Safety Rules and Procedures

Veronica Snyder
CRIN S04: Curriculum and Instruction Methods (Science)
Safety Project
Target Population: Biology Students in 9th Grade at Hampton High School
November 13, 2013
List of Safety Resources
1. Georgia Tech Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
This resource contains a variety of resources and activities concerning lab safety. It includes a
“Choose Your Own Adventure” style safety video as well as a list of emergency contacts and procedures
in case of emergency. The website also contains links to several Material Safety Data Sheets for
chemicals used in high school and college labs.
Documentation Proposal: Have students write an exit ticket about their experiences with the “Choose
Your Own Adventure” video.
2. BioNetwork’s Lab Safety Training Program
This is an interactive adventure where students have the opportunity to work with a virtual lab
partner to demonstrate proper (or improper) lab safety techniques. Features include aspects such as proper
attire, proper precautions, and emergency equipment.
Documentation Proposal: Record a few minutes of students taking time to complete this activity
together in the computer lab.
3. Spongebob Squarepants Lab Safety Activity
Students are presented with a text scenario of Spongebob Squarepants and his friends breaking
lab safety rules during class. Students must find where rules are broken and underline the associated text.
Documentation Proposal: Collect and file the activity sheets
4. Lab Safety Video
Humorous video that will capture the attention of students, even on middle and high school
levels. Contains and showcases the “what not to dos” of laboratory practices.
Documentation Proposal: Ask students to list the improper behaviors they saw in the videos and collect
the lists.
5. Rulebreaking Scenarios Discussion
Set of scenarios in which students break lab safety rules. Teacher reads each scenario aloud, and
students discuss which rule is violated, and what should have been done instead. This activity could be
done all at once, or over a period of time as a refresher throughout the year.
Documentation Proposal: Record student responses with audio equipment, or written recording.
6. Lab Safety Cartoon
Students are given a cartoon of students in a lab setting and are given the task to circle all things
they can find that contribute to an unsafe lab environment.
Documentation Proposal: Collect and file activity sheets
Laboratory Safety Rules/Procedures and Contract
Ms. V. Snyder, Biology Dept. Room 151, Hampton HS
In Biology, we will be working with many hands on materials that need to be handled properly and with care in
order to ensure safety and success in the classroom for ourselves and others around us. Knowledge of lab safety and
procedures is an essential component of the scientific learning process, and allows all of us to receive great benefits
from our lab experiences. Students and families, please review the following list of laboratory safety procedures and
rules to be followed in the lab during the academic year, and return this form signed to Ms. Snyder at Hampton High
School. An additional copy has been provided to students for their records. Please note that students will not be
allowed to participate in labs unless this form has been signed by BOTH the student and a parent/guardian
and returned to school.
Safety Rules and Procedures
1. You are expected to conduct yourself in a responsible manner. Horseplay and joking around is not permitted in
the lab. You should exercise caution when handling lab equipment, and should not behave in a way that could result
in injury to others or yourself.
2. You are responsible for following both written and verbal directions in the lab. This includes reading procedures
and additional safety information for labs and activities BEFORE students begin working. If instructions are unclear
at any time during the lab, be sure to ask for clarification.
3. Handling/using lab equipment without permission is not allowed. Use only the equipment for which you have
been given permission. If you feel you need additional equipment, please notify the teacher before obtaining and
using it.
4. Students are not allowed in the Science Teacher Prep Room at any time.
5. All accidents and injuries should be reported to the teacher IMMEDIATELY, even if they may seem minor. Do
not attempt to deal with any emergency situations without notifying the teacher.
6. You must familiarize yourself with the locations of the first aid kit, eyewash station, fire extinguisher, fire
blanket, and safety shower, in case they are need for an emergency situation. Also take note of all exits/doors in case
a quick exit is required.
7. Only conduct experiments for which you have been given permission.
8. Never work alone in the laboratory. A teacher must be present at all times in order for students to work at the lab
and use lab materials.
9. In the instance that we will be working with live specimens and animals in the lab, be sure to handle them with
care and respect. Please do not handle these specimens only when a teacher is present, and only when you are
permitted to do so. You are expected to handle all specimens in a humane fashion. Do not remove any specimens
from the room.
10. Eating and drinking in the science classroom is not allowed. This includes food and drink brought into the
classroom from outside as well as anything used or produced in the lab.
11. Keep your hands away from your face (eyes, nose, mouth) while working with materials in the lab. Do not
directly smell materials in the lab.
12. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after the lab.
13. Safety goggles are to be worn in the lab at all times.
14. You are expected to dress appropriately for working in the lab. All long hair should be tied back. Refrain from
wearing loose and/or flammable clothing. Loose and dangling jewelry should be removed for the duration of the lab.
Closed-toed shoes are required in the lab.
15. Keep your workspace and surrounding area neat and free of clutter. Only materials relevant to the lab should be
featured in the lab workspace. Be sure to keep track of the materials you use at any given time.
16. After completing a lab, stations and equipment are to be cleaned properly, and equipment should be returned to
appropriate storage areas.
17. In case of broken materials in the lab, please notify the teacher, and ensure the material is disposed of in the
proper receptacle.
Safety Contract and Agreement
, have read and understand each of the rules and procedures outlined in this
contract. I agree to follow each of the rules in order to ensure the safety of my peers, my instructors, and myself. I
understand that following these rules will allow me to benefit greatly as a member of the community of science, and
to develop my skills as a budding scientist. I understand that if I do not follow the rules and procedures set forth in
this contract I will not be allowed to participate in laboratory activities, and may be subject to disciplinary actions
outlined in the school handbook for student conduct.
Student Signature
We feel that you should be informed of the schoolwide effort to create a safe science classroom and laboratory
environment. Please read over the safety material outlined in this contract. Students will not be permitted to work in
the science laboratory until this form is signed by both the student and his/her parent/guardian and on file with the
school. Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read over the safety rules and procedures outlined
within it, and that you have reviewed these rules and procedures with your child. Your signature also indicates your
understanding of the efforts made by the school and instructors to foster a safe and engaging laboratory environment
for all students.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Important Questions (please circle):
Does your child wear contact lenses?
Is your child color blind?
Does your child have any allergies?
If yes, please list allergies below:
Emergency contact number where you can be reached during school hours: ________________________________
Backup Contact #1
Name and relation to student
Phone Number
Backup Contact #2
Name and relation to student
Phone Number
Safety Quiz
Part One: Please indicate the correct answer by circling the letter corresponding with the correct response.
1. The FIRST time you should read over safety and procedural information relevant to a lab is:
a) before you begin the lab.
b) as you start setting up your lab station and gathering materials
c) after the lab, so you know you did everything well.
d) you do not need to read the this information
2. What do you do if you are in the middle of a lab and you realize that you are missing materials, you should:
a) go and get them from the Science Teacher Prep Room
b) ask other people if you can use their materials
c) tell your instructor that you are missing materials, and allow him/her to ensure you obtain them
d) try to do the lab without the materials or use other objects you find around the room as substitutes
3. If a fire erupts in the lab, the first thing you should do is:
a) run and grab the fire extinguisher to put the fire out
b) alert your instructor
c) decide which lab partner should put the fire out
d) pour water on it
Part Two: Please answer the questions below.
7. What should you wear in order to protect your eyes? ______________________________
8. What should you do if you are unclear about the expectations in lab? ______________________________
9. Why are students required to wear closed-toed shoes and tie back long hair in the lab? ______________________
10. What is the purpose of taking a lab safety quiz? ____________________________________________________
Part Three: Please draw three actions or situations in which lab safety is not maintained, then briefly explain why.
Relevant Safety Questions
Midterm Question: Take a second and refresh your memory. Do you know where the following are in your
classroom? Write down the locations. You may look around the room if you need to do so.
a) First Aid Kit
b) Fire Extinguisher
c) Fire Blanket
d) Eyewash Station
Final Question: Name two ways in which you personally have contributed to your safety or the safety of others
during laboratory time this year.