Lesson Plans: Wk 5 - Lamar County School District

Week 5: 8/31 - 9/04/15
Health Lesson Plan
MS Framworks
6. Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health.
Day 19: Monday 8/31/15
Obj: Students will be able to describe how self-esteem is directly related to an individual’s general level of wellness.
Bell Ringer: List 10 people that mean the most to you or who have done the most for you. Once you have done this, I will
give you further instructions.
Set: Why do we pass judgment on others? When I was in college, I completed this assignment and learned so much. Let me
explain my story…
T2O: Take up/Reminders:
Essential Voc: N/A
Notes: Finish discussion on Self-esteem/Class discussion
Activity: I will tell students my brother’s story and they will write a letter to the person they chose who has made the
most impact or means the most to them.
Closure: Try not to judge people! How can we make a difference at our school? Improve someone’s self-esteem and see how
it makes you feel.
Evidence of Learning: All students will be able to express their feelings to others by means of writing a letter to someone who
has made the most impact or means the most to them.
Day 20: Tuesday 9/01/15
Obj: Students will be able to describe how self-esteem is directly related to an individual’s general level of wellness.
Bell Ringer: Study for TEST!
Set: In today’s world we must have self-esteem to…Why do we concentrate on our weaknesses and not our strengths?
T2O: Take up/Reminders: 1. Self-esteem TEST Today
2. Have students finish: Self-esteem follow up activity right after test
Essential Voc: Finish/Discuss Self-esteem
Test: Developing a Healthy Personality/Self-esteem TEST
Notes: Activity after test…Start new notes tomorrow.
Activity: The Self-esteem Game
Closure: Try not to judge people! How can we make a difference at our school? Improve someone’s self-esteem and see how
it makes you feel.
Evidence of Learning: All students will be able to express their feelings to others by means of writing a letter to someone who
has made the most impact or means the most to them.
Day 21: Wednesday 9/02/15
Obj: Students will know the benefits of proper nutrition – physical, social, and mental aspects.
Bell Ringer: What is “My Plate” and how do we utilize it in our lives?
Set: How many of you have healthy eating habits? What is the proper way to eat? What does moderation mean to you?
T2O: Take up/Reminders: 1. Homework: My Food Diary DUE Tuesday
Essential Voc: Finish/Discuss
Notes: Create a Foldable for Notes - My Plate/Nutrition
Activity: 1. Create a “My Plate” Menu for a week with appropriate foods and portion size with amounts of calories,
protein, carbohydrate, sugars, etc amounts. Students will draw out a proper meal plan.
2. Create a Foldable Food Diary starting TODAY going through Sunday. This will be DUE Tuesday at the
beginning of class.
Homework: 1. Turn in: Communication activity paragraph TODAY at beginning of class!
2. Foldable - Food Diary: Wednesday going through Sunday. This will be DUE Tuesday at the
beginning of class. Must be accurate portion sizes…Ex: Sandwich needs to include type of bread, how
many pieces, type/amount of slices of meat, etc…be specific.
Closure: How can you incorporate “My Plate” in helping to maintain a healthy body?
Evidence of Learning: Students will participate in a discussion with a partner about what to incorporate into their My Plate.
Day 22: Thursday 9/03/15
Obj: Students will know the benefits of proper nutrition – physical, social, and mental aspects.
Bell Ringer: What are empty calories? Explain in your own words and give an example.
Set: Why do you think it is important to develop healthy eating habits now rather than later? What do those eating
habits look like?
T2O: Take up/Reminders: 1. Homework: My Food Diary DUE Tuesday
Essential Voc: My Plate; Sedentary lifestyle
Notes: 1. My Plate/Nutrition http://www.uen.org/Lessonplan/preview.cgi?LPid=29001
2. Physical Fitness – brief overview
Activity: 1. Continue: Create a “My Plate” with appropriate foods on paper. Students will draw out a meal.
2. Homework: Create a Food Diary: WEDNESDAY going through SUNDAY. This will be DUE
TUESDAY at the beginning of class.
Test: Next Tuesday – Nutrition and Physical Fitness
Educational Video: Supersize Me
Video Activity: Video questions
Closure: What are resources for weight management and calories?
Evidence of Learning: Students will participate in a discussion with a partner about how to calculate their BMI and calories
Day 23: Friday 9/04/15
Obj: Students will know the benefits of proper nutrition – physical, social, and mental aspects.
Bell Ringer: If you incorporate the aspects we have discussed in physical fitness and about nutrition in your life, how can this
affect the rest of your life? Explain!
Set: Life is what you make it? Think about this saying and explain what it means to you.
T2O: Take up/Reminders: 1. Homework: Create a Food Diary: WEDNESDAY going through SUNDAY. This will
be DUE TUESDAY at the beginning of class.
2. If time - Nutrition Cross-word Search
Essential Voc: Sedentary lifestyle; Aerobic; Anaerobic
Activity: Exercise activity
Test: Next Tuesday – Nutrition and Physical Fitness
Educational Video: Supersize Me
Video Activity: Video questions
Closure: Study for test on Tuesday on Nutrition! Nutrition and Physical fitness go hand in hand! You need to make a more
conscious effort to incorporate them into your lives.
Evidence of Learning: All students will be prepared for the test by means of review/discussion on Tuesday. Also, all students
will be able to plan a healthy meal according to “My Plate” standards.