Jewell. ID-1 Primary Sources

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
The Cognitive Process Dimension
Name: Kristina Jewell
Authentic Topic: Primary Sources
Grade level: 5th
Rename this file to include your last name at the beginning of the file name and include your approved authentic topic.
Example: Maxwell.ID-1Endangered Animals Activities
a. Create one or more activities (or objectives or assessments) for each of the 19 Cognitive Processes.
i. Each activity should stand on its’ own; i.e., do not build one activity from another activity or do not use information from one activity in
another activity.
ii. These should be written as prompts for students, not as objectives.
b. All activities must be about your approved authentic topic that you selected for your IDP.
NOTE: you will use one of the activities you design for the Analyze, Evaluate, or Create level to build your IDP lesson.
c. At least one activity at each of the Analyze, Evaluate, and Create levels must involve a technology project. Of course, you can use more.
Refer to the file, “Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy – Full Description”, for more information about each level and process.
Revised Bloom’s Levels
Definitions and
Objective, Activity, or Assessment
1. Remember: Retrieve relevant knowledge from long-term memory
1.1 Recognizing
Location knowledge in long-term memory that is consistent
with presented material (e.g., Recognize the dates of
important events in U.S. history)
True or False: A letter written by a farmer to the
president during the Great Depression is a
primary source.
1.2 Recalling
Retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory (e.g.,
Recall the dates of important events in U.S. history)
True or False: A book written about The Great
Depression in 2007 is a primary source.
What date did the stock market crash on?
What was the Dust Bowl?
2. Understand: Construct meaning from instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic
2.1 Interpreting
2.2 Exemplifying
Changing from one form of representation (e.g., numerical)
to another (e.g., verbal) (e.g., Paraphrase important speeches
and documents)
Study a picture of Hooverville. Write down a paragraph
to describe what you see and feel in the image. Use your
words to create a picture.
Finding a specific example or illustration of a concept or
principle (e.g., Give examples of various artistic painting
Find two examples of a primary source photograph from
the Great Depression.
2.3 Classifying
Determining that something belongs to a category (e.g.,
Classify observed or described cases of mental disorders)
2.4 Summarizing
Abstracting a general theme or major point(s) (e.g., Write a
short summary of events portrayed on a videotape)
2.5 Inferring
2.6 Comparing
Drawing a logical conclusion from presented information
(e.g., In learning a foreign language, infer grammatical
principles from examples)
Detecting correspondences between two ideas, objects, and
the like (e.g., Compare and contrast historical events to
contemporary situations)
Look through the Great Depression document
folder for your group and categorize each
document into a primary source category or a
secondary source category.
- Read through the worksheet with samples of
different sources. Circle the sources that are
considered Great Depression primary sources.
Look at the ten images from the Great Depression
provided for your group. Write a paragraph generalizing
what life was like during the Great Depression.
Read through your letter to President Roosevelt and
study the accompanying pictures. What can primary
sources teach you about the Great Depression?
Compare and contrast primary and secondary
sources using a Venn diagram.
Compare and contrast life for children in the
2.7 Explaining
Construction a cause-and-effect model of a system (e.g.,
Determine how change, compromise, and culture affected the
journey of your chosen explorer; Explain the causes of
important 18th-century events in France)
Great Depression and life of children today.
Explain the how children were impacted by the Great
Depression using letters, photographs, and journal entries
as your sources. Use your cause-effect chart to record
your answers.
3. Apply: Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation
3.1 Executing
(Carrying out)
Apply a procedure to a familiar task (e.g., When serving as
the cashier in the classroom store, count back change to the
customers when they pay you; When studying about alcohol
abuse, determine the difference in a man’s or woman’s blood
alcohol levels at three different weights and three different
amounts of alcohol consumed in one hour; Divide one whole
number by another whole number, both with multiple digits)
3.2 Implementing
Applying a procedure to an unfamiliar task (e.g., Use
persuasion techniques to create a multimedia presentation to
convince your principal to implement your recycling plan;
Use Newton’s Second Law in situations in which it is
Create a map of the Dust Bowl region using mapping techniques
that were learned in class, such as including a legend, symbols
and using appropriate colors for geographic features. The map
should include symbols that show where important historical
events during the Great Depression took place.
Read the letters sent to Eleanor Roosevelt by children
who lived in the Great Depression. Write a letter to our
First Lady, Michelle Obama, voicing some of your
concerns about our country using the original letter as a
template for your work. Create an animoto as a video
representation of your letter.
Work with your group to create a Great Depression enewsletter. The newsletter should include letter to the
editor, politics section, leisure section, world news
section, a political cartoon, and at least two pictures. Use
Microsoft Publisher to put your newsletter together.
4. Analyze: Break material into its constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one another and to
an overall structure or purpose
Remember: If a student can “google” a question or prompt to find the answer OR if it only takes a few minutes
to answer a prompt, it is not higher-level thinking at the Analyze, Evaluate, or Create level.
4.1 Differentiation
4.2 Organizing
Outlining, Parsing,
4.3 Attributing
Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant parts or important
parts of presented material; Differentiating is different from
the cognitive processes associated with Understand because
it involves structural organization and, in particular,
determining how the parts fit into the overall structure or
whole. (e.g., Research at least ten different methods of
protecting crops from insect pests. Distinguish which are
chemical or not and select the two best methods to use in
organic farming in Kentucky. Justify your answer.)
Determine how elements fit or function within a structure;
Builds systematic and coherent connections among pieces of
relevant information; Occurs in conjunction with
Differentiating since the student first identifies the relevant
or important elements and then determines or imposes an
overall structure, configuration, or arrangement on the
content. (e.g., After studying about how to farm tilapia fish
and how to grow plants in water, determine how the
elements of these two systems can fit or function within one
system to mutually benefit both the fish and the plants;
Structure evidence from the recent presidential election into
evidence to determine which political party will probably
win the next presidential election in four years)
Determine a point of view, a bias, values, or intent
underlying presented material (e.g., Determine the point of
view of the author of an essay in terms of his or her political
Primary sources provide you with historical insight
and can also offer you important factual information.
Read the primary source diary entry from the Dust
Bowl and indicate what information from the letter is
the most important.
Read about the New Deal programs. Use the graphic
organizer to describe the program, who the program
impacted, and how people were impacted.
Look at statistics and facts about the economy during
the Great Depression. Use an infographic creator
online to create an infographic that organizes the
information you have read.
Analyze the political cartoon from the Great
Depression. What was the cartoonist trying to say to
readers? How does this cartoon show his point of
Read the letter to President Roosevelt written by an
American citizen. What was the author’s intent when
he wrote the letter?
5. Evaluate: Make judgments based on criteria and standards
5.1 Checking
5.2 Critiquing
Detecting inconsistencies or fallacies within a process or
product; determining whether a process or product has
external consistency; determining the effectiveness of a
procedure as it is being implemented (e.g., Determine if a
scientist’s conclusions follow from the raw data; Evaluate
another group’s business plan to determine whether the
productive resources (natural, human, and capital) were used
in the most effective manner and whether their product
reflects consumer demands.)
Determining inconsistencies between a product and external
criteria; determining whether a product has external
consistency (e.g., Judge which of two methods is the best
way to solve a problem given a set of external criteria; Create
a blog to present the inconsistencies of the debate on whether
or not organic food is better for people and the environment.
Use the USDA’s criteria for organic food classification as a
basis for your response. Give your personal conclusion and
Use the statistics provided for you to determine the
effectiveness of one of the many New Deal programs. You
should consider how the program impacted local people and
how the program impacted the national economy. Create a
podcast that broadcasts your findings and share the link with
your peers.
You’re running for a special seat on City Council that
creates aide programs to provide relief for
townspeople suffering during the Great Depression.
Write a speech to convince your peers to vote for you
for city council. Your peers will use a checklist during
the speech to evaluate how well you meet the city’s
criteria for city council. Every student will have the
opportunity to present their speech and evaluate their
You’re hosting a Great Depression comic strip
contest. Each student will create a comic strip
according to the rubric. A panel of five class judges,
who will be selected by the class, will use the criteria
to select the best comic strips to be displayed on the
class blog.
6. Create: Put elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganize elements into a new
pattern or structure
6.1 Generating
Coming up with alternative hypotheses based on criteria
(e.g., Generate as many hypotheses as you can to explain
why some businesses might not have been a success in our
town; Generate hypotheses to account for an observed
Generate a list of hypotheses for the following
question and share with classmates on the class blog.
 Why did the Great Depression hit some
Americans harder than others?
6.2 Planning
Hypothesize reasons why families hit by the Great
Depression may decide to become migrant workers in
the west.
Devising a detailed procedure for accomplishing some task
(e.g., Submit a business plan for your proposed business
including cover sheet, table of contents, executive summary,
business context, business profile, marketing analysis,
challenges and responses, marketing plan, financials, time
table, summary of needed capital.)
You have just finished reading documents showing
how the Great Depression impacted Americans in
many ways. As a local city leader whose town was hit
especially hard during the depression, you need to
boost morale and inspire your townspeople. Create a
plan for a local leader to implement at the city level
that boosts morale. Present your plan to the class
using Prezi.
You’re the leader of a local historical society that is
creating an exhibit of Great Depression artifacts,
pictures and documents. Create a plan for developing
your exhibition including gathering resources,
marketing strategies, and how to set up the exhibition.
Create a video diary “primary source” from the
perspective of a person who lived during the Great
Depression. You will write a letter or article
sharing one of your experiences in the Great
Depression and use the text as a voice-over in your
video diary. Include primary source images and
documents in your video. Present your video to the
Create a Google Earth tour of a Dust Bowl family
moving from their homes to become migrant workers.
Use the information you find while creating your
Google Earth tour to write a diary entry as a member
of a family that would have experienced your tour.
6.3 Producing
Inventing a product (e.g., Build a habitat for an original
animal you created.)
Anderson, L. W., Krathwohl, D. R., et al (Eds..) (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives.
Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.