File - Brittany Boston

Gamma Phi Beta
Crescent Cakes 2015
Media Plan
Crescent Cakes 2015 Media Plan Contacts
Haley Hasenstein
Philanthropy Chair
Gamma Phi Beta Gamma Psi
2115 Merner Ave.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(630) 945-8280
Shae Kwapil
Public Relations Vice President
Gamma Phi Beta Gamma Psi
2115 Merner Ave.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 929-5987
Lucy Kapsch
Gamma Phi Beta Gamma Psi
2115 Merner Ave.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 389-0591
Table of Contents
Executive Summary………………….……………………………………….4
Company History………………………………………..…………………….5
Media Objectives………………………………………………………………7
Competitive Analysis………………………………………………………...8
Target Audience……………………………………………………………..10
Media Selections….………………………………………………………….11
The Plan…………………………………………………………………………13
Alternative Recommendations………………………………………...20
Closing Statement…………………………………………………………...21
Executive Summary
The philanthropy women of the Gamma Phi Beta Gamma Psi chapter have
planned a pancake breakfast, “Crescent Cakes,” to help support their
philanthropic mission “Building Strong Girls.” After such a successful first
annual breakfast, the event will draw in the crowds once again.
The primary target for this campaign are fraternity and sorority life members
on The University of Northern Iowa campus and community members who
support Gamma Phi Beta and their philanthropic mission. Our media plan is
segmented into two groups: college students and adults. Our secondary target
is the student body of UNI and the members of the Cedar Valley community.
Our media campaign will first launch in early-to-mid February and run up
until the day of the event, March 7, 2015. Our plan will continue after the
event with updates on totals raised, pictures from the event, and surveys sent
out to participants to help improve the event for next year.
Company History
Gamma Phi Beta was founded on November 11, 1874 at Syracuse University.
Frances E. Haven asked three of her friends, E. Adeline Curtis, Helen M. Dodge,
and Mary A. Bingham to form a sisterhood at a university where women were
rarely admitted. Their first initiate, Clara Worden, became a part of their
chapter in March 1875.
The sorority’s original colors were light and dark blue, but were changed to
brown and mode in 1875 in regards to Dr. J.J. Brown, who allowed the woman
to hold their chapter meetings in his office each Friday afternoon.
The mission of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority is to inspire the highest type of
womanhood. This achieved through the Chapter’s four core values of: love,
labor, learning, and loyalty. The women of Gamma Phi Beta try to live by the
motto of “Founded Upon a Rock:
“Since the rock is the firmest and most enduring substance, able to
withstand the ravages of time, and offering the strongest protection, it seemed
fitting that Gamma Phi Beta should be thus founded."
E. Adeline Curtis (Syracuse, 1874)
Gamma Phi Beta was the first greek organization to coin the term “sorority. “
This was done by Professor Frank Smalley. He chose this word because it
translates into “sisterhood.” He thought this was important because he
wanted to denote what prestige women were in sororities.
The Gamma Phi Beta signature was approved at convention in the year 1884
in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The meaning of the signature is secret and special to
Gamma Phi Beta members upon initiation. The signature was used when the
founding members wrote letters to one another concerning Gamma Phi Beta
Media Objectives
1. To create awareness with Gamma Phi Beta alumna, parents and friends
of active members, University of Northern Iowa students and faculty,
and Cedar Valley residents about the pancake breakfast event to
support our philanthropic mission, Building Strong Girls.
2. To inspire students and faculty, friends and family, Cedar Valley
residents, and other fraternities and sororities at UNI to attend our
pancake breakfast event.
3. To encourage those who are unable to attend to donate money to
support our international philanthropy, Building Strong Girls.
4. To promote our philanthropic ties with Girl’s on the Run, Campfire, and
Girl Guides of Canada, as each of those support Building Strong Girls.
Our philanthropy encourages community members to become involved
by showing them how these programs change young girls’ lives and
inform them how they can become involved.
Competitive Analysis
All of the other fraternities and sororities at the University of Northern Iowa
are our direct competitors. They all host philanthropic events each year to
raise money for their causes.
Alpha Phi is a direct competitor of Gamma Phi Beta’s philanthropy event.
Alpha Phi supports Cardiac Arrest and hosts two events. Move your Phi’t
week is in the fall with physical activities or healthy snacks provided everyday
of the week. Alpha Phi hosts the Red Dress Gala in the spring, which is a
formal dinner and silent auction with profits benefitting their philanthropy,
Cardiac Arrest.
Alpha Delta Pi is another sorority on the University of Northern Iowa’s
campus who is a direct competitor with Gamma Phi Beta’s philanthropy.
Alpha Delta Pi hosts two events as well, one in the fall and one in the spring.
The fall event is known as “Pie an ADPi” where students are able to purchase a
pie to throw into a member of ADPI’s face. During the spring, Alpha Delta Pi
hosts a spaghetti dinner with a raffle drawing and a silent auction, as well as
fun music and a photo booth. All donations and proceeds go to Alpha Delta
Pi’s philanthropy, Ronald McDonald House, benefitting children and families
struggling with severe illnesses.
Alpha Xi Delta supports Autism Speaks for their philanthropic cause. To do
this, they host a fall and spring event. They are in direct competition with
Gamma Phi Beta’s philanthropy. Xi Man is a talent show put on by the
members of Alpha Xi Delta to raise awareness and money for people
struggling daily with Autism, and support research and funding concerning
Autism. They also host a 5K run and encourage other sorority and fraternity
members to participate to raise money for their great cause.
Sigma Phi Epsilon is a fraternity on the University of Northern Iowa’s campus,
also a direct competitor to the Gamma Phi Beta philanthropy. Sigma Phi
Epsilon raises money and awareness by selling t-shirts and wristbands for
Sexual Assault Awareness. Members of Sigma Phi Epsilon “See-SAAW” for 24
hours straight outside of Maucker Union to show their support and dedication
to their philanthropic mission. One day of the week, they ask all of University
of Northern Iowa students and faculty to wear teal to represent their loyalty
to spreading awareness about sexual assault and stop this from happening.
They also host a chili cook-off each fall.
Kappa Sigma is another direct competitor to the Gamma Phi Beta chapter, as
they are also a fraternity on campus, asking students to support their
philanthropy, Military Heroes. Kappa Sigma hosts a luncheon during the fall
semester, inviting anybody to support their philanthropy event, as well as
accepting donations if anybody is unable to attend.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon is a fraternity on University of Northern Iowa’s campus
and for their philanthropy; they host a blood drive in the fall and spring. They
highly encourage other fraternity and sorority members to attend and donate.
They draw people in by holding a competition between Fraternity and
Sorority members, with the winner taking away a trophy.
Pi Kappa Alpha is a fraternity on University of Northern Iowa’s campus and
Gamma Phi Beta’s final competitor. Pi Kappa Alpha hosts an event “Dream
Girl,” asking other members of fraternities and sororities to participate to
raise money for their philanthropy supporting Leukemia.
Target Audience
The primary audience Gamma Phi Beta hopes to reach are fraternity and
sorority life members on The University of Northern Iowa campus as well as
people who support Gamma Phi Beta and their philanthropic mission.
We plan to reach this audience by:
Social media
Fraternity and Sorority members: Speak at meetings
Free on campus radio advertisements
Free on campus advertising in Maucker Union and the campus dining
Our secondary target is the student body of UNI and the members of the Cedar
Valley community. We will encourage this audience to become involved with
our philanthropy by promoting how this makes such a change in young girls’
lives and showing how they can make a difference.
We plan to reach this audience by:
Social Media
Members reaching out to local businesses
Word of mouth
Free on campus advertising in Maucker Union and the campus dining
Media Selections
Social Media
Our largest media focus will be through social media networking. Active
Gamma Phi Beta members will post about their philanthropy pancake
breakfast event, allowing all their Facebook friends to see their post. The
official UNI Gamma Phi Beta Facebook page will also post about the event,
giving more details on where to buy tickets, times and dates, and ways to
donate if you are unable to make it to the event. Active members will be able
to share this post to allow their Facebook friends to see more information
after they have already posted about the event, asking people to come support
their great cause.
Twitter is another way Gamma Phi Beta will advertise their event on the day
of, as it is a great reminder to their friends and family to come out and grab
some pancakes with friends, as well as support Gamma Phi Beta’s
Instagram is another social media outlet that we will utilize throughout our
campaign. Shae Kwapil, the Public Relations Vice President, will post pictures
of the philanthropy getting ready for the big event.
Gamma Phi Beta members will post flyers with details about the pancake
breakfast event around campus in highly populated areas. Flyers will be in
Maucker Union, Rod Library, every campus dorm, apartment complexes,
dining centers on campus, and in surrounding local businesses. Two weeks
prior to the pancake breakfast event, Gamma Phi Beta members will be at a
table in the Maucker Union handing out flyers and telling students and faculty
passing by about the event they will be hosting, as well as selling tickets. This
is also a time for people to donate money if they are unable to make it to the
scheduled event. These flyers will be 8.5 X 11. Cost per thousand will = $15
poster fee/11,000 impressions. CPM=$1.36
E-vites will be sent to community members and local businesses that may not
have the connections to be seeing the social media advertising for this event.
The email will be sent out two weeks prior to the Crecent Cakes event,
reminding our audience of the time, location, and how to donate to our
philanthropic cause.
Gamma Phi Beta will be taking advantage of the free advertising provided by
the radio station on campus, located in the basement of Maucker Union. A
member of Gamma Phi Beta will be featured on the radio for five minutes
talking about our event and encouraging people to attend.
The University of Northern Iowa allows student organizations to chalk on the
sidewalks throughout campus to inform students about upcoming events.
Gamma Phi Beta will take advantage of this free form of advertisement and
chalk on the sidewalks the week of the Crescent Cakes event.
The Plan
Gamma Phi Beta is a non-profit organization, which makes it difficult to have
enough resources to host fundraising events. Due to this, Gamma Phi Beta will
be putting several media plans into action. We will be promoting our event
through email, social media, chalk, radio, and flyers.
Gamma Phi Beta will begin by promoting to fraternity and sorority life
members on the University of Northern Iowa’s campus. To do so, we will
attend meetings held by other fraternities and sororities and speak to their
members about our event.
The Plan Continued
February 2015
Social Media:
 Facebook : Posting twice a week to promote ticket sales and keep the
public informed.
 Twitter: Posting twice a week to inform the public where they can buy
tickets and when.
 Instagram: Posting pictures once a week of the philanthropy team
preparing for the event as well as the sponsors of the event.
*Sponsors will be included throughout all three social mediums.
 Distributed to local businesses and around the University of Northern
Iowa campus starting two weeks prior to the event.
 E-vites will be sent out two weeks prior to the event. These will include
an RSVP where guests can fill out the number of tickets that they would
The Plan Continued
March 2015
 Same procedure as February
 Same procedure as February
 The Thursday before the event, a Gamma Phi Beta member will be a
guest on a UNI radio talk show to promote our event and invite the
 Gamma Phi Beta members will chalk on the campus sidewalks the
Tuesday before the event to let students, faculty, and staff know the
details of the pancake breakfast.
We are expecting our 2nd Annual Crescent Cakes Pancake Breakfast to be
very anticipated amongst the supporters of Gamma Phi Beta and the Cedar
Valley community. Our goal is attract 550 people to eat pancakes and support
a great cause.
With this being only the 2nd Annual event, we have been doing a lot of
fundraising and sponsorship work to try and raise additional dollars for our
budget, as well as to spread the word about our event. We do not have annual
sponsors yet, so receiving funds may be tough. However, if we do not receive
adequate funds, we feel that with the right budgeting strategies we will be
able to have a successful event.
We believe that the money earned from our event will come primarily from
two sources: ticket sales and donations. The donations from businesses and
private donors help promote our event to the publics. The ticket sales help
cover the cost of allowing on the event and letting the rest of the funds raised
be counted as revenue. Some of the previous sponsor’s include: Jiva on Main,
Cherry Berry, Burger King, Pizza Hut, and Sun Tan City.
Jiva on Main
Burger King
Cherry Berry
Pizza Hut
Sun Tan City
Budget Continued
Crescent Cakes
7 Mar 2015
Number of
Sponsor Amount
Sponsor Total
in-kind donation
Raffle Prizes
Ticket Revenue
$700 + Raffle Prizes
Cost of Event
Number of Tickets
Total Revenue from
Union Table
Member Sales
Cedar Valley
Sold at Door
Raffle Tickets
Grand Total
Expense Projection
Crescent Cakes 2015
Cost of Item(s)
Total Expenses
Raffle Tickets
Promotional Materials
Food & Beverage:
Pancake Mix
Sausage & Bacon
Coffee & Juice
Plates, Cups, Napkins, Utensils
Total Expenses:
Sdfs dvwdv ds
Revenues from above
Revenues- Expenses
After much planning and execution of the media plan for Gamma Phi Beta’s
Crescent Cakes, the media plan team evaluates our efforts. We hope to be able
to find our plans strength, weaknesses, and areas where we can improve for
the next event.
After the 2nd Crescent Cakes, a survey will be sent out to guests and sponsors.
We want a good return on surveys so we are implementing free tickets to next
year’s event to try to gain a good return.
Once we have received the surveys, we are hoping to see an overwhelming
amount of positive responses. On the other hand, there is always room for
improvement so we will take negative comments and learn from them.
Overall, the most apparent evidence of success will come from the monetary
value that we will donate to our philanthropic mission, “Building Strong Girls.”
This will make us aware of if our donations, sponsorships, and ticket sales
have improved and were effective.
After digging deep in the evaluation process, the 3rd annual Crescent Cakes
pancake breakfast will be ready with beneficial corrections and
Alternative Recommendations
If we were to gain more resources, we would first advertise in more ways. We
would use the resources to put advertisements in the news and on local radio
stations. This would benefit our event by getting the word out to the
community and surrounding areas.
However, if we had fewer resources than planned the first thing to be cut
would be printing on colored paper.
Closing Statement
Gamma Phi Beta was very successful in its philanthropic efforts during their
first Crescent Cakes pancake breakfast. This spring the women will be hosting
their 2nd annual Crescent Cakes and with good use of a media plan they will
be even more successful than last year.
The breakfast is scheduled for March 7, 2015 from 9 AM - 12 PM. Family,
friends, Fraternity and Sorority life members, the student body, and the
community will be made aware of this event via many social media outlets.
Other Fraternity and Sorority life philanthropies will be taking place in the
spring, but with and effective media plan, there is no doubt that we will be
able to make the second annual Crescent Cakes a success.