Susan K. Stewart It’s not the savior of anything There’s bad stuff Pornography Evil People Viruses Spyware Urban Myths Cyber-bullying Would you say in person? In front of your mother? Is it true? How do you know? CAPITAL LETTERS are shouting. Don’t send an email when angry. Don’t hide behind fake names Don’t steal someone else’s writing – even from an email Don’t steal computer programs, music, or videos Don’t hack a web site Index or Directory Search Engine Metasearch Google Directory Yahoo Directory Metacrawler Specialty Directory (topic specific) Expert Guide Library Think through the task What is the real question? Think outside the box Move beyond keywords to thoughts Look elsewhere Do offline research first Be specific Civil War - Confederacy – Robert E. Lee Other hints Research-quality Web Searching Google and Beyond John Kupersmith jkupersm [at] A “Know Your Library” Workshop Teaching Library, University of California, Berkeley Spring 2009 COURSE PAGES: Think “full text” = be specific war of 1812 economic causes vs. history Use academic & professional terms domestic architecture vs. houses genome society gets International Mammalian Genome Society also try combinations with association, research center, institute, directory, database Specify exact phrases “tom bates” “what you're looking for is already inside you” Exclude or require a word proliferation -nuclear bush legacy +environment Web page title intitle:hybrid allintitle:hybrid mileage Website or domain “global warming” site:edu “global warming” File type filetype:ppt site:edu “global warming” Definitions define:pixel define:“due diligence” Search box (use to modify) “Cache” “Related pages” “Translate this page” Specify exact phrases “tom bates” “what you're looking for is already inside you” Exclude or require a word proliferation -nuclear bush legacy +environment Anyone can put up a Web page about anything Many pages not kept up-to-date No quality control most sites not “peer-reviewed” less trustworthy than scholarly publications no selection guidelines for search engines Look at the URL - personal page or site ? ~ or % or users or members Domain name appropriate for the content ? edu, com, org, net, gov,, uk, etc. Published by an entity that makes sense ? News from its source? Advice from valid agency? Can you tell who wrote it ? name of page author organization, institution, agency you recognize e-mail contact by itself not enough Credentials for the subject matter ? Look for links to: “About us” “Philosophy” “Background” “Biography” Is it recent or current enough ? Look for “last updated” date - usually at bottom If no links or other clues... truncate back the URL html 1. Search a controversial topic in Google nuclear armageddon prions danger “stem cells” abortion 2. Scan the first two pages of results 3. Visit one or two sites evaluate their quality and reliability Bookmarks or Favorites Save as file File – Save Page As – Web page complete Use a special program Online search saves Browser extensions Google Books Google Maps Google Translate Google Scholar Google Patent Search distance learning chats research lesson plans virtual field trips develop a web page newsletters blogs Blogs Alex post what he’s learned Twitter Mom sends links to son