REGISTRATION FOR 2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR Purpose Explain scheduling process Review Timeline Distribute registration materials 1. Scheduling Instructions 2. Scheduling Worksheet 3. GHS Schedule Change Policy 4. New Science Flowchart Freshmen Requirements Language Arts 9* Math* Physical Science* American History* Physical Education AND/OR Health & Financial Literacy* Elective Credits *Required courses must be passed or repeated Sophomore Requirements Language Arts 10* Math* Science* (see Science Flow Chart) Essentials of World History or AP World History* Physical Education AND/OR Health & Financial Literacy* Electives *Required courses must be passed or repeated Junior Requirements Language Arts 11 or AP Language and Composition* Math* Science* (see Science Flow Chart) Government or AP Government* Electives *Required courses must be passed or repeated Senior Requirements Language Arts 12 or AP Literature and Composition* Math* Science* (see Science Flow Chart) Government or AP Government* Electives Minimum credits needed for graduation = 23 *Required courses must be passed or repeated Graduation Requirements—23 credits Non-PLCC 4 English 4.5 Social Studies 4 Science 4 Math (Alg 2) Health & Fin. Lit. ½ credit PE 1 Business Elective or Foreign Language or Fine Art PLCC 4 English 3.5 Social Studies 3 Science 4 Math (Alg 2) Health & Fin. Lit. ½ credit PE 1 Business Elective or Foreign Language or Fine Art *Pass all 5 parts of Ohio Graduation Test (class of 2017) *Combined min. of 18 points on EOC exams (2018-beyond) Timeline FEBRUARY 1st --Scheduling Packets are presented to students FEBRUARY 1st to FEBRUARY8th Recommendation Week Review courses then add course requests to “Scheduling Worksheet” . Use Instructions Sheet to complete this step Review and sign “Scheduling Worksheet” Every scheduling sheet MUST be signed by your current Math teacher Return to LA teacher by Friday, February 22nd Counselors available to answer any questions COUNSELORS WILL BE MEETING WITH EACH STUDENT TO ENTER COURSE REQUESTS FOR NEXT YEAR Scheduling Instructions You can choose to double up for electives Joe Student Sample Scheduling Worksheet *WRITE YOUR NAME ON SHEET NOW* Pre-req update for TV courses FEB 22ND Back Side of Scheduling Worksheet What’s New? Honors Biology teams with AP Biology (Block -1 credit each) BioApps (Block - 1 credit) Astronomy OUT, Earth Science IN (Block - 1 credit) Anatomy is now HONORS level only (Block -1 credit) German 2 and French 3 (YL – 1 credit each) TeleCom course offerings: TV Production, Creative Media Production, and Video Editing (Block – 1 credit each-NO pre-requisites) Fundamentals of Speech and Argumentation (Block -1 credit) Sports in Literature/Media (Block-1 credit) Men’s Chorus (YL – 1 credit) Women’s Chorus (YL – 1 credit) Trends in Aerobic Fitness (Block - 0.5 credit) PE Mentorship (YL - 0.5 credit) COUNSELORS WILL BE MEETING WITH EACH STUDENT TO ENTER COURSE REQUESTS FOR NEXT YEAR PLCC Students Mark “Full Day” or “½ Day” on your “Scheduling Worksheet” Complete PLCC application by March 15th If you choose half day, you must choose 1 Language Arts, 1 Math, and 1 year long elective and 1 block elective FEB 22ND x CBE—Cooperative Business Education PLCC option reserved for SENIORS ONLY Go to approved work site half day Requires completion of PLCC application College Credit Plus (CCP) FINAL CCP information night on Thursday, Feb. 18th at 7:00pm Complete “Intent to Enroll” form and return to Student Services by April 1st (will be handed out at meeting) See CCP bulletin board outside of our office Take ACT/SAT as soon as possible (info in our office) Apply to the college by the application deadline found on each school’s website If you will be part time/full time on a college campus, you should schedule a full day at GHS. (We will adjust your schedule after you register for classes at the college.) Important Reminders Each student must choose 8 classes AND 8 alternates Alternate choices will be used in the event of a scheduling conflict—THIS HAPPENS A LOT You are responsible to review course descriptions, prerequisites, & grade to ensure you are qualified to take the course. You will be removed from any class for which prerequisites have not been met Current Curriculum Guide is on our website More Important Reminders Any class requiring an audition or application MUST be listed as alternates until you find out results Examples: Musical Theater, Ensemble, Yearbook If you choose a ½ credit class, you must select another to complete the year. They are listed in ALL CAPS: Beginning Weight Training WEIGHT TRAINING MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER APPS PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 Study hall Photo 1 / Study Hall Timeline MID MAY Completed 2016-17 schedule requests will be issued to students for review UNTIL JUNE 3RD Schedule changes can be made by completing a course change request form in Student Services by June 3rd (Last day of school). Schedule Change Policy Reminders The request to change a schedule must be submitted prior to JUNE 3rd BUT the change may happen in the summer. “What if I don’t do my summer work for AP or Honors courses?” (see policy details on Student Services website OR attached to Instructions Sheet for Scheduling) Data Driven & New Program 3165 3.1 cumulative GPA end of 9th grade Earned 6.5 credits by end of 9th grade 21 & Above ACT Remediation 3 E’s Employed, free Enrolled, Enlisted NAVIANCE program