At Home, Travel Fitness Programming

At Home/Travel Programming Week #1
Workout #1
Warm Up: watch the video below
15 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes, once thru all these movements is 1
-30 Second Plankhold
-20 Jumping Jacks
-10 Push Ups
Rest 5 minutes:
Cool Down: 1 Mile Walk @ easy pace
Workout #2
Warm Up: watch the video below
-2o Min on recumbent or stationary bike going at about 75% of MEP
switch to elliptical
-20 Min on elliptical at about 75% of MEP
Cool Down: 10 Min on Bike @ easy pace
Workout #3
Warm Up: watch the video below
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
3 Rounds of these movements. Go as hard on each movement for each minute, keep good form as
well. If your form faulters, slow down just enough to maintain a proper alignment.
-1 Minute of Burpees
-1 Minute of Plank Hold on elbows
-1 Minute of Jumping Jacks
-1 Minute of Supermans
-2 Min rest
repeat X 2 for 3 Rounds total
Workout #4
Warm Up: watch the video below
-1 Mile Fast Walk on Treadmill as fast as you can maintain for 1 mile
then immediately to 800 M jog
then repeat above 1 more time both 1 Mile and 800 M jog and finish with 1 mile cool down walk at an
easy pace.
Stretch and Recover
Workout #5
Warm Up: watch the video below
Every Minute on the Minute for 30 Minutes
-1 Push Up (chest all the way to the floor, since it is only 1 I want really good form)
-2 Burpees
-3 Sit Ups
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
At Home/Travel Fitness Programming Week #2
Workout #1
Warm Up: watch the video below
-1 Mile Jog
Rest 5 Minutes:
Work #2
-1 Mile Jog
Workout #2
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
Work #1:
3 Rounds
-50 Air Squats
-25 Burpees
Workout #3
Warm Up
-400 M Jog
3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
Work #1:
1/2 Mile Run @ 60% Max Effort Pace
Work #2:
10 Min AMRAP
-7 Sit Ups
-9 Push Ups
-11 Box Step Ups
Workout #4
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
Work #1:
5 Rounds
-400 M Run
-1 Min Rest
At Home/Travel Fitness Programming Week #3
Workout #1
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
Work #1: 10 Min EMOM
-10 Air Squats
Work #2: 5 Min EMOM
-10 Push Ups
Work #3: 3 Rounds
-10 KB Swings
-400 M Run
Workout #2
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
3 Rounds
-10 DB Push Press
-10 DB Push Ups
-10 DB Front Squats
-20 Sit Ups
-300 M Row
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Workout #3
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
5 Rounds w/ 1 min rest
-400 M Run and with remaining time do as many of each as possible
-Air Squats
-Push Ups
-Pull Ups
-Sit Ups
Workout #4
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
Work #1: 10 Min EMOM
-3 Burpees
-2 Push Ups
Work #2: 3 X 4 Min Rounds
-400 M Run Buy In
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
-5 Pull Ups
-5 Push Ups
Workout #5
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
Once For Time
-100 Walking Lunges
-80 Air Squats
-60 Sit Ups
-40 Push Ups
-20 Burpees
At Home/Travel Fitness Programming Week #4
Workout #1
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
Every Minute on the Minute for 20 Minutes (also known as EMOTM although the time component may
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
-4 Sit Ups
-4 Push Ups
(this will start out easy and grow more difficult as the time increases. If you cannot complete all 4 reps of
either/both, then do as many as you can)
Rest 5 minutes:
Work #2:
20 Min on Elliptical (or Treadmill or Stair climber, the equipment can always vary depending on what you
have available) 4 x 5 minute sequences (minutes 1-3 of sequence go at an easy pace, then finish the last
2 minutes at a very difficult pace, High Intensity Interval Training, then go right into next 5 minute
Workout #2
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
-30 Minute Walk outdoors. (recovery day, we want to break up some of that lactic acid that is still in legs
from yesterday) Nice, easy pace, just do not stop for 30 minutes. You should be sweating, although not
breath too hard.
Workout #3
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
-6 Rounds for time (move as fast as possible during each movement and transitioning between
movements. Keep yourself in good form, back straight and spine in proper anatomical order)
-6 Walking Lunges on each leg (12 steps total)
-6 Burpees
-12 Dumbbell Push Press watch this video rest 5 minutes,
Workout #4 (QUICK workout)
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
-5 Minutes on Recumbent Bike as hard/fast as you can maintain for 5 minutes
rest 1 minute, then
-5 Minutes on Rower (same pace as above)
rest 1 minute, then
-5 Minutes on Stairclimber (same pace as above)
Rest 5 Minutes and Repeat
Workout #5
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
-30 sec Plank
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push Ups
-5 Burpees
-75 Burpees for time
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
SI= Short Interval
LI= Long Interval
m= Meter
M = Mile
y = Yards
' = Feet
@bodyweight= load your body weight to the bar
BW= body weight Load your body weight to the bar
m/y = Meters or Yards
10" = 10 second rest
90” = 90 second rest
C2 = Concept 2 Rower
TT = Time Trial= A measurement of maximum work capacity/power output over a set amount of time or
distance. The time trial is often called the race of truth. It is done alone and should be re-tested under similar
conditions and the same distance/time.
Tempo= Reduced but consistent pace for time or distance. 100% is all out effort, 90% is a 10% pulled back
effort. Range between 85% to 95%.
RPE = Rate of perceived exertion , See RPE scale below.
Tabata = 8 rounds of 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest, maximal effort.
On the Minute = Start each set at the beginning of a new minute.
On :45 seconds = You have 45 seconds to perform the distance & rest. You start each set on :45 second
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Deviation Window: Sports will list a deviation window with the phrase, "Hold within," (for example, 2-3
seconds or 3-5 seconds). All efforts for that particular sport should be kept within this range to work on pacing.
Hold within 2-3 seconds: The difference between your fastest repeat and slowest repeat should be 3 seconds
at most. You are looking to repeat the same times with a small, if any, deviation in times. This teaches pacing.
Fouls = To be done at end of workout. If you foul more then once, you get 2 min. recoveries before you need
to start new foul(s).
AMRAP= As Many Rounds As Possible
AFAP= As Fast As Possible
Rx = as prescribed
"Unbroken" = if you come off the bar, you start that element again until completion
Strength and Conditioning WODS
# = lbs
Pood= A Russian unit of weight equivalent to about 16.4 kilograms (36.1 pounds) 1 pood, 1.5 pood, 2 pood are
Accommodating Resistance = Use of bands and/ or chains
OHS = Overhead Squat
Lifts are listed as number of sets then reps. Ex. 3x5, meaning 3 sets of 5 reps.
1RM = 1 rep max
% percentage of weight will be listed for personal and individual strength programming.
ME = Max Effort= Typically working to a 2 rep max for 5 sets but not limited to that example. If 1RM PR is there
take it, if not don't.
DE= Dynamic Effort = Typically taking 50-70% of 1RM for that exercise and moving through exercise with
maximal speed (controlled!). Usually 2-3 reps on 90sec - 30sec interval
Ground to Overhead = The weight starts on the ground and you get it overhead, however you like. Could be
either a snatch, a clean and push-press, or a clean and jerk.
"Double Up"= Up and back only touching a toe to the ground before ascend
14500 N. Northsight Blvd, Ste 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260