Week Two English 9 A

Week Two English 9 A
Monday Sept 9
Attendance & Thought of the Day
Absent students take vocabulary 1 quiz
Return vocabulary 1 if all have completed quiz
Hand out Vocabulary 2 Quiz Friday
Show Book Presentation Rubric
Book numbers for Language of Literature?
Hand out: Guided reading sheets for two stories
Cause and effect & Plot
Literary terms characterization & irony
Assign due tomorrow: The Necklace Use CD if possible: silent read last two pages
and complete pages related to The Necklace answering with complete sentences.
 Quiz Friday on two stories read this week. 
If able continue to test reading vocabulary
Reading testing if ready…
Tuesday September 10
 Attendance & Thought of the Day:
 Correct Vocabulary 2 Quiz Friday & show answers to back of quiz
#1 more on Thursday…
10 vocabulary flash cards due tomorrow +5 points (student’s choice)
Go over pages related to The Necklace
(Reading Testing if not done)
Begin The Most Dangerous Game
Key terms: Conflict :
Internal conflict (man against self)
External conflict( man against man & man
against nature)
Be able to cite examples from story.
Begin Reading The Most Dangerous Game
Wednesday September 11
Attendance & Thought of the Day
Flash card check +5 points completed on time
Sensory Detail: Journal writing day one Bear Lake Earth Force
Begin The Most Dangerous Game
Key terms: Conflict :
Internal conflict
External conflict
Be able to cite examples from story.
Begin Reading The Most Dangerous Game
Pages are homework: REMINDER
 Students are required to answer with complete
sentences. 
Thursday September 12
 Journal write #3 : Write about a time you made a poor
decision… how could you have acted or reacted
Grammar: personal pronoun chart & 8 parts of speech Continued sight word assessment (pre
and post test for growth)
Begin The Most Dangerous Game
Key terms: Conflict :
Internal conflict
External conflict
Packet should be completed for both stories for Friday.
Quizzes tomorrow on Two stories &
Vocabulary Lesson #2
Bring silent reading book for a grade!! Continued sight word assessment (pre and post test for
Friday September 13
 Attendance & Thought of the Day
 Collection of Story packet( The Necklace and The
Most Dangerous Game
Continued sight word assessment (pre and post test for growth)
 Quizzes vocabulary 2 & short stories
 Reading in Biographies
Friday Quiz
 Short story writing prompt: Select One …Copy it
 The Necklace & The Most Dangerous Game
 #1 Define irony then give a detailed example from
one of the short stories this week.
 #2. Define characterization: list and define the two
types we discussed this week and give an example of
one character demonstrating their character.