The Critical Lens Essay

Ms. Hairston
Mini Critical Lens Essay
The Critical Lens is an essay that asks the writer to examine two works of literature through one lens.
A lens is something that you look through in order to focus your attention. A camera lens allows you
to see a particular scene. For this essay, imagine a lens that will help you better understand a
connection between two works of literature.
We will be writing a mini critical lens that discussed only one work of literature.
“The difficulty in life is the choice.”
-George Moore
[Author of quote] once said, "Critical lens." In other
words, [rephrase using synonyms]. This means [explain your
interpretation of the critical lens-- the interpretation that you
will apply to the books]. One work of literature that [agree
or disagree] with the critical lens is [introduce title and
author]. [Write one sentence explaining how the book relates
to the critical lens].
One character in The Crucible who is faced with a difficulty choice is
[Explain why the choice is difficult and any necessary background to provide context for this
choice. This may take more than one sentence]. Ultimately, [name of character under
discussion] decides
because [explain how this decision is made. Be
sure to include specific details from the text to support your answer and demonstrate your
knowledge of the play. Again, this may take several sentences.] Clearly, [conclude the
paragraph with a deep thought about this decision-making process. Perhaps link the ideas
you discussed to one of the themes in the play.]
Another character who is faced with a challenging decision is
[Follow the same steps as you did in the first body paragraph.] [Explain why the choice is
difficult and any necessary background to provide context for this choice. This may take more
than one sentence]. [Transition word], [name of character under discussion] decides
because [explain how this decision is made. Be sure to include
specific details from the text to support your answer and demonstrate your knowledge of the
play. Again, this may take several sentences.] [Transition word], [conclude the paragraph
with a deep thought about this decision-making process. Perhaps link the ideas you discussed
to one of the themes in the play.]
In conclusion, Arthur Miller's historic drama The Crucible supports the idea presented
by George Moore's critical lens. [Restate your main points that link the play to the critical
lens. Recap body paragraph one in a single sentence. Transition word or phrase, then recap
body paragraph two in a sentence. End with a general sentence about life's choices.]