PLAYING AREA/FIELD DIAGRAM: PLAYING FIELD Crease: Designated area directly in front of the goal box. The only player permitted in this area is the goalie. Center Circle: Where the face-off takes place at the beginning of a game and after each scored goal. Face Off Circle: When a violation, such as icing occurs, a face off between the two teams will take place in one of the four side circles. The face off will occur on the violating team’s goal side. TEAM/SCORING A team consists of 6 players. The game is divided into 3 periods each lasting 8 minutes in length. GAME PLAY/STRATEGY Face-Off: Two opposing centers face each other, holding their hockey sticks on the floor. The puck can be dropped between them or players would tap the floor, then their opponents stick three times each. A face-off is used for three different events: o At the start of a game; face-off takes place in the center circle. o After a goal has been scored; face-off takes place in the center circle. o After a violation; face-off takes place in one of the four side circles. Strategies for Game Play: Keep your eye on the puck Pass to a teammate if they are in a better position to score. Passing is faster than dribbling. Use short, quick passes to move the puck down the floor and prevent interceptions. When passing to a teammate, pass in front of them. BASIC PLAYING RULES When a puck or ball goes out of bounds, the last team to touch it loses possession. Players can advance the puck with their feet but cannot kick it into the goal with their feet to score. Any player can stop the puck with their hand but they cannot hold, pass or throw the puck. 3 BASIC RULES WHEN USING THE HOCKEY STICK 1. Keep hands 10 to 12 inches apart on the hockey stick; lower hand controls the hockey stick at all times. Lower Hand = Dominant Hand. 2. Dribble puck with alternate taps using both sides of the blade. 3. Carry stick below waist height at all times. Never swing above waist height. PLAYER POSITIONS / REPSONSIBILITIES GOALIE/GOALKEEPER: DEFENDER: Defends the goal. Helps the goalie defend the goal. Allowed to stop the puck with his/her Job is to get the puck to the Forwards. hands, feet or hockey stick. Not permitted past the centerline into the offensive area. FORWARD: Types of Defenders: Responsible for scoring goals. o 1 Right Defensemen Not permitted past the centerline o 1 Left Defensemen into the defensive area. CENTER: Types of Forwards: o 1 Center A specific type of Forward. o 1 Left Wing Responsible for defending and scoring. o 1 Right Wing Permitted on both the offensive and defensive sides of the floor. WRIST SHOT VS. SLAP SHOT WRIST SHOT SLAP SHOT The blade of the stick and the puck are in Slap shots are used for shooting a longer contact before shooting. distance from the net. Snap the wrist for added speed during For the slap shot, do not flex the wrist, propulsion. instead push the puck toward the goal by Wrist shots are used when shooting close to the net. taking a swing behind and then swinging quickly forward. SHOT MUST BE BELOW WAIST LEVEL QUICK REMINDERS!!!!! 1. No High Sticking (A hockey stick that is brought above a player’s waist. 2. Do not make contact with another player! 3. Do not use the hockey stick to trip or check another player! Students will need to know: Positions Face-Off Slap shot vs. Wrist Shot Number of players on the court Types of violations Floor Hockey Diagram l SKILLS: Stick Handling (Dribbling): Moving the puck forward out in front of you with short taps or pushes. The blade should be slightly tilted over the puck for better control while keeping the puck in the middle of the blade. Passing: Keep the blade of the stick upright and use a smooth, sweeping motion. Do not raise the stick above your waist in the back swing or follow-through. Pass Receiving: Keep your eye on the puck; tilt the blade of your stick over the puck to trap it in. Cushion the pass by allowing the blade of your stick to “give” at the moment of impact (pretend that you are trying to catch an egg). Wrist shot: The blade of the stick and the puck are in contact before shooting. Forehand: non-hitting shoulder faces the desired target. Backhand: your hitting shoulder faces the target. Snap your wrists and point your stick blade at the target with a follow-through. Slap Shot: Drop your lower hand down the stick a little for better control. Take a back swing and then swing the stick forward quickly and hit through the puck with a follow-through. *(SHOT MUST BE BELOW WAIST LEVEL) STRATEGIES for PLAY: VIOLATIONS: DO NOT DO THE FOLLOWING… Interference – Making contact with another player that does not have possession of the puck. Charging – Check a player by running into him/her. Elbowing – Using the elbow to get away from another player. Cross-Checking or Slashing – Swinging a stick at an opponent. High Sticking – Any stick above the waist; a follow through counts as high sticking. Tripping – Using the stick or body part to make a player fall. Hooking – Using the stick to hold or delay another player. Off-Side - Defenders or Forwards playing over the center line. Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Not obeying the rules.