Chemistry of Life Levels of Chemical Organization Atoms • Nucleus- central core of atom – Proton- +charged particle in nucleus – Neutron- non-charged particle in nucleus – Atomic number- number of protons in the nucleus; determines the type of atom – Atomic mass- number of protons and neutrons combined Levels of Chemical Organization Atoms • Energy levels- regions surrounding atomic nucleus that contain electrons – Electron- negatively charged particle – May contain up to eight electrons per level – Energy increases with distance from nucleus • An ELECTRON’S ENERGY LEVEL is the amount of energy required by an electron to stay in orbit. Just by the electron’s motion alone, it has kinetic energy. The electron’s position in reference to the nucleus gives it potential energy. • An energy balance keeps the electron in orbit and as it gains or loses energy, it assumes an orbit further from or closer to the center of the atom. SHELLS and SUBSHELLS are the orbits of the electrons in an atom. • Shells are lettered K through Q, starting with K, which is the closest to the nucleus. The shell can also be split into four subshells labeled s, p, d, and f, which can contain 2, 6, 10, and 14 electrons, respectively. Elements, molecules, and compounds • Element- a pure substance, made up of only one kind of atom • Molecule- a group of atoms bound together in a group • Compound- substances whose molecules have more than one kind of atom Elements • • • • • • • • • • • Co Cobalt Cn Copernicium Cr Chromium Cs Cesium Cu Copper Db Dubnium Ds Darmstadtium Dy Dysprosium Er Erbium Es Einsteinium Eu Europium • • • • • • • • • • • F Fluorine Fe Iron Fm Fermium Fr Francium Ga Gallium Gd Gadolinium Ge Germanium H Hydrogen He Helium Hf Hafnium Hg Mercury Elements • • • • • • • • • • • Ac Actinium Ag Silver Al Aluminum Am Americium Ar Argon As Arsenic At Astatine Au Gold B Boron Ba Barium Be Beryllium • • • • • • • • • • • Bh Bohrium Bi Bismuth Bk Berkelium Br Bromine C Carbon Ca Calcium Cd Cadmium Ce Cerium Cf Californium Cl Chlorine Cm Curium Elements • • • • • • • • • • • Ho Holmium Hs Hassium I Iodine In Indium Ir Iridium K Potassium Kr Krypton La Lanthanum Li Lithium Lr Lawrencium Lu Lutetium • • • • • • • • • • • Md Mendelevium Mg Magnesium Mn Manganese Mo Molybdenum Mt Meitnerium N Nitrogen Na Sodium Nb Niobium Nd Neodymium Ne Neon Ni Nickel Elements • • • • • • • • • • • No Nobelium Np Neptunium O Oxygen Os Osmium P Phosphorus Pa Protactinium Pb Lead Pd Palladium Pm Promethium Po Polonium Pr Praseodymium • • • • • • • • • • • Pt Platinum Pu Plutonium Ra Radium Rb Rubidium Re Rhenium Rf Rutherfordium Rg Roentgenium Rh Rhodium Rn Radon Ru Ruthenium S Sulfur Elements • • • • • • • • • • • Sb Antimony Sc Scandium Se Selenium Sg Seaborgium Si Silicon Sm Samarium Sn Tin Sr Strontium Ta Tantalum Tb Terbium Tc Technetium • • • • • • • • • • • Te Tellurium Th Thorium Ti Titanium Tl Thallium Tm Thulium U Uranium Uuh Ununhexium Uun Ununnilium Uuo Ununoctium Uup Ununpentium Uuq Ununquadium Elements • • • • • • • • • • Uus Ununseptium Uut Ununtrium Uuu Ununumium V Vanadium W Tungsten Xe Xenon Y Yttrium Yb Ytterbium Zn Zinc Zr Zirconium Chemical Elements of the Human Body • • • • • • Oxygen Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Calcium Phosphorus Elements Crucial to Human Health • Chemical elements are crucial to our health. Although there are more in the body, these are the elements that we can most quickly impact in a positive way. The Elements (based on an average 160-pound man) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Element Weight Oxygen 90 pounds Carbon 36 pounds Hydrogen 14 pounds Calcium 3 pounds 12 ounces Nitrogen 3 pounds 8 ounces Phosphorus 1 pound 4 ounces Chlorine 4 ounces Sulphur 3 ½ ounces Potassium 3 ounces Sodium 2 ½ ounces Fluorine 2 ounces Magnesium 1 ½ ounces Silicon ¼ ounce Iron 1/6 ounce Iodine Trace Manganese Trace Calcium- The Knitter • Calcium Ca+(1.5%) is the most common mineral in the human body — nearly all of it found in bones and teeth. Ironically, calcium's most important role is in bodily functions, such as muscle contraction and protein regulation. In fact, the body will actually pull calcium from bones (causing problems like osteoporosis) if there's not enough of the element in a person's diet. Calcium is an alkaline, positive mineral that attracts oxygen. It must undergo an evolution to travel from rock form to a form that can be assimilated by the human body. It is through vegetable and animal form and their mineral content that calcium is converted to blood and bone. • In the body, it aids digestion, nutrition and neutralization. Calcium promotes good growth, vitality and vigor by helping to regulate metabolism. It also causes coagulation of the blood and thus aids in clotting for healthy healing Calcium- The Knitter • Symptoms on the skin of calcium deficiency are itchy skin, wrinkles and burns that heal poorly or slowly. Calcium can aid in conditions of rosacea, acne, psoriasis, impetigo (a very contagious infection of the skin; common in children; localized redness develops into small blisters that gradually crust and erode), prurigo (eruption of pale, dome-shaped papules that itch severely) and ichthyosis (A congenital, often hereditary skin disease characterized by dry, thickened, scaly skin. Also called alligator skin, fish skin, fishskin disease, ichthyosis sauroderma). • Foods rich in calcium are: almonds, agar, avocados, barley, brazil nuts, blackstrap molasses, carrots, buckwheat, cauliflower, figs, egg yolk, Irish moss, kelp, lentils, goat milk, parsnips, rice polishing, veal joint broth/jelly. Other important and interesting calcium facts: . • Most abundant element found in water, ash of plants and all soils. • One of the most important biochemical elements needed in human nutrition. • Must undergo evolution from rock form to plant/animal form to be assimilated. • Contained in hard tissues of the body. • Lends strength to arteries and veins – all muscles. Other important and interesting calcium facts: • Aids digestion, nutrition, neutralization. • Regulates metabolism. • Calcium imbalance is the beginning of chronic disease. • Menstrual disorders – increased calcium to overcome excessive flow – menstrual blood contains 40X the calcium of regular blood. • Sugar intake depletes supply. • Pellagra – calcium deficiency. Other important and interesting calcium facts: • Milk deficiency in mothers – turnip greens, green kale for calcium. • Proven to make eggshells harder. • Excess calcium – hardening, bony growths, rheumatoid arthritis, joint stiffness (to combat excess: wild strawberries, goat milk, raw egg yolk tonics, okra, celery). • Deficient calcium – lungs affected, growths, tumors, sores, abscesses, fevers, inflammations, deformities. Carbon- The Builder Carbon C (18%) is synonymous with life. Its central role is due to the fact that it has four bonding sites that allow for the building of long, complex chains of molecules. Moreover, carbon bonds can be formed and broken with a modest amount of energy, allowing for the dynamic organic chemistry that goes on in our cells. • Carbon is the basic factor of cell birth and cell life, the cradle of creation and principal element in growth. Carbon supports our vital systems. Carbon is found in all carbohydrates. • Excess carbon in the body can manifest by anemia, obesity (adipose), diabetes, restlessness, laziness, boils, high blood pressure, low sex drive and acidity. Carbon deficiency may manifest as negativity, remoteness, and melancholy. • Foods high in carbon: sugars, most proteins, starches, grains/breads, fats, sweet fruits. Chlorine- The Laundryman Chlorine Cl (0.15%) is usually found in the body as a negative ion, called chloride. This electrolyte is important for maintaining a normal balance of fluids. • Chlorine is an organic salt that helps eliminate tissue congestion from the body, so new nutrients can be used to build and reinforce our systems. It is a germicide and, together with sodium, slows blood clotting and aids in keeping blood albumin, fibrin and casein, in solution. Our bones, nerves, sex glands, sweat glands and liver need chlorine, with a primary focus on building strong joints. • Protein in the urine and insufficient oxygen intake due to malformed re corpuscles will be evident if chorine (sodium chloride) is lacking in your system. • Foods that are high in chlorine are: avocado, banana, bass, beef, beets, whole wheat bread, butter, buttermilk, casaba, celery, chicken, chicory, dry dates, egg yolk, lamb. Cobalt- The Proteinizer • Cobalt (0.0000021%) is contained in vitamin B12, which is important in protein formation and DNA regulation. Copper- The Giver • Copper (0.0001%) is important as an electron donor in various biological reactions. Without enough copper, iron won't work properly in the body. Flourine- The Resister Fluorine (0.0037%) is found in teeth and bones. Fluorine reinforces calcium, preventing tooth decay. It keeps the sinus walls healthy and balances oxygen. • In cases of fluorine depletion, the hair, corneal structures, nails, beard and skin are adversely affected. Indications may be sweaty, clammy feet, sticky eyelids, as well as numerous and painful boils and corns. • Foods that are high in fluorine are: black-eyed peas, goat buttermilk, goat butter, goat whey, spinach, tomatoes, cheese, cabbage, and parsley. Chromium- The Matchmaker • Chromium (0.0000024%) helps regulate sugar levels by interacting with insulin, but the exact mechanism is still not completely understood. Hydrogen- The Moisturizer • Water is 11% hydrogen. The human body is 70% water, the ocean that is human life. Hydrogen moisturizes tissue, transports nutrients, promotes elimination by irrigation of cells and organs, regulates temperature, prevents inflammation and soothes the nerves. • With an excess of hydrogen, it would make sense that there would be an issue with edema or fluid-type body. Symptoms and/or attributes may include sluggishness, even temperament, compassion, weakness and exhaustion. Lack of hydrogen may create dehydration, appetite for salty foods, dry skin, excess body heat, arthritis, leanness and irritability. • Foods high in hydrogen are: fruit and vegetable juices, broths, kefir, water, citrus fruits, milk, whey, cherries, cabbage, carrots, celery, pineapple, watercress, watermelon. Iodine- The Metabolizer Iodine (0.000016%) is required for making of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolic rate and other cellular functions. Iodine deficiency, which can lead to goiter and brain damage, is an important health problem throughout much of the world. • Iodine is vital in rebuilding new tissue in the body silicon and The thyroid, our “emotion” gland, as well as the liver, spleen, uterus, heart lining and lymphatic system are all greatly dependent on the intake of iodine. The metabolism of calcium, fluorine and many other elements are aided with iodine. • Foods that are high in iodine are: agar, artichokes, asparagus, beans, Brussels sprouts, cardamom, carrots, chives, coconut, eggplant, kale kelp, dulse leaf, lettuce, loganberries, mustard greens, oats, okra, onions, oysters, pike, tofu, spinach, squash, strawberries, tuna, turnip greens, watercress. Iron – The Energizer Iron (0.006%) Fe is a key element in the metabolism of almost all living organisms. It is also found in hemoglobin, which is the oxygen carrier in red blood cells. Half of women don't get enough iron in their diet. • Iron works in conjunction with oxygen in the human body. It attracts oxygen, promoting vitality, tissue oxidation, circulatory stimulation, digestion, elimination and respiration. • High iron content in the body may result in excess blood pressure, “heaviness” of the senses and lethargy. Iron deficiency is more common and manifest in anemia, poor respiration, low vital force, and low blood pressure. • The highest iron foods are: sea vegetation (dulse, kelp, Irish moss), unsulphured dried fruits, black cherries, greens and liquid chlorophyll. Magnesium – The Relaxer Magnesium Mg (0.05%) plays an important role in the structure of the skeleton and muscles. It also is necessary in more than 300 essential metabolic reactions. • Magnesium works with calcium to calm nerves, promote sleep and is vital for teeth and bone strength, cell growth, tissue elasticity, and lowers fever. • Excessive content of magnesium in the body can create numbness, apathy, sluggishness, slowed perception and poor memory. A low amount of magnesium may result in insomnia, headache, stiff muscles, hot temper, forgetfulness and mood shifts. • Foods high in magnesium: wheat germ, greens, yellow cornmeal, nuts and berries. Manganese – Manganese (0.000017%) is essential for certain enzymes, in particular those that protect mitochondria — the place where usable energy is generated inside cells — from dangerous oxidants. • Manganese is strong, resilient and increases resistance. It assists in controlling nervous tension, enhances intellect and coordinates thought and action. • Those who may have manganese excess will exhibit exaggerated emotion, although excess is very rare. Manganese deficiency may cause impatience, anxiety, nightmares, anger, depression, swollen glands, aversion to being touched, gout symptoms, cracking joints and reduced appetite. • Foods high in manganese: nuts and seeds Molybdenum- The Transformer • Molybdenum (0.000013%) is essential to virtually all life forms. In humans, it is important for transforming sulfur into a usable form. In nitrogen-fixing bacteria, it is important for transforming nitrogen into a usable form. Nitrogen – The Restrainer Nitrogen (3%) is found in many organic molecules, including the amino acids that make up proteins, and the nucleic acids that make up DNA. • Nitrogen is found in elastic and connective tissue, hair, nails, skin and body fluids and is essential for metabolism. Bodies with high levels of nitrogen may be slow healing with lowered immune systems, suffer from drowsiness, forgetfulness and low heat generation. • Deficiency in the nitrogen element may cause fatigue, muscular and tendon cramping and weakness, danger of blood clots, and volatility in personality. • High protein foods are those that will assist the low nitrogen personality; therefore, a decrease in high protein foods will assist a high nitrogen personality. • Foods high in nitrogen are: fish, spices, nuts, pasta, cheese, beans, poultry, lamb, lentils and spirulina. Oxygen – The Giver Of Life Oxygen O (65%) and hydrogen (10%) are predominantly found in water, which makes up about 60 percent of the body by weight. It's practically impossible to imagine life without water. • • • Heat production and physical and mental healthy are attributes of oxygen. Metabolism and regeneration are reinforced by an uptake of oxygen. Oxygen acts toward anabolism as well as catabolism. Think of recycling. All must return to nature, and disintegration is only complete with regeneration. The oxygen cycle has no beginning and no end. High oxygen types produce and excess of heat causing heat flushes, red face and neck toward evening, the lumbar region of the back my feel cool or numb, pain under the scapula, glucose-producing foods may cause colic and the skin may show symptoms of dermatitis. Salty foods and milk products are good for excessive oxygen types. Low oxygen types show symptoms of nervous irritability, energy decrease, poor digestion and the skin may flake and/or become scaly with blue undertones. The highest oxygen foods are: beefs, blueberries, bone broth, fish, goat milk, nuts and seeds, onions, radishes, sea vegetation, spinach, tomatoes and turtle. As a general rule, foods that are high in iron are also high oxygen foods. Phosphorus – The Light Bearer Phosphorus Ph (1%) is found predominantly in bone but also in the molecule ATP, which provides energy in cells for driving chemical reactions. • Phosphorus improves nerve nutrition, is an agent for growth, necessary for reproduction, present in white blood cells, and stimulates intellect. Phosphorus from vegetable sources affects the bones and phosphorus from animal sources affects the brain and nervous system. • Phosphorus excess may cause volatile emotions, tissue degeneration, progressive emaciation, and exaggerated confidence. Those lacking in phosphorus will show signs of neuralgia, fear, lack of confidence, sensitivity to criticism and slow oxygen uptake. • Foods high in phosphorus are: for the nervous system/brain – fish, meat, egg yolk, and dairy products; for the bones – lentils, soybeans, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. Potassium – The Alkalizer Potassium K (0.25%) is an important electrolyte (meaning it carries a charge in solution). It helps regulate the heartbeat and is vital for electrical signaling in nerves. • • • Potassium assists in recuperative powers. Potassium and sodium work together in all cells of the body, including the nerve synapse, to maintain membrane potentials and to assist in metabolic processes. Potassium has a draining effect on the body to favor good kidney action. Potassium is analgesic and neutralizes acidity in all parts of the body; therefore, lack of potassium will cause acidity and skin eruptions. Acidity will show physical evidence in the form of goose pimple-type skin on the upper arms and thighs. Potassium assists with ulcers, gangrene, cutaneous skin ailments, ingrown toenails, as well as improvement in the assimilation of albumin, casein and fibrin. When potassium and other alkaline salts are high in the blood, injuries heal quicker. Foods high in potassium: apples, anise, apricots, bananas, black cherries, blueberries, Jerusalem artichokes, fish, kale, kelp, lentils, lima beans, wheat germ, and watercress. Selenium- The Catalyst • Selenium (0.000019%) is essential for certain enzymes, including several antioxidants. Unlike animals, plants do not appear to require selenium for survival, but they do absorb it, so there are several cases of selenium poisoning from eating plants grown in selenium-rich soils. Silicon– The Magnetic Element • Silicon provides elasticity, as well as helping the body become more alkaline. It has great effect on our membranous tissues and is beneficial for the nerves, the bowel walls, the alimentary tract and the lungs. • Symptoms of silicon depletion can be a “drying up” of the skin, exc3ess mucous production – literally; avenues of elimination are closed. • Foods rich in silicon are: oats, barley, apples, bananas, beets, dates, kelp, brown rice and rice polishings. Other important and interesting silicon facts: • Magnetic comes from a city Magnesia in Thessaly. Magnet, magnesia, magnetism have the same root. Traced further back to magus, mach and the Sanskrit word mahaji meaning great, learned, wise. Others magi, magic, magician from this Sanskrit word. Ancient priests, magis (Greats) used magnesian stones in curing people. • Silica affects the tissues, bones and nerves. • Alkaline so the brain and nervous system are influenced making pulse more rhythmic. • Antiseptic protection. Other important and interesting silicon facts: • Flesh is firmer. • Hair becomes shiny and abundant. • A person with good quantities of silicon is agile, lean, nimble, very active. • (Lack of) abscesses, brooding and hopelessness, broods over ethics and principles which are trivial to others, becomes agitated, argumentative and ungratified, sense of perception is chaotic, feelings are hypersensitive, drowsy from riding in automobiles, buzzing in the ears, eyesight deteriorates. • (Excess) inflexibility. Other important and interesting silicon facts: • Nations known for low cancer rates have a diet high in silicon and formic acid. • Good for bruises, catarrh, tuberculosis and tumors. • Autointoxication is prevented or reduced by silicon. • Nicotine and drug habits are easier to overcome with silicon. • Menstrual, ovarian and hysterical complications need silicon. • Varicosities are reduced. Sodium – The Youth Element • Sodium Na (0.15%) is another electrolyte that is vital for electrical signaling in nerves. It also regulates the amount of water in the body. • Sodium is alkaline and is found in most waters and soils. Sodium acts on body fluids, organs, connective tissue, liver, pancreas and spleen. Provides alkalinity to the lymph and blood. • Sodium excess types are always in a rush and have a tendency toward the extreme. Sodium deficiency types may have dry skin, flaccid muscles, offensive breath, cracking joints, difficulty digesting sweets, starches and fats, and bloating and fatigue. • Foods high in sodium: veal joint broth, goat milk, sea vegetation, black mission figs, dried apricots, celery, parsley and collard greens. Other important and interesting sodium facts: • One gallon of ocean water contains approximately 4 oz. sea salt (rich in sodium). • Humidity in air attracts sodium. • Inorganic sodium (iodized salt) is not compatible with the body. • The sun “a sodium star” as viewed by Bernard Jensen, ensures a high sodium content in mature fruit. • Organic sodium keeps calcium in solution in the human body. • Said to neutralize ulcers. Sulphur – The Heater Sulfur (0.25%) is found in two amino acids that are important for giving proteins their shape. • Sulphur is the skin’s heating element and unites with all metals. Its primary function is building the skin, nail and hair. It also drives impurities to the surface, thus beautifying the complexion. Sulphur stimulates and regulates nerve activity, egg and sperm production, regulates brain heat and promotes flow of bile. • Symptoms of Sulphur deficiency are acne, imbalance in sebum flow and weakened hair and nails. • Foods rich in Sulphur are: winter vegetables such as kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, horseradish, watercress, chervil and garlic. Zinc- The Protector • Zinc (0.0032%) is an essential trace element for all forms of life. Several proteins contain structures called "zinc fingers" help to regulate genes. Zinc deficiency has been known to lead to dwarfism in developing countries. Chemical Bonding • Chemical bonds from to make atoms more stable – Outermost energy level of each atom is full – Atoms may share, or donate, or borrow them to become stable. IONIC BONDS • Ions form when an atom gains or loses electrons in its outer energy level to become stable. – Positive ion- has lost electrons; indicated by superscript positive sign(s), as in Na+, or Ca++ – Negative ion- has gained electrons; indicated by superscript negative sign(s), as in Cl- IONIC BONDS • Ionic bonds form when positive and negative ions attract each other because of electrical attraction • Electrolytes are molecules that dissociate (break apart) in water to form individual ions, also known as free ions COVALENT BONDS • Covalent bonds form when atoms share their outer energy to fill up and thus become stable • Covalent bonds do not ordinarily easily dissociate in water. FIVE MAJOR GROUPS OF COMPOUNDS 1. Carbohydrates- energy source, energy reserve, and structure 2. Lipids- fats- structure and energy source 3. Proteins- functional and structural 4. Nucleotides- structural genetic 5. Water- solvent, heat maintenance INORGANIC CHEMISTRY • Inorganic molecules do not contain carbon-carbon covalent bonds or carbonhydrogen covalent bonds. • For example: – Water – Some acids – Some bases – Some salts WATER CHEMICAL REACTIONS • Dehydration synthesis- chemical reaction in which water is removed from small molecules so they can be strung together to form a larger molecule • Hydrolysis- chemical reaction in which water is added to the subunits of a large molecule to break it apart into smaller molecules • Chemical reactions always involve energy transfers, as when energy is used to built ATP molecules • Chemical equations show how reactants interact to form products; arrows separated the reactants from the products ACIDS, BASES, SALTS • Water molecules dissociate to form equal amounts of H+ (hydrogen ion) and OH(hydroxide ion) • Acid- substance that shifts the H+/OHbalance in favor of the H+; opposite of the base • Base-substance that shifts the H+/OHbalance against H+, also known as an alkaline; opposite of acid pH • pH- mathematical expression of the relative H+ concentration in an aqueous solution • Neutralization occurs when acids and bases mix and form salts • Buffers are chemical systems that absorb excess acids or bases and thus maintain a relatively stable pH Organic Chemistry • Organic molecules contain carbon-carbon covalent bonds or carbon-hydrogen covalent bonds Carbohydrates • Contain carbon(C), hydrogen(H), and oxygen(O). • Made up of six-carbon subunits called monosaccharides or single sugars (such as glucose) • Disaccharide- double sugar made of two monosaccharide units (sucrose, lactose) • Polysaccharide- complex charbohydrate made up of many monosaccharide units (glycogen) • The function of carbohydrates is to store energy for later use Lipids • Lipids are fats and oils • Triglycerides – Are made up of one glycerol unit and three fatty acids – Store energy for later use • Phospholipids – Are similar to triglyceride structure, expect with only two fatty acids, and with a phosphorus-containing group attached to glycerol – The head attracts water and the double tail does not, forming a sable double layer in water. – Form membranes of cells • Cholesterol – Molecules have a steroid structure made up of multiple rings – Cholesterol stabilizes the phospholipid tails in cellular membranes and is also converted into steroid hormones by the body Proteins • Proteins are very large molecules made up of amino acids held together in long, folded chains by peptide bonds • Structural proteins – Form structures of the body – Collagen in a fibrous protein that holds many tissues together – Keratin forms touch, waterproof fibers in the outer layer of skin Proteins • Functional proteins – Participate in chemical processes (examples: hormones, cell membrane channels, receptors, and enzymes) – Enzymes are • Catalyst which help chemical reactions occur • Lock-and-key model-each enzyme fits a particular molecule that it acts on as a key fitting into a lock Proteins • Proteins can combine with other organic molecules to form glycoprotein or lipoproteins Nucleic Acids • Nucleic acids are made of nucleotide units • Sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) • Phosphate- nitrogen base (adenine, thymine, or uracil, guanine, cytosine) DNA • Deoxyribonucleic acid is used as the cell’s “master code” for assembling proteins • Uses deoxyribose as the sugar and A,T,(not U), C, and G as bases • Forms a double helix RNA • Ribonucleic acid is used as the temporary “working copy” of a gene • Uses ribose as the sugar and A, U, (not T), C, and G as bases Nucleic Acids • By directing the formation of structural and functional proteins, nucleic acids ultimately direct overall body structure and function