• He was formerly a Director of Family Bookstores, Inc.
Berean Acquires Provident Stores
Berean Christian Stores is acquiring all four Provident stores from Mennonite Publishing Network.
The stores are located in New Holland, Souderton, and Montgomery County, PA; and Wooster,
Ohio. Berean, which also is opening a store in Chandler, AZ, later this week, will have 22 stores
when the transaction closes. Berean President Les Dietzman confirmed the acquisition but said
one lease assignment has yet to be completed before the company can close on the deal.
“This is more like a merger than an acquisition,” Dietzman said. “While Berean is acquiring
Provident, they have a very long and storied history going back well over 50 years. We feel
fortunate to blend the histories of these two great companies.” He said Berean and Provident have
discussed an acquisition for a couple of years.
Berean hired nearly all of Provident’s staff and will continue to operate the stores under the
Provident name for about five to six months, while the transition to Berean operations systems is
made. Provident Long-time Provident Stores Director Ken Reinhard will stay to help with the
“We’re very grateful to Ken for the leadership he’s given,” Dietzman said. He added, “I had the
chance to meet the people at Provident, and they’re wonderful people, very dedicated.”
Provident stores will continue to carry a strong Anabaptist line. Dietzman said the two chains have
much in common—they tend to be large stores with extensive inventory. “Provident stores are
very active in serving churches of all denominations, and may be more aggressive in carrying
general-market product. I think both our assortments will change as we learn from each other.”
Provident, which had eight stores a year ago, sold stores in Goshen and Berne, IN, last year and
its Newton, MA, location a month ago. The remaining store in Ephrata closed last month.
Mennonite Publishing Network cited increased general-market competition and a desire to focus
on its primary mission to publish as reasons for divesting itself of the stores.
Parable Acquires IRG/Lemstone
• (December 18, 2007) – Parable Franchising, LLC has
acquired Insight Retail Group, parent company of
Lemstone Christian Stores, solidifying Parable's position
as the No. 2 buying force in CBA with more than 200
stores overall
• "We're thrilled to welcome Insight's stores to the Parable
family," says Parable CEO Steve Potratz, whose
company currently serves 118 member and 64 franchise
stores. "This is a great opportunity for all of us to learn
from one another. Our stores will see positive
improvement from Insight's operational and buying
expertise, and Insight stores will benefit from the
marketing and merchandising strengths of Parable."
Parable, Outreach Sign Major
Author For Exclusive Book
(September 5, 2006) — Joining in a one-of-akind industry partnership, The Parable Group
and Outreach, Inc. have signed best-selling
authors Bodie and Brock Thoene to create an
exclusive non-fiction book series, the Little
Books of WhyTM. The first book in the series,
Why a Manger? is scheduled to release midSeptember. The books will be sold exclusively
through Parable Christian Stores and Outreach
direct-to-church channels (Outreach is a leading
provider of church communication and outreach
Finding those “NEW REVENUE
• The exclusive book deal signals a key shift in the industry. As
independent Christian retailers struggle to remain profitable, new
revenue streams must be found. Exclusive products provide
much-needed margin for stores.
• "This Christmas millions of people will see The Nativity Story in
theaters but that doesn't necessarily mean they will make the
spiritual connection," said Lynne Marian, vice president, Outreach,
Inc. "Why a Manger helps make that connection," she said. "It will be
a powerful tool for outreach in the hands of churches and individual
• "We have made a focused effort to develop exclusive products for
stores, creating gift items, devotionals and CDs that add margin for
stores and value for customers," says Parable CEO Steve Potratz.
"Parable has always been passionate about new ideas, and we
believe this new book deal will play an important part in helping
stores grow."
© 2006 The Parable Group, Inc
Guideposts adopts an advertisingsupported business model
• Guideposts has converted to an ad-supported business
model - after existing for more than 50 years as a
subscription-only magazine.
• The magazine, whose articles often chronicle debilitating
illnesses, hasn't had any trouble attracting
pharmaceutical marketers. But now it's making inroads
with a broader ad base, including packaged goods
companies. Among the new advertisers in its March
issue are Kraft and Nestle. "These are category breakers
for us," says publisher Janine Scolpino. "We've always
done tremendous in the pharmaceutical market, but until
now we were not able to get the attention of the food
COPYRIGHT 2003 Copyright by Media Central Inc., A PRIMEDIA Company.
Graphic Novels
Christian publishers use graphic novels to depict
biblical warriors as cool
By Anita Wadhwani
Gannett News Service
September 26, 2006
• Comic books traditionally haven't been a medium for
biblical characters and Christian content. But Christian
publishers have been taking note of the increasing
popularity of new book-length-style comics -- called
graphic novels -- and are beginning to launch their own
to appeal to a mainstream audience of preteen and teenage readers.
• "If you can give them something really cool, even a nonChristian kid's going to get into it," said Ricky King,
associate publisher of B&H Publishing Group, a division
of LifeWay Christian Resources, which this year started
"Spirit Warriors," its first line of graphic novels.
"If it's cool and appeals to them, they're going to
understand the content. As a Christian publisher, we
have a desire to communicate the passion of Christ, and
this is a great new avenue."
$245 Million
Slick-papered, book-length graphic novels
accounted for some $245 million in retail
sales last year, a steadily increasing chunk
of the $570 million comic book market,
according to Diamond Comic Distributors,
the largest English-language comics
distributor. In recent years, mainstream
bookstores like Border's have set aside
special sections for the books. Their core
readers are males 18-34, according to
LifeWay (Baptist Publisher)
• A sub-genre of the books that has attracted
many girls and young women readers is
"manga," a Japanese-style graphic novel wildly
popular in Asia and Europe that generally avoids
superhero plot lines, focusing more on stories
that explore everyday life and relationships.
• LifeWay's "Spirit Warriors" follows the
adventures of six rebellious teens mysteriously
orphaned as children who have uncommon
God-given strengths. They unleash their "holy
fury" to protect a local church when an evil villain
"sucks the righteousness right out" of it.
Acts of the Spirit
“Acts of the Spirit, deftly combines the 1st century
tales of Jesus' resurrection and the beginning of
His Church with a taut modern-day thriller
involving archaeological discoveries, kidnappings,
and car bombs. Each page layout jumps out at the
reader with creative bleeds, color contrasts,
muscular heroes, creepy angels, and menacing
use of shadows. This book matches up to
anything out there today”
Heather Hunt
Infuse Magazine
“targeting the skater crowd”
• The series of books is the brainchild of
actor and born-again Christian Stephen
Baldwin, who King says "has a passion to
reach the fringe kids, the skater crowd"
that doesn't typically buy Christian books
but who are among graphic novels' big
• Barbour Publishing was among the first
Christian companies producing comic
More of the WORLD..
The Christian-themed books have attracted the
attention of the mainstream comics industry.
Diamond Comic Distributors has begun placing
them on the shelves of mainstream and comics
bookstores. The company's executives now
attend Christian booksellers conventions in
search of new titles. And Christian publishers
have begun setting up tables at the industry's
Comic-Con conventions, where comic books
make their debuts.
Barbour to Publish More
Inspirational Manga
Serenity's bad attitude creates a culture clash
with a group of teens from the local Prayer Club,
but eventually their unconditional tough love
wins her over. This inspirational message has
helped Barbour get the Serenity graphic novels
into over 300 Family Christian bookstores and
400 LifeWay Baptist stores (Barbour's books are
available to regular comic shops via Diamond
Comic Distributors). An impressive total of more
than 350 stores are on autoship for 12-copy
Serenity counter displays.
“…come away with a Christian
world view.”
The series in traditional comic genres include Time
Flies, a story about time traveling cyborg flies; and
Tomo, the story of a 13-year-old Japanese girl who
comes to San Francisco pursued by creatures from a
parallel dimension. Nuffer emphasized that although
these titles are not in a Biblical setting, they still have
Christian messages. "Readers will come away with
the Christian world view," he said.
Chick Lit Books
What makes a book Chick Lit?
• A Chick Lit book focuses on a single
young woman
• usually a professional, dealing with
struggles at work, self-image, family
stress, and the pleasure and pain of trying
to find a guy who will stay forever.
• An element of romance is important
• She's putting action to her faith and going
on the offensive to invent the future she
Who reads it?
• The targeted audience was the under-35 female,
but I have readers across the board from
grandmothers to teenagers. I don't think you
have to be young and single to relate to Chick
Lit. I think you just have to be female and
breathing. I've gotten email from a few guys too.
I write in a subgenre because I write Chick Lit
mystery, so I think that's where the male
readership might come from.
• Is usually about a single, twentysomething or
thirtysomething heroine;
© Copyright 2007, FaithfulReader.com. All rights reserved.
Thomas Nelson
W, part of publishing company Thomas
Nelson Inc., launched Kristin Billerbeck's
What a Girl Wants, about a 31-year-old
patent attorney looking for a nice Christian
guy who doesn't live with his mother.
© Copyright 2007 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc
Multnomah Publishers
Multnomah Publishers published
Sisterchicks Do the Hula by Robin Jones
© Copyright 2007 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc
Ezek 27:3 …….. O thou that art situate at the entry of the sea, which art a
merchant of the people for many isles, Thus saith the Lord GOD;….. thou
hast said, I am of perfect beauty.
Ezek 27:8 The inhabitants of
Zidon and Arvad were thy
mariners: thy wise men, O
Tyrus, that were in thee,
were thy pilots.
Xulon Press
Avon Inspire
Ezek 27:25 The ships of
Tarshish did sing of thee
in thy market: and thou
wast replenished, and
made very glorious in the
midst of the seas.
Howard Publishing
Provident Stores
Waterbrook Press
Tyndale House
Standard Publishing
Joel Osteen
Penguin Praise
Ezek 27:26 Thy
rowers have brought
thee into great
waters: the east wind
hath broken thee in
the midst of the seas.
Eze 27:27-31 Thy riches, and thy fairs, thy
merchandise, thy mariners, and thy pilots, thy
calkers, and the occupiers of thy
merchandise, and all thy men of war, that are
in thee, and in all thy company which is in the
midst of thee, shall fall into the midst of the
seas in the day of thy ruin.The suburbs shall
shake at the sound of the cry of thy pilots.
And all that handle the oar, the mariners, and
all the pilots of the sea, shall come down
from their ships, they shall stand upon the
land; And shall cause their voice to be
heard against thee, and shall cry bitterly,
and shall cast up dust upon their heads, they
shall wallow themselves in the ashes: And
they shall make themselves utterly bald for
thee, and gird them with sackcloth, and they
shall weep for thee with bitterness of heart
and bitter wailing.
Ezek 27:32-35 And in their
wailing they shall take up a
lamentation for thee, and
lament over thee, saying,
What city is like Tyrus, like
the destroyed in the midst of
the sea? When thy wares
went forth out of the seas,
thou filledst many people;
thou didst enrich the kings of
the earth with the multitude
of thy riches and of thy
merchandise. In the time
when thou shalt be broken
by the seas in the depths of
the waters thy merchandise
and all thy company in the
midst of thee shall fall. All
the inhabitants of the isles
shall be astonished at thee,
and their kings shall be sore
afraid, they shall be troubled
in their countenance.