A Doll House Comprehension and Analysis Packet

A Doll House Comprehension and Analysis Packet
1. Can women (or anyone) have it all? What does it mean to “have it all”?
2. What are some of the obstacles that men and women face in their pursuit to have it all?
3. Who is it harder for and why (as far as having it all): men or women? Why?
While Reading:
In preparation for your Character Analysis Foldable—Note significant quotes for each character with page
number, line number, and the first few words. State whether the quote is direct or indirect characterization.
The goal is to have several good quotes to choose from to have the best possible project.
Nora Helmer:
Torvald Helmer:
Mrs. Linde:
Dr. Rank:
Bobby, Emmy, and Ivar:
Nora’s Father:
Act 1: Discussion Questions
1. Larks are very good mimics of other birds’ songs. The meadowlark is associated with women’s
medicine, which encompasses beauty, fidelity, happy marriage, and fertility. The lark also reflects the
inward journey that’s often associated with self-discovery. This goes hand in hand with their singing,
something that, for humans, is often considered a private activity and a deep reflection of inner
self. Lark encourages us to explore our inner selves and sing out loud. In what ways does this fit Nora
as a character so far? How does it not fit her?
2. Nora says to Torvald, “You know I could never think of going against you” (47). What does this line
say about Nora’s character?
3. Nora says to Mrs. Linde, “Today I don’t want to be selfish. I want to think only of you” (49). Is Nora a
selfish character, in your opinion? Is there any way she could be considered unselfish at this point in the
play? Explain.
4. Whose character do you think is the most unsettling at this point in the play, Nora’s or Torvald’s?
5. What do you think Nora should do to salvage herself and her marriage at the end of Act 1? Thinking of
her character, what do you think she will actually do?
Act 2 Discussion Chart
Symbol To Discuss:
Page # of
quote (Act
2 Only)
Significance explained
Act and
Page # of
Theme Explained
Stripped Christmas Tree
(no lights nor ornaments)
Nora’s Tattered Dress
Black Cross (Rank)
Lamp brought in by maid
Dr. Rank’s Illness
Helmer’s Letter
Krogstad’s Letter
The Tarantella
Nora’s Children
Motifs to Discuss
Masks Characters Wear
Truth Verses Lies
Manipulation for Self Gain
Act 3 Post Reading Discussion
1. Did Nora ever really love Torvald? Did Torvald ever really love her? Explain.
2. Was the “miracle” Nora was waiting for realistic? Explain.
3. What are your thoughts on Nora’s decision at the end of the play?
4. What do you think Nora meant when she said, “Maybe-if your doll gets taken away”?
5. The end of the play is considered controversial. Why do you think this is so?
6. Predict Nora and Torvald’s future.