Morris School District Grade 4 and 5 Math Grouping Alternative

Morris School District
Grade 4 and 5 Math
Grouping Alternative
BOE Approved June 2015
Our Research
❖Until now, our 4th and 5th grade students have been
organized into homogenous groups for Math.
Homogenous: students are grouped by ability level
❖ After collecting data from various sources, we
determined that while there were some benefits to this
model, there were also a number of challenges.
Benefits of Homogeneous Grouping
❖ Work with others in their academic range
❖ Whole class works on similar skills
❖ Lesson preparation is focused at only one academic level
❖ Access one set of resources for lessons
Challenges of Homogeneous Grouping
Academic growth
❖ Not at a high rate in any of the groups
❖ Differentiated may still be needed but provided less frequently
Integrated Learning
❖ Students are not grouped for other subjects; having to leave their
classmates and teacher breaks the continuity in learning and decreases
opportunity for cross content learning across the school day
Higher Level Thinking
❖ Modeling, sharing strategies and peer learning opportunities are limited
School Grouping Information
For several good reasons, Math groupings in grades 4 and 5 are inconsistent across the
district-we have seen success in the alternative grouping designs across the schools.
Normandy Park
❖ Does not group by ability for math
Alexander Hamilton
❖ 4th & 5th grouping by ability
❖ CABAS 4th & 5th does not group by ability for math (BOE approved 2014)
Sussex Avenue
❖ 4th & 5th Grade grouping by ability
Thomas Jefferson
❖ 4th & 5th Grade grouping by ability
❖ Shared Teaching classrooms not grouping
Our Research
As a result of our data review and consulting with staff, the
recommendation to move to organizing students into
heterogeneous groups for Math instruction was made to the
Board of Education.
❖ Heterogeneous: Students are grouped so that all levels of
abilities are represented
The recommendation was approved by the Board of Education
in June 2015.
2015-16 School Year Plan
We will……..
❖ discontinue ability grouping for at the 4th and 5th grade level
❖ utilize new Everyday Math and Blended learning tools to facilitate more
targeted learning and more meaningful math experiences for all students.
❖ use Unit PreTests to determine student need by concept in order to provide
enrichment for students who are excelling and support for students who are
experiencing challenges.
❖ collect data through universal diagnostic, teacher conferences, Everyday Math
Assessments and online supports to determine the rate of growth for all
students over time.
❖ analyze the success of the grouping change in Spring 2016 and make
recommendations for the 2016-17 school year.
Scheduling & Support
❖ Students remain with homeroom teacher for math.
❖ Teachers without assigned math groups become:
Math Enrichment Teachers
➔ Pull-out and Push-in learning groups
➔ Project Based Enrichment
Math Support Teachers
➔ Pull-out and Push-in learning groups
➔ Targeted skill development opportunities
Excellent Teaching Practices
Excellent teaching practices are already being used in heterogeneous groups
for all other content areas. Teachers will continue to participate and utilize the
❖ Collaborative Teaching Practice
❖ Data Informed Teaching Practice
❖ Math Workshop Model
Short and well defined mini lessons
Differentiated instruction by strand and/or skill
Partner and group work
Teacher led guided and targeted groups
Student-Teacher Math Conferences
Student & Teacher
❖ Blended Learning: Intentional integration of online and in
person education to expand learning opportunities for
❖ Math supports and learning platforms
Everyday Math Updated Series:
Common Core Aligned
Rigorous Math content and application
Lessons specifically designed for accelerated learning
Everyday Math Online, Ten Marks,
Ongoing Communication
We value your input!
There will be multiple opportunities for parents/guardians to
provide feedback throughout the school year, including:
❖ Home and School Association Meetings
❖ Parent-Teacher Conferences