Introduction of 2010 APT-J2 Project *Explanation of ICT*s

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - Meeting
Bangkok, Thailand 25-27 August 2014
Restoration of Tropical Peatland in Central Kalimantan,
Suwido H. Limin
J. O. Rieley
Palangka Raya University
Centre for International Cooperation in Sustainable
Management of Tropical Peatlands (CIMTROP)
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - Meeting
Bangkok, Thailand 25-27 August 2014
Restoration of Tropical Peatland in Central Kalimantan,
Dr. Suwido H. Limin
Centre for International Cooperation in Sustainable
Management of Tropical Peatlands (CIMTROP)
Palangka Raya University
Prof. J. O. Rieley
School of Geography, University of Nottingham, UK
Vice President of the International Peat Society
1.1. Peat swamp forest has ecological and economic
functions that will be sustained only if the forest is
maintained in a natural condition.
Opening of peat swamp forest will change both
functions and lead to many kind of disasters.
1.2. Indigenous communities in Central Kalimantan have
never used peatland for traditional rice production.
Dayak people have always avoided deep peat, because
they know that it is unfertile and will be problematic for
rice cultivation. Therefore Dayak settlements have
focused on the dry land formed from mineral soils
where rice can grow well.
Limin (2002) determined the distribution of villages
every 100 km along the Kahayan River from the Java Sea
as follows :
 100 km (18 villages), 100 – 200 km (8 villages),
200 – 300 km (43 villages), 300 – 400 km (64 villages),
400 – 500 km (26 villages) and > 500 km (10 villages).
1.3.Development of peatland in Central Kalimantan called
Mega Rice Project (MRP) for tackling poverty issue, in
reality has been destructive of peatland environments .
1.4.Failure of the MRP was caused by over dimension of
canals, ignoring local knowledge and culture, lack of
knowledge of carrying capacity of land and marketing of
produce grown.
Length of canals of the MRP (Total : 4,473.00 km)
- Main Primary Canal (SPI) 187.00 km
- Large Primary Canal (SPU) 958.18 km,
- Secondary Channels 913.28 km,
- Tertiary Channels 900.00 km and
- Quarter Channels 1,515.00 km.
1.5. The tropical peat carbon store is very large and
influenced by land use practices. Removal of natural
peat swamp forest can:
 change hydrological status of peatland ecosystem.
 Increase peat decomposition rate
 Lead to peat subsidence and flooding
 Increase risk of fire
 Increase greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, N2O)
 Contribute to climate change, indicated by
increased frequency and intensity of disasters (fire
and flood).
Water is just below irrigation canal bottom
surface only two weeks after start of the
dry season (Fig 1)
dry season 2002
dry season 2005
Fig 1. Kalampangan Canal-Block C at the Ex-MRP
 Typical peat thickness lost by fire events:
Kalampangan 2002
• Deep peat : loss 0 – 42.3 cm (Average 22.04 ± 12.09 cm)
Kalampangan 2006
• Deep peat : loss 18 – 60 cm (average: 34.7 ± 14.51 cm)
• Deep peat : loss 16 – 43 cm (average: 31.7 ± 11.11 cm)
Tumbang Nusa 2006
• Deep peat : loss 16 – 55 cm (average: 34.1 ± 13.35 cm)
NLPSF-Sabangau 2006
• Shallow peat : loss 15 – 24 cm (average; 19.7 ± 3.20 cm)
Peat CO2 losses are increased in drainage affected areas
Forest soil CO2 emissions:
o Kalampangan drainage affected forest 7305 – 7444 g m-2 yr-1 [1]
o NLPSF-Sabangau nondrained forest 3493 g m-2 yr-1 [2]
Fig 2.
CO2-C (g m-2 yr-1)
Annual peat swamp forest ecosystem level carbon balance is labile
(±600 g C m-2 yr-1 [3,4]), while drainage and other disturbances (haze, biomass removal etc.)
cause net C-loss form the ecosystem (Fig 2) below :
PSF, drainage
affected [3]
PSF, prim ary
PSF, s econdary
[1] Jauhiainen et al. Ecology/accepted
[2](Jauhiainen et al GCB 2005)
[3] Hirano et al. 2007. Global Change Biology, 13, 412–425.
[4] Suzuki et al. 1999. Environment-Control-in-Biology, 37, 115-128.
In general subsidence is 10% of the groundwater level. Thus drainage to 100 cm causes
a subsidence of 10 cm/year. Each cm subsidence is 13 tonnes CO2/ha/yr. Thus in this
case 130 tonnes CO2/ha/yr will be lost.
 Disaster ; Flooded case in Indonesia (1971 - 2010)
Freq. of flooded
No. of death
Source of Data : BNPB, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2011.
Fig 3. Frequency of flooding and number of deaths
2.1. Restoration of Peatland Environments
2.1.1. Canal blocking will improve and stabilize peat hydrology:
a) help restore peat hydrological status
b) accelerate natural vegetation colonisation along the canals
Dam 03
Dam 05
Fig 4. Dam construction (V-type) in Kalampangan canal (block C of the ex MRP)
 Hydrological status change
Transect 3 (3,5 km from junction) Taruna Canal (Kahayan-Sabagau direction)
(September Period)
400 m
400 m
Water table height (cm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Small canal
Small canal
Numbers of pipe (m)
Land Surface
Fig 5. Water table before and after dam construction
2.1.2. Replanting of native species in burn scars and deep peat
“Buying Living Tree System (BLTS)” is an approach that
benefits both people in local communities and the
(a) BLTS objectives are to:
- Give full responsibility to local people for environmental management,
so that they feel ownership of their surroundings and they have rights
to manage natural resources in a sustainable way
- Establish sustainable income for the local community by planting and
maintaining native tree species in damaged peatland areas.
- Find alternatives to the Government strategy on the best way to
restore the peatland environment damaged by drainage and fires.
- Prevent the fires and increase community spontaneous fire
management capacity and will on the project area and surrounding
- Explore possibilities for carbon trading through reforestation of
degraded peatlands.
(b) Result :
1. Percentage of tree survival is higher in well managed areas
(>80 % alive after one year planting) (Fig 6).
2. Fires are prevented
3. Farmers get monthly income
Planting and maintenance
Galam (Melaleuca leucadendron)
Kahui (Shorea balangeran)
Fig 6. Buying Living Tree System Experiments (2 years old)
2.1.3. Fire management with priority for fire prevention,
because fire is a major threat on degraded peatland
and it can release large amounts of carbon.
1) Establishment of Fire Fighting teams at the village level
Drill deep well in NLPSF
(28 Oct-1 Nov 06)
Patrol Unit Team in Upstream of Sabangau river
Fig 7. The TSA has suppressed fires in NLPSF-Sabangau
and Kalampangan Zone Block C ex MRP (2006)
The Police fill their water tank at the TSA
Post Command in Kalampangan (2006)
The BBC crew in the TSA
action (Nov 2006)
Fire at Kalampangan canal (2006)
Fire at Tumbang Nusa (2006)
Fig 8. TSA action in Kalampangan filmed by BBC Crew
2) Priority is TSA Action
Fire protection is a priority action of the TSA since dry
season started because success of this action will protect
the environment and keep social economy of community.
Table 1. Comparison of loss between prevention and extinguish
Value of Loss
If Prevention Action Succeed
Value of Loss
If big fire occurs and Need Extinguish Action
1. Cost for TSA members for patrol all 1. Based on TSA experiences for extinguish
day/night and stopping soon of fire
fire during dry season (2-4 months), need
occurs, before and during dry
budget 3-4 times of prevention cost
season, example US$.10.00.
We just loss money US$10.00
We loss money US$30.00- 40.00
2. Peat layer and flora/fauna: NO LOSS 2. Peat layer and flora/fauna: UNTOLD LOSS
3. Social economic of community: NO 3. Social economic of community: MAJOR
2.1.4. Aplication of Local Wisdom
Fig. 10. Design of Fish Pond Banjir Version or Beje Modern
(Designed by Suwido H. Limin, 2000)
Notes :
 Fence with gate; year 1 to year 3 or 4 made by wood and wire.
Afterward, fence will be all live trees which has been planted since year 1.
 Embankment; made by soil from the pond digging.
Fig 10. Design of pond digging of beje modern
Fig 11. Beje modern (Kolam Versi Banjir) at Taruna Jaya village
Established in Oct 2012 and harvested in Oct 2013.
Collaboration and supported by Sumitomo Corporation and Nippon Koei, Co. Ltd.
2.2. Monitoring and Evaluating the Success of Peatland
2.2.1. Continuity of research activity
2.2.2. Completed with high technology
1) Since 2010, APT – TTC - Kominfo and CIMTROP
University of Palangka Raya have interlaced
cooperation and established a monitoring system
using ICT
 The ICT remote monitoring system established
can monitor the water level, CO2, methane,
visual image, precipitation, temperature, and
2) Project Site
Fig 12. Map of Palangka Raya and Pulang Pisau Regencies
Figure 13. Project Site
3) Facilities and Equipment
Figure 14. Tower, Data Center and Data Server
4) Result of ICT equipment: CO2 Emission and Water Table
 CO2 and water level at Tower A
Concentration of CO2 increased since May 21, 12 and water level
decreased since April 28,12.
1676,6 ppm (13-09-12)
1676,6 (13 Sep’12)
1602,6 ppm (09-07-12)
1610,5 ppm (12-12-12)
1610,5 (12 Dec’-12)
1602,6 (9 Jul’12)
1676,6 ppm (13-09-12)
No data
432.9 (21 May’12)
2191.6 (24 Mar’12)
1960.8 (16 Nov’12)
2054.4. (14 Dec’12)
2375.2 (23 Feb’13)
1734,1(9 Oct’12)
1692.1 (28 Apr’12
1122,1(9 Sep’11)
1381.4 (14 Apr’12)
837.8 (2 Nov’12)
Figure 15. Fluctuation of water surface of canal and CO2
concentration at Tower A
 CO2 and water level at Tower B
Concentration of CO2 increased since July 7, 12 and
water level decreased since August 27, 12.
1300,5 (20 Dec’12)
1290,6 (22 May’12)
1610,2 (22 May’12)
926,9 (02 Feb’13)
966.4 (14 Sep’12)
No data
434.6 (7 Jul’12)
140.2 (23 Feb’12)
34.3 (27 Aug’11)
881.6 (6 Sep’11)
941.4 (13 Sep’11)
1520.6 (13 Des’11)
Figure 16. Fluctuation of water surface of canal and CO2
concentration at Tower B
CO2 and water level at Tower C
Concentration of CO2 increased since May 26, 12 and water level
decreased since July 19,12.
1584.2 (3 Sep’12)
1222.9 (28 Sep’12)
1270.1 (26 Jul’12)
No data
452.2 (26 May’12)
89.4 (9 Oct’11)
103.5 (10 Jun’12)
165.3 (8 Nov’11)
174.7 (19 Jul’12)
30.3 (7 Nov’12)
137.2 (26 May’12)
31.8 (5 Sep’11)
209.9 (2 Nov’12)
186.9 (6 Oct’11)
211.9 (9 Jul’12)
358.4 (7 Oct’12)
398.7 (3 Sep’11)
Figure 17. Fluctuation of water surface of canal and
CO2 concentration at Tower C
 CO2 and water level at Tower D
Concentration of CO2 decreased since Dec 15, 2012 to Feb 5, 2013 and
water level almost constant at the same period
501 (28 Dec’12)
367 (16 Jan’13)
319 (5 Feb’13)
500 (15 Dec’12)
No data
No data
246 (20 Dec’12)
219 (17 Jan’13)
187 (3 Feb’13)
330.0 (4 Sep’12)
123.8 (23 Nov’12)
134.4 (2 Nov’12)
134.0 (25 Sep’12)
92.8 (27 Nov’12)
75.3 (24 Des’12)
76.8 (10 Jan’13)
70.3 (19 Feb’13)
Figure 18. Fluctuation of water surface of canal and
CO2 concentration at Tower D
 CO2 emission in peatland will be determined by site condition
that are micro climate, water table, land cover (vegetation)
and human activities (Table 2).
Table 2. Comparison of CO2 emission at each tower
Data site
No. of
Tower A
404.8 1676.6
828.51 ± 298.41
Tower B
404.6 1610.2
518.01 ± 146.28
Tower C
404.3 1584.2
568.09 ± 190.04
Tower D
327.91 ± 66.08
3) Based on data recorded, CO2 emission and
water table are correlated.
Concentration of CO2 increased when the
water table decreased. Therefore, ICT system
which was installed in CIMTROP site research
(Block C former of the MRP) can be used for
monitoring and evaluating the success of the
restoration program.
 Many of the regulations related to natural resources
management do not match, so that they are the root
of the problems.
 Low enforcement.
 Change of mindset
3.1. Restoration of damaged peatland (including the Ex-MRP) and
conservation of the remaining peatland must be implemented as
soon as possible, because:
Peatland is a significant carbon store which is currently a net carbon
source (CO2, CH4 and N2O) to the atmosphere leading to increases in
the green house effect and global climate change.
Amount of melt ice and snow in polar regions indicates changes in the
air temperature and has caused changes in atmospheric pressure,
wind movements, floods, etc.
Forests absorb CO2 mainly into vegetation biomass, but peat swamp
forests have the capacity to create an even larger carbon store in the
peat below the forest cover
Peat swamp forests are still under pressure to become
destroyed by legal and illegal means.
 Tropical peatland is important for the environment and is
vital for the sustainable livelihoods of local people.
 Tropical peatland is one of the world’s largest carbon
 Government policy, law enforcement and commitment are
very important for the sustainability function of ecology
and economics of peatland for saving the earth.
3.2. Problems of utilization :
 Peatland development for agriculture and plantation
needs high input technology and is also high risk for
 The Mega Rice Project (MRP) is the greatest example of
peatland mismanagement.
 Peatland development and fires have made Indonesia the
number three CO2 emitter after USA and China with direct
and indirect effects on all countries.
3.3. Peatland Damage Solution :
 Priority action is required to rehabilitate peatland damage
including the Ex-Mega Rice Project by blocking channels to
restore hydrological integrity.
 Promote reforestation by conserving remaining peat swamp
forest and planting new trees.
 Prevent fires by appropriate education and control measures.
Fire is a major threat to the existing peat and forest, because
it increases peat decomposition and tree loss, makes areas
difficult to restore, fire fighting takes extensive time and is
3.4. Essentials
 Involve local people by empowering them to be custodians of
the peatland from which they will receive benefits.
 To rehabilitate peatland damage must use local knowledge and
research findings, and should be involve real researchers or
real experts who have experience and knowledge for joining
project design.
 Everybody, agency and country should finance rehabilitation of
peatland damage everywhere in the world to prevent further
greenhouse gas releases and reduce poverty.
 Development of the ICT can be help to understand series data
of environments as input and guidance for the next planning of
peatland management.
4.1. The importance and beauty of peatlands is that they do
not just give benefit for communities around the
peatland, but for all people around the world.
4.2. Peatland damage needs to be stopped and restoration
has to be started now in order to minimize the disasters
which keep occurring everywhere and every time.
4.3. The existing peatland areas supporting primary forest
must be protected from the fire threat.
4.4. Government policy, law enforcement and
commitment for peatland damage including the
Mega Rice Project area must be restored back to a
forest ecosystem, especially in deep peat areas, in
order to create income and protect environment.
4.5. Realization of reduction of carbon emission program
must be in simple way, because disasters do not await
for human agreements, decisions and fixed
4.6. The ICT system needs to be used for helping
researchers and government in sustainable
management of peatland.
Mr. Ban Ki-moon visited CIMTROP site at dam no. 03
Kalampangan Zone (Block C the Ex MRP on November 17, 2011.
November 2011
November 2011