Holocaust ABC Book Requirements
Our class is creating an informative Holocaust “Encyclopedia.” You will receive a letter of the alphabet. You will then find something related to the Holocaust that starts with that letter. This could be a person, place, event, object, etc.
Then you will be creating a page for our class Holocaust “Encyclopedia” sharing information about your topic. Follow the guidelines below to create a successful page.
Minimum Requirements:
Include information related to your topic written mostly in your own words . You may use a few quotes as well if you like but a majority of the information should be written in your own words. Most of writing should be in paragraph form. Academic writing-no I, you, we, us, etc
Use credible and reliable sources . See suggested links below
Include at least 2 relevant photos that come from credible sources. Feel free to include captions for your pictures if you feel that will help.
Include citations at the bottom for your information AND photos following MLA format. Include URL web addresses for all citations. Feel free to use easybib.com
1 page only with no greater than 1” margins ( 1” is the default for Google docs. Don’t make them larger than 1”). Font size no larger than 12pt font.
Clear title at the top with your letter and your term
Be visually appealing (use creativity to make the reader want to look at your page. Keep in mind: font size and style, color choices, professional appearance, not too cluttered or too bare-minimize empty white space, placement of pictures.
Created in Google docs and turned in on Google classroom-I will send out a blank sheet to you to work on.
Suggested Links
(You are NOT limited to these links. NO WIKIPEDIA, ABOUT.COM, etc)
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: www.ushmm.org
The History Channel: http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/the-holocaust
The Holocaust Explained: http://www.theholocaustexplained.org/
The Jewish Virtual Library: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/history.html
Information from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is also a good source.
You will present your information to the class. Each student will get up to 1 minute to share the main ideas and/or the most interesting information that was discovered about your term. You will be showing your page on the projector using my computer. Practice what you plan on saying. You will be graded on presentation skills as well as delivering adequate information in a concise manner.
Grading Rubric
-Relevant, informative, paraphrased, quote correctly (if quotes are used), reliable sources, academic writing-no I, you, we, us, etc
Relevant Photos
-Interesting, clearly related to your topic, at least 2 photos included, come from credible sources
-Follows MLA format, URL addresses are used on all citations, info and pics cited, fill in missing information clear labels for photos and information
Visually Appealing
- font size and style, color choices, professional appearance, not too cluttered or too bare-minimize empty white space, placement of pictures, makes audience want to look at page
-Created in Google docs, margins no greater than 1”, title at top with letter and term, 1 page only, font size no larger than 12pt
-eye contact, volume, pace (not too fast/slow), covers material within 1 minute, good balance between too much/too little info, doesn’t read to audience
0 3 7 10
0 1 3 5
0 1 3 5
0 3 7 10
0 1 3 5
0 1 3 5
See TIPS sheet on Google classroom assignment for directions/tips on formatting your document.