AP Chemistry Preface and Chapter 1

Matter and Measurement
Mrs. Alvarez
Definition: Mass per unit volume of a
Formula: D = m/V ; units: g/mL, g/cm3,
Sample Problem A piece of copper has a mass of 57.54 g.
It is 9.36 cm long, 7.23 cm wide, and 0.95 mm thick.
Calculate density (g/cm3).
 1. Get dimensions in common units.
m = 57.54 g
L = 9.36 cm
W = 7.23 cm
Thickness (Height) = 0.95 mm = 0.095 cm
 2.
Calculate volume in cubic centimeters.
V = LxWxH = (9.36 cm)(7.23 cm)(0.095 cm) =
3. Calculate the density. D = m/V
sig figs
Be sure to check
2. Use of density as a conversion factor:
Sample Problem: Mercury (Hg) has a density of 13.6 g/cm3.
What is the mass of 95 mL of Hg in grams? In pounds?
First, note that 1 cm3 = 1 mL
 Strategy
1.Use density as a conversion factor to calculate mass (g)
from volume.
2.Convert mass (g) to mass (lb)
Need to know conversion factor; 454 g = 1 lb
Density of water changes with temperature –
Intensive property - is a physical property of
matter that does not depend on the system
size or the amount of material in the system
 Examples: density, color hardness, melting point,
boiling point
Extensive property – any property that
depends on the size of the system. A
property that changes as the amount of
matter changes.
 Examples: mass, volume, temperature, energy
State of matter: gas, liquid, solid
Kinetic Molecular Theory: A theory of the
behavior of matter at the molecular level
Kinetic Energy: The energy of a moving
object, dependent on its mass and velocity
 K.E. = 1/2mv2
Matter has both
Macroscopic –measurable and observable to
the naked eye
 Macroscopic properties - color, length
Submicroscopic or particulate –not
measurable with a microscope
 Particle size, chemical bond length
3 examples
2 forms of energy
Is energy a form of matter
Symbolic level
Measurement System – in summer work
◦ Length base unit – meter
 Conversions: 2.54 cm = 1 inch
◦ Mass base unit – kilogram
 Conversions: 453.5 g = 1 pound (only on earth!)
◦ Time base unit – second
 Conversions: 1 hour = 60 minutes;
 1 minute= 60 seconds (NOTE THESE ARE EXACT
We did this - you tell me!
◦ Volume –
A problem solving method –
◦ Example: how many seconds in a day ??
◦ 1 day 24 hours
1 day
60 min
1 hour
60 sec =
1 min
Find the surface area of a room 20 feet by 12
feet in square meters. ( Use 2.54 cm = 1 inch)
Using density as a conversion – What is the
mass of a gold cube with 2 inch sides?
(density of gold =19.3 g/cm3)
Hint: need volume in cubic centimeters -
Accurate – close to the true value
Precision – reproducibility of the
Percent Error:
State the problem
◦ Organize the information
◦ Determine what you know & what you need to know
Determine the strategy
◦ May stem from prior knowledge
Write down each step
Check your answer
◦ Is it reasonable????
Chapter 1
Density p. 39 # 21, 23, 25, 55, 57
Unit Conversions p. 40 31, 33, 35, 37, 53, 59
Problem solving p. 40 45, 47, 49, 61, 63, 77
Dimensional Analysis Worksheets
Sig fig review worksheet