Chapter 14 – The Height of Imperialism

Chapter 14 – The
Height of Imperialism
Section 1 – Colonial Rule in
Southeast Asia
Chapter 14 Outline
All about colonies and imperialism by Europe
to 4 different places
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
Southeast Asia
Latin America
Key Terms
Imperialism – The extension of a nation’s
power over other lands
Protectorate – A political unit that depends on
another govt. for its protection
Indirect rule – Colonial govt. in which local
rulers are allowed to maintain power/status
Direct rule – Colonial govt. in which local elites
are removed from power & replaced by people
from the mother country
The New Imperialism
Started in 1800s
WHY start expanding to Southeast Asia (SEA)?
2 reasons – raw goods and markets
New way to build empires = abroad
Raw goods = rubber, oil, tin, etc.
Markets = people to sell manufactured goods to
A new version of a very old idea
A race for power in Europe
How would Social Darwinism/Racism play in?
A hidden 3rd reason – religion/humanitarianism
Colonial Takeover in S.E.A.
Gradualness (something we can learn
from today!)
1: Base on Singapore for steamships going to China
2: Burma (Myanmar) as a buffer for India
1: Missionaries to Vietnam, which becomes a French
2: 1880s, Laos, Tonkin, Annam, & Cambodia
The U.S.A.
Spanish-American War
President: William McKinley – turns Spanish
Philippines into U.S. colony
Emilio Aguinaldo led independence movement, but
125 years later…here we were…
Had we learned nothing from England???
Types of Colonial Regimes in
Indirect rule: Convenient & cheap, but
impossible when locals refused to accept
colonial rule
Direct rule: more tyrannical, but sometimes
Colonial Economies
Remember: markets and raw goods
Export-based economies
Plantations with locals as slaves with high
taxes from mother country (USA under
England example)
The Exception - Thailand
Siam = only free state in S.E.A.
Thanks to King Mongkut and his son, King
Appeased West, so never taken over
Resistance to Colonial Rule
Peasant revolts (remember Aguinaldo??)
All in all, it was the SAME OLD STORY!
Different place, different time, same problems
This is a persistent issue in history