Unit 5 Level D Accomplice n. a person who takes part in a crime Synonym: partner in crime, confederate Annihilate v. to destroy completely Synonym: obliterate, decimate, demolish Antonym: foster, promote, encourage, nurture Catalyst n. a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction Synonyms: stimulus, spur, instigator Exodus n. a large-scale departure or flight Synonyms: emigration, escape Antonyms: immigration, influx, arrival, entrance Facilitate v. to make easier; to assist Synonyms: ease, smooth the way, simplify Antonyms: hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede Opaque Adj. not letting light through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid Synonyms: hazy, opaque translucent cloudy, foggy, murky, dull, obtuse Antonyms: transparent, clear, bright, perceptive transparent Paramount adj. chief in importance, above all others Synonyms: supreme, foremost, primary, dominant Antonyms: secondary, subordinate, ancillary Rebut v. to offer arguments or evidence that contradicts an assertion; to refute Synonyms: disprove, shoot holes in Antonyms: confirm, substantiate, corroborate Reprimand v. to scold; find fault with; a rebuke Synonyms: reproach, admonish Antonyms praise, pat on the back Stagnant adj. not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive, sluggish, dull Synonyms: still, motionless, inert, inanimate Antonyms: flowing, running, fresh, lively