AP English Language and Composition Synthesis Assignment for Nickel and Dimed, by Barbara Ehrenreich More than once in these pages, we encounter the severe bodily and psychological harm that hard work at low pay can cause—the physical damage as well as the threats of what Ehrenreich calls, after an especially trying shift at her nursing home job, “repetitive injury of the spirit.” Compose an argument about the health risks of low wage work, based on Ehrenreich’s study and on your own findings in various media reports. You may disagree with Ehrenreich if you choose, but you will still be required to use her study in the counter argument. Requirements: Manila folder with the following inside Brainstorming (web, frame, list or outline) First Draft (will be written in class after all research is completed—on demand) Evidence of Peer Revision (thorough comments on rough draft and signature on front page) Typed, MLA Formatted final draft with works cited page and citations throughout and ample evidence from a minimum of four sources, including Nickel and Dimed Annotated copies of all sources used Grades: Research (annotated copies)—Classwork/Homework CHS Website for Nickel and Dimed work: www.chicopee.wikispaces.com Page Name: Nickel and Dimed First Draft—Quiz Peer Revision—Classwork/Homework Final Draft—Test