HOW TO WRITE A HISTORY ESSAY* *WITHOUT GOING CRAZY* FIRST STEP: THE RESEARCH YOUR RESEARCH MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE BOOK ALL THE SOURCES YOU CONSULTED MUST APPEAR IN YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF FIVE SOURCES THE MORE VARIETY YOU HAVE THE BETTER YOUR THINKING/INQUIRY MARK WILL BE Introduction Thesis Statements After you have brainstormed and you have some main ideas of what you would like to write in your essay, you can begin thinking about writing a thesis statement. What’s a thesis statement???? Definition Thesis Statement A thesis statement is a complete sentence that contains one main idea. This idea controls the content of the entire essay. A thesis statement that contains sub-arguments also helps a reader know how the essay will be organized. Look at the introductory paragraph below. See if you can identify the thesis statement and sub-arguments. Definition Thesis Statement(Informal Essay) When I was young, I always knew that I wanted to become a teacher someday. When I played, I would often gather my dolls together and pretend to teach them how to draw or how to read a book. As I grew older, my desire to become a history teacher became clearer as I did some volunteer teaching overseas and in Canada. As I look back on my reasons for becoming a teacher, there are three reasons that stand out. These consist of my love for history, my natural interest in how people learn, and my desire to help other people . The thesis statement contains the main idea that controls the content of the essay. Sub-arguments in the thesis or nearby help the reader know how the essay will be organized Thesis Statement Another Example Psychologists have argued for decades about how a person’s character is formed. Numerous psychologists believe that one’s birth order (i.e. place in the family as the youngest, oldest, or middle child) has the greatest influence. Birth order can have a significant impact in the formation of a child’s character. Birth order can strongly affect one’s relationship with parents, relationships with others, and how one views responsibility as an adult. The thesis statement contains the main idea that controls the content of the essay. Sub-arguments in the thesis or nearby help the reader know how the essay will be organized Key Features Main Idea in a Complete Thesis The sport of cross-country running. This is not a complete sentence. The sport of cross-country running allows people to get in better shape and achieve goals such as completing marathons. Who would want to be a teacher? Thesis Statement This is a question, not a statement. Being a teacher is a great profession for those who like to work with students and be creative. Thesis Statement A Complete Thesis Sentence Another Example The problem of pollution in big cities. This is not a complete sentence. The problem of pollution in major cities can be alleviated by limiting the number of cars allowed to drive on city streets and creating more efficient public transportation systems. Why should marijuana be legalized? Thesis Statement This is a question, not a statement. Marijuana should be legalized because it is not any more addictive than tobacco and it can provide numerous medicinal benefits for those suffering from terminal illnesses. Thesis Statement Key Features Sub-arguments The large influx of people to California has had major effects on the state. No sub-arguments are named in this thesis statement. Subargument #2 The large influx of people to California has had major effects on the ability of the state to provide housing, electricity, and jobs for all residents. sub-argument #1 This statement names three subarguments. Can you find all of the subtopics? sub-argument #3 Key Features Don’t State the Obvious In thesis statements, you should avoid using statements like, “This essay will discuss…” or “I’m going to write about…”. Try to write a thesis statement that captures your reader’s attention without announcing your main topic and stating the obvious. Look at the examples below. Key Features Don’t State the Obvious In this essay, I am going to discuss the effects of long-term drug abuse. Long-term drug use can have disastrous effects on one’s marriage, career, and health. NEXT: THESIS ACTIVITY • PLEASE REFERENCE YOUR ACTIVITY SHEET WHAT IS THE BEST THESIS? 1. My opinion is that Japanese Canadians were discriminated against and despised very much just because they looked different and mainly because they weren’t at the top of the preferred list. 2. Overall, Japanese Canadians were unjustly treated during WWII due to the enactment of the War Measures Act. This Act unfairly discriminated against the Japanese as it limited their freedoms and rights, created public resentment against them and destroyed many of their communities. 3. The internment of Japanese Canadians occurred between 1941-1949. 4. The implementation of the War Measures Act in WWII was unjust against Japanese Canadians because they lost all their property. The Introductory Paragraph The Paragraph that Hooks Your Reader An Introduction A Closer Look Let’s look at the introduction and see how the sentences become more and more specific leading to the thesis statement. There are a number of frightening disease epidemics occurring in the the world today, but one of the most frightening is the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. General Statements Among the most serious of these sexually transmitted diseases is HIV which leads to AIDS, a fatal disease. HIV is especially problematic among homeless people. Very Specific: Thesis Statement This particular population is difficult to treat due to a number of barriers such as limited access to health care, mistrust of health care professionals, and a lack of awareness of the disease, itself. More Specific Example #2 A Closer Look Look at the example below to see how the sentences in the introduction become more and more specific leading to the thesis statement. Overpopulation and finding ways to reduce it are big concerns of many developing nations today. One nation that is concerned about this issue is India. General Statements One of the biggest causes of overpopulation in India is the high infant mortality rate. More Parents often have more children because they are fearful that if some children die, there will not be enough children to take care of them in their old age. Very Specific: Thesis Statement India is taking some important steps in dealing with this problem. Some of the steps the Indian government is taking are providing birth control for women, improving pre-natal care, and educating women on the benefits of having fewer children. Specific AND THEN…. BODY PARAGRAPHS DON’T HAVE TO LIMIT TO THREE EACH MUST HAVE A TOPIC SENTENCE A TOPIC SENTENCE IS A MINI THESIS – SO CAN’T BE A FACT – MUST BE AN ARGUMENT! TRY TO INCLUDE A CONCLUDING SENTENCE USE TRANSITION WORDS IN THE TOPIC AND CONCLUDING SENTENCES Body Paragraphs Purpose The body paragraphs in your essay support the main idea in your thesis statement by breaking it down into smaller ideas or subtopics. Ideas in your paragraphs should relate back to the thesis statement. Essay Introduction & Thesis Statement Body Paragraph 3 _____________ Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 4 _____________ _____________ Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 5 _____________ _____________ Concluding Sentence Useful Expressions It is sometimes helpful to have a concluding expression in your last sentence to signal the end of your paragraph. Some common expressions used in concluding sentences are listed below. It is clear that, Finally, In summary, Consequently, As a result, These examples show that… SUPPORT (QUOTED EVIDENCE) YOU MUST USE QUOTED EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR ARGUMENTS IN ORDER TO MAKE YOUR ESSAY CREDIBLE. NOW PLEASE REFER TO YOUR ACTIVITY SHEET! (THANK YOU) FORMAT FOR QUOTED EVIDENCE • SAMPLE #1: Furthermore, the Treaty of Versailles left Germans with feelings of resentment and Introduce anger towards the rest of Europe. Germany support felt extremely angry that all the blame for point (P) WWI had been placed on its shoulders. “The Use evidence unwise thing about Versailles was that it to prove annoyed the Germans yet did not render point(E) them too weak to retaliate.” (“How the Treaty”) This was dangerous because it left Provide your Germany feeling like they had nothing to lose own analysis/ and everything to gain. explanation of evidence (E) FORMAT FOR QUOTED EVIDENCE • Sample #2: Above all, the Treaty led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. As historian Peter Allen points out, “the Treaty led to low morale and quality of life among the German population.” (24) As Germans P starved and lost their jobs, they were in desperate need of a hero. Hitler’s power of persuasion and clever use of propaganda posters gave him a firm grip on German people. “Nazi propaganda exploited the unhappiness caused by unemployment, E grievances of Versailles and memories of inflation.” E (Webster 45) Hence, the Treaty of Versailles is a major cause of the support Hitler was able to gain for his party. HOW THE SOURCES WOULD APPEAR IN THE BIBLIOGRAPHY • Allen, Peter. Witness History Series: The Origins of World War II. Boston: Wayland Limited, 1991. • "How the Treaty Caused the War." CBC Archives. 2006. CBC. 22 Apr. 2008 <>. • Webster, Dan. “The Failure of the Treaty of Versailles”. The Globe and Mail. 13 April 1950. • USE EASYBIB.COM FOR FORMAT! NEXT: Outline I. II. Introduction- Thesis Statement: A job interview can often make or break your chances of getting your dream job. There are several things that can be done in an interview to increase the possibility of success such as dressing properly, answering interview questions thoroughly, and asking good questions at the end of the interview. Body Paragraph #1: Topic Sentence: The way one dresses can have a big impact on an interview panel’s first impressions of you. III. A. Men and women should consider wearing dark suits. B. Conservative dress will show the interview panel the candidate is serious. C. Don’t carry too many things into the interview. A notebook, pens, and/or laptop computer should be carried in a briefcase. D. Hair and nails should be clean and neat. Body Paragraph #2: Topic Sentence: An interview is an opportunity for potential employers to get to know the candidate better, so it is important that questions are answered honestly and completely. A. Ask interviewers to repeat difficult questions. B. Take some time to think about the questions. C. A notebook to write down key words in interview questions is sometimes helpful. IV. Body Paragraph #3: Topic Sentence: By preparing some thoughtful questions for the end of the interview, a candidate can show the panel that s/he is prepared for the interview and wants the job. A. Research the job and/or company before the interview. B. The interview is an opportunity to get to know the potential employer. Ask questions about company goals, mission, expectations of employees. C. Do not ask questions about benefits or salary during the interview. Get this information before you apply for the job. IV.Conclusion: Do not underestimate the importance of a good interview. What should I include in my concluding paragraph? The first sentence of the concluding paragraph is a clear, specific re-statement of thesis. • The conclusion should do more than simply restate the argument. • It also suggests why the argument is important in the bigger scheme of things, or suggests avenues for further research, or raises a bigger question. • The Conclusion Making Your Last Paragraph Count Example of a Concluding Paragraph For instance, an essay on whether Hitler was a genius could end with this: Adolf Hitler undoubtedly made some tactically genius moves leading up to and in the beginning stages of WWII. He manipulated many great leaders of the world, convinced a whole nation to do his bidding and support his unthinkable crimes and almost took over all of Europe before the Allies were ready to fight back. It is essential to analyse how Hitler was able to do all of this. It highlights the possibility that another dictator could rise up and threaten world peace once again. Historians must study and understand Hitler in order to prevent another maniac from rising to such a level of power. YOUR WRITING IS TOO BAD TO PRINT – PLEASE TRY AGAIN!! LASTLY TO AVOID THIS UNFORTUNATE EVENT, ENSURE YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING DETAILS IN ORDER… THE TITLE PAGE SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS Never Again: The Story of the Holocaust [Interesting Title] Your Name My Name Date FINALLY… Bibliography • Your paper should end with a bibliography, which is started on a new page, and labelled "Bibliography" at top. (The page of the bibliography generally is left unnumbered.) The bibliography includes all works consulted, not merely those works cited in your paper. Line spacing • The text of your paper should be double-spaced. Typeface • For the typeface, use a simple font, like Courier 10, Roman, or Times. Clarity and ease of reading are the goals; avoid fancy and difficult-to-read fonts. A note on page length: • If you lack room, simply allow the paper to exceed the length requirements rather than expanding margins, reducing typefaces, etc. On the other hand, if the paper is too short, avoid tricks like increasing the point size of the typeface, or increasing the margins. Page numbers • The first page need not be numbered. On the following pages, page numbers are placed on the upper-right corner of the page. Computerized spelling and grammar checkers • These are great, but do not rely on them too much. You are expected to edit and correct your paper yourself. • Rough notes showing this process will be evaluated and included in your final mark.