
Name: __________________________________
Opinion Essay Rubric
To Kill a Mockingbird and
Vocabulary Workshop Unit 5
Write an opinion essay based on the Tom Robinson trial in To Kill a Mockingbird,
using 10 of the vocabulary words from VW Unit 5. An opinion essay states what you
think about the trial, and at least three reasons as to why you feel that way, based on
evidence from the book or from what you are learning in your research essay.
Your essay must: 1) be typed, if possible (email it to me if your printer is not
working, or use Google drive); have a title, as well as your name and the date as a
header; 2) be at least three paragraphs, at least five sentences per paragraph; 3) have
an introduction and a conclusion; 4) be grammatically correct -- be sure to
PROOFREAD; 5) state your opinion on the case with three reasons why, using at least
three specific references to To Kill a Mockingbird or your research topic as supporting
evidence to your opinions.
_____ My assignment is typed, it has a title and my name and date as a header
_____ My essay is at least three paragraphs, at least five sentences per paragraph; my
essay has an introduction and conclusion
_____ My essay states my opinion about the Tom Robinson trial, with at least three
reasons why, and at least three specific references to To Kill a Mockingbird or my
research topic as supporting evidence to my opinion
_____ My essay correctly uses at least 10 vocabulary words from VW Unit 5; my
vocabulary words are highlighted or underlined.
_____ My essay is grammatically correct -- I have proofread and used spell/grammar
check to ensure that it has no grammar, spelling or punctuation errors.
_____ / 5